How to implement a collision with Netwire (5.0.1) - haskell

I am trying to model moving objects using Netwire and would like to know the recommended way to implement something like the bouncing of a ball off a wall. I have encountered several possible ways to do this and I need some help actually getting them to work.
The motion code looks like this:
type Pos = Float
type Vel = Float
data Collision = Collision | NoCollision
deriving (Show)
motion :: (HasTime t s, MonadFix m) => Pos -> Vel -> Wire s Collision m a Pos
motion x0 v0 = proc _ -> do
v <- vel <<< delay 0 -< x
x <- pos x0 -< v
returnA -< x
pos :: (HasTime t s, MonadFix m) => Pos -> Wire s Collision m Vel Pos
pos x0 = integral x0
main :: IO ()
main = testWire clockSession_ (motion 0 5)
What is the recommended way to make a velocity arrow that causes a bounce at a certain position, eg x=20?
I have seen three different ways that I might be able to do this:
The netwire --> function which seems the simplest. I have a prototype using this function but I don't know how to make a new velocity arrow based on the velocity at the time of the collision, I can only use a fixed value which is not useful if the object can accelerate.
vel :: (HasTime t s, MonadFix m) => Wire s Collision m Pos Vel
vel = pure 5 . unless (>20) --> pure (-5)
Using the Event and switch in Netwire. I don't understand how to use this.
Using the (|||) function available to arrows in general.
The first two seem like the best options but I don't know how to implement them.
I have seen other similar questions to this but the incompatibility between different versions of netwire have made the answers not useful for me.

Disclaimer: I cannot comment on what is "recommended", but I can show a way that does what you want to do.
I want to describe two methods:
The first is using stateful wires, and is pretty similar to this a bit outdated tutorial from 2013, but based on Netwire 5.0.2.
The second is using stateless wires. Because they are stateless they need to be fed back their previous values, which makes the wire's input types and the final combination of the wires a bit more convoluted. Otherwise they are pretty similar.
The basic types that are involved in both examples are
type Collision = Bool
type Velocity = Float
type Position = Float
You can model your problem with two (stateful) wires that are then combined.
One wire models the velocity, which is constant, and changes direction when a collision happens. The (simplified) type of this is Wire s e m Collision Velocity, i.e. it's input is if a collision happened and the output is the current velocity.
The other one models the position, and handles collisions. The (simplified) type of this is Wire s e m Velocity (Position, Collision), i.e. it takes a velocity, calculates the new position and returns that and if a collision happened.
Finally the velocity is fed into the position wire, and the collision result from that is fed back into the velocity wire.
Let's have a look at the details of the velocity wire:
-- stateful fixed velocity wire that switches direction when collision occurs
velocity :: Velocity -> Wire s e m Collision Velocity
velocity vel = mkPureN $ \collision ->
let nextVel = if collision then negate vel else vel
in (Right nextVel, velocity nextVel)
mkPureN creates a stateful wire that only depends on the input and its own state (not on a Monad, or time). The state is the current velocity, and the next velocity is negated if Collision=True is passed as input. The return value is a pair of the velocity value and the new wire with the new state.
For the position it is no longer sufficient to use the integral wire directly. We want an enhanced, "bounded" version of integral which makes sure that the value stays lower than an upper bound and greater than 0, and returns the information if such a collision has happened.
-- bounded integral [0, bound]
pos :: HasTime t s => Position -> Position -> Wire s e m Velocity (Position, Collision)
pos bound x = mkPure $ \ds dx ->
let dt = realToFrac (dtime ds)
nextx' = x + dt*dx -- candidate
(nextx, coll)
| nextx' <= 0 && dx < 0 = (-nextx', True)
| nextx' >= bound && dx > 0 = (bound - (nextx' - bound), True)
| otherwise = (nextx', False)
in (Right (nextx, coll), pos bound nextx)
mkPure is similar to mkPureN, but allows the wire to depend on time.
dt is the time difference.
nextx' is the new position, as it would be returned by integral.
The following lines check the bounds and return the new position, if a collision has occurred and the new wire with the new state.
Finally you feed them into each other using rec and delay. Full example:
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
module Main where
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Control.Wire
import FRP.Netwire
type Collision = Bool
type Velocity = Float
type Position = Float
-- bounded integral [0, bound]
pos :: HasTime t s => Position -> Position -> Wire s e m Velocity (Position, Collision)
pos bound x = mkPure $ \ds dx ->
let dt = realToFrac (dtime ds)
nextx' = x + dt*dx -- candidate
(nextx, coll)
| nextx' <= 0 && dx < 0 = (-nextx', True)
| nextx' >= bound && dx > 0 = (bound - (nextx' - bound), True)
| otherwise = (nextx', False)
in (Right (nextx, coll), pos bound nextx)
-- stateful fixed velocity wire that switches direction when collision occurs
velocity :: Velocity -> Wire s e m Collision Velocity
velocity vel = mkPureN $ \collision ->
let nextVel = if collision then negate vel else vel
in (Right nextVel, velocity nextVel)
run :: (HasTime t s, MonadFix m) => Position -> Velocity -> Position -> Wire s () m a Position
run start vel bound = proc _ -> do
v <- velocity vel <<< delay False -< collision
(p, collision) <- pos bound start -< v
returnA -< p
main :: IO ()
main = testWire clockSession_ (run 0 5 20)
The stateless variant is very similar to the stateful one, except that the state wanders to the input type of the wires instead of being a parameter to the functions that create the wire.
The velocity wire therefore takes a tuple (Velocity, Collision) as its input, and we can just lift a function to create it:
-- pure stateless independent from time
-- output velocity is input velocity potentially negated depending on collision
velocity :: Monad m => Wire s e m (Velocity, Collision) Velocity
velocity = arr $ \(vel, collision) -> if collision then -vel else vel
You can also use the function mkSF_ from Control.Wire.Core (and then get rid of the restriction to Monad m).
pos becomes
-- pure stateless but depending on time
-- output position is input position moved by input velocity (depending on timestep)
pos :: HasTime t s => Position -> Wire s e m (Position, Velocity) (Position, Collision)
pos bound = mkPure $ \ds (x,dx) ->
let dt = realToFrac (dtime ds)
nextx' = x + dt*dx -- candidate
(nextx, coll)
| nextx' <= 0 && dx < 0 = (-nextx', True)
| nextx' >= bound && dx > 0 = (bound - (nextx' - bound), True)
| otherwise = (nextx', False)
in (Right (nextx, coll), pos bound)
Here we still need to use mkPure, because there is no function that specifically can be used for stateless wires that depend on time.
To connect the two wire we now must feed the output of velocity into itself and the position, and from the pos wire the position into itself and the collision information into the velocity wire.
But actually with stateless wires you can also separate the "integrating" and the "bounds checking" parts of the pos wire. The pos wire then is a Wire s e m (Position, Velocity) Position that directly returns what is nextx' above, and the boundedPos wire is a Wire s e m (Position, Velocity) (Position, Collision) that gets the new position from pos and the velocity, and applies the bound check. That way the different logical parts become nicely separated.
Full example:
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
module Main where
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Control.Wire
import FRP.Netwire
type Collision = Bool
type Velocity = Float
type Position = Float
-- pure stateless but depending on time
-- output position is input position moved by input velocity (depending on timestep)
pos :: HasTime t s => Wire s e m (Position, Velocity) Position
pos = mkPure $ \ds (x,dx) ->
let dt = realToFrac (dtime ds)
in (Right (x + dt*dx), pos)
-- pure stateless independent from time
-- input position is bounced off the bounds
boundedPos :: Monad m => Position -> Wire s e m (Position, Velocity) (Position, Collision)
boundedPos bound = arr $ \(x, dx) ->
let (nextx, collision)
| x <= 0 && dx < 0 = (-x, True)
| x >= bound && dx > 0 = (bound - (x - bound), True)
| otherwise = (x, False)
in (nextx, collision)
-- pure stateless independent from time
-- output velocity is input velocity potentially negated depending on collision
velocity :: Monad m => Wire s e m (Velocity, Collision) Velocity
velocity = arr $ \(vel, collision) -> if collision then -vel else vel
-- plug the wires into each other
run :: (HasTime t s, MonadFix m) => Position -> Velocity -> Position -> Wire s () m a Position
run start vel bound = proc _ -> do
v <- velocity <<< delay (vel, False) -< (v, collision)
lastPos <- delay start -< p'
p <- pos -< (lastPos, v)
(p', collision) <- boundedPos bound -< (p, v)
returnA -< p'
main :: IO ()
main = testWire clockSession_ (run 0 5 20)


Check whether it accepts a finite determinant automaton at least one word of length k, if so - print it, else - print "No"

I wrote data structure and some functions for automata, but I stuck with find_way function that will accept automata object and k.
type FSM q = ([q], Alphabet, [Transition q], q, [q])
type Alphabet = [Char]
type Transition q = (q, Char, q)
states :: FSM q -> [q]
states (u, _, _, _, _) = u
alph :: FSM q -> Alphabet
alph (_, a, _, _, _) = a
trans :: FSM q -> [Transition q]
trans (_, _, t, _, _) = t
start :: FSM q -> q
start (_, _, _, s, _) = s
final :: FSM q -> [q]
final (_, _, _, _, f) = f
--return a or Nothing if no transition found
delta :: Eq a => FSM a -> a -> Char -> Maybe a
delta m st symbol = listToMaybe [q1 | (q0, x, q1) <- trans m, q0 == st, x == symbol]
--return "No" or first accepted word found
goal:: Eq a => FSM a -> Int -> String
goal m k = fromMaybe "No" $ asum [find_way m k x | x <- alph m]
find_way :: Eq a => FSM a -> Int -> Char -> Maybe String
I guess the "obvious" way to implement this is for find_way to use delta to take one step in the automata, then recursively call goal with a modified FSM with a different initial state. Don't forget to add a base case somewhere for when the user asks whether a length-0 string gets accepted.
But that way is horribly inefficient. I recommend a different way:
Make a new type, type Witness a = (String, a) or similar. The idea of this type is that the pair contains String and the state you would get to if you started from an FSM's initial state and used that String.
Write a function successors :: Ord a => FSM a -> [Witness a] -> [Witness a] which, given a set of states, finds all the states that can be reached in just one transition from at least one of those states. There may be many ways to reach a given state, so make sure this de-duplicates its output, keeping just one Witness for each state (doesn't matter which one).
Iterate that function k times, starting from the set that only has the FSM's initial state and the empty string, then check if there's any states both in the output and the FSM's final states.
The first/obvious way is something like O(a^k), where a is the size of the alphabet and k is the length being queried. The proposed different way is more like O(k*n*(a+log(n))) where n is the total number of states (and a and k are as before).

Generate a random list of custom data type, where values provided to data constructor are somehow bounded within a range

I have defined a Point data type, with a single value constructor like so:
data Point = Point {
x :: Int,
y :: Int,
color :: Color
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data Color = None
| Black
| Red
| Green
| Blue
deriving (Show, Eq, Enum, Bounded)
I have found an example of making a Bounded Enum an instance of the Random class and have made Color an instance of it like so:
instance Random Color where
random g = case randomR (1, 4) g of
(r, g') -> (toEnum r, g')
randomR (a, b) g = case randomR (fromEnum a, fromEnum b) g of
(r, g') -> (toEnum r, g')
I was then able to find out how to make Point an instance of the Random class also:
instance Random Point where
randomR (Point xl yl cl, Point xr yr cr) g =
let (x, g1) = randomR (xl, xr) g
(y, g2) = randomR (yl, yr) g1
(c, g3) = randomR (cl, cr) g2
in (Point x y c, g3)
random g =
let (x, g1) = random g
(y, g2) = random g1
(c, g3) = random g2
in (Point x y c, g3)
So, this let's me make random point values. But, what I'd like to do is be able to create a list of random Point values, where the x and the y properties are bounded within some range whilst leaving the color property to be an unbounded random value. Is this possible with the way I am currently modelling the code, or do I need to rethink how I construct Point values? For instance, instead of making Point an instance of the Random class, should I just create a random list of Int in the IO monad and then have a pure function that creates n Points, using values from the random list to construct each Point value?
Edit, I think I have found out how to do it:
Without changing the above code, in the IO monad I can do the following:
solved :: IO ()
solved = do
randGen <- getStdGen
let x = 2
let randomPoints = take x $ randomRs (Point 0 0 None, Point 200 200 Blue) randGen
putStrLn $ "Random points: " ++ show randomPoints
This seems to work, randomRs appears to let me specify a range...
Presumably because my Point data type derives Eq?
Is it because my x and y properties are Int (guessing here, but may be "bounded" by default) and I have Color derive bounded?
It works because of the properties of the Int and Color types, not because of the properties of Point. If one suppresses the Eq clause of Point, it still works.
Your code is overall quite good, however I would mention a few minor caveats.
In the Random instance for Point, you are chaining the generator states manually; this is a bit error prone, and monadic do notation is supposed to make it unnecessary. The Color instance could be simplified.
You are using IO where it is not really required. IO is just one instance of the MonadRandom class. If g is an instance of RandomGen, any Rand g is an instance of MonadRandom.
The random values you're getting are not reproducible from a program execution to the next one; this is because getStdGen implicitly uses the launch time as a random number generation seed. It may do that because it is IO-hosted. In many situations, this is a problem, as one might want to vary the choice of random sequence and the system parameters independently of each other.
Using monadic style, the basics of your code could be rewritten for example like this:
import System.Random
import System.Random.TF -- Threefish random number generator
import Control.Monad.Random
data Point = Point {
x :: Int,
y :: Int,
color :: Color
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data Color = None
| Black
| Red
| Green
| Blue
deriving (Show, Eq, Enum, Bounded)
instance Random Color where
randomR (a, b) g = let (r,g') = randomR (fromEnum a, fromEnum b) g
in (toEnum r, g')
random g = randomR (minBound::Color, maxBound::Color) g
singleRandomPoint :: -- monadic action for just one random point
MonadRandom mr => Int -> Int -> Color -> Int -> Int -> Color -> mr Point
singleRandomPoint xmin ymin cmin xmax ymax cmax =
-- avoid manual chaining of generator states:
x <- getRandomR (xmin, xmax)
y <- getRandomR (ymin, ymax)
c <- getRandomR (cmin, cmax)
return (Point x y c)
And then we can derive an expression returning an unlimited list of random points:
-- monadic action for an unlimited list of random points:
seqRandomPoints :: MonadRandom mr =>
Int -> Int -> Color -> Int -> Int -> Color -> mr [Point]
seqRandomPoints xmin ymin cmin xmax ymax cmax =
sequence (repeat (singleRandomPoint xmin ymin cmin xmax ymax cmax))
-- returns an unlimited list of random points:
randomPoints :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Color -> Int -> Int -> Color -> [Point]
randomPoints seed xmin ymin cmin xmax ymax cmax =
-- get random number generator:
-- using Threefish algorithm (TF) for better statistical properties
randGen = mkTFGen seed
action = seqRandomPoints xmin ymin cmin xmax ymax cmax
evalRand action randGen
Finally we can print the first few random points on stdout:
-- Small printing utility:
printListAsLines :: Show t => [t] -> IO()
printListAsLines xs = mapM_ (putStrLn . show) xs
solved01 :: IO ()
solved01 = do
seed = 42 -- for random number generator setup
-- unlimited list of random points:
allRandomPoints = randomPoints seed 0 0 None 200 200 Blue
count = 5
someRandomPoints = take count allRandomPoints
-- IO not used at all so far
putStrLn $ "Random points: "
printListAsLines someRandomPoints
main = solved01
Program execution (reproducible with constant seed):
$ randomPoints
Random points:
Point {x = 187, y = 56, color = Green}
Point {x = 131, y = 28, color = Black}
Point {x = 89, y = 135, color = Blue}
Point {x = 183, y = 190, color = Red}
Point {x = 27, y = 161, color = Green}
Should you prefer to just get a finite number of points and also get back the updated state of your random number generator, you would have to use replicate n instead of repeat, and runRand instead of evalRand.
Bit more details about the monadic approach here.

Bad performance for parallel N-Body in Haskell

I wrote an N-body implementation in Haskell and tried to parallelize the updating of position of the particles (outer loop) using parList. However, the performance improvement from 1 to 3 cores is small, and it actually becomes worse for 4 cores. Here is the code, using 5 particles:
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra
import Data.List (zipWith4)
import Data.List.Split
import Control.DeepSeq
import System.Environment
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
type Vec = Vector Double
data Particle = Particle
{ tag :: Int
, position :: !Vec
, velocity :: !Vec
, mass :: Double
instance Eq Particle where
p1 == p2 = (tag p1) == (tag p2)
instance Show Particle where
show p = show $ position p
instance NFData Particle where
rnf p = t `seq` ps `seq` vel `seq` m `seq` ()
t = tag p
ps = position p
vel = velocity p
m = mass p
data System = System
{ number :: Int
, particles :: [Particle]
instance Show System where
show sys = show (particles sys)
instance NFData System where
rnf sys = rnf $ particles sys
g :: Double
g = 6.674e-11
-- | Construct a vector from a list of elements
mkVector :: [Double] -> Vec
mkVector = vector
-- | Construct a system from a given list of
-- position vectors, velocity vectors, and masses
mkSystem :: [(Vec, Vec, Double)] -> System
mkSystem xs = System
{ number = length xs
, particles = map (apply Particle) $ zipWith cons [0..] xs
cons y (a, b, c) = (y, a, b, c)
apply f (y, a, b, c) = f y a b c
-- | Calculate the gravitational force vector acted on p1 by p2
getForce :: Particle -> Particle -> Vec
getForce p1 p2
| p1 == p2 = scalar 0.0
| otherwise = scalar (g * (m1 * m2 / r^2)) * unit
m1 = mass p1
m2 = mass p2
r1 = position p1
r2 = position p2
dr = r2 - r1
r = norm_2 dr
unit = normalize dr
-- | Calculate the net gravitational force acted on the particle by
-- all the other particles
netForce :: Particle -> [Particle] -> Vec
netForce p ps = sum (map (getForce p) ps)
-- | Update the position and velocity of a particle in the system
-- through a given timestep
move :: Double -> System -> Particle -> Particle
move h sys p = let
(pos, vel) = (position p, velocity p)
acc = (netForce p $ particles sys) / (scalar $ mass p)
p { position = pos + scalar h * vel
, velocity = vel + scalar h * acc
stepSize = 1000
-- | Update the system through one timestep
evolve :: System -> System
evolve sys = sys { particles = ps' }
ps' = map (move stepSize sys) (particles sys) `using` parList rdeepseq
-- | Stream of system at different timesteps
evolution :: System -> [System]
evolution = iterate evolve
sys1 :: System
sys1 = mkSystem
[ (mkVector [1.496e11, 0], mkVector [0, 2.98e4], 5.974e24)
, (mkVector [2.279e11, 0], mkVector [0, 2.41e4], 6.42e23)
, (mkVector [5.79e10, 0], mkVector [0, 4.8e4], 3.3e23)
, (mkVector [0, 0], mkVector [0, 0], 1.98e30)
, (mkVector [ 1.08e11, 0], mkVector [0, 3.5e4], 4.87e24)
main :: IO ()
main = do
[n] <- fmap (map read) getArgs :: IO [Int]
let states = evolution sys1
finalState = states !! n
finalState `deepseq` (return ())
What is limiting the parallelism?
Two thoughts:
I don't recommend HMatrix. It's a “Matlab in a box” library, which not only goes strongly against Haskell's grain in terms of semantics (dynamical dimension checking† etc.) but also subverts Haskell's better sides in performance. The idea of HMatrix/Matlab is to work with large, monolithic, heap-allocated arrays and do as much as possible with linear algebra primitives (which are implemented in C). This approach makes sense in a slow language like Matlab or Python (you delegate the inner loops to another, faster language), but not really in Haskell: the external calls can't properly be inlined, unlike native Haskell functions, and they add some overhead which though it may be negligible when crunching large vectors, can definitely add up for small ones. Pointer indirection harms cache performance.
The most popular static, native LA library is linear, which takes a much more Haskell-oriented approach (functors everywhere), and has proper tight memory layout. (I'm actually not such a fan of the interface itself, but the data types can also be used with the very nice vector-space operators.)
Switching to the types from linear improves the performance (single-threaded) by a factor 10 for me.
import Data.VectorSpace
import Data.VectorSpace.Free
import Linear.V2
import Data.List (zipWith4)
import Data.List.Split
import Control.DeepSeq
import System.Environment
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
type Vec = V2 Double -- In case you're wondering: you don't need to
-- hard-code the dimension, you can also make your
-- functions _polymorphic_ on the vector space.
data Particle = Particle
{ tag :: !Int
, position :: !Vec
, velocity :: !Vec
, mass :: !Double
instance Eq Particle where
p1 == p2 = (tag p1) == (tag p2)
instance Show Particle where
show p = show $ position p
instance NFData Particle where
rnf p = t `seq` ps `seq` vel `seq` m `seq` ()
t = tag p
ps = position p
vel = velocity p
m = mass p
data System = System
{ number :: Int
, particles :: [Particle]
instance Show System where
show sys = show (particles sys)
instance NFData System where
rnf sys = rnf $ particles sys
g :: Double
g = 6.674e-11
-- | Construct a vector from a list of elements
mkVector :: [Double] -> Vec
mkVector [x,y] = V2 x y
-- | Construct a system from a given list of
-- position vectors, velocity vectors, and masses
mkSystem :: [(Vec, Vec, Double)] -> System
mkSystem xs = System
{ number = length xs
, particles = map (apply Particle) $ zipWith cons [0..] xs
cons y (a, b, c) = (y, a, b, c)
apply f (y, a, b, c) = f y a b c
-- | Calculate the gravitational force vector acted on p1 by p2
getForce :: Particle -> Particle -> Vec
getForce p1 p2
| p1 == p2 = zeroV
| otherwise = (g * (m1 * m2 / r^2)) *^ unit
m1 = mass p1
m2 = mass p2
r1 = position p1
r2 = position p2
dr = r2 - r1
r = magnitude dr
unit = dr ^/ r
-- | Calculate the net gravitational force acted on the particle by
-- all the other particles
netForce :: Particle -> [Particle] -> Vec
netForce p ps = sum (map (getForce p) ps)
-- | Update the position and velocity of a particle in the system
-- through a given timestep
move :: Double -> System -> Particle -> Particle
move h sys p = let
(pos, vel) = (position p, velocity p)
acc = (netForce p $ particles sys) ^/ mass p
p { position = pos ^+^ h *^ vel
, velocity = vel ^+^ h *^ acc
stepSize = 1000
-- | Update the system through one timestep
evolve :: System -> System
evolve sys = sys { particles = ps' }
ps' = map (move stepSize sys) (particles sys) `using` parList rdeepseq
-- | Stream of system at different timesteps
evolution :: System -> [System]
evolution = iterate evolve
sys1 :: System
sys1 = mkSystem
[ (mkVector [1.496e11, 0], mkVector [0, 2.98e4], 5.974e24)
, (mkVector [2.279e11, 0], mkVector [0, 2.41e4], 6.42e23)
, (mkVector [5.79e10, 0], mkVector [0, 4.8e4], 3.3e23)
, (mkVector [0, 0], mkVector [0, 0], 1.98e30)
, (mkVector [ 1.08e11, 0], mkVector [0, 3.5e4], 4.87e24)
main :: IO ()
main = do
[n] <- fmap (map read) getArgs :: IO [Int]
let states = evolution sys1
finalState = states !! n
finalState `deepseq` (return ())
I wouldn't expect too gain much from parallelisation for only five particles anyhow. Each thread has very little it can do before giving back control, and everything interacts. You therefore quickly notice the overhead even of Haskell's light green threads.
To benefit properly from parallelisation, you'll need to either set up the threads as a thread pool (like you would in traditional number-crunching languages) and thus avoid the sparking overhead, or make sure each thread has a lot to do. This works best if you mostly decouple the threads' domains; in really-many body applications this is done with something like a Barnes-Hut simulation.
Another thing: you're right now using a simple Euler solver for solving the equations of motion. That's a very bad scheme. Switching to a higher-order Runge Kutta solver, ideally with adaptive step size, would allow you to save so much in terms of number of steps that the parallelisation aspect largely pales in impact by comparison.
†Actually, HMatrix also has had a statically checked module for quite some time now.

How to make a player jump (set it's y velocity)?

Given the following:
integralB :: Num a => Behavior t a -> Behavior t a -- definite integral of a behaviour
eJump :: Event t a -- tells the player to jump
bYAccel = pure 4000 -- y acceleration
bYVel = integralB bYAccel -- y velocity
bY = integralB bYVel -- y position
How do I make the player jump (probably by setting its y velocity) when a jump event arrives?
You'll need to be able to apply an impulse to the Y velocity for the jump. From your own answer, you've come up with a way to do so by summing all the impulses from the jumps and adding them to the integral of the acceleration.
Your acceleration is also constant. If you don't want the player falling constantly, you'd need something like:
bYAccel = (ifB airborne) 4000 0
airborne = fmap (>0) bY
ifB :: Behavior t Bool -> a -> a -> Behavior t a
ifB boolBehavior yes no = fmap (\bool -> if bool then yes else no) boolBehavior
One possible reason the height of your jumps varies is you aren't resetting the velocity when the player lands. If you have rules that hold the player above some position (like the floor), and are somehow stopping acceleration when the player hits the floor, you will also need to set the velocity to 0 if it is in the direction of the floor. (If you also set it to 0 when it's not in the direction of the floor, the player can never get the velocity to leave the ground.)
The reason this would cause erratic jumping heights is that the final velocity when the player lands will be close to the impulse you applied for them to take off. Using your numbers, if a jump started with a velocity of -5000, and ended with a velocity of 4800, the next jump will add an impulse of -5000, taking the jump to a starting velocity of only -200. That might have an ending velocity of 300, so the next jump will be an almost full -4700 jump.
Here's a complete working example. It uses the gloss library for input and display. The gameDefinition corresponds to the components introduced in your question. integrateDeltas is equivalent to your integralB, but produces events that are impulses, which are easy to generate in a clocked framework like gloss, and easy to use mixed with other events that cause impulses, like jumping.
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Main where
import Reactive.Banana
import Reactive.Banana.Frameworks.AddHandler
import Reactive.Banana.Frameworks
import Data.IORef
import qualified Graphics.Gloss.Interface.IO.Game as Gloss
gameDefinition :: GlossGameEvents t -> Behavior t Gloss.Picture
gameDefinition events = renderBehavior
bY = accumB 0 (fmap sumIfPositive yShifts)
yShifts = integrateDeltas bYVel
bYVel = accumB 0 yVelChanges
yVelChanges = apply ((ifB airborne) (+) sumIfPositive) yVelShifts
yVelShifts = union (integrateDeltas bYAccel) (fmap (const 3) eJump)
bYAccel = (ifB airborne) (-10) 0
airborne = fmap (>0) bY
eJump = filterE isKeyEvent (event events)
integrateDeltas = integrateDeltaByTimeStep (timeStep events)
renderBehavior = (liftA3 render) bY bYVel bYAccel
render y yVel yAccel =
Gloss.Pictures [
Gloss.Translate 0 (20+y*100) (Gloss.Circle 20),
Gloss.Translate (-50) (-20) (readableText (show y)),
Gloss.Translate (-50) (-40) (readableText (show yVel)),
Gloss.Translate (-50) (-60) (readableText (show yAccel))
readableText = (Gloss.Scale 0.1 0.1) . Gloss.Text
-- Utilities
sumIfPositive :: (Ord n, Num n) => n -> n -> n
sumIfPositive x y = max 0 (x + y)
ifB :: Behavior t Bool -> a -> a -> Behavior t a
ifB boolBehavior yes no = fmap (\bool -> if bool then yes else no) boolBehavior
integrateDeltaByTimeStep :: (Num n) => Event t n -> Behavior t n -> Event t n
integrateDeltaByTimeStep timeStep derivative = apply (fmap (*) derivative) timeStep
isKeyEvent :: Gloss.Event -> Bool
isKeyEvent (Gloss.EventKey _ _ _ _) = True
isKeyEvent _ = False
-- Main loop to run it
main :: IO ()
main = do
reactiveGame (Gloss.InWindow "Reactive Game Example" (400, 400) (10, 10))
-- Reactive gloss game
data GlossGameEvents t = GlossGameEvents {
event :: Event t Gloss.Event,
timeStep :: Event t Float
makeReactiveGameNetwork :: Frameworks t
=> IORef Gloss.Picture
-> AddHandler Gloss.Event
-> AddHandler Float
-> (forall t. GlossGameEvents t -> Behavior t Gloss.Picture)
-> Moment t ()
makeReactiveGameNetwork latestFrame glossEvent glossTime game = do
eventEvent <- fromAddHandler glossEvent
timeStepEvent <- fromAddHandler glossTime
events = GlossGameEvents { event = eventEvent, timeStep = timeStepEvent }
pictureBehavior = game events
pictureChanges <- changes pictureBehavior
reactimate (fmap (writeIORef latestFrame) pictureChanges)
reactiveGame :: Gloss.Display
-> Gloss.Color
-> Int
-> (forall t. GlossGameEvents t -> Behavior t Gloss.Picture)
-> IO ()
reactiveGame display color steps game = do
latestFrame <- newIORef Gloss.Blank
(glossEvent, fireGlossEvent) <- newAddHandler
(glossTime, addGlossTime) <- newAddHandler
network <- compile (makeReactiveGameNetwork latestFrame glossEvent glossTime game)
actuate network
(\world -> readIORef latestFrame)
(\event world -> fireGlossEvent event)
(\time world -> addGlossTime time)
In this example, bY checks for collision with a floor at 0 by accumulating the impulses, but constraining the accumulated value to be above 0.
The velocity, bYVel, accumulates all impulses while airborne, but only those impulses that are directed away from the floor while not airborne. If you change
yVelChanges = apply ((ifB airborne) (+) sumIfPositive) yVelShifts
yVelChanges = fmap (+) yVelShifts
it recreates the erratic jumping bug.
The acceleration, bYAccel, is only present while airborne.
I used a coordinate system with a +Y axis in the up direction (opposite the acceleration).
The code at the end is a small framework to hook reactive-banana up to gloss.
Solved it! I feel a little silly for not thinking of this earlier, but I just increment a counter every eJump and add that counter on to bYVel.
bJumpVel = sumB $ (-5000) <$ eJump
bYVel = (+) <$> bJumpVel <*> integralB bYAccel
-- gives the sum of the events
sumB :: Num a => Event t a -> Behavior t a
sumB e = accumB 0 $ (+) <$> e
For some reason the height of the jump always varies quite a bit, but that's probably an unrelated problem to do with my timing of things.
I won't mark this question as answered yet in case someone wants to share a better one.

Why is this Yampa ball-bouncing going into an endless loop?

I'm trying to simulate a bouncing ball with the Yampa-Framework: Given an initial x-position, height and velocity, the ball should bounce according to gravity rules. The signal function takes a "Tip-Event" as input, the idea being "when the ball is tipped, it's speed should double".
The ball bounces nicely, but every time there is a tipping event, the function goes in to an endless loop. I figured I probably need to add a delay (dSwitch, pre, notYet?), but I do not know how. Any help would be appreciated!
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
module Ball where
import FRP.Yampa
type Position = Double
type Velocity = Double
type Height = Double
data Ball = Ball {
height :: Height,
width :: Position,
vel :: Velocity
} deriving (Show)
type Tip = Event ()
fly :: Position -> (Height, Velocity) -> SF Tip (Ball, Event (Height,Velocity))
fly w0 (h0, v0) = proc tipEvent -> do
let tip = (tipEvent == Event ())
v <- (v0+) ^<< integral -< -10.0
h <- (h0+) ^<< integral -< v
returnA -< (Ball h w0 v,
if h < 0 then Event (0,(-v*0.6))
else if tip then Event (h, (v*2))
else NoEvent)
bounce w (h,v) = switch (fly w (h,v)) (bounce w)
runBounce w (h,v) = embed (bounce 10 (100.0, 10.0)) (deltaEncode 0.1 [NoEvent, NoEvent, NoEvent, Event (), NoEvent])
EDIT: I managed to avoid the endless loop by feeding back a flag when a tip occurred, but that still does not feel like the right way to do it...
fly :: Position -> (Height, Velocity, Bool) -> SF Tip (Ball, Event (Height,Velocity,Bool))
fly w0 (h0, v0, alreadyTipped) = proc tipEvent -> do
let tip = tipEvent == Event () && (not alreadyTipped)
v <- (v0+) ^<< integral -< -10.0
h <- (h0+) ^<< integral -< v
returnA -< (Ball h w0 v,
if h < 0 then Event (0,(-v*0.6), False)
else if tip then Event (h, (v*2), True)
else NoEvent)
bounce w (h,v,alreadyTipped) = switch (fly w (h,v,alreadyTipped)) (bounce w)
After a few days hacking I think I found the answer. The trick is to use notYet to delay the switching event to the next point in time, so that the switching (and hence the recursive call to fly) occurs when the "old" tipping event is gone. The second function makes sure that only the second part of the result tuple (Ball, Event (..)) will be put through notYet. This removes the endless loop, but also changes the semantics: The switching now takes place one "time step" later, this in turn leads to a different speed.
This Yampa thing is actually quite nice, sadly there is not much documentation to find. I still could not find out what the pre and iPre functions are good for, I figure they can be used in a similar context.
fly :: Position -> (Height, Velocity) -> SF Tip (Ball, Event (Height,Velocity))
fly w0 (h0, v0) = proc tipEvent -> do
let tip = tipEvent == Event ()
v <- (v0+) ^<< integral -< -10.0
h <- (h0+) ^<< integral -< v
returnA -< (Ball h w0 v,
if h < 0 then Event (0,-v*0.6)
else if tip then Event (h, v*2)
else NoEvent)
bounce w (h,v) = switch (fly w (h,v) >>> second notYet) (bounce w)
