Creating my own permission level in GitLab - gitlab

I am evaluating GitLab for my enterprise, I really hope my assumption is wrong here because I REALLY like the product.
For my enterprise, the built in permissions are far to open. We could lose about 2 or 3 industry certifications due to failed security audits if we turned it on with those permission levels and permissions per level.
How do I create my own security levels? Guest and Reporter need purged from the system completely. Enterprise Security would crucify me in the front lobby if I put those in. Then Developer needs slashed way back in permissions, master needs slashed way back, and I need to create maybe 3 more specialists.
I know there isn't a UI to do this, but please tell me there's a file somewhere I can edit to do this. I hate to be forced to spend 5X as much for GitHub for this single issue.

A custom system is in discussion for quite some time now. See the discussion here. Right now the only way you can modify rights is by editing the file ability.rb which contains what permission a group has.
def project_owner_rules for instance defines what permissions the project owner has.
Keep in mind that this file will be overwritten with every update if you make changes, so keep a copy of your modifications around.


Is it necessary to check isUpdatable() when process run in system mode/trigger to pass security review process

In salesforce, we have a scenario, on the trigger of the lead object we are updating some records of Campaign. But the user on the behalf of we are running the trigger does not have edit permissions on the campaign. We are not facing any issue in the update of the campaign because the trigger is running the operation in system mode.
Further, we have applied for the security review and made the changes and added the check of the object isUpdatable() and after it, we are not able to update the campaign due to that check which returns false for isUpdatable().
My questions are, Can we pass the security review without applying that isUpdatable() check? if our process has the business logic to update the campaign/opportunity on the behalf of the user who doesn't have permissions on the campaign/opportunity?
If we can not pass the security review with that check then what could be an alternative for it, where one user who doesn't have permission on campaign/opportunity, performs some operation on lead/contact and we want to update the campaign/opportunity in system mode after that operation?
or is it necessary to provide the permissions of campaign/opportunity to that user?
It's not a coding question as such so it might be closed here. Consider cross-posting to
Generally speaking, your app should be simplifying Salesforce. Adding value by being pre-built, pre-tested use case for this customer and saving clicks for the end user. (let's ignore situations like pulling data from other systems, runinng some crazy Excel file generation that SF can't do easily). With that philosophy - you're supposed to respect the System Administrator's wishes when it comes to security. If admin didn't grant Profile X edit access to field Y - the security review answer is that you should detect it. If you can recover gracefully and continue with your program - cool. If it's critical field - throw an error, force the admin to make conscious decision. Because if you're saving clicks - user would face same problem in normal UI. It's not only "describes", it's also about "without sharing" for example.
There's another layer to it - licensing. In the old days "Marketing User" (to access campaigns) was a separate license, you assigned it by clicking checkbox on User but it had to be purchased. Now it's bit simpler, part of the full user license (I think). But there are still situations where you can't access Opportunities for example (Platform License) or can access only Account, Contact and 10 custom objects (Chatter Plus License or whatever is the new name).
If you abuse system mode to fetch data from objects user is not allowed to see (or save to them) - official answer is that SF loses money because of you. Permission should really be assigned and if needed - license purchased. I'm not a lawyer, I don't know who violates the Master Service Agreement with Salesforce, you or the client that installed the app or both. I'd say read the contracts and see what you can do to protect yourself. If that means your app can't be installed by customers on Essentials/Professional (or it can be installed anywhere but can be used only by full users, not by Platform/Chatter/Community) - well, it is what it is. Decide pros and cons, legal consequences if it gets caught...
They're humans, talk with them. Maybe you'll pass review. Better have a rock solid business case why you need to bypass the check though.
P.S. You know you don't have to do describes anymore? Spring'20 goes live this & next week and "WITH SECURITY ENFORCED" and "stripinaccessiblefields" become generally available :)
P.P.S you really need trigger? Workflow, process builder, flow (yuck) - anything to not have code = not need the isAccessible and if it effectively dies on permissions - it's the client's sysadmin's problem?

Windows BackupRead / BackupWrite and ACLs

I have been trying to understand what should be the right way in using BackupRead and BackupWrite for backing up data on a computer and especially about restoring it reliably.
Now I understand how to use the API and have been successful. However there's one thing that bothers me.
You can backup, beside the file content itself, any alternate data streams also the security information (ACLs).
Now if I would store the ACL data for backup and then later, once the data needs to be restored on a different machine OR a newly setup machine what should I do with the SIDs which are related to the ACL?
The SID is most likely no longer valid for the machine and how should the right user be selected?
Now I am looking at this on a bigger scale let's say this is a computer with multiple users and hundreds or thousands of objects with different settings this would be mess to get the data restored with the security settings applied to them again.
Is this something, if the user of the software wishes to backup the security settings, what the user has to take about himself and update them accordingly or what?
Additionally BackupRead and BackupWrite will give me the raw binary data of those items which is not all too hard to use however obviously this API does not even intend to face this issue.
Anyone has an idea how a backup application should handle this situation? What is your thought, or any pointers on guidelines for this specific topic?
Thanks a lot.
I think you understand correctly the problems with backup and restore of data. I think that correct understanding of problems is a half of its solving. I suppose that you are, like the most of users of the stackoverflow site, mostly software developer and not an administrator of a large network. So you see on the problem from another side of software developer and not from the side of the administrator. An administrator knows the restrictions of backup and restore of ACLs and already use it.
In general you should understand that the main purpose of backups to save the data and to restore the data later on the same computer or server. Another standard case is: one restore backup from one server to another server after the changing of hardware. In the case the old server will no more exist. Mostly one makes backups of servers and organize to work on the clients so, that no important data will be saved of the client computer.
In the most cases the backed up data has Domain Groups SIDs, Domain Users SIDs, well-known SIDs or SID aliases from the BUILTIN domain in the security descriptors. In the case one need make no changes of SIDs at all. If the administrator do will make some changes in ACL he can use different existing utilities like SubInACL.exe.
If you write Backup/Restore software which you want use for moving the data with the security information you can include in the backup some additional meta-information about the local SIDs of accounts/groups used in the saved security descriptors. In the Restore software you can provide the possibilities to replace SIDs from the saved security descriptors. Many year ago I wrote for one large customer some utilities to clear up the SIDs in SD in the file system, registry and services after domain migration. It was not so complex. So I suggest that you could implement the same feature in you Backup/restore software.
I do believe the Backup* APIs are primarily intended to backup and restore on the same machine, which would render the SID problem irrelevant. However, assuming a scenario where you need to restore a backup on a new install, here's my thoughts on solutions.
For well-known SIDs such as Everyone, Creator Owner and so on, there isn't really any problem.
For domain dependent SIDs you can store them as is, and upon restore you could fixup the domain part, if needed. Likely you should store the domain name as well for such SIDs.
For local users and groups, you should at least store the user/group name for each SID. Fixup on restore could be partially automatic based on these names, or manual (assuming an user interface for the application) where you ask the user whether he wishes to map this user to a new local user, convert these SIDs to a well-known SID, or keep as is.
Most of the issues related to such SIDs can (and probably typically will) be possible to handle automatically. I'd certainly appreciate a backup application that was smart enough to do the restore I asked it to and figure out that "Erik" on the old machine must be "Erik" on the new machine as well.
And a side note, if you do decide to go with such a solution, remember how annoying it is to start an overnight data transfer just to get back to something 5% done blocking on a popup it could just as easily defer :)

GitHub and Source Code Protection and Control [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do you protect your software from illegal distribution? [closed]
(22 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I am working in a small startup organization with approximately 12 - 15 developers. We recently had an issue with one of our servers where by the entire server was "Re provisioned" i.e. completely wiped of all the code, databases, and information on it. Our hosting company informed us that only someone with access to the server account could have done something like this - and we believe that it may have been a disgruntled employee (we have recently had to downsize). We had local backups of some of the data but are still trying to recover from the data loss.
My question is this - we have recently began using GitHub to manage source control on some of our other projects - and have more then a few private repositories - is there any way to ensure that there is some sort of protection of our source code? What i mean by this is that I am aware that you can delete an entire Project on GitHub, or even a series of code updates. I would like to avoid this from happening.
What i would like to do is create (perhaps in a separate repository) a complete replica of the project on Git - and ensure that only a single individual has access to this replicated project. That way if the original project is corrupted or destroyed for any reason we can restore where we were (with history intact) from the backup repository.
Is this possible? What is the best way to do this? Github has recently introduced "Company" accounts... is that the way to go?
Any help on this situation would be greatly appreciated.
Well, if a disgruntled employee leaves, you can easily remove them from all your repositories, especially if you are using the Organizations - you just remove them from a team. In the event that someone deletes a repository maliciously that still had access for some reason, we have daily backups of all of the repositories that we will reconstitute if you ask. So you would never lose more than one day of code work at worst. Likely someone on the team will have an update with that code anyhow. If you need more protection than that, then yes, you can setup a cron'd fetch or something that will do mirrors of your code more often.
First, you should really consult github support -- only they can tell you how they do the backup, what options for permission control they have (esp. now that they introduced "organizations") etc. Also you have agreement with them -- do read it.
Second, it's still very easy to do git fetch by cron, say, once an hour (on your local machine or on your server) -- and you're pretty safe.
Git is a distributed system. So your local copy is the same as your remote copy on Git hub! You should be OK to push it back up there.

bitrock installBuilder issues

I have recently been tasked with finding a suitable installShield replacement and I am leaning towards InstallBuilder over Install4J and InstallAnywhere. Has anyone come across any issues with creating installers that installBuilder has been unable to handle? For example very strict security on the client machine.
*Comment added for additional clarity
For instance a system that has all accounts disabled sans the admin account with a very unique domain policy for instance, the inability to write files to the temp directory. Also how extensible is your product, from playing around with it I notice it is purely xml so is there anyway to write some extensions to the core?
this is Daniel from BitRock. Our installers do not need admin privileges in any platform (unless you explicitly require them) and can install as regular users. If you need to check permissions in the filesystem, registry, etc. from within the installer to see what is available, there is code to do that as well. I am not sure if the above answered your question. Can you provide more details about what you mean with restricted security in the client side? We take great pride in our level of support, and we encourage you to contact our support team with any questions or suggestions you may have, just to see by yourself.
You should also take a look at InstallJammer just for comparison. It's a lot more open than most of the ones you mention and gives you the ability do practically anything from within your installer.

Secure version control

I would like to have your opinion about the subject "version control",
but focusing on security.
Some common features:
allowing to access to source code using clients only
(no way to access the source code on the server directly)
granting permission to access only the
source code which I am allowed to modify (i.e.: a developer should be able
to access the source code related to his project only).
So it should be possible to create user groups and granting different
levels of access.
tracking modifications, check-ins, and check-outs and the
developers who made them...
...and, surely, I am forgetting something.
Which are the most "paranoid" version control systems that you know?
Which features do they implement?
My aim is creating an enviroment for developing applications managing sensible data: credit cards, passwords, and so on...
A malicious developer may insert backdoor or intentionally alter some security features. So the access to the source code should be controlled strictly.
I must confess that my knowledge of version control systems is poor, so, I fear, customizing SVN could be a hard task for me.
Perforce is widely used in the Finance Industry where security of code is sometimes an issue.
You can setup gatekeepers and access controls to restrict visibility of code and produce audit trails for various activities for SOX compliance.
I know that the ones you want are not the ones you want. For example, Clearcase or Serena Dimensions can do all the above... but you'd be bonkers to want to use them. (ah, I hear you say, I'm the admin so I don;t have to take that pain. Well, these also require lots of care and attention - we had 8 Clearcase admins at the last company I worked for. You don't want the nightmare of continually helping users with them).
So. You can have the horrible ones, or you could just use the friendly, easy-to-use SVN and implement your own checkout-tracking (using http transport and Apache logs), and slap access control permissions on every directory. You'd also have to secure the end-repository on disc, but you have to do this with every SCM, even something like Dimensions stores its database in Oracle - if you had access to Oracle instance, you could fiddle with the saved bits, so you have to secure that anyway.
Perforce has those features and is a really good product imho.
Use a well-known, industry standard system like subversion. It can control access to individual projects very simply, and using the web server authz configuration can control individual access to specific files in each project.
The only non-stanard issue is logging check-outs. But the web server can easily log this information for you.
Your users will thank you.
github is a wrapper for git which provides these features for git server. Compared to raw git servers, it notably includes access control, and it also has useful web interfaces to the code for authorised users.
