Vault: How to tell response wrapped-token was already read - security

Im using Vault by HashiCorp to store my secrets, and as was advised in this blog: on target_application-startup I provide to a Response-Wrapped token via the ENV_PARAM to authenticate with vault.
Next, the target_application tries to get the permanentToken but fails
due to 2 possible cases where I cant access Vault:
The token the target_application got is already expired.
The token was already read by somebody else so I cant read it now.
In both cases I get "permission denied" from vault.
How can I check that the 2nd case happened?

A solution that works for me:
when creating a response-wrapped token you get: 1.token creation time 2. token's time to live
Adding these two and passing the result to the target-application helps you (in case of getting denial of token) determine which of the 2 occurred.


Microsoft.graph getting compacttoken parsing failed with error code: 80049217 error

I am trying to use Microsoft.Graph to access the onedrive files. I am referring to the sample provided on GitHub link
in this sample while getting the file link(CreateLink). I am getting following error
{"error":{"code":"InvalidAuthenticationToken","message":"CompactToken parsing failed with error code: 80049217","innerError":{"date":"2022-03-21T12:49:24","request-id":"45725ccf-a752-45c3-8208-9040e4177e4b","client-request-id":"45725ccf-a752-45c3-8208-9040e4177e4b"}}}
Do I need some subscription to do this setting or am I missing anything?
Is there any other setting is required to resolved this access issue?
Is there any other way of getting the sharelink of onedrive file?
What I have tried:
I have given API Permissions in Microsoft azure application of which I have used the applicationId in request. I have found one URL:
(Configure App Service to return a usable access token) But I could not find this setting in my azure application.
Please check below 2 steps to diagnose the problem,
1.Login into , Hit the same API and check access token on and make sure you have required permissions to perform.
2.Also check your token expiry time (exp), might be it got expired. Go to to check token details, check the attached image to see where you find token exp_time.
If the token got expired ,please follow the docs to get new token.

Is there a way to regenerate Azure Blob Storage SAS token

I use azure-sdk-for-js (NodeJS).
Particularly - #azure/storage-blob#12.6.0.
I have a service which generates SAS tokens and they expire in few minutes. I want somehow request new tokens after previous expire. And this should be done even in the middle of operation. Because when I upload big file to blob, in the middle SAS token expires and upload fails.
I have a worked example of what I need, but with EventHub.
I create event hub client with:
new EventHubProducerClient(eventHubHost, eventHubName, sasGenerator)
And sasGenerator is emplementation of TokenCredential. It returns generated AccessToken (which have SAS token and expiresOnTimestamp). And if I got it correctly, EventHubProducerClient use my sasGenerator to refresh tokens when needed.
I found that BlobServiceClient have similar argument credential which can have type of TokenCredential. But the same approach as with EventHub doesn't work:
new BlobServiceClient(blobHost, sasGenerator)
Example of Error:
RestError: Server failed to authenticate the request. Please refer to the information in the www-authenticate header
I also was able to use generated SAS token with AnonymousCredential and it works. But I'm not able to upload big file to blob because the token expires earlier.
Please check the below points ,if they can be worked around
The error Server failed to authenticate the request. Please refer to the information in the www-authenticate header possibly may be due to an issue with your account name/key stored in the the config file or connection string.
It may be due to permissions not in correct order .See Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature. And valid permission order.
Came across this Article on how to inject new SAS for an ongoing uploading .
The scenario provides sample to request a new SAS token during the uploading instead of starting a new upload.
Best practices using sas

Azure B2C Bearer error="invalid_token", error_description="The signature key was not found"

I took the Microsoft sample which is using client_credentials flow
and modified it using my values exactly as the guide says but i still get the following error when i try to access my API
Bearer error="invalid_token", error_description="The signature key was not found"
Any ideas what might be wrong here ?
If you want to do some troubleshooting, you can drop the access token JWT into 232 and get the kid field from the jwt header. After you get the kid, you can check your authorization server’s keys by going to
https://[my okta org].com/oauth2/default/v1/keys
This will give you the list of public keys by ID. Hope this information helps you troubleshoot. Let me know if you still have problems!
Check a couple things for me:
1: Are you setting the issuer in your widget / auth js?
2. If you are, is the issuer the same as your default authorization server?
3. Double check that the [my okta url] is correct
I solved it by using the console application sample that Microsoft provided together with the Web API sample that microsoft provided as well , together they both work , i should't have tried to write my own code , its very tricky if you miss a tiny piece . One thing i want to add , Microsoft says using api://GUID format as a scope , that seems wrong , or did not work with me ,what worked is full url of the exposed API + /.default example , that works just fine .

error while trying to decrypt using azure vault certificate key: "Operation returned an invalid status code 'Forbidden'"

I am trying to decrypt a encrypted string through C# code and azure key vault certificate key, the encryption part works fine but while decrypting, an exception occurs saying : "Operation returned an invalid status code 'Forbidden'", "Operation decrypt is not permitted on this key."
I have allowed all the permissions while registering this to Azure AD "App registrations" option from the AD blade. Is there any other place where I need to add any more permissions. Have followed this article to setup the Certificate and association with AD.
A line of the code I am using for decryption:
var decryptedData = kv.DecryptAsync(key.Key.Kid,JsonWebKeyEncryptionAlgorithm.RSAOAEP, encryptedTextNew).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
If any one has done this, please write back in the comment, will be of great help.
Maybe my situation is difference, but I'm going to drop some detail here just in case someone runs into the same problem.
I created a certificate (note: a certificate, not a key) on Azure Key Vault UI and used it for encrypt/decrypt and got the Operation returned an invalid status code 'Forbidden' error.
I tried to create a new certificate but this time I checked all the Advanced Policy Configuration options (you should only check the options you need though) and the new one worked for me:
Operation returned an invalid status code 'Forbidden'
As I have tested, It seems that you do not configure the Access Policy in Key Vault for your application, to access keys or to process encryption/decryption.
Also, please have a check that if you add the role assignments of app registered to azure keyvault.
For more details, you could refer to this article which I have a test and it works fine.
This error also occurs if you try to use this kind of certificate in a Logic app with AS2Decode.
The error you will get then is:
Integration account operation failed with status code: Forbidden and
error KeyVaultOperationFailed : Communication with key vault
'..........KeyVault' failed. Please authorize logic apps to perform
operations on key vault by granting access for the logic apps service
principal '7cd684f4-8a78-49b0-91ec-6a35d38739ba' for 'list', 'get',
'decrypt' and 'sign' operations.
Thank you for this solution!
I had the same issue. Make sure that during certificate upload or generation, you set the Data encipherment option in Advanced Policy Configuration. This can only be done during initial set-up. Changing it later does not work.
Advanced Policy Configuration

Custom STS & Azure ACS error ACS50008: Invalid SAML token

I have a custom STS implementation. Currently it is configured as an additional identity provider on Azure ACS. I have a relying party website that is authenticating successfully via ACS (Windows Live, Google, etc). However, whenever I try to login using my custom STS I always get the Error 401.
Error Code ACS20001: An error occurred while processing a WS-Federation sign-in response.
Error Code ACS50008: SAML token is invalid.
I have searched through the forums but in my case I dont get any more detail on the error and do not know how to proceed and fix this.
My STS is currently on beta and can be reached here: metadata .
If anyone has any suggestions or wants to give it a try please contact me via email and I will open a demo login on my custom provider.
note: The case is different than similar question found here since my inner exception details do not suggest any reason.
UPDATE: check the discussion in this thread for some additional informaton and the payloads I extracted from fiddler.
Thanks in advance,
I finally figured this out with the help of ms support on Azure.
It seems that the "ACS50008: SAML token is invalid" error is quite generic and usually there is more information in an inner exception that does not end up on the error screen. Why this happens is still a mystery for me.
So for anyone that happens to be in my position I nailed two possible reasons for this to happen.
Reason: the time of the client mismatches the time of ACS, namely NotBefore below is a time in future when looked by ACS. Action: <saml:Conditions NotBefore="...." NotOnOrAfter="....">
If that's the case you may try to set lifetime to (now - a buffer time such as 5 mins) to now + 1 hour.
Reason: a hidden inner exception that can be seen only with the help of ms support using your error's trackingId.
Microsoft.Cloud.AccessControl.Common.Diagnostics.SignInException :
ACS20001: An error occurred while processing a WS-Federation sign-in
: ACS50008: SAML token is
: Principal with name '' is not a known
In my case the principal name should not contain the forward slash at the end. We changed it from to and the error went away!
You can always create a support case with Microsoft and have them help figure it out:
