Using in IO monad, a function from other monad - haskell

If I have a function like, in a monad T, f1 :: T String, and I want to use its outcome, print it, for example.
seeF1 :: IO String
seeF1 = do
res <- f1
print res
Why is it wrong?. It seems that I can't use f1 because it is not in the monad IO. So, How can I do it? lifting?

In do notation, when you do
x = do
y <- z
Then if x :: (Monad m) => m a, then z :: (Monad m) => m b were m is the same monad.
That is pretty logical after all : imagine if your T monad was list, what should your seeF1 return? Or if your T monad was Maybe, seeF1 wouldn't be able to print anything in case it encountered a Nothing since the result would be undefined.
Therefore in general, what you are asking for is not possible. But if you are a bit more specific about your T, then you might find a way to get an IO a from your T a. For instance if you look at the monads defined in transformers, many have a run function that transform them, and from which you can get an IO.


Monad Transformers in an Interpeter

I am encountering a problem with Monad Transformers, but I think it's helpful to include some context of how I got to the state I'm currently in, so I'll start with a rough explanation of my program:
The project is an interpreter for a simple (toy) programming language. I have a monad that is used to represent evaluation. It has a definition that looks like:
type Eval a = ReaderT Environment (ExceptT String (State ProgState a))
This works quite nicely, and I can happy write an evaluation function:
eval :: Expr -> Eval Value
eval (Apply l r) = ...
eval ...
The Value datatype has a slight quirk in that I embed Haskell functions of type Value -> EvalM Value. To do this I added a generic type parameter to the definition, which I then instantiate with EvalM:
data Value' m
= IntVal Int
| Builtin (Value' m -> m (Value' m))
type Value = Value' EvalM
Things were going well, but then I had to write a function that heavily interleaved code using the Eval monad with IO operations. This looked kinda horrendous:
case runEval ({-- some computation--}) of
Right (val, state') -> do
result <- -- IO stuff here
case runEvaL {-- something involving result --} of
Left err -> ...
The function had like 5 levels of nesting, and was also recursive... definitely ugly :(. I hoped adapting to use a Monad Transformer would be the solution:
type EvalT m = ReaderT Environment (ExceptT String (StateT ProgState m))
This refactor was relatively painless: mostly it involved changing type-signatures rather than actual code, however there was a problem: Builtin. Given a expression that was applying argument x to a value of the form Builtin f, the eval function would simply return f x. However, this has type Eval Value, but the refactored eval needs to have type-signature:
eval :: Monad m => EvalT m Value
As far as Fixing this (i.e. making it typecheck) is concerned, I can think of a couple solutions each of which has a problem:
Implementing some kind of analog to lift where I can take Eval a to EvalT m a.
Problem: I'm not aware of how to do this (or if it's even possible)
Changing the Value type so that it is indexed by an inner monad, i.e. Value m = Value' (EvalT m).
Problem: now anything containing a Value m has to be
parameterized by m. I feel that it would unnecessarily clutters up the type-signatures of
anything containing a Value, which is a problem given the initial
motivation to do this change was cleaning up my code.
Of course, there may be a much better solution that I haven't thought of yet. Any feedback/suggestions are appreciated :).
You might like the mmorph package.
-- since State s = StateT s Identity, it's probably also the case
-- that Eval = EvalT Identity, under some light assumptions about
-- typos in the question
liftBuiltin :: Monad m => Eval a -> EvalT m a
liftBuiltin = hoist (hoist (hoist generalize))
Alternately, you could store a polymorphic function in your value. One way would be to parameterize over the transformer.
data Value' t = ... | Builtin (forall m. Monad m => Value' t -> t m (Value' t)
type Value = Value' EvalT
Another is to use mtl-style constraints.
data Value = ... | Builtin (forall m. (MonadReader Environment m, MonadError String m, MonadState ProgState m) => Value -> m Value)
This last one, though verbose, looks pretty nice to me; I'd probably start there.

Why does bind (>>=) exist? What are typical cases where a solution without bind is ugly?

This is a type declaration of a bind method:
(>>=) :: (Monad m) => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
I read this as follows: apply a function that returns a wrapped value, to a wrapped value.
This method was included to Prelude as part of Monad typeclass. That means there are a lot of cases where it's needed.
OK, but I don't understand why it's a typical solution of a typical case at all.
If you already created a function which returns a wrapped value, why that function doesn't already take a wrapped value?
In other words, what are typical cases where there are many functions which take a normal value, but return a wrapped value? (instead of taking a wrapped value and return a wrapped value)
The 'unwrapping' of values is exactly what you want to keep hidden when dealing with monads, since it is this that causes a lot of boilerplate.
For example, if you have a sequence of operations which return Maybe values that you want to combine, you have to manually propagate Nothing if you receive one:
nested :: a -> Maybe b
nested x = case f x of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just r ->
case g r of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just r' ->
case h r' of
Nothing -> Nothing
r'' -> i r''
This is what bind does for you:
Nothing >>= _ = Nothing
Just a >>= f = f a
so you can just write:
nested x = f x >>= g >>= h >>= i
Some monads don't allow you to manually unpack the values at all - the most common example is IO. The only way to get the value from an IO is to map or >>= and both of these require you to propagate IO in the output.
Everyone focuses on IO monad and inability to "unwrap".
But a Monad is not always a container, so you can't unwrap.
Reader r a == r->a such that (Reader r) is a Monad
to my mind is the simplest best example of a Monad that is not a container.
You can easily write a function that can produce m b given a: a->(r->b). But you can't easily "unwrap" the value from m a, because a is not wrapped in it. Monad is a type-level concept.
Also, notice that if you have m a->m b, you don't have a Monad. What Monad gives you, is a way to build a function m a->m b from a->m b (compare: Functor gives you a way to build a function m a->m b from a->b; ApplicativeFunctor gives you a way to build a function m a->m b from m (a->b))
If you already created a function which returns a wrapped value, why that function doesn't already take a wrapped value?
Because that function would have to unwrap its argument in order to do something with it.
But for many choices of m, you can only unwrap a value if you will eventually rewrap your own result. This idea of "unwrap, do something, then rewrap" is embodied in the (>>=) function which unwraps for you, let's you do something, and forces you to rewrap by the type a -> m b.
To understand why you cannot unwrap without eventually rewrapping, we can look at some examples:
If m a = Maybe a, unwrapping for Just x would be easy: just return x. But how can we unwrap Nothing? We cannot. But if we know that we will eventually rewrap, we can skip the "do something" step and return Nothing for the overall operation.
If m a = [a], unwrapping for [x] would be easy: just return x. But for unwrapping [], we need the same trick as for Maybe a. And what about unwrapping [x, y, z]? If we know that we will eventually rewrap, we can execute the "do something" three times, for x, y and z and concat the results into a single list.
If m a = IO a, no unwrapping is easy because we only know the result sometimes in the future, when we actually run the IO action. But if we know that we will eventually rewrap, we can store the "do something" inside the IO action and perform it later, when we execute the IO action.
I hope these examples make it clear that for many interesting choices of m, we can only implement unwrapping if we know that we are going to rewrap. The type of (>>=) allows precisely this assumption, so it is cleverly chosen to make things work.
While (>>=) can sometimes be useful when used directly, its main purpose is to implement the <- bind syntax in do notation. It has the type m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b mainly because, when used in a do notation block, the right hand side of the <- is of type m a, the left hand side "binds" an a to the given identifier and, when combined with remainder of the do block, is of type a -> m b, the resulting monadic action is of type m b, and this is the only type it possibly could have to make this work.
For example:
echo = do
input <- getLine
putStrLn input
The right hand side of the <- is of type IO String
The left hands side of the <- with the remainder of the do block are of type String -> IO (). Compare with the desugared version using >>=:
echo = getLine >>= (\input -> putStrLn input)
The left hand side of the >>= is of type IO String. The right hand side is of type String -> IO (). Now, by applying an eta reduction to the lambda we can instead get:
echo = getLine >>= putStrLn
which shows why >>= is sometimes used directly rather than as the "engine" that powers do notation along with >>.
I'd also like to provide what I think is an important correction to the concept of "unwrapping" a monadic value, which is that it doesn't happen. The Monad class does not provide a generic function of type Monad m => m a -> a. Some particular instances do but this is not a feature of monads in general. Monads, generally speaking, cannot be "unwrapped".
Remember that m >>= k = join (fmap k m) is a law that must be true for any monad. Any particular implementation of >>= must satisfy this law and so must be equivalent to this general implementation.
What this means is that what really happens is that the monadic "computation" a -> m b is "lifted" to become an m a -> m (m b) using fmap and then applied the m a, giving an m (m b); and then join :: m (m a) -> m a is used to squish the two ms together to yield a m b. So the a never gets "out" of the monad. The monad is never "unwrapped". This is an incorrect way to think about monads and I would strongly recommend that you not get in the habit.
I will focus on your point
If you already created a function which returns a wrapped value, why
that function doesn't already take a wrapped value?
and the IO monad. Suppose you had
getLine :: IO String
putStrLn :: IO String -> IO () -- "already takes a wrapped value"
how one could write a program which reads a line and print it twice? An attempt would be
let line = getLine
in putStrLn line >> putStrLn line
but equational reasoning dictates that this is equivalent to
putStrLn getLine >> putStrLn getLine
which reads two lines instead.
What we lack is a way to "unwrap" the getLine once, and use it twice. The same issue would apply to reading a line, printing "hello", and then printing a line:
let line = getLine in putStrLn "hello" >> putStrLn line
-- equivalent to
putStrLn "hello" >> putStrLn getLine
So, we also lack a way to specify "when to unwrap" the getLine. The bind >>= operator provides a way to do this.
A more advanced theoretical note
If you swap the arguments around the (>>=) bind operator becomes (=<<)
(=<<) :: (a -> m b) -> (m a -> m b)
which turns any function f taking an unwrapped value into a function g taking a wrapped
value. Such g is known as the Kleisli extension of f. The bind operator guarantees
such an extension always exists, and provides a convenient way to use it.
Because we like to be able to apply functions like a -> b to our m as. Lifting such a function to m a -> m b is trivial (liftM, liftA, >>= return ., fmap) but the opposite is not necessarily possible.
You want some typical examples? How about putStrLn :: String -> IO ()? It would make no sense for this function to have the type IO String -> IO () because the origin of the string doesn't matter.
Anyway: You might have the wrong idea because of your "wrapped value" metaphor; I use it myself quite often, but it has its limitations. There isn't necessarily a pure way to get an a out of an m a - for example, if you have a getLine :: IO String, there's not a great deal of interesting things you can do with it - you can put it in a list, chain it in a row and other neat things, but you can't get any useful information out of it because you can't look inside an IO action. What you can do is use >>= which gives you a way to use the result of the action.
Similar things apply to monads where the "wrapping" metaphor applies too; For example the point Maybe monad is to avoid manually wrapping and unwrapping values with and from Just all the time.
My two most common examples:
1) I have a series of functions that generate a list of lists, but I finally need a flat list:
f :: a -> [a]
fAppliedThrice :: [a] -> [a]
fAppliedThrice aList = concat (map f (concat (map f (concat (map f a)))))
fAppliedThrice' :: [a] -> [a]
fAppliedThrice' aList = aList >>= f >>= f >>= f
A practical example of using this was when my functions fetched attributes of a foreign key relationship. I could just chain them together to finally obtain a flat list of attributes. Eg: Product hasMany Review hasMany Tag type relationship, and I finally want a list of all the tag names for a product. (I added some template-haskell and got a very good generic attribute fetcher for my purposes).
2) Say you have a series of filter-like functions to apply to some data. And they return Maybe values.
case (val >>= filter >>= filter2 >>= filter3) of
Nothing -> putStrLn "Bad data"
Just x -> putStrLn "Good data"

Converting monads

Lets say I have function
(>>*=) :: (Show e') => Either e' a -> (a -> Either e b) -> Either e b
which is converting errors of different types in clean streamlined functions. I am pretty happy about this.
Could there possibly be function <*- that would do similar job insted of <- keyword, that it would not look too disturbing?
Well, my answer is really the same as Toxaris' suggestion of a foo :: Either e a -> Either e' a function, but I'll try to motivate it a bit more.
A function like foo is what we call a monad morphism: a natural transformation from one monad into another one. You can informally think of this as a function that sends any action in the source monad (irrespective of result type) to a "sensible" counterpart in the target monad. (The "sensible" bit is where it gets mathy, so I'll skip those details...)
Monad morphisms are a more fundamental concept here than your suggested >>*= function for handling this sort of situation in Haskell. Your >>*= is well-behaved if it's equivalent to the following:
(>>*=) :: Monad m => n a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
na >>*= k = morph na >>= k
-- Must be a monad morphism:
morph :: n a -> m a
morph = ...
So it's best to factor your >>*= out into >>= and case-specific monad morphisms. If you read the link from above, and the tutorial for the mmorph library, you'll see examples of generic utility functions that use user-supplied monad morphisms to "edit" monad transformer stacks—for example, use a monad morphism morph :: Error e a -> Error e' a to convert StateT s (ErrorT e IO) a into StateT s (ErrorT e' IO) a.
It is not possible to write a function that you can use instead of the <- in do notation. The reason is that to the left of <-, there is a pattern, but functions take values. But maybe you can write a function
foo :: (Show e') => Either e' a -> Either e a
that converts the error messages and then use it like this:
do x <- foo $ code that creates e1 errors
y <- foo $ code that creates e2 errors
While this is not as good as the <*- you're asking for, it should allow you to use do notation.

Monad with no wrapped value?

Most of the monad explanations use examples where the monad wraps a value. E.g. Maybe a, where the a type variable is what's wrapped. But I'm wondering about monads that never wrap anything.
For a contrived example, suppose I have a real-world robot that can be controlled, but has no sensors. Maybe I'd like to control it like this:
robotMovementScript :: RobotMonad ()
robotMovementScript = do
moveLeft 10
moveForward 25
rotate 180
main :: IO ()
main =
liftIO $ runRobot robotMovementScript connectToRobot
In our imaginary API, connectToRobot returns some kind of handle to the physical device. This connection becomes the "context" of the RobotMonad. Because our connection to the robot can never send a value back to us, the monad's concrete type is always RobotMonad ().
Some questions:
Does my contrived example seem right?
Am I understanding the idea of a monad's "context" correctly? Am I correct to describe the robot's connection as the context?
Does it make sense to have a monad--such as RobotMonad--that never wraps a value? Or is this contrary to the basic concept of monads?
Are monoids a better fit for this kind of application? I can imagine concatenating robot control actions with <>. Though do notation seems more readable.
In the monad's definition, would/could there be something that ensures the type is always RobotMonad ()?
I've looked at Data.Binary.Put as an example. It appears to be similar (or maybe identical?) to what I'm thinking of. But it also involves the Writer monad and the Builder monoid. Considering those added wrinkles and my current skill level, I think the Put monad might not be the most instructive example.
I don't actually need to build a robot or an API like this. The example is completely contrived. I just needed an example where there would never be a reason to pull a value out of the monad. So I'm not asking for the easiest way to solve the robot problem. Rather, this thought experiment about monads without inner values is an attempt to better understand monads generally.
TL;DR Monad without its wrapped value isn't very special and you get all the same power modeling it as a list.
There's a thing known as the Free monad. It's useful because it in some sense is a good representer for all other monads---if you can understand the behavior of the Free monad in some circumstance you have a good insight into how Monads generally will behave there.
It looks like this
data Free f a = Pure a
| Free (f (Free f a))
and whenever f is a Functor, Free f is a Monad
instance Functor f => Monad (Free f) where
return = Pure
Pure a >>= f = f a
Free w >>= f = Free (fmap (>>= f) w)
So what happens when a is always ()? We don't need the a parameter anymore
data Freed f = Stop
| Freed (f (Freed f))
Clearly this cannot be a Monad anymore as it has the wrong kind (type of types).
Monad f ===> f :: * -> *
Freed f :: *
But we can still define something like Monadic functionality onto it by getting rid of the a parts
returned :: Freed f
returned = Stop
bound :: Functor f -- compare with the Monad definition
=> Freed f -> Freed f -- with all `a`s replaced by ()
-> Freed f
bound Stop k = k Pure () >>= f = f ()
bound (Freed w) k = Free w >>= f =
Freed (fmap (`bound` k) w) Free (fmap (>>= f) w)
-- Also compare with (++)
(++) [] ys = ys
(++) (x:xs) ys = x : ((++) xs ys)
Which looks to be (and is!) a Monoid.
instance Functor f => Monoid (Freed f) where
mempty = returned
mappend = bound
And Monoids can be initially modeled by lists. We use the universal property of the list Monoid where if we have a function Monoid m => (a -> m) then we can turn a list [a] into an m.
convert :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> [a] -> m
convert f = foldr mappend mempty . map f
convertFreed :: Functor f => [f ()] -> Freed f
convertFreed = convert go where
go :: Functor f => f () -> Freed f
go w = Freed (const Stop <$> w)
So in the case of your robot, we can get away with just using a list of actions
data Direction = Left | Right | Forward | Back
data ActionF a = Move Direction Double a
| Rotate Double a
deriving ( Functor )
-- and if we're using `ActionF ()` then we might as well do
data Action = Move Direction Double
| Rotate Double
robotMovementScript = [ Move Left 10
, Move Forward 25
, Rotate 180
Now when we cast it to IO we're clearly converting this list of directions into a Monad and we can see that as taking our initial Monoid and sending it to Freed and then treating Freed f as Free f () and interpreting that as an initial Monad over the IO actions we want.
But it's clear that if you're not making use of the "wrapped" values then you're not really making use of Monad structure. You might as well just have a list.
I'll try to give a partial answer for these parts:
Does it make sense to have a monad--such as RobotMonad--that never wraps a value? Or is this contrary to the basic concept of monads?
Are monoids a better fit for this kind of application? I can imagine concatenating robot control actions with <>. Though do notation seems more readable.
In the monad's definition, would/could there be something that ensures the type is always RobotMonad ()?
The core operation for monads is the monadic bind operation
(>>=) :: (Monad m) => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
This means that an action depends (or can depend) on the value of a previous action. So if you have a concept that inherently doesn't sometimes carry something that could be considered as a value (even in a complex form such as the continuation monad), monad isn't a good abstraction.
If we abandon >>= we're basically left with Applicative. It also allows us to compose actions, but their combinations can't depend on the values of preceding ones.
There is also an Applicative instance that carries no values, as you suggested: Data.Functor.Constant. Its actions of type a are required to be a monoid so that they can be composed together. This seems like the closest concept to your idea. And of course instead of Constant we could use a Monoid directly.
That said, perhaps simpler solution is to have a monad RobotMonad a that does carry a value (which would be essentially isomorphic to the Writer monad, as already mentioned). And declare runRobot to require RobotMonad (), so it'd be possible to execute only scripts with no value:
runRobot :: RobotMonad () -> RobotHandle -> IO ()
This would allow you to use the do notation and work with values inside the robot script. Even if the robot has no sensors, being able to pass values around can be often useful. And extending the concept would allow you to create a monad transformer such as RobotMonadT m a (resembling WriterT) with something like
runRobotT :: (Monad m) => RobotMonadT m () -> RobotHandle -> IO (m ())
or perhaps
runRobotT :: (MonadIO m) => RobotMonadT m () -> RobotHandle -> m ()
which would be a powerful abstraction that'd allow you to combine robotic actions with an arbitrary monad.
Well there is
data Useless a = Useless
instance Monad Useless where
return = const Useless
Useless >>= f = Useless
but as I indicated, that isn't usefull.
What you want is the Writer monad, which wraps up a monoid as a monad so you can use do notation.
Well it seems like you have a type that supports just
(>>) :: m a -> m b -> m b
But you further specify that you only want to be able to use m ()s. In this case I'd vote for
foo = mconcat
[ moveLeft 10
, moveForward 25
, rotate 180]
As the simple solution. The alternative is to do something like
type Robot = Writer [RobotAction]
inj :: RobotAction -> Robot ()
inj = tell . (:[])
runRobot :: Robot a -> [RobotAction]
runRobot = snd . runWriter
foo = runRobot $ do
inj $ moveLeft 10
inj $ moveForward 25
inj $ rotate 180
Using the Writer monad.
The problem with not wrapping the value is that
return a >>= f === f a
So suppose we had some monad that ignored the value, but contained other interesting information,
newtype Robot a = Robot {unRobot :: [RobotAction]}
addAction :: RobotAction -> Robot a -> Robot b
f a = Robot [a]
Now if we ignore the value,
instance Monad Robot where
return = const (Robot [])
a >>= f = a -- never run the function
return a >>= f /= f a
so we don't have a monad. So if you want to the monad to have any interesting states, have == return false, then you need to store that value.

What general structure does this type have?

While hacking something up earlier, I created the following code:
newtype Callback a = Callback { unCallback :: a -> IO (Callback a) }
liftCallback :: (a -> IO ()) -> Callback a
liftCallback f = let cb = Callback $ \x -> (f x >> return cb) in cb
runCallback :: Callback a -> IO (a -> IO ())
runCallback cb =
do ref <- newIORef cb
return $ \x -> readIORef ref >>= ($ x) . unCallback >>= writeIORef ref
Callback a represents a function that handles some data and returns a new callback that should be used for the next notification. A callback which can basically replace itself, so to speak. liftCallback just lifts a normal function to my type, while runCallback uses an IORef to convert a Callback to a simple function.
The general structure of the type is:
data T m a = T (a -> m (T m a))
It looks much like this could be isomorphic to some well-known mathematical structure from category theory.
But what is it? Is it a monad or something? An applicative functor? A transformed monad? An arrow, even? Is there a search engine similar Hoogle that lets me search for general patterns like this?
The term you are looking for is free monad transformer. The best place to learn how these work is to read the "Coroutine Pipelines" article in issue 19 of The Monad Reader. Mario Blazevic gives a very lucid description of how this type works, except he calls it the "Coroutine" type.
I wrote up his type in the transformers-free package and then it got merged into the free package, which is its new official home.
Your Callback type is isomorphic to:
type Callback a = forall r . FreeT ((->) a) IO r
To understand free monad transformers, you need to first understand free monads, which are just abstract syntax trees. You give the free monad a functor which defines a single step in the syntax tree, and then it creates a Monad from that Functor that is basically a list of those types of steps. So if you had:
Free ((->) a) r
That would be a syntax tree that accepts zero or more as as input and then returns a value r.
However, usually we want to embed effects or make the next step of the syntax tree dependent on some effect. To do that, we simply promote our free monad to a free monad transformer, which interleaves the base monad between syntax tree steps. In the case of your Callback type, you are interleaving IO in between each input step, so your base monad is IO:
FreeT ((->) a) IO r
The nice thing about free monads is that they are automatically monads for any functor, so we can take advantage of this to use do notation to assemble our syntax tree. For example, I can define an await command that will bind the input within the monad:
import Control.Monad.Trans.Free
await :: (Monad m) => FreeT ((->) a) m a
await = liftF id
Now I have a DSL for writing Callbacks:
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Free
printer :: (Show a) => FreeT ((->) a) IO r
printer = forever $ do
a <- await
lift $ print a
Notice that I never had to define the necessary Monad instance. Both FreeT f and Free f are automatically Monads for any functor f, and in this case ((->) a) is our functor, so it automatically does the right thing. That's the magic of category theory!
Also, we never had to define a MonadTrans instance in order to use lift. FreeT f is automatically a monad transformer, given any functor f, so it took care of that for us, too.
Our printer is a suitable Callback, so we can feed it values just by deconstructing the free monad transformer:
feed :: [a] -> FreeT ((->) a) IO r -> IO ()
feed as callback = do
x <- runFreeT callback
case x of
Pure _ -> return ()
Free k -> case as of
[] -> return ()
b:bs -> feed bs (k b)
The actual printing occurs when we bind runFreeT callback, which then gives us the next step in the syntax tree, which we feed the next element of the list.
Let's try it:
>>> feed [1..5] printer
However, you don't even need to write all this up yourself. As Petr pointed out, my pipes library abstracts common streaming patterns like this for you. Your callback is just:
forall r . Consumer a IO r
The way we'd define printer using pipes is:
printer = forever $ do
a <- await
lift $ print a
... and we can feed it a list of values like so:
>>> runEffect $ each [1..5] >-> printer
I designed pipes to encompass a very large range of streaming abstractions like these in such a way that you can always use do notation to build each streaming component. pipes also comes with a wide variety of elegant solutions for things like state and error handling, and bidirectional flow of information, so if you formulate your Callback abstraction in terms of pipes, you tap into a ton of useful machinery for free.
If you want to learn more about pipes, I recommend you read the tutorial.
The general structure of the type looks to me like
data T (~>) a = T (a ~> T (~>) a)
where (~>) = Kleisli m in your terms (an arrow).
Callback itself doesn't look like an instance of any standard Haskell typeclass I can think of, but it is a Contravariant Functor (also known as Cofunctor, misleadingly as it turns out). As it is not included in any of the libraries that come with GHC, there exist several definitions of it on Hackage (use this one), but they all look something like this:
class Contravariant f where
contramap :: (b -> a) -> f a -> f b
-- c.f. fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
instance Contravariant Callback where
contramap f (Callback k) = Callback ((fmap . liftM . contramap) f (f . k))
Is there some more exotic structure from category theory that Callback possesses? I don't know.
I think that this type is very close to what I have heard called a 'Circuit', which is a type of arrow. Ignoring for a moment the IO part (as we can have this just by transforming a Kliesli arrow) the circuit transformer is:
newtype CircuitT a b c = CircuitT { unCircuitT :: a b (c, CircuitT a b c) }
This is basicall an arrow that returns a new arrow to use for the next input each time. All of the common arrow classes (including loop) can be implemented for this arrow transformer as long as the base arrow supports them. Now, all we have to do to make it notionally the same as the type you mention is to get rid of that extra output. This is easily done, and so we find:
Callback a ~=~ CircuitT (Kleisli IO) a ()
As if we look at the right hand side:
CircuitT (Kleisli IO) a () ~=~
(Kliesli IO) a ((), CircuitT (Kleisli IO) a ()) ~=~
a -> IO ((), CircuitT (Kliesli IO) a ())
And from here, you can see how this is similar to Callback a, except we also output a unit value. As the unit value is in a tuple with something else anyway, this really doesn't tell us much, so I would say they're basically the same.
N.B. I used ~=~ for similar but not entirely equivalent to, for some reason. They are very closely similar though, in particular note that we could convert a Callback a into a CircuitT (Kleisli IO) a () and vice-versa.
EDIT: I would also fully agree with the ideas that this is A) a monadic costream (monadic operation expecitng an infinite number of values, I think this means) and B) a consume-only pipe (which is in many ways very similar to the circuit type with no output, or rather output set to (), as such a pipe could also have had output).
Just an observation, your type seems quite related to Consumer p a m appearing in the pipes library (and probably other similar librarties as well):
type Consumer p a = p () a () C
-- A Pipe that consumes values
-- Consumers never respond.
where C is an empty data type and p is an instance of Proxy type class. It consumes values of type a and never produces any (because its output type is empty).
For example, we could convert a Callback into a Consumer:
import Control.Proxy
import Control.Proxy.Synonym
newtype Callback m a = Callback { unCallback :: a -> m (Callback m a) }
-- No values produced, hence the polymorphic return type `r`.
-- We could replace `r` with `C` as well.
consumer :: (Proxy p, Monad m) => Callback m a -> () -> Consumer p a m r
consumer c () = runIdentityP (run c)
run (Callback c) = request () >>= lift . c >>= run
See the tutorial.
(This should have been rather a comment, but it's a bit too long.)
