How to completely cover Xbox UWP 'current app' tile on homescreen? - win-universal-app

Defining a splashscreen for a Xbox universal application leads to the following result:
The source of the image is a 1240x600 *.jpg which has a yellow border to indicate the edges of the image. The user who is currently logged in on the Xbox has red as his main color, leading to the red background behind the splashscreen.
I expected the splashscreen image to completely fill the 'current app' tile on the homescreen and not having this additional red background.
Is the latter the intended behaviour or is there a different image I can supply to completely cover this section on the homescreen?

The background is mandatary. A difference path you can take is define a background color of your tile, and use image with transparent color (png) as it will provide better UI.


Is there a way to put a background inside SVG

I need to make an SVG that is to be used as a background-image with "cover", so the tile in the mosaic could be rescaled.
I'd like to have the icon at a fixed size and the posibility to always fill with a background color, because, to make matters more complicated, my image is going to be inside a container that is inside the tile
this is my example
my icon should go inside that red outlined box, fixed size and the background in gray
could i get that done?

How to transform a Grayscale background SVG, to white or black colors

I have Gray SVG icons next to each Menu item (inherited from another project) and displaied as background.
I need to show them black or white but I don't how to achieve this.
As backgrounds I can't use fill css property. I tried with filter:brightness(100) to make them white but I loose anti-aliasing (and analogue with filter:brightness(0) to make them black).
Mask has still serious compatibility issues (e.g. Firefox does not allow external svg).
I tried also to import them as data-uri with LESS feature, but it was unuseful, so.... any suggestion?

Without alpha path how to decrease edge effect while paste icon

I got a RGB332 LCD and a poor MCU to drive it . The MCU do not have a hardware accelerator nor do RGB332 display support an alpha path.
So I used the color "black" as a "alpha color" to deal with icon paste work.Which means I fill the icon color data to background buffer while the data is not black.
The problem I meet is that the icon showed it's own antialiased edge while the background is not black. And the "antialiased edge" just makes an edge effect from the background.
Is there any way to deal with the situation ?
The main problem is that I don't have "Layer" and "Alpha" to do the PS-like merge work.
But the Icons are Pasted to a Frame buffer one by one.
So my solution is :
When each icon is being pasted,I could decide the front/background,
which means I could detect the "antialiased edge" of the icons just
like I have "layers".
After I find the antialiased edges ,I filled the pixels with the
middle color of the front/background.
The LCD is RGB332,and the middle color calculation is just filling
the edge with 75% background color + 25% front color. If the icon
color is carefully designed, you don't even need a float calculation
The work maybe not that effective ,but really solved my problem.

Images change color on device and in simulator

So I have this image:
And it changes colors on devices, the top logo should be red-orange, the three buttons on the left blue and the three on the bottom orange and they are on my computer and in Illustrator and Photoshop, but when I add it to the scene as a spritenode it changes. Why is this happening? The colors change on a device and in the simulator
For some reason it changed colors here as well... Is this another "The Dress"
It's in JPEG
This is probably because you're using JPEG. Use PNG instead

Photoshop CS5 - Brush - Alt key - Eyedropper tool - how to return back

First I'm not some kind of exper for photoshop! I like to put in my picture another picture to be like Lyer, then I go to Layer - Layer Mask - Reveal all... to wipe things I don't want with brush... But I click Alt key and Eyedropper tool appeared with circle and no it not working and I clicked... I don't know how to bring it back... Foreground color and Background color I don't understend that if that is the problem..
You need to click on the white and black mask rectangle on that layer. It will have a link right in front of the rectangle. That rectangle gives you a preview of what you have revealed in white and whats not in black. Looks like a thumbnail of your mask. That will bring it back
