How to create MongoDB indexes in NodeJS app using Mongoose? - node.js

According to Mongoose documentation , the index should not be defined on the schema and should be disabled in production. I am confused as to what is being recommended. If index should not be defined in the mongoose schema then how it should be created in NodeJS app?


Working with mongoose and Mongo DB schema

We are working with mongoose in order to interact with Mongo DB.
We define the schema at the code level.
Now we want to move and use Mongo DB schema (At the collection level inside DB) and we dont want to maintain two types of schemas.
We wish to keep on working with mongoose because it comes with few nice features that we like.
Any idea?

How to create a ttl index in mongodb atlas Using mongoose?

I'm building a node app and using mongoose
This is my first time creating a TTL index on mongodb atlas, idk because for some reason it does not seem to work.
node version v14.16.0
mongoose version 5.12.5

Create MySql schema in the model in express application

I am using express-MVC-generator for creating app skeleton in node js and once I have my project structured, I need to change default database in mongo for a MySQL database but I canĀ“t find how to create a MySQL schema from database in the model file. Is there a way to do that?
After research over the web, I found that the best option to solve my problem is to use sequelize, sequelize-cli to generate the models from an existing database.

how to get all collection names from a specific db in mongo using nodejs

Recently I want to get all collection names from a db in mongo. And my develop environment is nodejs + express + mongoose. I tried mongooser.conncetion.db.getCollectionNames(or listCollections or collections), but any does not work. I guess the it is the version problem, maybe the latest mongoose api does not contain those functions.
Consequently, how to obtain all collection names from a db using mongoose?
Thank you so much for any help!

Does Mongoose allow for Multiple Database Connections?

I read that in a nodejs application, if we use a mongoose object using
var obj = require('mongoose');
then, wherever we create a new mongoose object (say, in another file), then the same cached copy is used throughout. In that case, how can we connect to multiple database instances of mongoDB in the same nodejs app ?
You can use mongoose.createConnection to connect to a separate database, and then using the connection object that generates, you can define models from that database using connection.model.
