Evaluating a mathematical expression without eval() on Python3 [duplicate] - python-3.x

This question already has answers here:
Evaluating a mathematical expression in a string
(14 answers)
Closed 10 months ago.
I'm working on a "copy-paste calculator" that detects any mathematical expressions copied to the system clipboard, evaluates them and copies the answer to the clipboard ready to be pasted. However, while the code uses the eval()-function, I'm not terribly concerned considering the user normally knows what they are copying. That being said, I want to find a better way without giving the calculations a handicap (= eg. removing the ability to calculate multiplications or exponents).
Here's the important parts of my code:
#! python3
import pyperclip, time
parsedict = {"×": "*",
"÷": "/",
"^": "**"} # Get rid of anything that cannot be evaluated
def stringparse(string): # Remove whitespace and replace unevaluateable objects
a = string
a = a.replace(" ", "")
for i in a:
if i in parsedict.keys():
a = a.replace(i, parsedict[i])
return a
def calculate(string):
parsed = stringparse(string)
ans = eval(parsed) # EVIL!!!
def validcheck(string): # Check if the copied item is a math expression
proof = 0
for i in mathproof:
if i in string:
proof += 1
elif "http" in string: #TODO: Create a better way of passing non-math copies
proof = 0
if proof != 0:
def init(): # Ensure previous copies have no effect
current = pyperclip.paste()
new = current
main(current, new)
def main(current, new):
while True:
new = pyperclip.paste()
if new != current:
current = new
if __name__ == "__main__":
Q: What should I use instead of eval() to calculate the answer?

You should use ast.parse:
import ast
tree = ast.parse(expression, mode='eval')
except SyntaxError:
return # not a Python expression
if not all(isinstance(node, (ast.Expression,
ast.UnaryOp, ast.unaryop,
ast.BinOp, ast.operator,
ast.Num)) for node in ast.walk(tree)):
return # not a mathematical expression (numbers and operators)
result = eval(compile(tree, filename='', mode='eval'))
Note that for simplicity this allows all the unary operators (+, -, ~, not) as well as the arithmetic and bitwise binary operators (+, -, *, /, %, // **, <<, >>, &, |, ^) but not the logical or comparison operators. If should be straightforward to refine or expand the allowed operators.

without using eval, you'd have to implement a parser, or use existing packages like simpleeval (I'm not the author, and there are others, but I have tested that one successfully)
In one line, plus import:
>>> from simpleeval import simpleeval
>>> simpleeval.simple_eval("(45 + -45) + 34")
>>> simpleeval.simple_eval("(45 - 22*2) + 34**2")
now if I try to hack the calculator by trying to import a module:
>>> simpleeval.simple_eval("import os")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "K:\CODE\COTS\python\simpleeval\simpleeval.py", line 466, in simple_eval
return s.eval(expr)
File "K:\CODE\COTS\python\simpleeval\simpleeval.py", line 274, in eval
return self._eval(ast.parse(expr.strip()).body[0].value)
AttributeError: 'Import' object has no attribute 'value'
Caught! the cryptic error message comes from the fact that simpleeval can evaluate variables that you can optionally pass through a dictionary. Catch AttributeError exception to intercept wrongly formed expressions. No need for eval for that.

By native Python3: without using inbuilt function
input_string = '1+1-1*4+1'
result = 0
counter = -1
for ch in range(len(input_string)):
if counter == ch:
if input_string[ch] in ['-', '+', '/', '*', '**']:
next_value = int(input_string[ch+1])
if input_string[ch] == '-':
result -= next_value
counter = ch+1
elif input_string[ch] == '+':
result += next_value
counter = ch+1
elif input_string[ch] == '*':
result *= next_value
counter = ch+1
elif input_string[ch] == '/':
result /= next_value
counter = ch+1
elif input_string[ch] == '**':
result **= next_value
counter = ch+1
result = int(input_string[ch])
Output : 
The original string is : '1+1-1*4+1'
The evaluated result is : 5


Python3: Midnumeral Strings to Rightnumeral Strings

My attempt:
m = str(input())
# m = list(m)
w = ""
r = ""
num = [int(i) for i in m.split() if i.isdigit()]
for c in range(0,len(m)-1):
if m[len(m)-1]:
for num in w:
if num.isnumeric():
elif m[c].isalpha():
elif m[c].isnumeric() and (len(w)==0 or w[c]=='('):
elif len(num)!=0:
if int(m[c])>int(w[c]):
n = [int(i) for i in w.split() if i.isdigit()]
if len(n)!=0:
r = ''.join([str(elem) for elem in w])
elif m[c]==')':
for number in m:
if number.isnumeric():
elif number=='(':
elif (w[c]=='(') or ((int(w[c]))<(int(m[c]))) or (w=""): # In this statement it gives an invalid syntax error
w = m[c]
I would like to know why get a invalid syntax at line 34 (elif statement).
Also, would like to know if there is any better way to solve this question.
Midnumeral Strings to Rightnumeral Strings
Midnumeral string is a string which contains one number in between letters. For example, a1b2c is a midnumeral string. A midnumeral strings may contain letters a to z, numbers 1 to 9 and both left and the right parentheses.
Rightnumeral string is a string which can be formed from midnumeral string:
(i) All the characters except left and right parenthesis in the midnumeral string is present in rightnumeral string.
(ii) A number ‘n’ which is between letters ‘a’ anb ‘b’ in the midnumeral string will appear in the right hand of side of the letters ‘a’ and ‘b’ in rightnumeral string in a particular fashion.
(iii)During the process of conversion of a midnumeral string to a rightnumeral string, a waiting stream is used.
Given a midnumeral string ‘m’ it can be converted to a rightnumeral string ‘r’ as follows:
i. Process character by character of midnumeral string ‘m’.
ii. When a letter is seen add it to rightnumeral string ‘r’.
iii. When a number ‘n’ is seen and waiting stream is empty or the recently added character to waiting stream is left parenthesis then add ‘n’ to waiting stream
iv. If a number ‘n’ seen and there are some numbers in the waiting stream then, If the recently added numeral in waiting stream is less than ‘n’ then add ‘n’ to waiting stream, Otherwise process waiting stream from most recent to least recent:-Remove number from waiting stream and add it to ‘r’
Repeat part (i), until the recent value available in waiting stream is less than ‘n’ or the recent character the waiting stream is left parenthesis or the waiting stream becomes empty
v. Add ‘n’ to the waiting stream
vi. If a left parenthesis is seen then add it to waiting stream
vii. When right parenthesis is seen then remove all numbers from most recent to least recent from waiting stream and add it to r till left parenthesis is seen. Discard left and right parenthesis
viii. When the end of the midnumeral ‘m’ string is reached remove all numerals from most recent to least recent from waiting stream and add it to right numeral string ‘r’
For example,
a1b2c will be abc21
a2b1c will be ab2c1
(a1b)2c will be ab1c2
a1b4(c5d2e)7f will be abcd5e2f741
Note: All the characters in the midnumeral will be distinct and only valid input is given
Input Format
First line contains the midnumeral string, m
Output Format
First line should contain the rightnumeral string, r
.1 The Syntax error
It is simple a missing '=' sign, so change it to this
elif (w[c]=='(') or ((int(w[c]))<(int(m[c]))) or (w==""):
w = m[c]
.2 Code improvements & Best practices
I suggest you for this to post the answer on Code Review as is meant for this. There are quite few errors and not best practices follow.
For instance, this error block:
if int(m[c])>int(w[c]):
n = [int(i) for i in w.split() if i.isdigit()]
if len(n)!=0:
r = ''.join([str(elem) for elem in w])
The except is catching too many types of error, better like:
if int(m[c])>int(w[c]):
n = [int(i) for i in w.split() if i.isdigit()]
if len(n)!=0:
r = ''.join([str(elem) for elem in w])
except ValueError:
Have a look at Should I always specify an exception type in except statements? for more information about this. Also there is too much 'logic' in that try block. but for simplicity that is ok.
Note that I used different combination of sets ( accepted_numbers, accepted_chars, left_parenthesis, right_parenthesis) instead of list of other thing, this is because set are super fast when used for Looks up, more info --> Time complexity of python set operations?. And also is very clear what you are trying to use them for.
The Variable r, is way better decision to use it during the Algorithm as a List and Then turn it as a String, that's because is just easier to manipulate.
I don't even used 1 try except block, this is because, is was clear what to do, I mean we knew it ahead, so you can just handle it with a if else block, apart of what I stated Above regarding the Try blocks, another important aspect is that the slow down the code if finds and exception (in this code it won't even matter) look here try-except vs If in Python
The Algorithm problem that you posted uses and demands a Stack as a Collection, you can see it implemented in the process_waiting_stream() function
in a LIFO (last in, first out) fashion.
Answer Testing one case
m = '(a1b)2c' # test string Added on the top as requested in the exercise
import string # If you don't want to import string, just hard code the letters
m = m
r = []
accepted_numbers = {str(i) for i in range(1, 10)} # 1 to 9
accepted_chars = {*string.ascii_lowercase}
left_parenthesis = '('
right_parenthesis = ')'
parenthesis = {left_parenthesis, right_parenthesis}
midnumeral_string = accepted_numbers | accepted_chars | parenthesis
# ---- NOTE: Run a quick check is Input is Correct |!(a1b)2c or (a1b)0c is not good
for char in m:
if char in midnumeral_string:
print('Input String is not a Midnumeral string')
# ---------------------------
r = [] # Use a list, not a string, easier to work with :)
def process_waiting_stream():
WAITING_STREAM.reverse() # LIFO from most recent to least recent
while True:
if item == left_parenthesis:
elif item in accepted_numbers:
item = WAITING_STREAM.pop(0)
def checK_stream(): # NOTE: We check this in case there is only '(' and not a num
return any([item in accepted_numbers for item in WAITING_STREAM])
for char in m:
recently_added = WAITING_STREAM[-1]
if char in accepted_chars:
elif char in accepted_numbers:
if not WAITING_STREAM or recently_added == left_parenthesis:
elif checK_stream():
if (recently_added not in parenthesis
and recently_added not in accepted_chars) and int(recently_added) < int(char):
elif char == left_parenthesis:
elif char == right_parenthesis:
for item in WAITING_STREAM:
if item == left_parenthesis:
left_para = WAITING_STREAM.index(left_parenthesis)
r = ''.join(r)
Answer 2
Testing All cases
import string # If you don't want to import string, just hard code the letters
def rightnumeral_string(m):
accepted_numbers = {str(i) for i in range(1, 10)} # 1 to 9
accepted_chars = {*string.ascii_lowercase}
left_parenthesis = '('
right_parenthesis = ')'
parenthesis = {left_parenthesis, right_parenthesis}
midnumeral_string = accepted_numbers | accepted_chars | parenthesis
# ---- NOTE: Run a quick check is Input is Correct |!(a1b)2c or (a1b)0c is not good
for char in m:
if char in midnumeral_string:
print('Input String is not a Midnumeral string')
# ---------------------------
r = [] # Use a list, not a string, easier to work with :)
def process_waiting_stream():
WAITING_STREAM.reverse() # LIFO from most recent to least recent
while True:
if item == left_parenthesis:
elif item in accepted_numbers:
item = WAITING_STREAM.pop(0)
def checK_stream(): # NOTE: We check this in case there is only '(' and not a num
return any([item in accepted_numbers for item in WAITING_STREAM])
# ------ Iterate Through each Character (number included) in the string
for char in m:
recently_added = WAITING_STREAM[-1]
if char in accepted_chars:
elif char in accepted_numbers:
if not WAITING_STREAM or recently_added == left_parenthesis:
elif checK_stream(): # Check if there are currently nums in stream
if (recently_added not in parenthesis
and recently_added not in accepted_chars) and int(recently_added) < int(char):
elif char == left_parenthesis:
elif char == right_parenthesis:
# Last Step is to Remove left_parenthesis
for item in WAITING_STREAM:
if item == left_parenthesis:
left_para = WAITING_STREAM.index(left_parenthesis)
r = ''.join(r)
return r
# Checking if the Answer Are correct
assert rightnumeral_string('a1b2c') == 'abc21'
assert rightnumeral_string('a2b1c') == 'ab2c1'
assert rightnumeral_string('(a1b)2c') == 'ab1c2'
assert rightnumeral_string('a1b4(c5d2e)7f') == 'abcd5e2f741'
Iterating each character in a string using Python
What is the use of “assert” in Python?

How can I make my function work for any number?

I am having some issues with some code I wrote for this problem:
“Write a function namedd calc that will evaluate a simple arithmetic expression. The input to your program will be a string of the form:
operand1 operator operand2
where operand1 and operand2 are non-negative integers and operator is a single-character operator, which is either +, -, or *. You may assume that there is a space between each operand and the operator. You may further assume that the input is a valid mathemat- ical expression, i.e. your program is not responsible for the case where the user enters gibberish.
Your function will return an integer, such that the returned value is equal to the value produced by applying the given operation to the given operands.
Sample execution:
calc("5 + 10") # 15
“You may not use the split or eval functions in your solution.
Hint: the hard part here is breaking the input string into its three component. You may use the find and rfind functions to find the position of the first and last space, and then use the slice operator (that is, s[startindex:endindex]) to extract the relevant range of characters. Be careful of off-by-one errors in using the slice operator.
Hint: it’s best to test your code as you work. The first step should be to break the input string into its three components. Write a program that does that, have it print out the operator and the two operands on separate lines, and test it until you are convinced that it works. Then, modifying it to perform the desired mathematical operation should be straightforward. Test your program with several different inputs to make sure it works as you expect.”
Here is my code:
def calc(exp):
operand1 = int(exp[:1])
operand2 = int(exp[4:6])
operator = exp[2:3]
if(operator == "+"):
addition = operand1+operand2
return addition
if(operator == "-"):
subtraction = operand1-operand2
return subtraction
if(operator == "*"):
multiplication = operand1*operand2
return multiplication
print(calc("5 + 10"))
print(calc("4 - 8"))
print(calc("4 * 3"))
My code does not fully meet the criteria of this question. It only works for single digit numbers. How can I make my code work for any number?
“504 + 507”
”5678 + 76890”
and so on?
Thank you. Any help is appreciated.
As the hint says, get the position of the first and last space of the expression, use it to extract the operand and the operators, and then evaluate accordingly.
def calc(exp):
#Get the position for first space with find
low_idx = exp.find(' ')
#Get the position for last space with rfind
high_idx = exp.rfind(' ')
#Extract operators and operand with slice, converting operands to int
operand1 = int(exp[0:low_idx])
operator = exp[low_idx+1:high_idx]
operand2 = int(exp[high_idx:])
result = 0
#Evaluate based on operator
if operator == '+':
result = operand1 + operand2
elif operator == '-':
result = operand1 - operand2
elif operator == '*':
result = operand1 * operand2
return result
print(calc("5 + 10"))
print(calc("4 - 8"))
print(calc("4 * 3"))
print(calc("504 + 507"))
print(calc("5678 + 76890"))
The answer is in the specification:
You may use the find and rfind functions to find the position of the first and last space, and then use the slice operator (that is, s[startindex:endindex]) to extract the relevant range of characters.
find and rfind are methods of string objects.
You could split it into three components using this code: (note: this doesn't use split or eval)
def splitExpression(e):
numbers = ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","0"] # list of all numbers
operations = ["+","-","*","/"] # list of all operations
output = [] # output components
currentlyParsing = "number" # the component we're currently parsing
buildstring = "" # temporary variable
for c in e:
if c == " ":
continue # ignore whitespace
if currentlyParsing == "number": # we are currently parsing a number
if c in numbers:
buildstring += c # this is a number, continue
elif c in operations:
output.append(buildstring) # this component has reached it's end
buildstring = c
currentlyParsing = "operation" # we are expecting an operation now
pass # unknown symbol!
elif currentlyParsing == "operation": # we are currently parsing an operation
if c in operations:
buildstring += c # this is an operation, continue
elif c in numbers:
output.append(buildstring) # this component has reached it's end
buildstring = c
currentlyParsing = "number" # we are expecting a number now
pass # unknown symbol!
if buildstring: # anything left in the buffer?
buildstring = ""
return output
Usage: splitExpression("281*14") returns ["281","*","14"]
This function also accepts spaces between numbers and operations
You can simply take the string and use the split method for the string object, which will return a list of strings based on some separator.
For example:
stringList = "504 + 507".split(" ")
stringList will now be a list such as ["504", "+", "507"] due to the separator " " which is a whitespace. Then just use stringList[1] with your conditionals to solve the problem. Additionally, you can use int(stringList[0]) and int(stringList[2]) to convert the strings to int objects.
Now I realized that your problem said to use find() instead of split(). Simply use the logic above but instead find(" ") the first whitespace. You will then need to find the second whitespace by slicing past the first whitespace using the two additional arguments available for find().
You need to split the string out instead of hard coding the positions of the indexes.
When coding you want to try to make your code as dynamic as possible, that generally means not hard coding stuff that could be a variable or in this case could be grabbed from the spaces.
Also in the if statements I modified them to elif as it is all one contained statement and thus should be grouped.
def calc(exp):
vals = exp.split(' ')
operand1 = int(vals[0])
operand2 = int(vals[2])
operator = vals[1]
if operator == '+':
return operand1+operand2
elif operator == '-':
return operand1-operand2
return operand1*operand2

reduce the number of IF statements in Python

I have written a function that is going to have up to 72 IF statements
and i was hoping to write code that will be much shorter, but have no idea where to start
The function reads the self.timeselect variable when a radio button is selected and the result is saved to a text file called missing_time.txt. If the result is equal to 1 then save "0000" to the file, if the result is 2 save then 0020 to the text file etc. This can be for 72 possible combinations.
Is there a smarter way to simplify the function ?
def buttonaction():
selectedchoice = ""
if self.timeselect.get() == 1:
selectedchoice = "0000"
orig_stdout = sys.stdout
f = open('missing_time.txt', 'w')
sys.stdout = f
if self.timeselect.get() == 2:
selectedchoice = "0020"
orig_stdout = sys.stdout
f = open('missing_time.txt', 'w')
sys.stdout = f
self.timeselect = tkinter.IntVar()
self.Radio_1 = tkinter.Radiobutton(text="0000",variable =
self.timeselect,indicator = 0 ,value=1)
self.Radio_2 = tkinter.Radiobutton(text="0020",variable =
self.timeselect,indicator = 0 ,value=2)
choice_map = {
1 : "0000",
2 : "0020"
def buttonaction():
selected = self.timeselect.get()
if 0 < selected < 73: # This works as intended in Python
selectedchoice = choice_map[selected]
# Do you intend to append to file instead of replacing it?
# See text below.
with open("missing_time.txt", 'w') as outfile:
outfile.write(selectedchoice + "\n")
Better yet, if there is a pattern that relates the value of self.timeselect.get() to the string that you write out, generate selectchoice directly from that pattern instead of using a dictionary to do the mapping.
I find it a bit odd that you are clearing the file "missing_time.txt" every time you call buttonaction. If your intention is to append to it, change the file mode accordingly.
Also, instead of opening and closing the file each time, you might just want to open it once and pass the handler to buttonaction or keep it as a global depending on how you use it.
Finally, if you do not intend to catch the KeyError from an invalid key, you can do what #Clifford suggests and use choice_map.get(selected, "some default value that does not have to be str").
All you need to do in this case is construct a string from the integer value self.timeselect.get().
selectedchoice = self.timeselect.get()
if 0 < selectedchoice < 73:
orig_stdout = sys.stdout
f = open('missing_time.txt', 'w')
sys.stdout = f
print( str(selectedchoice).zfill(4) ) # Convert choice to
# string with leading
# zeros to 4 charaters
Further in the interests of simplification, redirecting stdout and restoring it is a cumbersome method of outputting to a file. Instead, you can write directly to the file:
with open('missing_time.txt', 'w') as f:
f.write(selectedchoice + "\n")
Note that because we use the with context manager here, f is automatically closed when we leave this context so there is no need to call f.close(). Ultimately you end up with:
selectedchoice = self.timeselect.get()
if 0 < selectedchoice < 73:
with open('missing_time.txt', 'w') as f:
f.write( str(selectedchoice).zfill(4) + "\n" )
Even if you did use the conditionals each one differs only in the first line, so only that part need be conditional and the remainder of the content performed after the conditionals. Moreover all conditionals are mutually exclusive so you can use else-if:
if self.timeselect.get() == 1:
selectedchoice = "0000"
elif self.timeselect.get() == 2:
selectedchoice = "0020"
if 0 < selectedchoice < 73:
with open('missing_time.txt', 'w') as f:
f.write(selectedchoice + "\n")
In circumstances where there is no direct arithmetic relationship between selectchoice and the required string, or the available choices are perhaps not contiguous, it is possible to implement a switch using a dictionary:
choiceToString = {
1: "0001",
2: "0002",
72: "0072",
selectedchoice = choiceToString.get( self.timeselect.get(), "Invalid Choice")
if selectedchoice != "Invalid Choice":
with open('missing_time.txt', 'w') as f:
f.write(selectedchoice + "\n")
Since there is no switch statement in Python, you can't really reduce the number of if statements. But I see 2 two way to optimize and reduce your code length.
First, you can use some
if condition:
elif condition:
instead of
if condition:
if condition:
since you can't have self.timeselect.get() evaluated to more than one int.
Secondly you can wrap all the code that doesn't vary in a function.
You can get rid of selectedchoice and put
orig_stdout = sys.stdout
f = open('missing_time.txt', 'w')
sys.stdout = f
in a function writeToFile(selectedOption)
I'm assuming that the values are arbitrary and there's no defined pattern. I also see that the only thing that changes in your code is the selectedChoice variable. You can use a Dictionary in such cases. A dictionary's elements are key/value pairs so you can reference the key and get the value.
dictionary = {
def buttonAction():
selectedChoice = dictionary[self.timeselect.get()]
if 0<selectedChoice<=72:
f.write(selectedChoice+" ")

Statement has no effect(Python)

program to get a string from a given string where all occurrences of its first char have been changed to '$', except the first char itself.
Sample String : 'restart'
Expected Result : 'resta$t'
here's my code
def change(string):
string_len = len(string)
t = string[0]
for each in range(1, string_len):
if each is t:
each == '$'
return string
i'using Pycharm. Line no 6 (each == '$')says this statement has no effect. i don't want to use replace method. just want to know what is the problem.
Your code commented:
def change(string):
string_len = len(string)
t = string[0]
for each in range(1, string_len):
if each is t: # To compara strings you should use the == operator not the 'is' operator.
each == '$' # This will not have any effect because is a temporal variable visible just inside the 'for' loop and you are not using it.
return string
A solution could be:
def change(s):
result = ''
for character in s:
result += '$' if character == s[0] else character
return result
Python strings are immutable objects, so you can't do 'aaa'[1] = 'b' to get aba.
each is set to an integer and you are comparing it to a string.

Having trouble with str.find()

I'm trying to use the str.find() and it keeps raising an error, what am I doing wrong?
import codecs
def countLOC(inFile):
""" Receives a file and then returns the amount
of actual lines of code by not counting commented
or blank lines """
LOC = 0
for line in inFile:
if line.isspace():
comment = line.find('#')
if comment > 0:
for letter in range(comment):
if not letter.whitespace:
LOC += 1
return LOC
if __name__ == "__main__":
while True:
file_loc = input("Enter the file name: ").strip()
source = codecs.open(file_loc)
print ("**Invalid filename**")
LOC_count = countLOC(source)
print ("\nThere were {0} lines of code in {1}".format(LOC_count,source.name))
File "C:\Users\Justen-san\Documents\Eclipse Workspace\countLOC\src\root\nested\linesOfCode.py", line 12, in countLOC
comment = line.find('#')
TypeError: expected an object with the buffer interface
Use the built-in function open() instead of codecs.open().
You're running afoul of the difference between non-Unicode (Python 3 bytes, Python 2 str) and Unicode (Python 3 str, Python 2 unicode) string types. Python 3 won't convert automatically between non-Unicode and Unicode like Python 2 will. Using codecs.open() without an encoding parameter returns an object which yields bytes when you read from it.
Also, your countLOC function won't work:
for letter in range(comment):
if not letter.whitespace:
LOC += 1
That for loop will iterate over the numbers from zero to one less than the position of '#' in the string (letter = 0, 1, 2...); whitespace isn't a method of integers, and even if it were, you're not calling it.
Also, you're never incrementing LOC if the line doesn't contain #.
A "fixed" but otherwise faithful (and inefficient) version of your countLOC:
def countLOC(inFile):
LOC = 0
for line in inFile:
if line.isspace():
comment = line.find('#')
if comment > 0:
for letter in line[:comment]:
if not letter.isspace():
LOC += 1
LOC += 1
return LOC
How I might write the function:
def count_LOC(in_file):
loc = 0
for line in in_file:
line = line.lstrip()
if len(line) > 0 and not line.startswith('#'):
loc += 1
return loc
Are you actually passing an open file to the function? Maybe try printing type(file) and type(line), as there's something fishy here -- with an open file as the argument, I just can't reproduce your problem! (There are other bugs in your code but none that would cause that exception). Oh btw, as best practice, DON'T use names of builtins, such as file, for your own purposes -- that causes incredible amounts of confusion!
