Do cookies track current tab or information from all tabs? - security

Do cookies track current tab or information from all tabs?
The reason I'm asking is because if it's the former, then that means it's safer to open web apps like online code editors or mail etc. in a new tab?

Cookies are automatically installed in your browser and it will not fixed to a particular tab .It grabs information from all tabs .
if you want to escape from cookies you need to browse in incognito window in google chrome or in private window in Firefox.
This browsing is very safe from cookies.


Is there a way to hide a Chrome browser tab via an extension?

We have a software which uses a browser tab to hold the connection between client and server.
Users accidentally close the tab and have connection issues.
I want to program a Chrome extension which scans all new tabs. When this special tab is identified, I want to move this to a new window and hide this window, so that the user can't close the tab by mistake.
Is this possible with a Chrome extension?

Closing tabs when a chrome extension is disabled/reloaded

I have a Chrome extension that opens a number of tabs, which it keeps open and uses to display data. I want those tabs to close when the extension is disabled or reloaded. My initial thought was that background.html would be unloaded when I restarted the plugin, but I can't seem to get anything that involves this to work. Any suggestions?
Chrome automatically closes pages with chrome-extension://<your_extension_id>/local.html urls (pages from the extension directory) when an extension is disabled. So if you can display your data using those pages - they will get closed. If it is some external site you are displaying - maybe you can make a local stub page with iframe and load your external site there.
Otherwise I can't think about any other way (besides having another extension watching this one).
i dont' know so much about chrome extensions, but, I think you are openning new windows by something like var w =, so, you can close the window with w.close().
if not, ignore my answer :P

Watir: how to open a set of webpages in multiple tabs in IE9 or FF or Chrome?

I have a script that opens multiple URLs. Currently these URLs open in completely separate browser windows. I would like to open them in a single browser window with multiple tabs. I can use IE9 or the latest Chrome of Firefox. Is this possible?
I tried some things out, but I could not figure out a way to invoke a second tab through the API. I was able to set the IE tab settings to open links in a new tab. Then I created a page that had a link to a second page. When that link target="_blank", the second page opened in a new tab. Beyond that, I have no ideas.
What problem are you trying to solve with multiple tabs that wouldn't be solved with two browser instances?
Good luck,

Can the Lotus Notes Browser remember standard webpage login credentials?

We have a client who uses a website we have created. The requires the standard username/password combination to access site contents.
In IE, FF and Chrome the browser offers to remember the login credentials, but our client is using some built in Lotus Notes browser and it doesn't seem to offer this service. Since the Lotus Notes browser seems to be a wrapper on IE, it might be sufficient to clear the login-cache in the browser.
Our client is not a superuser in any way and we do not have access to a Lotus Notes system. We don't want to clear the login-cache in the browser if it doesn't help and causing our client to loose any existing login-credentials.
Question 1: Does anyone know if the Lotus Notes browser can remember login credentials?
If yes:
Question 2: Can anyone confirm that clearing the login-cache in the browser force it to offer to remember the login credentials?
I'm using R6.0.4, so this is definitely outdated, but I do not get a prompt to save a password. It's possible a newer version offers that capability, but my guess is IBM is investing very little in making the wrapped IE browser or the Notes-internal browser work much better.
As an alternative, Notes can be set to use Internet Explorer or Firefox as its browser when it launches links. That can be managed in the location document. In v6, that can be edited by clicking the location name in the bottom status bar, and then selecting "Edit Current..." In there you can select what internet browser is being used.
If there's a need to maintain that setting on the user's notes client, then another work around is to create a duplicate of his/her primary location document (usually the Office one), and change it say "Office - Firefox" for example. That location document can have all the same settings except the browser preference. Then when they need to work on the site, they can easily switch locations first.

Is it possible to set a cookie from a browser plug-in?

Do browser plug-ins, such as the Yahoo toolbar or others, have the ability to set cookies on multiple domains as the user browses the web? Does the browser expose the necessary access to do this to a plug-in? If this varies across browsers, that would be helpful to know as well.
Cookies are stored in files and real plugins (i.e. ones using NPAPI rather than the browser's addon/extension engine) can read/write files. Hence, it's possible to do for any browser this way, although not really straightforward.
Firefox exposes cookies even to addons since there are cookie editor addons (that can edit cookie for any site).
Chrome/Chromium allows setting of cookies through "content scripts" that run in the context of a page (any page) - that's only in the beta branch so far, but soon to be in stable. However, the downside is that you might have to visit the site for it to work (you could fake that using iframes).
No idea about Opera.
The only one I have found that works quite well for creating/updating/viewing cookies is Firecookie
