Node.JS Express 4 - Mongoose Does not saving data - node.js

I am trying to save a data in MongoDB with Mongoose with Express.JS 4 and Bluebird.
What I have done is like this-
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
mongoose.Promise = require('bluebird');
db.on('error', console.error.bind(console, 'connection error:'));
db.once('open', function()
{// successfully connected!
console.log("Successfully Connected to Mongo-DB");
And getting this in console-
Successfully Connected to Mongo-DB` - So, MongoDB connected successfully
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var postSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
created_by: String, //should be changed to ObjectId, ref "User"
created_at: {type: Date, default:},
text: String
module.exports = mongoose.model('Post', postSchema);
var Post_Data = require("./models/post");
router.get('/', function(req, res, next)
var Post = mongoose.model("Post");
var post = new Post({
created_by: ""+Math.random()
console.log( Post.create(post) );
title : 'Express',
site_name : 'Our Site',
layout : 'templates/layout'
And after that I am getting this in console-
Promise {
_bitField: 0,
_fulfillmentHandler0: undefined,
_rejectionHandler0: undefined,
_promise0: undefined,
_receiver0: undefined }
But, nothing is saved, a proof for that is -
I am finding this-
After using MongoBooster.
My DB config is like this-
"MONGO_URI": "mongodb://localhost:27017/express_test",
"db": { "safe": true },
So, can anyone please help, why it is not saving anything?
Thanks in advance for helping.

The .create() function is a shortcut for new Model and .save(). You are trying to .create an instance of Model rather than a simple Object. See Constructing documents in Mongoose's Models documentation for their quick example.
The return from a Mongoose data function is just the promise of an asynchronous task to be run in the future, logging that is largely pointless. Use .then() to wait until the promise has been resolved.
Error handling is missing from your code as well, something could be getting thrown there. Use a .catch() for promise error handling.
Post.create({ created_by: ""+Math.random() })
.then(function (result) {
console.log('Saved' result)
.catch(function (err) {
console.error('Oh No', err)
All of this can be done with callbacks (like the Mongoose docco examples) but promises, particularly bluebird promises are nicer.

I just use this syntax combination to create and save my model:
var myPage = new LandingPage({
slug: req.body.slug,

You are calling the wrong model in your app.js module as you are importing the model as
var Post_Data = require("./models/post"); // <-- Post_Data model never used
but creating a new Post model instance in your router implementation as
var Post = mongoose.model("Post"); // <-- different model
var post = new Post({
created_by: ""+Math.random()
You need to call and use the correct models. So I would suggest you re-write your app.js module to use the save() method as:
var Post = require("./models/post"); // <-- import correct Post model
router.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
var post = new Post({ created_by: ""+Math.random() }); {
console.log(post); // <-- newly created post
res.render('index', {
title: 'Express',
site_name: 'Our Site',
layout: 'templates/layout'
.catch(function(err) {
console.error('Oopsy', err);

if you store post schema in a variable by require then can use that variable.
var Post_Data = require("./models/post");
so can use new Post_Data no need to use var Post = mongoose.model("Post"); because you have already exported this schema module.exports = mongoose.model('Post', postSchema);
you can try this one :
var Post_Data = require("./models/post");
router.get('/', function(req, res, next)
var post = new Post_Data({created_by: ""+Math.random()});, data) {
if(error) {
return res.status(500).send({error: 'Error occurred during create post'});
return res.render('index',{
title : 'Express',
site_name : 'Our Site',
layout : 'templates/layout'

So it's true that if you're creating a document in memory by calling new Post(values) that you will save it with; rather than 'Post.create(post);, but I'm thinking that the underlying issue (though this isn't easy to be certain of based on the code you're showing) is that you're connecting with the MongoDB driver, rather than mongoose itself. Yourdb` variable isn't shown to be declared in the code you posted, so I'm making it an assumption.
That said, if I'm right, you need to call mongoose.connect or mongoose.createConnection in order for Mongoose to know it's connected to the db and save documents to it. You can pass an existing connection to mongoose, so if you're already doing so then I apologize for my erroneous assumption.


Can't create a collection in MongoDB datatbase

Using this code to create a collection on MongoDB database hosted on mlab. But somehow it does not seems to be working. Is there something I am missing in this code? .save() function does not seem to be firing at all. Can it be due to my schema?
var mongoose= require('mongoose');
var Schema= mongoose.Schema;
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')));
//connect to mongo db database
//vendor schema
var vendorSchema= new Schema({
image: { data: Buffer, contentType: String },
location: {
type: [Number], // [<longitude>, <latitude>]
index: '2d' // create the geospatial index
//creating a model for mongoDB database
var Vendor= mongoose.model('Vendor',vendorSchema);
//just putting a sample record data
var imgPath = 'public/images/background.jpg';
var one = Vendor({
name: 'Justin Motor Works',
vendortype: 'Automobile',
location: {
image: {
data: fs.readFileSync(imgPath),
contentType: 'image/jpg'
description: 'Motor workshop'
throw err;
else {
console.log('create record failed');
mongoose.connect is an asynchronous function, you need to put your code inside a callback or promise.then(function(){.
Try this:
mongoose.connect('mongodb://', function(error) {
if (error)
//handle error
//Your code
Or this:
() => {
//Your code
err => {
//Your error handling
Notice the error handling, it's important to know what caused the error for future debugging.
Also change the JSON structure of location when you are saving it as #NeilLunn said in the comments to something like this:
location: [23.600800037384033,46.76758746952729],
type in mongoose means actually defining the type of the key, and not a nested type key.

mocha --watch and mongoose models

If I leave mocha watching for changes, every time I save a file mongoose throws the following error:
OverwriteModelError: Cannot overwrite Client model once compiled
I know that mongoose won't allow to define a model twice, but I don't know how to make it work with mocha --watch.
// client.js
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var clientSchema = new Schema({
secret: { type: String, required: true, unique: true },
name: String,
description: String,
grant_types: [String],
created_at: { type: Date, default: }
module.exports = mongoose.model('Client', clientSchema);
And here is the test
// client-test.js
var chai = require('chai');
var chaiHttp = require('chai-http');
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var server = require('../../app');
var Client = require('../../auth/models').Client;
var should = chai.should();
describe('client endpoints', function() {
after(function(done) {
it('should get a single client on /auth/client/{clientId} GET', function(done) {
var clt = new Client({
name: 'my app name',
description: 'super usefull and nice app',
grant_types: ['password', 'refresh_token']
}); {
.get('/auth/client/' + clt._id.toString())
.end(function(err, res) {
I had the same issue. My solution was to check whether the model was created/compiled yet, and if not then do so, otherwise just retrieve the model.
using mongoose.modelNames() you can get an array of the names of your models. Then use .indexOf to check if the model you want to get is in the array or not. If it is not, then compile the model, for example: mongoose.model("User", UserSchema), but if it is already defined (as is the case with mocha --watch), simply retrieve the model (don't compile it again), which you can do with for example: mongoose.connection.model("User").
This is a function which returns a function to do this checking logic, which itself returns the model (either by compiling it or just retrieving it).
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
//returns a function which returns either a compiled model, or a precompiled model
//s is a String for the model name e.g. "User", and model is the mongoose Schema
function getModel(s, model) {
return function() {
return mongoose.modelNames().indexOf(s) === -1
? mongoose.model(s, model)
: mongoose.connection.model(s);
module.exports = getModel;
This means you have to require your model a bit differently, since you are likely replacing something like this:
module.exports = mongoose.model("User", UserSchema);
which returns the model itself,
with this:
module.exports = getModel("User", UserSchema);
which returns a function to return the model, either by compiling it or just retrieving it. This means when you require the 'User' model, you would want to call the function returned by getModel:
const UserModel = require("./models/UserModel")();
I hope this helps.
Here is a simpler code for the function getModel() that George is proposing
function getModel(modelName, modelSchema) {
return mongoose.models[modelName] // Check if the model exists
? mongoose.model(modelName) // If true, only retrieve it
: mongoose.model(modelName, modelSchema) // If false, define it
For a larger explanation on how to define and require the model, look here
Hope this helps :)
This worked for me,
place on the top of your test file:
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
mongoose.models = {};
mongoose.modelSchemas = {};

Mongoose, MongoDb, Node. Mongoose object not registering find()

When i'm getting to my routes and requesting to getUSers from my mongoDB it says the User.find() is not defined. Sorry in advance if i use incorrect terminology i'm jumping in face first.
I'm assuming my routing is done incorrectly somewhere or i didn't include one file somewhere I'm hoping ya'll can help me determine if i'm either storing a file incorrectly in my structure, calling a file at the wrong time, or not initializing a variable correctly? Thanks for the help in advance.
Do i need an additional plugin to read and write to the database?
I keep getting the the following error it says usercontroller.js:20
Error: <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title></title><link rel="stylesheet" href="/stylesheets/style.css"></head><body><h1>undefined is not a function</h1><h2></h2><pre>TypeError: undefined is not a function
at getUsers (c:\Users\Ravenous\kitchen\routes\user_api.js:5:10)
at c:\Users\Ravenous\kitchen\routes\user_api.js:26:3
file structure in case it helps
-user.js //this is the model written with mongoose schema
-userService //AngularJS factory
-user_api.js //with other useful routes inside.
-views //has some jade view engines that came with express-generator
I have this for the user model -- file: node_modules/user-app/user.js
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var UserSchema = new Schema({
user_name: String,
password: String,
email: String,
location: String,
date_created : {type: Date, default:}
var User = mongoose.model('User', UserSchema);
module.exports= {User:User};
I then import user.js file to the ./routes/user_api.js file which looks like this
user_api.js :
var User = require('./node_modules/user-app/user');
function getUsers(res){
User.find().populate('users').exec(function(err, users){
// if there is an error retrieving, send the error. nothing after res.send(err) will execute
if (err){
res.json(users); // return all users in JSON format
module.exports = function(app) {
// api -----------------------------------------------------------
// get all users
app.get('/node_modules/user-app/user', function(req, res) {
// use mongoose to get all users in the database
// create user and send back all users after creation'/node_modules/user-app/user', function(req, res) {
// create a user, information comes from AJAX request from Angular
user_name: User.user_name,
password: User.password,
location: User.location,
done : false
}, function(err, todo) {
if (err){
// get and return all the users after creating one
// delete a user
app.delete('/node_modules/user-app/user:user_id', function(req, res) {
_id : req.params.user_id
}, function(err, user) {
if (err)
I'm adding this user_api route and get method to the app.js file like so
// loading some required modules above this
var app = express();
var user = require('./routes/user_api')(app);
to handle the Angular and Node connection and state sharing i'm using the following
'use strict'
var userCtrl = angular.module("userController",[]);
console.log('userController init')
userCtrl.controller('UserController', ['$scope','$http','Users',function($scope,$http,Users){
$scope.users = {};
$scope.loading = true;
console.log ("user init");
$scope.users = data;
$scope.loading = false;
console.log('Error: ' + err);
$scope.createUser = function(){
if($scope.users.user_name != false){
$scope.loading = true;
$scope.users = data;
console.log('Error: ' + err);
Change the line where you require User to
var User = require('./node_modules/user-app/user').User;
This is because in your export statement when you define a user you have the line:
module.exports = {User:User};
So, you are exporting an object that has a User property on it.

How to cascade delete using Mongoose remove middleware?

I'm trying to delete all dependencies of a schema when a DELETE request is sent to my API. Deleting goes ok, but the remove middleware, which is supposed to clean the dependencies, seems like is not even getting called.
This is my Customer schema:
var mongoose = require("mongoose"),
Schema = mongoose.Schema,
passportLocalMongoose = require('passport-local-mongoose');
var Order = require('./order');
var Customer = new Schema({
name: String,
telephone: Number,
address: String,
email: String,
seller: String
});'remove', function(next) {
Order.remove({ customer: this._id }).exec();
module.exports = mongoose.model("Customer", Customer);
And this is my customer route:
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
var passport = require('passport');
var isAuthenticated = require('./isAuthenticated');
var Customer = require('../models/customer');
var Order = require('../models/order');
// (...)
router.delete('/:customer_id', function(req, res) {
Customer.remove({ _id: req.params.customer_id }, function(err) {
if (err)
res.json({ SERVER_RESPONSE: 0, SERVER_MESSAGE: "Error deleting", ERR: err });
else res.json({ SERVER_RESPONSE: 1, SERVER_MESSAGE: "Customer deleted" });
// (...)
I did look this question and Mongoose Docs (Mongoose Middleware) but it's still unclear to me. I don't know what I'm missing or doing wrong.
Thanks in advance!
This is my project's repository. Please, feel free to look into.
I finally found the solution to this. Middleware wasn't firing because you must use remove(), save(), etc on model instances, not the model itself.
Customer.remove({...}); won't work.
Customer.findOne({...}, function(err, customer) {
will work and will do whatever is in'remove').
Seems like this is the part you're focusing on:'remove', function(next) {
Order.remove({ customer: this._id }).exec();
What you're doing wrong here is that the post hook is not given any flow control, so the next parameter is not actually a function but the document itself.
Change it up to this and you should get what you want:'remove', function(doc) {
Order.remove({ customer: doc._id }).exec();
From the docs:
post middleware are executed after the hooked method and all of its
pre middleware have completed. post middleware do not directly receive
flow control, e.g. no next or done callbacks are passed to it. post
hooks are a way to register traditional event listeners for these

Mongoose save callback doesn't fire

I'm new to mongoose and I'm having a hard time finding the issue within my code. I'm building a REST server using Sails.js and Mongoose. I have a node module (e.g. "sails-mongoose") for exporting mongoose, where I also connect to my database:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
module.exports = mongoose;
And in my model.js:
var adapter = require('sails-mongoose');
var schema = new adapter.Schema({
firstname: {
type: String,
required: true,
trim: true
module.exports = {
schema: schema,
model: adapter.model('Collection', schema)
In my controller's create method I have:
create: function(req, res, next) {
var userData = {firstname: 'Test'};
var users = new Users.model(userData);, data){
if (err) return res.json(err, 400);
res.json(data, 201);
When running create method, the entry is saved to the Mongodb collection but the callback is never reached. Can someone please help me on this track, as I found similar questions but none helped me though. Thanks!
I suppose your are using Express. According Express docs you are calling res.json using incorrect parameters (wrong order).
Correct format:
res.json(code, data)
res.json(500, { error: 'message' })
