Creating functions to chain promises correctly - node.js

I am trying to get Promise chaining working for me correctly.
I believe the problem boils down to understanding the difference between:
In this situation I am writing both foo and bar and am trying to get the signatures right. bar does take a return value that is produced by foo.
I have the latter working, but my question is what do I need to do to get the former working?
Related to the above is the full code (below). I don't have the different logs printed in the order I am expecting (expecting log1, log2, log3, log4, log5, but getting log3, log4, log5, log1, log2). I am hoping as I figure the above I will get this working right as well.
var Promise = require('bluebird');
function listPages(queryUrl) {
var promise = Promise.resolve();
promise = promise
.then(function (items) {
items.forEach(function (item) {
promise = promise.then(processItem(transform(item)))
.then(function() { console.log('log1');})
.then(function() { console.log('log2');});
}).then(function() {console.log('log3')})
).then(function() {console.log('log4')})
.catch(function (error) {
console.log('error: ', error, error.stack);
return promise.then(function() {console.log('log5');});

What is the difference between promise.then(foo).then(bar); and promise.then(foo.then(bar));?
The second one is simply wrong. The then method takes a callback as its argument, not a promise. That callback might return a promise, so the first one is equivalent to
promise.then(function(x) { return foo(x).then(bar) })
(assuming that foo returns a promise as well).
Your whole code appears to be messed up a bit. It should probably read
function listPages(queryUrl) {
return parseFeed(queryUrl)
.then(function (items) {
var promise = Promise.resolve();
items.forEach(function (item) {
promise = promise.then(function() {
return processItem(transform(item));
}).then(function() {
return promise;
}).then(function() {
}, function (error) {
console.log('error: ', error, error.stack);


Get async value from firestore

I am struggling with async operations. I am trying to simply get a value from firestore and storing it in a var.
I manage to receive the value, I can even save it in the var when I do that specifically (use the var within the get function) but I don't seem to manage the await properly when trying to save this in a flexible way:
async function getValues(collectionName, docName,) {
var result;
var docRef = await db.collection(collectionName).doc(docName).get()
.then(//async// (tried this as well with async) function (doc) {
if (doc.exists) {
console.log("Document data:",;
result =;
return //await// (this as well with async) result;
} else {
// will be undefined in this case
console.log("No such document!");
result = "No such document!";
return result;
}).catch (function (err) {
console.log('Error getting documents', err);
helpMessage = getValues('configuration','helpMessage');
Note: -> "text" is the name of the field where my value is stored in. Do I have to use .value here?
The result I get in the console is: info: Document data: { text: 'The correct text from the database' }
info: The correct text from the database
But using helpMessage in my code I get {}
Image from the Telegram bot where I am trying to use the helpMessage as a response to the '/help' command.
I have checked: getting value from cloud firestore,
Firebase Firestore get() async/await, get asynchronous value from firebase firestore reference and most importantly How do I return the response from an asynchronous call?. They either deal with multiple documents (using forEach), don't address the async nature of my problem or (last case), I simply fail to understand the nature of it.
Additionally, both nodejs and firestore seems to be developing rapidly and finding good, up-to-date documentation or examples is difficult. Any pointers are much appriciated.
You have things the wrong way around. It's much easier than you think it is.
function getValues(collectionName, docName) {
return db.collection(collectionName).doc(docName).get().then(function (doc) {
if (doc.exists) return;
return Promise.reject("No such document");
If a function returns a promise (like db.collection(...).doc(...).get()), return that promise. This is the "outer" return above.
In the promise handler (inside the .then() callback), return a value to indicate success, or a rejected promise to indicate an error. This is the "inner" return above. Instead of returning a rejected promise, you can also throw an error if you want to.
Now you have a promise-returning function. You can use it with .then() and .catch():
.then(function (text) { console.log(text); })
.catch(function (err) { console.log("ERROR:" err); });
or await it inside an async function in a try/catch block, if you like that better:
async function doSomething() {
try {
let text = await getValues('configuration','helpMessage');
} catch {
console.log("ERROR:" err);
If you want to use async/await with your getValues() function, you can:
async function getValues(collectionName, docName) {
let doc = await db.collection(collectionName).doc(docName).get();
if (doc.exists) return;
throw new Error("No such document");
Since getValues function returns a promise, you need to await getValues function while calling it.
Change getValues like so -
function getValues(collectionName, docName,) {
var result;
return db.collection(collectionName).doc(docName).get()
.then(function (doc) {
if (doc.exists) {
console.log("Document data:",;
result =;
return result;
} else {
// will be undefined in this case
console.log("No such document!");
result = "No such document!";
return result;
}).catch (function (err) {
console.log('Error getting documents', err);
Then use getValues like so -
helpMessage = await getValues('configuration','helpMessage');
Explanation -
async, await are just syntactic sugar for Promises. async functions return a promise (or AsyncFunction more accurately) which needs to be resolved to use its enclosed value.
Finally managed to get it working. Thanks for the input Tomalak!
getValues(help.collectionName, help.docName)
.then((text) => {
help.message = text;
.catch((err) => { console.log("Error: ", err); });
function getValues(collectionName, docName) {
return db.collection(collectionName).doc(docName).get().then((doc) => {
if (doc.exists) {
else {
return Promise.reject("No such document");
} => ctx.reply(help.message));
Unfortunately, I can not pin-point the exact reason this worked. Some little fixes (missed comma in the console.log) and formatting definitely helped me understanding the structure though. Hope someone else finds this useful, when starting to play around with node and firebase.

(node:2684) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 1): TypeError: Cannot read property 'then' of undefined

I am using .then for first time, instead of .then I use callback function.
Below is my code snippet:
phantom.create().then(function (ph) {
ph.createPage().then(function (page) {"").then(function (status) {
page.render(base_pdf_path + lpnumber + '.pdf').then(function () {
console.log('PDF generated for waybill');
//Insert waybill url in db.
return waybill_url.insertWaybillUrl('Lpsimer', waybillUrl).then(function (waybill_inserted_resp) {
callback(null, true);
}).catch(function (error) {
The above function is calling a function which is as below, this is in another file and called properly filename is waybill.js:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var q = require('promised-io/promise');
var WaybillUrlSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
lpnumber: String,
url: String,
waybilltime: Date
module.exports = {
insertWaybillUrl: function (lpnumber, url) {
var defer = q.defer();
var waybill_insert = new waybill_url({
lpnumber: lpnumber,
url: url,
waybilltime: new Date()
//Save model to MongoDB (err, inserted_waybill) {
if (err) {
return defer.reject(err);
else {
return defer.resolve(inserted_waybill);
Previously I was using this pattern to make callbacks and it was working fine:
waybill_url.insertWaybillUrl('Lpsimer', waybillUrl, function(err, success) {
if (err) {
} else {
Now I have to use .then due to usage of phantom code to write PDF and it has made the job cumbersome.
Need suggestion on how I can make callbacks within callbacks.
phantom.create().then(function (ph) {
ph.createPage().then(function (page) {"").then(function (status) {
page.render(base_pdf_path + lpnumber + '.pdf').then(function () {
//Insert waybill url in db.
waybill_url.insertWaybillUrl('Lpsimer', waybillUrl).then(function (waybill_inserted_resp) {
if (waybill_inserted_resp) {
callback(null, true);
}).catch(function (error_waybill_url_insert) {
console.log("Error in inserting waybill:" + err_waybill_inserted);
}).catch(function (error_render) {
}).catch(function (error_open) {
}).catch(function (error_create_page) {
}).catch(function (error_phantom_create) {
Now I have added catch for every then as suggested by rsp in his answer, but now I am getting error which I have catched and send to another callback:
Cannot read property 'then' of undefined
I am getting this error where I have added console.log("error_render");
that is where I am calling page.render function of phantom.
My requirement is simple. I want to generate a PDF file using phantom and then I just want to call another function which is in another file waybill_url, function name: waybill_url.insertWaybillUrl. But due to callbacks and asynchronous behaviour this simple calling of two functions is getting cumbersome.
Make sure that you use catch() and not only then() - or two arguments to then(). Otherwise you will not handle errors and you will get that warning - which will be an error, not a warning, in next versions of Node.
See this answer for more info about it:
Should I refrain from handling Promise rejection asynchronously?

Way to use mongodb's find cursor's next/each functions as a promise after promisifying mongodb with Bluebird

The node mongodb docs specify to use next/each for large number of documents so as to not have everything loaded onto memory if we were to use toArray.
So, i thought my sample code should work as is. But it just returns one document.
What should be the correct way to deal with this problem?
This is my code sample :
var findAsync = function (collection,query) {
return mongodb.MongoClient.connectAsync(mongodbServerString)
.then(function (db) {
return [db.collection(collection).find(query), db];
.spread(function (cursor,db) {
return [cursor.project({Email:true}),db];
.spread(function (cursor, db) {
return cursor.eachAsync().then(function (doc) {
}).catch(function () {
Promises represent singular values. Promises are basically like function returns, since a function cannot return multiple values - it wouldn't make sense to convert each to a promise returning function.
What you can do is either convert it to an Observable returning function and then use .forEach on that to get a promise back for the completion of the sequence or you can implement something similar manually:
function each(cursor, fn) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
cursor.forEach((err, data) => {
if(err) {
return reject(err);
try { fn(data); } catch(e) { cursor.close(); reject(e); }
}, err => { { // finished callback
if(err) reject(err);
else resolve();
Which would let you write:
each(cursor, doc => console.log(doc)).then(...).catch(...)
Also note that Mongo connections are persistent, you're supposed to connect once when the server starts and then keep the connection open for as long as the server is run.

Weird behaviour of request-json with bluebird promise

I'm trying to wrap my head around promises, but so far I can't seem to get simple example working. Here it a code to request JSON from the server:
module.exports = function (app, options) {
var promise = require('bluebird');
var request = require('request-json');
var module = {
url: options.url,
httpClient: promise.promisifyAll(request.createClient(options.url))
module.getSample = function() {
return this.httpClient.getAsync('sample/')
.then(function(error, response, body) {
.catch(function(e) {
return module;
but when I call it like this:
var backendClient = require('./utils/backendClient.js')(app, {
url: 'http://localhost:8080/'
at runtime I get an error saying '[SyntaxError: Unexpected token o]'. Version without promises works fine. What did I miss?
module.getSample = function() {
return this.httpClient.getAsync('sample/')
.then(function(error, response, body) {
// not sure what Promise library you are using, but in the Promise/A+ spec, the function in then only receives a single argument, the resolved value of the Promise
// this returns equivalent to Promise.resolve(undefined);
// you really want to return something meaningful here
.catch(function(e) {
// this also returns equivalent to Promise.resolve(undefined);
// to propagate the "error" condition, you want to either throw e, or return Promise.reject(something here);
This will always return a fullfilled promise with undefined as the value, never a rejected one. Other errors commented above

NodeJs Mongoose How can I get out a data from "find().then" in a "find().then"?

Sorry for my Title, I don't know what can I put.
Can you help me please, I would like to print data from a "then" in a "then" ?
Thank you
.then( function (content) {
var i = 0;
while (content[i]) {{"_id": content[i].author_id}, function(err, data) {
console.log(data); //here, it' good
content[i] = data;
MY_DATA = content;
return MY_DATA;
.then(function (result) {
console.log(result); // here I would like to print MY_DATA
There are a number of problems with your code, and I don't think it's behaving as you're expecting it to.
Chaining Promises
In order to effectively chain promises how you're expecting, each promise callback needs to return another promise. Here's an example with yours changed around a bit.
var promise =; // This returns a promise
// Let's hook into the promise returned from
var promise2 = promise.then( function (books) {
// Let's only get the author for the first book for simplicity sake
return{ "_id": books[0].author_id }).exec();
promise2.then( function (author) {
// Do something with the author
In your example, you're not returning anything with your callback (return MY_DATA is returning within the callback, so nothing happens), so it's not behaving as you're expecting it to. is asynchronous is asynchronous, so you can't expect to call it multiple times in the callback without handling them asynchronously.
// This code will return an empty array function (err, books) {
var i = 0, results = [];
while (books[i]) {{ "_id": books[i].author_id}, function (err, data) {
// This will get called long after results is returned
return results; // Returns an empty array
Handling multiple promises
Mongoose uses mpromise, and I don't see a method to handle multiple promises together, but here's a way your case could be done.
var Promise = require('mpromise');
.then( function (books) {
var i = 0,
count = 0,
promise = new Promise(),
results = [];
while (books[i]) {{ "_id": books[i].author_id }, function (err, author) {
// Keep doing this until you get to the last one
if (count === books.length) {
// Fulfill the promise to get to the next then
return promise.fulfill(results);
return promise;
.then( function (results) {
// Do something with results
I don't know if this will work exactly like it is, but it should give you an idea of what needs to be done.
