Rewrite code for Automapper v5.0 to v4.0 - automapper

Automapper v4.0 was very straight forward to use within a method, can someone help rewrite this for v5.0 please (specifically the Mapper code):
public IEnumerable<NotificationDto> GetNewNotifications()
var userId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
var notifications = _context.UserNotifications
.Where(un => un.UserId == userId && !un.IsRead)
.Select(un => un.Notification)
.Include(n => n.Gig.Artist)
Mapper.CreateMap<ApplicationUser, UserDto>();
Mapper.CreateMap<Gig, GigDto>();
Mapper.CreateMap<Notification, NotificationDto>();
return notifications.Select(Mapper.Map<Notification, NotificationDto>);
It seems that EF Core doesn't project what AutoMapper is mapping with:
return notifications.Select(Mapper.Map<Notification, NotificationDto>);
But I do get results in Postman with the following code:
return notifications.Select(n => new NotificationDto()
DateTime = n.DateTime,
Gig = new GigDto()
Artist = new UserDto()
Id = n.Gig.Artist.Id,
Name = n.Gig.Artist.Name
DateTime = n.Gig.DateTime,
Id = n.Gig.Id,
IsCancelled = n.Gig.IsCancelled,
Venue = n.Gig.Venue
OriginalVenue = n.OriginalVenue,
OriginalDateTime = n.OriginalDateTime,
Type = n.Type

If you want to keep using static instance - the only change is in mapper initialization:
Mapper.Initialize(cfg =>
cfg.CreateMap<ApplicationUser, UserDto>();
cfg.CreateMap<Gig, GigDto>();
cfg.CreateMap<Notification, NotificationDto>();
Also you should run this code only once per AppDomain (somewhere on startup for example) and not every time you calling GetNewNotifications.


How do I add an EPTimecardDetail record to a timecard?

I’m writing a customization to add records to a timecard and I’m trying to create a new record to add to the timecard. Using the logic in T230 I’m creating a variable and I’m being told by the compiler that EPTimecardDetail cannot be found.
I’ve added using PX.Objects.EP and PX.Objects.PM but I figure that if TimeCardMaint can be found then EPTimecardDetail should be able be found as well. I’ve included my using code as well but I think I’m missing something else.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using PX.Data;
using PX.Data.BQL.Fluent;
using PX.Data.BQL;
using PX.Objects.CS;
using PX.Objects.PM;
using PX.Objects.EP;
using PX.Objects.CR;
using PX.Objects.AR;
using PX.Objects.CT;
using PX.Objects.GL.FinPeriods;
using PX.TM;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace TimecardImport
public class NLTimecardLineEntry : PXGraph<NLTimecardLineEntry>
private static void DoPopulateTimeCard(Int32 employeeID, DateTime startDate, NLTimecardLine record)
TimeCardMaint graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<TimeCardMaint>();
Int32 cardWeekID = PXWeekSelector2Attribute.GetWeekID(graph, startDate);
//look for an employee timecard with the current weekID
EPTimeCard card = PXSelectReadonly<EPTimeCard,
Where<EPTimeCard.employeeID, Equal<Required<EPTimeCard.employeeID>>,
And<EPTimeCard.weekId, Equal<Required<EPTimeCard.weekId>>>>>.SelectWindowed(graph, 0, 1, employeeID, cardWeekID);
if (card == null) //if a card was not found, create one
card = (EPTimeCard)graph.Document.Cache.CreateInstance();
card.WeekID = cardWeekID;
card.EmployeeID = employeeID;
card = graph.Document.Insert(card);
//at this point card is the card that we're going to work with
var detailLine = (EPTimecardDetail)graph.Activities.Cache.CreateCopy(
//detailLine.SetValueExt<detailLine.Date_Date>(record, record.InDate);
//detailLine.EarningTypeID = "RG";
//detailLine = graph.Activities.Update(detailLine);
The error I'm getting is "The type or namespace name 'EPTimecardDetail' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)".
EPTimecardDetail is defined within PX.Objects.EP so I'm not sure why I'm having a problem there. Or, perhaps this is not the way to add records to the Details tab of the Employee Time Card screen?
For the namespace issue you can declare using PX.Object.EP and refer to the type as TimeCardMaint.EPTimecardDetail
Or you can declare using static PX.Objects.EP.TimeCardMaint and refer to the type as EPTimecardDetail
For inserting the record check the source code in file TimeCardMaint.cs There are examples on how to insert this DAC record.
Make sure the fields used for SQL joins like OrigNoteID and RefNoteID have the proper value (non null).
This example is from the Correct action in TimeCardMaint:
[PXUIField(DisplayName = Messages.Correct)]
[PXButton(ImageKey = PX.Web.UI.Sprite.Main.Release)]
public virtual IEnumerable Correct(PXAdapter adapter)
if (Document.Current != null)
EPTimeCard source = GetLastCorrection(Document.Current);
if (source.IsReleased != true)
return new EPTimeCard[] { source };
EPTimeCard newCard = (EPTimeCard)Document.Cache.CreateInstance();
newCard.WeekID = source.WeekID;
newCard.OrigTimeCardCD = source.TimeCardCD;
newCard = Document.Insert(newCard);
newCard.EmployeeID = source.EmployeeID;
PXNoteAttribute.CopyNoteAndFiles(Document.Cache, source, Document.Cache, newCard, true, true);
bool failed = false;
Dictionary<string, TimeCardSummaryCopiedInfo> summaryDescriptions = new Dictionary<string, TimeCardSummaryCopiedInfo>();
foreach (EPTimeCardSummary summary in Summary.View.SelectMultiBound(new object[] { source }))
string key = GetSummaryKey(summary);
if (!summaryDescriptions.ContainsKey(key))
string note = PXNoteAttribute.GetNote(Summary.Cache, summary);
var info = new TimeCardSummaryCopiedInfo(summary.Description, note);
summaryDescriptions.Add(key, info);
foreach (EPTimecardDetail act in TimecardActivities.View.SelectMultiBound(new object[] { source }))
EPTimecardDetail newActivity = PXCache<EPTimecardDetail>.CreateCopy(act);
newActivity.Released = false;
newActivity.Billed = false;
newActivity.NoteID = null;
newActivity.TimeCardCD = null;
newActivity.TimeSheetCD = null;
newActivity.OrigNoteID = act.NoteID; //relation between the original activity and the corrected one.
newActivity.Date = act.Date;
newActivity.Billed = false;
newActivity.SummaryLineNbr = null;
newActivity.NoteID = null;
newActivity.ContractCD = null;
isCreateCorrectionFlag = true;
newActivity = Activities.Insert(newActivity);
catch (PXSetPropertyException ex)
failed = true;
Activities.Cache.RaiseExceptionHandling<EPTimecardDetail.summary>(act, act.Summary, new PXSetPropertyException(ex.MessageNoPrefix, PXErrorLevel.RowError));
newActivity.TrackTime = act.TrackTime; //copy as is.
isCreateCorrectionFlag = false;
newActivity.ApprovalStatus = ActivityStatusAttribute.Completed;
newActivity.RefNoteID = act.NoteID == act.RefNoteID ? newActivity.NoteID : act.RefNoteID;
newActivity.ContractCD = act.ContractCD;
PXNoteAttribute.CopyNoteAndFiles(Activities.Cache, act, Activities.Cache, newActivity);
Activities.Cache.SetValue<EPTimecardDetail.isCorrected>(act, true);
Activities.Cache.SetStatus(act, PXEntryStatus.Updated);
if (failed)
throw new PXException(Messages.FailedToCreateCorrectionTC);
foreach (EPTimeCardItem item in Items.View.SelectMultiBound(new object[] { source }))
EPTimeCardItem record = Items.Insert();
record.ProjectID = item.ProjectID;
record.TaskID = item.TaskID;
record.Description = item.Description;
record.InventoryID = item.InventoryID;
record.CostCodeID = item.CostCodeID;
record.UOM = item.UOM;
record.Mon = item.Mon;
record.Tue = item.Tue;
record.Wed = item.Wed;
record.Thu = item.Thu;
record.Fri = item.Fri;
record.Sat = item.Sat;
record.Sun = item.Sun;
record.OrigLineNbr = item.LineNbr;//relation between the original activity and the corrected one.
foreach (EPTimeCardSummary summary in Summary.Select())
string key = GetSummaryKey(summary);
if (summaryDescriptions.ContainsKey(key))
PXNoteAttribute.SetNote(Summary.Cache, summary, summaryDescriptions[key].Note);
Summary.Cache.SetValue<EPTimeCardSummary.description>(summary, summaryDescriptions[key].Description);
return new EPTimeCard[] { newCard };
return adapter.Get();

Edit value on mapping with AutoMapper

I'm trying to refactor my project and use automapper to map view model to entity model. Here is my my current code. I have used Guid.NewGuid(), GetValueOrDefault() and DateTime.Now. How can I edit those value on mapping?
var product = new Product
Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
Name = model.Name,
Price = model.Price.GetValueOrDefault(),
ShortDescription = model.ShortDescription,
FullDescription = model.FullDescription,
SEOUrl = model.SEOUrl,
MetaTitle = model.MetaTitle,
MetaKeywords = model.MetaKeywords,
MetaDescription = model.MetaDescription,
Published = model.Published,
DateAdded = DateTime.Now,
DateModified = DateTime.Now
then here is my map code
var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => {
cfg.CreateMap<Product, ProductCreateUpdateModel>().ReverseMap();
Tell me if I understood you right. You want to create AutoMapper configuration, but some of the properties you want to map manually? In this case, you can do following:
var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => {
cfg.CreateMap<Product, ProductCreateUpdateModel>()
.ForMember(product => product.Price, expression => expression.MapFrom(model => model.Price.GetValueOrDefault()))
.ForMember(product => product.DateAdded, expression => expression.UseValue(DateTime.Now))
.ForMember(product => product.DateModified, expression => expression.UseValue(DateTime.Now));
If not, please, specify your question.

How to batch get items using PocoDynamo?

With Amazon native .net lib, batchget is like this
var batch = context.CreateBatch<MyClass>();
var result = batch.results;
Now I'm testing to use, however I couldn't find how to do it. I've tried the following, both failed.
//1st try
var q1 = db.FromQueryIndex<MyClass>(x => x.room_id == "hashkey1" || x.room_id == "hashkey2"||x.room_id == "hashkey3");
var result = db.Query(q1);
//2nd try
var result = db.GetItems<MyClass>(new string[]{"hashkey1","hashkey2","hashkey3"});
In both cases, it threw an exception that says
Additional information: Invalid operator used in KeyConditionExpression: OR
Please help me. Thanks!
Using GetItems should work as seen with this Live Example on Gistlyn:
public class MyClass
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Content { get; set; }
db.DeleteTable<MyClass>(); // Delete existing MyClass Table (if any)
db.InitSchema(); // Creates MyClass DynamoDB Table
var items = 5.Times(i => new MyClass { Id = $"hashkey{i}", Content = $"Content {i}" });
var dbItems = db.GetItems<MyClass>(new[]{ "hashkey1","hashkey2","hashkey3" });
"Saved Items: {0}".Print(dbItems.Dump());
If your Item has both a Hash and a Range Key you'll need to use the GetItems<T>(IEnumerable<DynamoId> ids) API, e.g:
var dbItems = db.GetItems<MyClass>(new[]{
new DynamoId("hashkey1","rangekey1"),
new DynamoId("hashkey2","rangekey3"),
new DynamoId("hashkey3","rangekey4"),
Query all Items with same HashKey
If you want to fetch all items with the same HashKey you need to create a DynamoDB Query as seen with this Live Gistlyn Example:
var items = 5.Times(i => new MyClass {
Id = $"hashkey{i%2}", RangeKey = $"rangekey{i}", Content = $"Content {i}" });
var rows = db.FromQuery<MyClass>(x => x.Id == "hashkey1").Exec().ToArray();

Changing content of MvxPickerViewModel

I am writing a simple application that contains a database of items. The items have a type, manufacturer, model, and a few other properties. I have a implemented three UIPickerView's with MvxPickerViewModel's as outlined in N=19 of the N+1 series for MvvmCross. There is one UIPickerView/MvxPickerViewModel for each the type, the manufacturer, and the model (only one is ever on the screen at a time). However if I update the ItemSource data for a MvxPickerViewModel, the rows that were already visible in the UIPickerView do not refresh until they are scrolled off the screen. The N=19 example, does not update the list of items in the UIPickerView so it isn't clear that the problem didn't exist there. Have I made a mistake or has anyone else experienced this? Is there a work around?
public override void ViewDidLoad ()
base.ViewDidLoad ();
NavigationController.NavigationBarHidden = true;
var comparableTableViewSource = new MvxStandardTableViewSource(ComparableLV);
ComparableLV.Source = comparableTableViewSource;
var ManufacturerPicker = new UIPickerView();
var manufacturerPickerModel = new MvxPickerViewModel(ManufacturerPicker);
ManufacturerPicker.Model = manufacturerPickerModel;
ManufacturerPicker.ShowSelectionIndicator = true;
ManufacturerTextField.InputView = ManufacturerPicker;
var ModelPicker = new UIPickerView();
var modelPickerModel = new MvxPickerViewModel(ModelPicker);
ModelPicker.Model = modelPickerModel;
ModelPicker.ShowSelectionIndicator = true;
ModelTextField.InputView = ModelPicker;
var TypePicker = new UIPickerView();
var typePickerModel = new MvxPickerViewModel(TypePicker);
TypePicker.Model = typePickerModel;
TypePicker.ShowSelectionIndicator = true;
TypeTextField.InputView = TypePicker;
var set = this.CreateBindingSet<FirstView, FirstViewModel>();
set.Bind(comparableTableViewSource).For(s => s.ItemsSource).To(vm => vm.Comparables);
set.Bind(manufacturerPickerModel).For(p => p.ItemsSource).To(vm => vm.Manufacturers);
set.Bind(manufacturerPickerModel).For(p => p.SelectedItem).To(vm => vm.SelectedManufacturer);
set.Bind(ManufacturerTextField).To(vm => vm.SelectedManufacturer);
set.Bind(modelPickerModel).For(p => p.ItemsSource).To(vm => vm.Models);
set.Bind(modelPickerModel).For(p => p.SelectedItem).To(vm => vm.SelectedModel);
set.Bind(ModelTextField).To(vm => vm.SelectedModel);
set.Bind(typePickerModel).For(p => p.ItemsSource).To(vm => vm.Types);
set.Bind(typePickerModel).For(p => p.SelectedItem).To(vm => vm.SelectedType);
set.Bind(TypeTextField).To(vm => vm.SelectedType);
var g = new UITapGestureRecognizer(() => {
Looking at MvxPickerViewModel.cs I'm suspicious that there is no call to ReloadAllComponents (or to ReloadComponent[0]) when the ItemsSource itself changes, but there is a call when the Collection internally changes.
As a workaround, perhaps try a subclass like:
public class MyPickerViewModel
: MvxPickerViewModel
private readonly UIPickerView _pickerView;
public MyPickerViewModel(UIPickerView pickerView)
: base(pickerViww)
_pickerView = pickerView;
public override IEnumerable ItemsSource
get { return base.ItemsSource; }
base.ItemsSource = value;
if (value != null)
Would also be great to get a fix back into MvvmCross...

Bast Way On Passing Query Parameters to Solrnet

I have been working on making a Search using Solrnet which is working the way I want to. But I just would like some advice on the best way to pass my query parameters from my web page into Solrnet.
What I would ideally like to do is pass my query string parameters similar to how this site does it:
As you can see from the sites query string it looks like it is being passed into SolrNet directly. Here is I am doing it at the moment (facet query segment):
public class SoftwareSalesSearcher
public static SoftwareSalesSearchResults Facet()
ISolrOperations solr = SolrOperationsCache.GetSolrOperations(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SolrUrl"]);
//Iterate through querystring to get the required fields to query Solrnet
List queryCollection = new List();
foreach (string key in HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString.Keys)
queryCollection.Add(new SolrQuery(String.Format("{0}:{1}", key, HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString[key])));
var lessThan25 = new SolrQueryByRange("SoftwareSales", 0m, 25m);
var moreThan25 = new SolrQueryByRange("SoftwareSales", 26m, 50m);
var moreThan50 = new SolrQueryByRange("SoftwareSales", 51m, 75m);
var moreThan75 = new SolrQueryByRange("SoftwareSales", 76m, 100m);
QueryOptions options = new QueryOptions
Rows = 0,
Facet = new FacetParameters {
Queries = new[] { new SolrFacetQuery(lessThan25), new SolrFacetQuery(moreThan25), new SolrFacetQuery(moreThan50), new SolrFacetQuery(moreThan75) }
FilterQueries = queryCollection.ToArray()
var results = solr.Query(SolrQuery.All, options);
var searchResults = new SoftwareSalesSearchResults();
List softwareSalesInformation = new List();
foreach (var facet in results.FacetQueries)
if (facet.Value != 0)
SoftwareSalesFacetDetail salesItem = new SoftwareSalesFacetDetail();
salesItem.Price = facet.Key;
salesItem.Value = facet.Value;
searchResults.Results = softwareSalesInformation;
searchResults.TotalResults = results.NumFound;
searchResults.QueryTime = results.Header.QTime;
return searchResults;
At the moment I can't seem to see how I can query all my results from my current code by add the following querystring: q=:.
I'm not sure what you mean by "parameters being passed into SolrNet directly". It seems that watchfinder is using some variant of the model binder included in the SolrNet sample app.
Also take a look at the controller in the sample app to see how the SolrNet parameters are built.
