How to add left navigation bar in mobile wireframe using Balsamiq. - balsamiq

How to add left navigation bar in mobile wireframe using Balsamiq.
Can anyone tell me the name of that component?

While we don't have a navigator panel built in, you can build one out of rectangles controls.
Or you can just steal the one we built on our web demo by downloading the project. I won't tell anyone. :)


Can I Use different menu for mobile in responsive website? for SEO point of view and loading time

I am developing a website which req different menu style for mobile. Can I create 2 menu, one for desktop and other for mobile?
try bootstrap framework that will handle both and you want to make changes create custom.js and write your custom style in it

Load SVG files with Xamarin Forms

I am building an app which loads an SVG file (2D Floor plan) and then I need to add click events for each room, table, chair, etc...
I am using normal HTML / Javascript for the website and for the app I am testing the XamSVG component but I am not sure that is the right tool for it.
Any ideas? Can I use WebView? There are other packages available?

Desktop gadet/app for Windows

I want to make a desktop gadget like the Sticky notes that we have but just with some additional functionality.
Now that the gadgets have been discontinued in windows, i am not sure about what technology to use to create this app.
I want to create a custom UI like just a Add button on the side of the desktop and clicking on it would create notes.
I was trying to use node-webkit but seems that will appear like a web page and not what I want. Can anyone tell me what should i use to achieve the result.
A Node Webkit window doesn't have to look like a webpage. You can use a frameless window and then design the UI to look however you want with HTML and CSS.
Frameless Window

Floating icon on other applications

I am curious to know how emojidom is able to show this icon on top of other applications. What it actually is? Because this icon pops up on whatsapp, hangouts, facebook messenger and other chatting applications. And also I can move this icon all around the screen. How is it doing so?
They may be using
refer this
You should take a look at source of HALO implemented by ParanoidAndroid

Bootstrap: Top navigation menu disappears when clicked on

I have a problem with my Twitter Bootstrap website. When I click on one of the links in the top navigation menu, the rest of the menu items just disappear.
I am using Google chrome.
Any help appreciated!
All the Best,
I gather this is a known issue that the bootstrap developers say is a Chrome rending issue, not a bootstrap one:
