Skip validation when a specific button is clicked and set specific values - jsf

I have a form with several fields and there is a block with two required fields and a search button.
What i want is when i click on search button i want to ignore the form validations and that the two fields values to be set in the bean, but this doesnt happen.
How should I apply the values?
EDIT: I have more required fields in the view, that in this case i want ignore.
<p:inputMask id="field1" mask="9999" styleClass="marginLeft input smaller"
required="true" value="#{cc.attrs.cena.field.cp4Offline}"/>
<p:inputMask id="field2" mask="999"
required="true" styleClass="input smallest"
<p:commandButton id="pesquisarId" styleClass="marginLeft" icon="ui-icon-search"
update="resultPesquisaPanelId" process="#this field1 field2" immediate="true"/>

Remove immediate="true" from <p:commandButton />.
From this article:
... When immediate is set to true on an Command component, the action is invoked in the Apply Request Values phase ...
... so your model values will not be updated at all.


Filter boolean values in primefaces datatable

I have a Primefaces datatable in a web application. One column contains a boolean (represented as selectBooleanCheckbox). Now I'd like to filter the table with this column. When I add the filterBy and filterMatchMode attributes the filtering header appears, but I have to filter using true or false.
This is the definition of the column:
<p:column headerText="A Bool" sortBy="someBool" width="20"
filterBy="someBool" filterMatchMode="exact">
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{row.someBool}" disabled="true" />
The display of the column with a checkbox is correct. Only the header is displayed as a text field.
I'm using Primefaces 4. How can I get a check box in the header to filter the data?
From Primefaces 4.0 User Guider, page 141:
If you’d like to use a dropdown instead of an input field to only allow
predefined filter values use filterOptions attribute and a collection/array of selectitems as value
This way you could filter by selecting true or false on the list. But you want a checkbox on the header, you could try this (also from the user guide, page 142):
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="Search all fields:" />
<h:inputText id="globalFilter" onkeyup="PF('carsTable').filter()" />
I hope this can help you go in the right direction.

PrimeFaces, Disabling/Enabling an p:inputText does not save its value to database

I'm combining a <p:selectBooleanCheckbox> and a <p:inputText>. The <p:selectBooleanCheckbox>´s value must be enabled/disabled the <p:inputText>. When <p:inputText> is enabled (<p:inputText> property disabled=false) the user is allowed to type a value to the input text field to later it be saved to a Database ( both values, checkBox and inputText). Everything is working fine, except that the value introduced to the inpuText object is not saved to data base. I'm using a PestgreSQL database, field dpNumPasaporte in database is numeric.
<p:selectBooleanCheckbox id="chkPasaporte"
style="float: right;padding-top: 9px;" >
<p:ajax event="change"
<p:inputText id="inpPasaporte"
style="alignment-adjust: baseline; width: 190px"
Note: I tested the block <p:inputText> separately and it is saving in database.
Thanks in advance,
you must add an ajax event and I think that you have missed by entering the name of your Bean, you must add :
<p:inputText ... value="#{datosPersonalesBean.datosPersonales.dpNumPasaporte}` >
<p:ajax event="change" process="#this" />

p:selectOneMenu get just first value from list primefaces JSF

i have p:selectOneMenu, all values are viewed correctly but just first on my list can be chosen for example, on my list i have e-mail addresses, i can choose everyone but mail is sending just on first of them on list. My JSF code:
<p:dataTable value="#{additionalOrdersBean.additionalOrdersList}"
var="additionalOrders" rowIndexVar="lp" id="myTable" editable="true>
<p:selectOneMenu id="recipient" value="#{additionalOrdersBean.mailTo}" converter="#{mailConverter}" required="true" requiredMessage="#{loc['fieldRequired']}">
<f:selectItems value="#{buildingBean.buildingList2}" var="mail" itemLabel="#{mail.mail1}" itemValue="#{mail.mail1}" />
<f:selectItems value="#{buildingBean.buildingList2}" var="mail" itemLabel="#{mail.mail2}" itemValue="#{mail.mail2}" />
<f:selectItems value="#{buildingBean.buildingList2}" var="mail" itemLabel="#{mail.mail3}" itemValue="#{mail.mail3}" />
<h:message for="recipient" style="color:red"/>
<h:commandButton value="#{loc['send']}" action="#{additionalOrdersBean.sendProtocol()}" onclick="sendProtocolDialog.hide()"/>
My bean:
private String mail1;
private String mail2;
private String mail3;
public List<Building> getBuildingList2() {
buildingList2 = getBldRepo().findByLocationId(lid);
return buildingList2;
Can anyone know how to fix it? I wont to send e-mail on choosen address not just on first on my list. Thanks
You seem to expect that only the current row is submitted when you press the command button in the row. This is untrue. The command button submits the entire form. In your particular case, the form is wrapping the whole table and thus the dropdown in every single row is submitted.
However, the value attribute of all those dropdowns are bound to one and same bean property instead of to the currently iterated row.
The consequence is, for every single row, the currently selected value is set on the bean property, hereby everytime overriding the value set by the previous row until you end up with the selected value of the last row.
You've here basically a design mistake and a fundamental misunderstanding of how basic HTML forms work. You basically need to move the form to inside the table cell in order to submit only the data contained in the same cell to the server.
<p:dataTable ...>
If that is design technically not an option (for example, because you've inputs in another cells of the same row, or outside the table which also need to be sent), then you'd need to bind the value attribute to the currently iterated row instead and pass exactly that row to the command button's action method:
<p:dataTable value="#{additionalOrdersBean.additionalOrdersList}" var="additionalOrders" ...>
<p:selectOneMenu value="#{additionalOrders.mailTo}" ...>
<h:commandButton value="#{loc['send']}" action="#{additionalOrdersBean.sendProtocol(additionalOrders)}" ... />
It's by the way not self-documenting and quite confusing to have a plural in the var name. Wouldn't you rather call it additionalOrder? Or is the javabean/entity class representing a single additional order really named AdditionalOrders?
Unrelated to the concrete problem: doing business logic in getter methods is killing your application. Just don't do that. See also Why JSF calls getters multiple times.

Check box and Radio Button selection gets cleared on h:selectOneMenu value change

I am working on a form which has two datatables. In the first datatable, I am displaying the radio buttons and checkboxes, whereas the second datatable contains
selectOneMenu(s). Value change listener has been implemented on the selectOneMenu and on value change, the subsequent fields gets populated based on the selection.
Everything works fine except that when I select the value from the dropdown, the checkbox and the radio button values are cleared.
f:ajax event="change" has been used for the change event on selectOneMenu. Looks like the whole page gets refreshed and the values are cleared.
I also tried using f:ajax by updating the id of the datatable in which the selectOneMenu is present.
<p:dataTable styleClass="borderless" id="inResultTable" var="result" value="#{RequestBean.fooFields}" rendered="#{not empty RequestBean.fooFields}">
<p:column style="width:150px;">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value=" " />
<h:outputText value="#{msg[result.fldLabel]}" />
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="" />
<ui:repeat value="#{RequestBean.fooFields}"
<h:selectOneMenu value="#{itm.indFieldValue}"
style="width:250px;padding-right:150px;text-align: left;">
<f:selectItems value="#{RequestBean[itm.indField]}" />
<h:selectOneRadio value="#{itm.indFieldValue}" rendered="#{result.lvlid==itm.lvlid and result.fldType=='radio'}"
style="width:250px;padding-right:150px;text-align: left;">
<f:selectItems value="#{RequestBean[itm.indField]}" />
<h:selectManyCheckbox value="#{itm.indFieldCheckBox}" rendered="#{result.lvlid==itm.lvlid and result.fldType=='selectbox'}">
<f:selectItems value="#{RequestBean[itm.indField]}" />
<p:dataTable styleClass="borderless"
id="resultTable" var="result"
<h:selectOneMenu value="#{RequestBean.field4Value}"
rendered="#{result.lvlid=='5' and result.fldType=='selectbox'}"
style="width:250px;padding-right:150px;text-align: left;">
<f:selectItem itemLabel="--Please Select--" itemValue="#{null}" />
<f:selectItems value="#{RequestBean[result.field]}" />
<f:ajax event="change" render="#form" />
N.B: The requirement is such that the datatable with checkbox and radio buttons has to be placed at the top. IDs cannot be used for the selectOneMenu in the second table since I am
populating the selecOneMenu(s) dynamically based upon the entries in the database.
I know that this might be a simple issue but didn't have any luck with the info posted on most websites.
Any help would be appreciated.
Here's your <f:ajax>.
<f:ajax event="change" render="#form" />
You didn't specify the process attribute. So it defaults to #this, which means that only the current input component is processed during submit. However, you specified a render of the whole form. So the whole form will be refreshed. However, the other input components aren't been processed during submit. So their model values won't be updated, which means that during render response the initial values will be redisplayed instead of the submitted values, which are in your case apparently blank/null.
You've basically 2 options:
Process the whole form during submit.
<f:ajax process="#form" render="#form" />
Or, update only those components which really needs to be updated.
<f:ajax render="clientId1 clientId2 clientId3" />
In your particular case I think option 2 isn't viable, so option 1 is the best one. Please note that I omitted the event attribute. It defaults to change already.
Unrelated to the concrete problem, I'm not sure what you're all doing in your value change listener method, but I only want to note that most starters abuse it for the purpose of manipulating the model values and that it don't always work quite as expected (changed model values are not reflected at all). If this is true in your case, then you should actually be using <f:ajax listener> instead.
See also:
When to use valueChangeListener or f:ajax listener?
The main reason for the values of Check boxes & Radio buttons getting cleared after a value change listener could be that the model values are not updated.
Value change listeners are called before updating the model.
For these kind of issues, it is very important to have an understanding of the JSF lifecycle.
Please try following code in your value change listener and see.
public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event){
PhaseId phase = event.getPhaseId();
if (phase.equals(PhaseId.ANY_PHASE))
// Your code
I didn't try this code with your example. Please let me know with complete example source code if it is not working.

How to call action when select noSelectionLabel?

I have this code above which works perfectly when i select some of the items on him... The a4j:support works fine and rerender my another field correctly...
The problem is if i choose one item, and then i back to "noSelectionLabel"...
When i do this for some reason my a4j:support dont work, i dont get into my method "setarFormulario" and i dont rerender my another field...
<s:decorate template="layout/form.xhtml">
<ui:define name="label">Evento:</ui:define>
<h:selectOneMenu value="#{home.instance.evento}" required="true">
<s:selectItems value="#{eventoService.obterTodos()}" var="evento" label="#{messages[evento.nome]}" noSelectionLabel="#{messages['']}" />
<s:convertEntity />
<a4j:support event="onchange" action="#{home.setarFormulario}" reRender="camposFormulario" ajaxSingle="true" />
How can i get into my method even if i select the noSelectionLabel? Then my home.instance.evento must be null.. or something like this...
Yor field h:selectOneMenu is required then selecting noSelectionLabel value will cause a validation error and if you had validation error, then the action="#{home.setarFormulario}" would never be called.
As a workaround you can set to true the attribute hideNoSelectionLabel for your s:selectItems then the noSelectionLabel will be hidden when a value is selected
<h:message for="id of the selectonemenu component " ></h:message>
remove the required =true from the selectonemenu tag
