How to convert matlab table [Inf], '' entry to char string - string

I have a Matlab table and want to create an SQL INSERT statement of this line(s).
K>> obj.ConditionTable
obj.ConditionTable =
Name Data Category Description
________________ ____________ _________________ ___________
'Layout' 'STR' '' ''
'Radius' [ Inf] 'Radius_2000_inf' ''
'aq' [ 0] '0' ''
'VehicleSpeed' [ 200] 'Speed_160_230' ''
Erros when conditionTable = obj.ConditionTable(1,:);
K>> char(conditionTable.Data)
Error using char
Cell elements must be character arrays.
K>> char(conditionTable.Description)
ans =
Empty matrix: 1-by-0
problem: the [Inf] entry
problem: possibly [123] number entries
problem: '' entries
Additionally, following commands are also useless in this matter:
K>> length(conditionTable.Data)
ans =
K>> isempty(conditionTable.Description)
ans =
Target Statement would be something like this:
INSERT INTO `ConditionTable` (`Name`, `Data`, `Category`, `Description`, `etfmiso_id`) VALUES ("Layout", "STR", "", "", 618);

Yes, num2str accept a single variable of any type and will return a string, so all these operations are valid:
>> num2str('123')
ans =
>> num2str('chop')
ans =
>> num2str(Inf)
ans =
However, it can deal with purely numeric arrays (e.g. num2str([5 456]) is also valid), but it will bomb out if you try to throw a cell array at it (even if all your cells are numeric).
There are 2 possible way to work around that to convert all your values to character arrays:
1) use an intermediate cell array
I recreated a table [T] with the same data than in your example. Then running:
%% Intermediate Cell array
T3 = cell2table( cellfun( #num2str , table2cell(T) , 'uni',0) ) ;
T3.Properties.VariableNames = T.Properties.VariableNames
T3 =
Name Data Category Description
______________ _____ _________________ ___________
'Layout' 'STR' '' ''
'Radius' 'Inf' 'Radius_2000_inf' ''
'aq' '0' '0' ''
'VehicleSpeed' '200' 'Speed_160_230' ''
produces a new table containing only strings. Notice that we had to recreate the column names (copied from the initial table), as these are not transferred into the cell array during conversion.
These method is suitable for relatively small tables, as the round trip table/cellarray/table plus the call to cellfun will probably be quite slow for larger tables.
2) Use varfun function
varfun is for Tables the equivalent of cellfun for cell arrays. You'd think that a simple
T2 = varfun( #num2str , T )
would do the job then ... well no. This will error too. If you look at the varfun code at the line indicated by the error, you'll notice that internally, data in your table are converted to cell arrays and the function is applied to that. As we saw above, num2str errors when met with a cell array. The trick to overcome that, is to send a customised version of num2str which will accept cell arrays. For example:
cellnum2str = #(x) cellfun(#num2str,x,'uni',0)
Armed with that, you can now use it to convert your table:
%% Use "varfun"
cellnum2str = #(x) cellfun(#num2str,x,'uni',0) ;
T2 = varfun( cellnum2str , T ) ;
T2.Properties.VariableNames = T.Properties.VariableNames ;
This will produce the same table than in the example 1 above. Notice that again we had to reassign the column headers on the newly created table (the irony is varfun choked trying to apply the function on the column headers, but does not re-use or return them in the output ... go figure.)
discussion: Initially I tried to make the varfun solution work (hence the T2 name of the result), and wanted to recommend this one, because I didn't like the table/cell/table conversion of the other solution. Now I have seen what goes on into varfun, I am not so sure that this solution will be faster. It might be slightly more readable in a semantic way, but if speed is a concern you'll have to try both version and choose which one gives you the best results.

for the record: num2str(cell2mat(conditionTable.Data)), works, independant if 'abc', [Inf], [0], [123.123], apparently..


SELECT statement returning the column name instead of the VALUE (for that said column)

I'm trying to parse information in to a SELECT statement using the two column names 'id' and 'easy_high_score' so I can manipulate values of them two columns in my program, but when trying to get the value of the column 'easy_high_score', which should be an integer like 46 or 20, it instead returns a string of ('easy_high_score',).
Even though there is no mention of [('easy_high_score',)] in the table, it still prints this out. In the table, id 1 has the proper values and information i'm trying get but to no avail. I am fairly new to SQLite3.
if mode == "Easy":
mode = 'easy_high_score'
if mode == "Normal":
mode = "normal_high_score"
if mode == 'Hard':
mode == "hard_high_score"
incrementor = 1 ##This is used in a for loop but not necessary for this post
c.execute("SELECT ? FROM players WHERE id=?", (mode, incrementor))
allPlayers = c.fetchall()
print(allPlayers) #This is printing [('easy_high_score',)], when it should be printing an integer.
Expected Result: 20 (or an integer which represents the high score for easy mode)
Actual Result: [('easy_high_score',)]
Column name cannot be specified using a parameter it should be present verbatim in the query. Modify the line that executes the query like this:
c.execute("SELECT %s FROM players WHERE id=?" % mode, (incrementor,))
A possible cause of this is double quotes vs single quotes.
'SELECT "COLUMN_NAME" FROM TABLE_NAME' # will give values as desired
"SELECT 'COLUMN_NAME' FROM TABLE_NAME" # will give column name like what you got

selecting all cells between two string in a column

I posted question previously as "using “.between” for string values not working in python" and I was not clear enough, but I could not edit, so I am reposting with clarity here.
I have a Data Frame. In [0,61] I have string. In [0,69] I have a string. I want to slice all the data in cells [0,62:68] between these two and merge them, and paste the result into [1,61]. Subsequently, [0,62:68] will be blank, but that is not important.
However, I have several hundred documents, and I want to write a script that executes on all of them. The strings in [0,61] and [0,69] are always present in all the documents, but along different locations in that column. So I tried using:
But the output I get is: Series([], Name: 0, dtype: object)
I was expecting a list or array with the desired data that I could merge and paste. Thanks.
enter image description here
If you want to select the rows between two indices (say idx_start and idx_end), excluding these two rows) on column col of the dataframe df, you will want to use
df.loc[idx_start + 1 : idx_end, col]
To find the first index matching a string s, use
idx = df.index[df[col] == s][0]
So for your case, to return a Series of the rows between these two indices, try the following:
idx_start = df.index[df[0] == start_string][0]
idx_end = df.index[df[0] == end_string][0]
For_Paste = df.loc[idx_start + 1 : idx_end, 0]

New line symbol when exporting to excel

I need to fill a cell with a data, separated by 'new line' symbol.
I've tried:
data: l_con_sepa TYPE c VALUE cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline.
CONCATENATE <gf_aufk>-tplnr " 6000000159 Korchagin AS 02.02.2017
INTO lv_str
Tried to use CL_ABAP_CHAR_UTILITIES=>CR_LF. Tried to use "&" and "#" symbols. Tried to wrap lv_str with quotes. Nothing.
I either got symbols as is, or just a blank space insted of 'alt+enter' equivalent.
A simple experiment with Excel, namely creating a cell with Alt+Enter characters and saving it as a CSV file, shows that such a new line symbol is LF and not CR_LF. Moreover it is put there in double quotes.
So just use double quotes and CL_ABAP_CHAR_UTILITIES=>NEWLINE.
It must work with CSV. You did not specify what API you use to export your data to XLS format, so I cannot test it. If you do not mind putting those details in the question, please do so.
Assuming you use FM SAP_CONVERT_TO_XLS_FORMAT, there is even no need for double quotes.
TYPES: BEGIN OF gty_my_type,
col1 TYPE char255,
col2 TYPE char255,
END OF gty_my_type,
gtty_my_type TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF gty_my_type WITH EMPTY KEY.
DATA(gt_string_table) = VALUE gtty_my_type(
col1 = 'aaa'
&& cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline
&& 'bbb'
&& cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline
&& 'ccc'
col2 = 'ddd'
i_filename = 'D:\temp\abap.xlsx'
i_tab_sap_data = gt_string_table
conversion_failed = 1
ASSERT sy-subrc = 0.
The result looks like follows
I thought that it might be caused by CONCATENATE .. INTO .. SEPARATED BY space but it is not. Please execute the following program in order to check it out.
TYPES: BEGIN OF gty_my_type,
col1 TYPE char255,
col2 TYPE char255,
END OF gty_my_type,
gtty_my_type TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF gty_my_type WITH EMPTY KEY.
DATA: gs_string TYPE gty_my_type.
DATA: gt_string_table TYPE gtty_my_type.
CONCATENATE 'aaa' cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline 'bbb' cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline 'ccc'
INTO gs_string-col1 SEPARATED BY space.
gs_string-col2 = 'ddd'.
APPEND gs_string TO gt_string_table.
i_filename = 'D:\temp\abap.xlsx'
i_tab_sap_data = gt_string_table
conversion_failed = 1
ASSERT sy-subrc = 0.
So the problem must be somewhere else. You are not showing us your whole code. Maybe you use some kind of a third party package to process your Excel files?
I don't remember if it's needed to add an "end of line" symbol.
Just append each line into a table and download the full table using FM SAP_CONVERT_TO_XLS_FORMAT.

How do I subtract two arrays of cells in Matlab

I am trying to get some variables and numbers out from an Excel table using Matlab.
The variables below named "diffZ_trial1-4" should be calculated by the difference between two columns (between "start" and "finish"). However I get the error:
Undefined operator '-' for input arguments of type"
And I have read somewhere that it could be related to the fact that I get {} output instead of [] and maybe I need to use cell2mat or convert the output somehow. But I must have done that wrongly, as it did not work!
Question: How can I calculate the difference between two columns below?
clear all, close all
[num,txt,raw] = xlsread('test.xlsx');
start = find(strcmp(raw,'HNO'));
finish = find(strcmp(raw,'End Trial: '));
time_trial1 = raw(start(1):finish(1),8);
time_trial2 = raw(start(2):finish(2),8);
time_trial3 = raw(start(3):finish(3),8);
time_trial4 = raw(start(4):finish(4),8);
diffZ_trial1 = raw(start(1):finish(1),17)-raw(start(1):finish(1),11);
diffZ_trial2 = raw(start(2):finish(2),17)-raw(start(2):finish(2),11);
diffZ_trial3 = raw(start(3):finish(3),17)-raw(start(3):finish(3),11);
diffZ_trial4 = raw(start(4):finish(4),17)-raw(start(4):finish(4),11);
You are right, raw contains data of all types, including text ( You should use num, which is a numeric matrix.
Alternatively, if you have an updated version of Matlab, you can try readtable (, which I think is more flexible. It creates a table from an excel file, containing both text and numbers.

Converting Excel functions into R

I have two excel functions that I am trying to convert into R:
The cells that are referenced include:
c = closing price of a stock
n = position values of either "buy or hold" or "sell"
p = number of Shares
q = market value, assuming $10,000 initial equity (number of shares*closing price)
and the tops of the two output columns that i am trying to recreate look like this:
So far, in R I have constructed a dataframe with the necessary four columns:
I just don't know how to write the functions that will populate the number of shares and market value columns. For loops? ifelse?
Again, thank you!!
Covert the AND()'s to infix "&"; the "=" to "=="; and the IF's to ifelse() and you are halfway there. The problem will be in converting your cell references to array or matrix references, and for that task we would have needed a better description of the data layout:
numberShares <-
ifelse( N213=="BOH" & N212=="BOH",
#Perhaps PosVal[213] == "BOH" & PosVal[212] == "BOH"
# ... and very possibly the 213 should be 213:240 and the 212 should be 212:239
ifelse( N213=="BOH" & N212=="Sell" ,
round(Q212/C213, digits=0),
(You seem to be returning incommensurate values which seems preeety questionable.) Assuming this is correct code despite my misgivings the next translation involves apply the same substitutions in this structure (although you seem to be missing an else-consequent in the last IF function:
marketValue <-
IF( AND(N212="BOH", N213="BOH")=TRUE,
IF( AND(N212="BOH",N213="Sell")=TRUE,
(Your testing for AND( .,.)=TRUE is I believe unnecessary in Excel and certainly unnecessary in R.)
