Rust "if let" not working? - rust

I am wrapping libxml2 in Rust as an exercise in learning the Rust FFI, and I have come across something strange. I am new to Rust, but I believe the following should work.
In I have:
mod xml;
fn main() {
if let doc = xml::parse_file("filename") {
And is:
extern create libc;
use libc::{c_void, c_char, c_int, c_ushort};
use std::ffi::CString;
// There are other struct definitions I've implemented that xmlDoc
// depends on, but I'm not going to list them because I believe
// they're irrelevant
struct xmlDoc {
// xmlDoc structure defined by the libxml2 API
pub struct Doc {
ptr: *mut xmlDoc
impl Doc {
pub fn simple_function(&self) {
if self.ptr.is_null() {
println!("ptr doesn't point to anything");
} else {
println!("ptr is not null");
#[link(name = "xml2")]
extern {
fn xmlParseFile(filename: *const c_char) -> *mut xmlDoc;
pub fn parse_file(filename: &str) -> Option<Doc> {
unsafe {
let result;
match CString::new(filename) {
Ok(f) => { result = xmlParseFile(f.as_ptr()); },
Err(_) => { return None; }
if result.is_null() {
return None;
Some(Doc { ptr: result })
I'm wrapping the C struct, xmlDoc in a nice Rust-friendly struct, Doc, to have a clear delineation between the safe (Rust) and unsafe (C) data types and functions.
This all works for the most part except when I compile, I get an error in
src/ 38:28 error: no method named 'simple_function' found
for type 'std::option::Option<xml::Doc>' in the current scope
src/ doc.simple_function();
error: aborting due to previous error`
It seems convinced that doc is an Option<xml::Doc> even though I'm using the if let form that should unwrap the Option type. Is there something I'm doing incorrectly?
match xml::parse_file("filename") {
Some(doc) => doc.simple_function(),
None => {}
The above works fine, but I'd like to use the if let feature of Rust if I'm able.

You need to pass the actual pattern to if let (unlike languages like Swift which special case if let for Option types):
if let Some(doc) = xml::parse_file("filename") {


How can I pass a pointer to itself to C++ so it can perform a callback?

I've defined a way to pass my Rust object to C++ so it can call this Rust object back:
extern "C" {
pub fn zlmedia_set_parent(zl_media: *mut ZLInstance, parent: Box<ZLMedia>);
pub fn new_boxed(url: &str) -> Box<ZLMedia> {
let c_url = CString::new(url).expect("CString::new failed");
let p = Box::new(ZLMedia {
zl_media: unsafe { zlmedia_new(c_url.into_raw()) },
url: url.to_string(),
unsafe {
zlmedia_set_parent(p.as_ref().zl_media, p);
The problem is that I can't pass the Box to C++ because I move it here:
unsafe {
zlmedia_set_parent(p.as_ref().zl_media, p);
How can I pass a Box to itself to C++ and still return it in the new? I don't really need to move it, because it goes to a C++ function.
If you want the ZLMedia to be owned by the Rust code then you can pass a pointer to it rather then the box itself.
use std::borrow::Borrow as _;
extern "C" {
pub fn zlmedia_set_parent(zl_media: *mut ZLInstance, parent: *const ZLMedia);
pub fn new_boxed(url: &str) -> Box<ZLMedia> {
let c_url = CString::new(url).expect("CString::new failed");
let p = Box::new(ZLMedia {
zl_media: unsafe { zlmedia_new(c_url.into_raw()) },
url: url.to_string(),
unsafe {
zlmedia_set_parent(p.as_ref().zl_media, p.borrow() as *const ZLMedia);
If the C++ code dereferences the pointer after the box is dropped, it will trigger Undefined Behaviour. If the C++ code tries to free the pointer then it's also UB. It's up to you to make sure that these things don't happen.

How to check arg type inside a macro_rule? [duplicate]

This is just pseudocode:
macro_rules! attribute {
$e: expr<f32> => { /* magical float stuff */ };
$e: expr<i64> => { /* mystical int stuff */ };
I would like to have a differently expanded macro depending on the type that I passed to the macro.
This is how it would work in C++
template <typename T>
struct Attribute{ void operator(T)() {} };
template <>
struct Attribute<float> {
void operator(float)(float) { /* magical float stuff */ }
template <>
struct Attribute<long> {
void operator()(long) { /* mystical int stuff */ }
Rust macros aren't able to do that. Macros operate at the syntactic level, not at the semantic level. That means that although the compiler knows it has an expression (syntax), it doesn't know what the type of the expression's value (semantic) is at the moment the macro is expanded.
A workaround would be to pass the expected type to the macro:
macro_rules! attribute {
($e:expr, f32) => { /* magical float stuff */ };
($e:expr, i64) => { /* mystical int stuff */ };
fn main() {
attribute!(2 + 2, i64);
Or, more simply, define multiple macros.
If you want to do static (compile-time) dispatch based on the type of an expression, you can use traits. Define a trait with the necessary methods, then implement the trait for the types you need. You can implement a trait for any type (including primitives and types from other libraries) if the impl block is in the same crate as the trait definition.
trait Attribute {
fn process(&self);
impl Attribute for f32 {
fn process(&self) { /* TODO */ }
impl Attribute for i64 {
fn process(&self) { /* TODO */ }
macro_rules! attribute {
($e:expr) => { Attribute::process(&$e) };
fn main() {
attribute!(2 + 2);
Note: You could also write $e.process() in the macro's body, but then the macro might call an unrelated process method.
As already explained, you cannot expand differently depending on the type of an expr. But as a workaround, you can use the any module and try to downcast from the Any trait:
use std::any::Any;
macro_rules! attribute {
( $e:expr ) => {
if let Some(f) = (&$e as &Any).downcast_ref::<f32>() {
println!("`{}` is f32.", f);
} else if let Some(f) = (&$e as &Any).downcast_ref::<f64>() {
println!("`{}` is f64.", f);
} else {
println!("I dunno what is `{:?}` :(", $e);
fn main() {
`0` is f32.
`0` is f64.
I dunno what is `0` :(
While all the answers here are correct, I'd like to provide an answer more akin to your C++ version.
Rust provides its own version of templates, generics, and they can be used in the same way you use templates.
So, to define a struct and implement functions for certain types:
struct Attribute<T> {
value: T,
impl Attribute<u32> {
fn call(&self) {
println!("{} is a u32", self.value);
impl Attribute<f64> {
fn call(&self) {
println!("{} is a f64", self.value);
impl Attribute<String> {
fn call(&self) {
println!("{} is a string", self.value);
We'd use it like that:
fn main() {
let a = Attribute{
value: 5_u32
Or simply like this:
Attribute{value: 6.5}.call()
Sadly, Rust doesn't provide () operator overloading in its stable version. You can still define a macro to do the job:
macro_rules! attribute {
( $e:expr ) => {
Attribute{value: $e}.call();
And use it as so:
attribute!("Hello World!".to_string());
I'd recommend using the trait based approach shown in this answer, as it doesn't use a struct, but a trait, which is considered better practice. This answer may still be helpful in many situations.

How to return a reference to a global vector or an internal Option?

I'm trying to create a method that can return a reference to Data that is either in a constant global array or inside an Option in an item. The lifetimes are certainly different, but it's safe to assume that the lifetime of the data is at least as long as the lifetime of the item. While doing this, I expected the compiler to warn if I did anything wrong, but it's instead generating wrong instructions and the program is crashing with SIGILL.
Concretely speaking, I have the following code failing in Rust 1.27.2:
pub enum Type {
pub struct Data {
pub ctype: Type,
pub int: i32,
pub struct Entity {
pub idata: usize,
pub modifier: Option<Data>,
impl Entity {
pub fn data(&self) -> &Data {
if self.modifier.is_none() {
} else {
pub const DATA: [Data; 1] = [Data {
ctype: Type::TYPE2,
int: 1,
fn main() {
let mut itemvec = vec![Entity {
idata: 0,
modifier: None,
eprintln!("vec[0]: {:p} = {:?}", &itemvec[0], itemvec[0]);
eprintln!("removed item 0");
let item = itemvec.remove(0);
eprintln!("item: {:p} = {:?}", &item, item);
eprintln!("modifier: {:p} = {:?}", &item.modifier, item.modifier);
eprintln!("DATA: {:p} = {:?}", &DATA[0], DATA[0]);
let itemdata =;
eprintln!("itemdata: {:p} = {:?}", itemdata, itemdata);
Complete code
I can't understand what I'm doing wrong. Why isn't the compiler generating a warning? Is it the removal of the (non-copy) item of the vector? Is it the ambiguous lifetimes?
How to return a reference to a global vector or an internal Option?
By using Option::unwrap_or_else:
impl Entity {
pub fn data(&self) -> &Data {
self.modifier.as_ref().unwrap_or_else(|| &DATA[self.idata])
but it's instead generating wrong instructions and the program is crashing with SIGILL
The code in your question does not have this behavior on macOS with Rust 1.27.2 or 1.28.0. On Ubuntu I see an issue when running the program in Valgrind, but the problem goes away in Rust 1.28.0.
See also:
Why should I prefer `Option::ok_or_else` instead of `Option::ok_or`?
What is this unwrap thing: sometimes it's unwrap sometimes it's unwrap_or

Trouble with buffer types in mio

I'd like to write an asynchronous server in Rust using mio and I have trouble with the buffer types. I've tried different buffer types and can't get it to work. My current code is:
extern crate mio;
extern crate bytes;
use std::io;
use std::io::{Error, ErrorKind};
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::io::Cursor;
use self::mio::PollOpt;
use self::mio::EventLoop;
use self::mio::EventSet;
use self::mio::Token;
use self::mio::Handler;
use self::mio::io::TryRead;
use self::mio::io::TryWrite;
//use self::mio::buf::ByteBuf;
//use self::mio::buf::Buf;
use self::mio::tcp::*;
use self::bytes::buf::Buf;
use self::bytes::buf::byte::ByteBuf;
struct EventHandler;
impl Handler for EventHandler {
type Timeout = ();
type Message = ();
fn ready(&mut self, event_loop: &mut EventLoop<EventHandler>, token: Token, events: EventSet) {
pub struct Connection {
sock: TcpStream,
send_queue: Vec<ByteBuf>,
impl Connection {
pub fn writable(&mut self, event_loop: &mut EventLoop<EventHandler>) -> Result<(), String> {
while !self.send_queue.is_empty() {
if !self.send_queue.first().unwrap().has_remaining() {
let buf = self.send_queue.first_mut().unwrap();
match self.sock.try_write_buf(&mut buf) {
Ok(None) => {
return Ok(());
Ok(Some(n)) => {
Err(e) => {
return Err(format!("{}", e));
fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!");
The Cargo.toml contains the following dependencies:
mio = "*"
bytes = "*"
which currently translates to bytes 0.2.11 and mio 0.4.3 in Cargo.lock.
The error I am getting is this: 45:52 error: the trait `bytes::buf::Buf` is not implemented
for the type `&mut bytes::buf::byte::ByteBuf` [E0277] match self.sock.try_write_buf(&mut buf) {
I'd want to be able to write a Vec<u8> into the socket and handle the case when the buffer is only partially written. How can I accomplish that?
I don't need explanation about the code that properly handles the return values, this question is about the buffer type. I have no idea which buffer type I have to use.
The problem is this:
let buf = self.send_queue.first_mut().unwrap();
match self.sock.try_write_buf(&mut buf) {
You pass in an &mut &mut ByteBuf to try_write_buf because buf is already an &mut ByteBuf. Just drop the extra &mut:
let buf = self.send_queue.first_mut().unwrap();
match self.sock.try_write_buf(buf) {

"Registering" trait implementations + factory method for trait objects

Say we want to have objects implementations switched at runtime, we'd do something like this:
pub trait Methods {
fn func(&self);
pub struct Methods_0;
impl Methods for Methods_0 {
fn func(&self) {
pub struct Methods_1;
impl Methods for Methods_1 {
fn func(&self) {
pub struct Object<'a> { //'
methods: &'a (Methods + 'a),
fn main() {
let methods: [&Methods; 2] = [&Methods_0, &Methods_1];
let mut obj = Object { methods: methods[0] };
obj.methods = methods[1];
Now, what if there are hundreds of such implementations? E.g. imagine implementations of cards for collectible card game where every card does something completely different and is hard to generalize; or imagine implementations for opcodes for a huge state machine. Sure you can argue that a different design pattern can be used -- but that's not the point of this question...
Wonder if there is any way for these Impl structs to somehow "register" themselves so they can be looked up later by a factory method? I would be happy to end up with a magical macro or even a plugin to accomplish that.
Say, in D you can use templates to register the implementations -- and if you can't for some reason, you can always inspect modules at compile-time and generate new code via mixins; there are also user-defined attributes that can help in this. In Python, you would normally use a metaclass so that every time a new child class is created, a ref to it is stored in the metaclass's registry which allows you to look up implementations by name or parameter; this can also be done via decorators if implementations are simple functions.
Ideally, in the example above you would be able to create Object as
where the value 0 is only known at runtime and it would magically return you an Object { methods: &Methods_0 }, and the body of new() would not have the implementations hard-coded like so "methods: [&Methods; 2] = [&Methods_0, &Methods_1]", instead it should be somehow inferred automatically.
So, this is probably extremely buggy, but it works as a proof of concept.
It is possible to use Cargo's code generation support to make the introspection at compile-time, by parsing (not exactly parsing in this case, but you get the idea) the present implementations, and generating the boilerplate necessary to make Object::new() work.
The code is pretty convoluted and has no error handling whatsoever, but works.
Tested on rustc 1.0.0-dev (2c0535421 2015-02-05 15:22:48 +0000)
(See on github)
pub mod implementations;
mod generated_glue {
include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/"));
use generated_glue::Object;
pub trait Methods {
fn func(&self);
pub struct Methods_2;
impl Methods for Methods_2 {
fn func(&self) {
fn main() {
use super::Methods;
pub struct Methods_0;
impl Methods for Methods_0 {
fn func(&self) {
pub struct Methods_1;
impl Methods for Methods_1 {
fn func(&self) {
#![feature(core, unicode, path, io, env)]
use std::env;
use std::old_io::{fs, File, BufferedReader};
use std::collections::HashMap;
fn main() {
let target_dir = Path::new(env::var_string("OUT_DIR").unwrap());
let mut target_file = File::create(&target_dir.join("")).unwrap();
let source_code_path = Path::new(file!()).join_many(&["..", "src/"]);
let source_files = fs::readdir(&source_code_path).unwrap().into_iter()
.filter(|path| {
match path.str_components().last() {
Some(Some(filename)) => filename.split('.').last() == Some("rs"),
_ => false
let mut implementations = HashMap::new();
for source_file_path in source_files {
let relative_path = source_file_path.path_relative_from(&source_code_path).unwrap();
let source_file_name = relative_path.as_str().unwrap();
implementations.insert(source_file_name.to_string(), vec![]);
let mut file_implementations = &mut implementations[*source_file_name];
let mut source_file = BufferedReader::new(File::open(&source_file_path).unwrap());
for line in source_file.lines() {
let line_str = match line {
Ok(line_str) => line_str,
Err(_) => break,
if line_str.starts_with("impl Methods for Methods_") {
const PREFIX_LEN: usize = 25;
let number_len = line_str[PREFIX_LEN..].chars().take_while(|chr| {
let number: i32 = line_str[PREFIX_LEN..(PREFIX_LEN + number_len)].parse().unwrap();
writeln!(&mut target_file, "use super::Methods;").unwrap();
for (source_file_name, impls) in &implementations {
let module_name = match source_file_name.split('.').next() {
Some("main") => "super",
Some(name) => name,
None => panic!(),
for impl_number in impls {
writeln!(&mut target_file, "use {}::Methods_{};", module_name, impl_number).unwrap();
let all_impls = implementations.values().flat_map(|impls| impls.iter());
writeln!(&mut target_file, "
pub struct Object;
impl Object {{
pub fn new(impl_number: i32) -> Box<Methods + 'static> {{
match impl_number {{
for impl_number in all_impls {
writeln!(&mut target_file,
" {} => Box::new(Methods_{}),", impl_number, impl_number).unwrap();
writeln!(&mut target_file, "
_ => panic!(\"Unknown impl number: {{}}\", impl_number),
The generated code:
use super::Methods;
use super::Methods_2;
use implementations::Methods_0;
use implementations::Methods_1;
pub struct Object;
impl Object {
pub fn new(impl_number: i32) -> Box<Methods + 'static> {
match impl_number {
2 => Box::new(Methods_2),
0 => Box::new(Methods_0),
1 => Box::new(Methods_1),
_ => panic!("Unknown impl number: {}", impl_number),
