need wcf and wpf load testing tool - performance-testing

I need to find out the performance of my application.This application works as follows-
It's a WPF windows application, which requires some data to be filled by user
On clicking Submit button, it calls WCF web services
These services save these values in DB
Which tool would be the best for this scenario?

The best approach would be having several thousands of geo-distributed real users having different Internet connection speed and using your WPF application normally. If you are not able to arrange this - I would suggest mimicking these several thousands users on protocol level. You mentioned WCF web services - go and find a web service load testing tool. For example good ones are:
SoapUI - designed for web services testing. Has some load testing capabilities. See Creating and Running LoadTests to get started.
Apache JMeter - multiprotocol load testing tool, supports web services as well. See Testing SOAP/REST Web Services Using JMeter guide.
In fact any tool which is capable of sending a HTTP request will fit.

You can use some of usual load testing tools? for example Apache Jmeter (free) or HP LoadRunner (community license for 50 free users).
Just record communication between your WPF application and WCF ( I belive it communicate via HTTP) and add needed parameters.


Test the behavior of a java web service for multiple concurrent requests

How do I test the behavior of a java restful web service in case of multiple concurrent requests? Is there any 3rd party tool that can be leveraged?
The service accepts POST method. It expects a couple of parameters in it's request body and produces the response in the form of JSON.
The functionality of the service is to perform database read operations using the request body parameters and populate the fetched data in the JSON.
I would recommend one of the following:
SoapUI - superior tool for web service testing. Has limited load testing capabilities. However it does not scale (no clustered mode is available) and has quite poor reporting (all you get is average, min and max response times)
Apache JMeter - multiprotocol load testing tool, supports web services load testing as well. Has better load capabilities and ways to define the load patterns and can represent load test results via HTML Reporting Dashboard. Check out Testing SOAP/REST Web Services Using JMeter article to learn how to conduct a web service load test using JMeter.
You can try Gatling to generate some load.
It has nice documentation and easy QuickStart .
For advanced usage it requires some knowledge of Scala, but it also features GUI tool for simple scenarios recording, so you can run some scripts by postman or whatever browser tool you use for debugging, record it and make that scenario automated.
After running scenarios it generates nice reports using Graphite, so you can see response times and general stats.
Later you can also use Gatling for load and performance tests of your web service, it's convenient and fast as soon as you start playing with it. It can easily generate up to 5k requests per second from my old Mac, or hold up to 1k connections.
One of the bests tools to test web services is SOAPUI.
You can use it for what you want.
Link to SOAPUI
You can check this link to see how to use SOAPUI and concurrent tests.

How to gather user metrics for an Electron desktop app?

I would like to gather some metrics about usage for an Electron-based cross-platform desktop app. This would consist of basic information on the user's environment (OS, screen size, etc) as well as the ability to track usage, for example track how many times the app is opened or specific actions within the app.
These metrics should be sent to an analytics server, so they can be viewed in aggregate. Ideally I could host the server-side component myself, but would certainly consider a solution hosted by a third party.
There are various analytics solutions for the web (Google Analytics, Piwik), and for mobile apps, as well as solutions for Node.js server-side apps. Is it feasible to adapt one of these solutions for desktop Electron-based apps? How? Or are there any good analytics solutions specifically designed for use with desktop apps which work with Electron / javascript?
Unlike a typical webpage, the user might be using the app offline, so offline actions should be recorded, queued, and sent later when the user comes online. A desktop app is typically loading pages from the file system, not HTTP, so the solution needs to be able to cope with that.
Unlike a Node.js server-side application, there could be a large number of clients rather than just a single (or a few) server instances. Analytics for a desktop app would be user-centric, whereas a server-side Node.js app might not be.
Ease of setup is also a big factor - an ideal solution would just have a few lines of configuration to gather basic metrics, then could be extended as necessary with custom actions/events.
The easiest thing will be to use Google Analytics or a similar offering.
For most you'll have two major issues to solve over hosting on a website:
Electron does not store cookies or state between runs. You have to store this manually
Most analytics libraries ignore file: urls so that they only get hits from the internet
Use an existing library and most of these issues will already be solved for you.

Can I use Jmeter for testing the performance of the application on IIS server?

I'm using IIS server for my web application. Can I use Jmeter for testing the performance of the application on IIS server?
JMeter supports any web application and it doesn't care about underlying back-end technology as it operates on HTTP protocol level basically sending requests and awaiting for responses.
For ASP.NET applications (if only you aren't testing another application type via ISAPI) there could be some challenges connected with mandatory dynamic parameters like VIEWSTATE or EVENTVALIDATION or whatever. See ASP.NET Login Testing with JMeter guide for workaround on common situations.

Need to poll a bunch of web services from a Linux server - What is the most efficient way?

So basically, I'm looking to build a web app that aggregates a bunch of data from various web services and presents the data visually. To achieve what I want, I will basically need to regularly poll these web services, and store the resulting data from each call in a database. This data would then be queried by the web app etc.
I'm looking to build the web app using PHP (code igniter), but I'm not entirely sure how to go about the polling component. I'm coming from a .NET background and still getting used to the Linux/web world. I would normally solve this problem by simply writing a .NET Windows Service... I want all of this to run on a linux box however, so if anyone could recommend any technologies for this sort of thing that would be great.
Thanks in advance!

What are the best development tools to use in this project?

I am currently devising 3 database desktop applications for different users in a manufacturing company (one for the accounting department, sales department, production department). All applications have different functions but they should be able to access the data of the other department to reflect business transactions. What is the best programming language and database to use for this kind project? The three computers are not physically connected so I was thinking of having them to access a remote database. The language I am most familiar with is Java but I am very open to learning others if it would be more beneficial to the company. I was also thinking of having to use Adobe Air as I am adept with web programming but could still run as a desktop app but I can't seem to find sufficient resources of distributed systems using Adobe air. Any ideas would be very much appreciated. Thanks!
Lots of languages will do this just fine, including Java. You're familiar with that so my advice is stick to it with one caveat: depending on your requirements I would seriously suggest examining the possibility of making it a Web app instead. Desktop database apps are somewhat... old-fashioned. More to the point they'll create a bunch of headaches for you such as installation, Swing is annoying and tedious, etc.
As for what database, barring requirements you haven't specified, anything will do so pick something free like MySQL.
So for a desktop Java app I would:
Put the database on a remote server;
Put an application server or Web container on that same server;
Create a Webapp on the app server for handling RPC;
Pick a method of RPC, be it Web services or whatever, and use Spring to implement it;
Create a desktop Java app in Swing and distribute it to clients from the app server via Webstart (JNLP).
If it's a Web app:
Put the database and appserver or Web container on one server;
Pick a Java Web framework and create a bunch of Web pages that do what you want.
In all cases, have it be the same app but just act differently on the user type. This is much better than maintaining three different apps.
Also if you do a Web app, you might want to consider using PHP as it's a fast and proven way of knocking up Web pages and probably sufficient for the kind of internal application that you're doing.
