Explore long-term data with Azure Application Insights and PowerBi - azure

I use continuous export to pull in my Application Insights data into Power Bi. However, all of the data seems to be either 7-day or 30-day - how would I be able to view a chart with a longer-term timeframe (aka users over the last year)?
Here is what I see in Power Bi:

From the screenshot, it looks like you're not using Continuous Export for this, but instead are using the Application Insights Content Pack for Power BI. The content pack has predefined views which us what you circled in your screenshot.
You can easily create your own viewed using the almost-ready-to-release Application Insights REST API (tracked with this UserVoice suggestion).
If you want to try this with the API, please send me a note at dalek#microsoft.com and I'll set you up. In the API documentation I show step-by-step how you can create charts from metric data in Power BI.
Dale Koetke


AzureMetrics Table vs Metrics in Azure Dasboard

I am working on Azure Monitor Dashboards.
I need to check the Health Status of my App Service.
If i run use option Metrics (2nd Image) add Health Status metrics and create chart
If i run query on AzureMetrics Table will both return same result? I mean HOW both options are different from each other?
Both use the same source. The difference is that using the "Metrics" blade you can create charts withouth having to write queries using Kusto and anyone with basic knowledge can quickly create charts.
When using the "Logs" blade you have to write a query using Kusto to get the desired results and format the chart manually but you have more control in what and how data is displayed.
If i run query on AzureMetrics Table will both return same result? I
mean HOW both options are different from each other?
The difference between logs and metrics is,
Metrics reveal a service or application's tendencies and proclivities,
while logs focus on specific events. The goal of logs is to save as
much information—mostly technical informations—as possible about a
single event. Log data can be used to investigate occurrences and
assist with root-cause analysis of problems or defects, as well as an
increasing number of other applications.
For more information please refer the below links:-
MSFT TECHCOMMUNITY|Difference between Log Analytics and Monitor
Blogs|Azure Monitor and Azure Log Analytics & Logs or Metrics.

Power BI Report using Facebook real time data

I want to show the insights(page view, comments, posts, etc) data of my Facebook page in a Power BI dashboard, that is embedded into my web-page, I am able to show the dummy report by downloading the Facebook page CSV report. If I have to real-time update the dashboard what is the procedure for that.
there are at least two options:
At this very moment there might be an issue connecting Power BI to Facebook but in general you should be able to use the built-in connector.
Please note that with the connector, once your report is published in Power BI Service it will not refresh data in real-time, instead in semi-real time. For example, you can define to refresh the data source up to 8 times a day (using Pro license) or even more if you have Enterprise Premium Capacity.
Instead, if you really need to deal with real-time data the alternative is using the API offered in the real-time streaming service of Power BI.

How to create workspace in A1 cored PowerBI service in azure portal?

Over the months of exploration into PBI, started with successfully creating a workspace using PowerBI pro license and ended with hosting a pbi report embedding into my custom MVC site using apps-own-data model.
First experience is maximum allowed embedded tokens running out.
My company decided to create a dedicated A1 core powerbi embedded service in a azure account. Now I have overcame token running out of count issue but seems cringy that my powerbi embedded service besides paused still my embedded site runs and accesses powerbi reports without any interruption.
Previously have created AD using embed tool provided by microsoft. I can see my AD been created in azure portal too.
How this is possible to view a pbi report where my azure powerbi embedded service been paused.
Am i supposed to use those pbi reports without getting billed?
Microsoft has limited information on documentation to clarify my doubts, but the PBI community site is somewhat helpful still having trouble getting clarification for the same.
Help required.
For your question:
How this is possible to view a pbi report where my azure powerbi embedded service been paused. Am i supposed to use those pbi reports without getting billed?
If the A1 Node is paused, then no, you will not be able to see your report or use the service in your front end. It has to be running to deliver the reports in your custom front end. You can still go into the Power BI Service with an assigned Power BI Pro licence and see your report, the workspace that the report has been deployed to, is flagged as 'embedded capacity' that will be shown as a diamond shape next to it.
You allocate the workspace to a capacity by editing the workspace and selecting the 'Advanced' option then 'Dedicated Capacity'
The MS documentation outlines pausing will not deliver content.
Pausing a capacity may prevent content from being available within
Power BI. Make sure to unassign workspaces from your capacity before
pausing to prevent interruption.
Pausing is designed to allow you to stop delivering connect for example, out side business hours, I have a few clients that only run their internal and external report during 7am to 7pm, the other 12 hours the service is paused. The A sku billing costs are reduced to 50%.
Hope that helps

Azure Application Insights - How to analyze exported data

I have about 350GB of exported data that dates back to last june from my application insights. How can i analyze it?
How can i tell the portal to look back into that data and not only the last 90 days?
It is not possible to use exported data to power portal UX. Export feature is for integration with 3rd party services/backup/audit purposes/etc.
Well you could, but you'd have to write all of it yourself, and there'd be limitations.
you'd have to do the export which you're doing
you'd have to write something to parse and import that data back into your application insights resource into a custom schema (see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/application-insights/app-insights-analytics-import)
and then you'd have to write tools/queries to join between old data in the custom schema and current data in the ai schema, being careful to de-dup any items that are in both places.
you wouldn't be able to use most of the built in portal tools, as they don't know about the custom schema. but analytics queries in tools like the analytics portal or workbooks could see both sets of data.

Microsoft Azure realtime charts for externals

since a couple of weeks I'm working with Microsoft Azure and I wonder if there is a possibility to create realtime charts in my Web App for external customers.
I know Microsoft provides two different services called 'Power BI', which supports realtime charts and 'Power BI embedded'. But my problem is that, as far as I know, Power BI is only intended for internal users and Power BI embedded, which is inteded for charts e.g. in Web Apps for external customers, only provides reports which are not realtime.
Am I missing something or is it currently not possible to provide realtime charts inside web apps with the given services of Azure? If yes, what would be alternatives to achieve my goal?
Thank you very much in advance.
Kind regards,
I would look at Power BI Embedded, with the data source using a Direct Query connection to Azure SQL Database or Azure SQL Datawarehouse. Every user action in the report (filtering, drilling etc) will generate a query against the database.
That Power BI Embedded architecture is explained on this page:
Direct Query is explained on this page:
1) Consider that Real Time is like in an IOT scenario where you see your graphics on your dashboard moving in Real Time and not after a refresh. So in this context you should consider using Azure Stream Analytics Jobs. It's get an input from a blob storage, an event Hub, ..., and then in output you can use your power BI account to write in real time events ingested from Azure Streaming Analytics. Very powerfull! you use SQL for querying the input, the only thing to be aware is the thumbling time window that is somehow new to the SQL language.
2) Letting your customer access to the dashboard I would suggest you to pubblicate your dashboard for free access, and then secure your dashboard inside a web app on which you can apply a security pattern. You can also invite people outside of your organisation via email. Which is faster than the previous solution, but people accessing to your report must have a power BI Pro license. You can use the free trial for 60 days.
Hope that helps!
