Gnome-terminal fails on vte-2.91 >= 0.45.0 - gnome-terminal

I wanted to change my terminal to enable e.g. mouse interaction. So I got the gnome-terminal code, but when I wanted to generate it (without changing anything), the following problem occured:
When I run ./ --without-pcre2 I get the error message Requested 'vte-2.91 >= 0.45.0' but version of vte is 0.42.5.
So I've tried to install vte-2.91 higher than 0.45.0 but the highest I could find was 0.44.2 (and I could not install that either)
Does anyone know how to get a vte-2.91 version >= 0.45.0?

Ok, found a solution myself.
just runsudo apt-get build-dep gnome-terminal .
Also to get the Code one can simply use apt-get source gnome-teminal
or for the VTE-Code: apt-get source libvte-2.91-0 .


Installing Kaldi using Cygwin, error on zlib

I am trying to install kaldi on a windows computer using cygwin.
When I run ./tools/ (as requested in the INSTALL file)
I get "zlib is not installed", so I go to the cygwin package list and try to install.
The thing is - there is no "zlib" per say see snapshot
there are all kinds of packages but their execution name is not "zlib" (except one which is irrelevant), it's always something-zlib-somthing.
And so I end up getting the same message even after I install them.
The code in that does that is:
if ! echo "#include " | $CXX -E - >&/dev/null; then
echo "$0: zlib is not installed."
add_packages zlib-devel zlib1g-dev zlib-devel
I understood there is no (relevant) way of installing zlib directly with cygwin - so that's a dead end.
Anyway I tried to make it work but no success - your help is very much appreciated.
Using Kaldi in cygwin is originally a bad idea. Its kind of supported but you will have many problems here and there. Simply install Linux either on a separate server or in a virtual machine.

Error building a script for linux

I'm trying to build a script for linux to help me each time I install linux from scratch.
The Script have to 1.- Add repositories 2.- Install software from those repositories.
Adding repositories are not the problem, the problem is when i try to install software from this repo.
For the Repo:
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:webupd8team/java
After that, the script should make an update, so:
sudo apt-get update
It looks simple, but is not, because I receive an error:
The command Update could not be found.
And so on the rest of the softwares
apt-get -y install oracle-java8-installer
The package oracle-java8-installer couldn't be found..
I really don't know what should I do, nothing looks to work, I gave full rigths to the file and so on... always the same error.
But if I run the command apt-get install direct from the terminal, works without problem..
Any help?
actually I wrote a script in windows to use it in future Linux installations, for some reasons it doesn't work as I want it. Thinking it was a command or misspelled words, I search for a solution, wich didn't help anyways.
Debugging my script in a virtual Machine, I found that the script was giving some random errors like '/r' doesn't support and like that. Really weird because after searching in my script for that line code I didn't find it.
With that in mind, I search again for those errors, and found that for some reasons, if you write your code in a Windows maschine, it save it in a crlf type, wich in a Linux system is interpreted really wrong.
A solution of some users was converting the type from CRLF to LF, wich in linux is using the command dos2unix.
After making that and runing my script again everything works perfectly.

Build MPICH2 from source

As a follow-up of this question, I started building MPICH2 from source. I found this tutorial: Installing MPICH2 on a Single Machine and so far what I did is this:
./configure --disable-f77 --disable-fc --disable-fortran
[seems to be OK]
make; sudo make install
[long output with one warning]
libtool: warning: relinking 'lib/'
root#pythagoras:/home/gsamaras/mpich-3.1.4# mpich2version
bash: mpich2version: command not found
What am I doing wrong? Notice that I had first installed MPICH2 with apt-get and in order to remove it, I did:
apt-get remove --purge mpich2
apt-get autoremove // which might removed something that I need now
Tomorrow, I am going to try this: Getting And Building MPICH (which with first attempt failed to work in the part).
I couldn't get it to work, will try a combination of the two tutorials and report back. I did a configure and then the make from the other tutorial, failed too.
This may shade some light about where it got installed (by following the first tutorial):
root#pythagoras:/home/gsamaras/mpich-3.1.4# which mpiexec
root#pythagoras:/home/gsamaras/mpich-3.1.4# which mpirun
You installed into /usr/local, which is an OK way to do things. The README instructions you followed suggests another way which will not require administrative privileges.
I like to install into /home/robl/soft/mpich-whatever , so I can have different compilers, versions, configurations, etc. such flexibility is probably overkill for you, but it's one strategy.
To your question:
root#pythagoras:/home/gsamaras/mpich-3.1.4# mpich2version
bash: mpich2version: command not found
First, the command is now mpichversion, not mpich2version -- it's possible you were following an old tutorial.
Second, your shell might not know about the newly installed binaries. hash -r (at least on bash and tcsh) will tell the shell "forget about what you think you know about my file system and look harder".
I found this mpich-3.0.4-README, who seems to provided the solution.
Long story short, it says (it assumes you want to build 3.0.4 version, I did it with 3.1.4 (available here)):
tar xzf mpich-3.0.4.tar.gz
cd mpich-3.0.4
// you might want to disable fortran compiler (see the README I linked above)
./configure --prefix=/home/<USERNAME>/mpich-install 2>&1 | tee c.txt
make 2>&1 | tee m.txt
make install 2>&1 | tee mi.txt
PATH=/home/<USERNAME>/mpich-install/bin:$PATH ; export PATH
which mpicc
// should return something reasonable (with your directory)
mpiexec -n 2 ./examples/cpi
Now, the option with the machinefile does not work, because ssh needs a password, but that's another question.

make: Nothing to be done for `STAR'

I want to test rna-star code. I have Ubuntu 12.04 on my machine.I have downloaded all the packages necessary:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install g++
sudo apt-get install make
But in the installation step I have problem running make command on STAR executable file.on the installation manual I see it says:
Unzip/tar STAR_x.x.x.tgz file into a directory of your choice <
STARsource >, cd < STARsource > and run make. The source code will be
compiled and the STAR executable will be generated.
when I run 'make STAR' it says:
make: Nothing to be done for `STAR'.
any suggestion?
This means that the "STAR" target does not exist. In a makefile, you define targets (implicit or explicit) and make takes care of building in the correct orders the dependencies for your target.
You should read documentation on this project or glance at the makefile : it's likely you need to run "make" without parameters (which is stated in your documentation excerpt), something like :
tar zxvf star...tgz
cd star...
So I just ran into the same problem.
Apparently the following solved it:
Redirect to source map: cd STAR-2.5.3a/source
The Makefile is in this location, after this just enter the command make.
It should start running. If you work in a cluster do not forget to edit your shell configuration before using;
export PATH=$HOME/STAR-2.5.3a/source:$PATH

autoconf error on ubuntu 11.04

i've been googling and installing libraries for a while, but I couldn't quite handle this problem with autoconf.
i have downloaded a program that i want to compile, made a few changes, and need to run and ./configure and make install respectively.
however, when i try to run, i get the following error; error: possibly undefined macro: AM_PATH_GTK_2_0
If this token and others are legitimate, please use m4_pattern_allow.
See the Autoconf documentation.
so i went on, downloaded autoconf-2.68, automake-1.11, m4-1.4.16, and tried sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev, none of which changed the outcome. when i try aclocal, i again get the error warning: macro `AM_PATH_GTK_2_0' not found in library
i'm currently stuck, and got nowhere to go. so i'd be glad for any suggestion.
I know it's a bit late, but you just have to install the library libgtk2.0-dev:
sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev
If you get errors about something related to GLIB, then install libglib2.0-dev as well:
sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev
Given the name AM_PATH_GTK_2_0, one makes the following sequence of observations:
1) "AM_" is in automake's namespace, so that m4 macro must come from automake.
2) Hmmm, it isn't in automake.
3) It probably comes from gtk, so the gtk developer's have made an error in naming
their m4 macro in conflict with automake. That's a bug in gtk, but I'll probably need
to download the newest version of gtk to get the macro.
The problem is that you don't have the m4 macro that gtk expects you to have. You probably need to install libgtk-devel (or something like that). If I am correct and libgtk is indeed installing an m4 macro named AM_..., please report that as a bug to the developers. They are stomping on automakes' namespace (this is, unfortunately, an extremely common error.)
Since you mention downloading automake, I think the problem is that you are running aclocal that is not looking in /usr/share/aclocal, but in a different location (ie, you installed automake in /usr/local) When you installed libgtk-dev, it probably installed the *.m4 file in /usr/share/aclocal, but you need that file in /usr/local/share/aclocal (or $prefix/share/aclocal, where prefix is what you used to install automake.) The simplest solution is to copy that file to $(aclocal --print) That is, run "aclocal --print" to see where aclocal is looking for m4 files, then find the file that libgtk-dev installed that defines the improperly named m4 macro and copy that file to the appropriate location. Alternatively (and probably a better solution) you can put a file named dirlist in $(aclocal --print) that contains the single line "/usr/share/aclocal", so that your hand installed aclocal will always look for m4 files that are installed in /usr/share.
In case of same issue on CenOS/RedHat:
sudo yum install gtk2-devel
