Array Formula into Regular one - excel

Hi everyone, by using an array formulas to calculate (in the above example):
Count unique customers that had purchased only less than 5 units of only product 1 which area code match only with the adjacent D cells
I Use the following array formula to be in E11:
IF($I$2:$I$7="Product 1",IF($J$2:$J$7<5,IF($E$2:$E$7<>"",
this formula doing great, at the same time when using it thru very huge database containing tons of rows and columns, excel takes a bout 3 minutes to calculate only one cell which is terrible to continue like that
is there any way to convert this array formula to regular one ... any help will be appreciated to the maximum ... Thanks in advance

Sorry for the late answer.
I created an UDF which is focused on doing the calculation several times without running the whole range multiple times.
Public Function getCounts(AreaStr As Variant, AreaRng As Range, CustomerRng As Range, ProductRng As Range, SalesRng As Range, Optional ProductName As String = "Product 1", Optional lessThan As Double = 5) As Variant
'make sure AreaStr is an array
If TypeOf AreaStr Is Range Then AreaStr = AreaStr.Value2
If Not IsArray(AreaStr) Then
AreaStr = Array(AreaStr)
ReDim Preserve AreaStr(1 To 1)
End If
'shorten the range (this way you can use whole columns)
If SalesRng(SalesRng.Cells.Count).Formula = "" Then Set SalesRng = SalesRng.Parent.Range(SalesRng.Cells(1), SalesRng(SalesRng.Cells.Count).End(xlUp))
'make sure all ranges have the same size
Set AreaRng = AreaRng.Resize(SalesRng.Rows.Count)
Set CustomerRng = CustomerRng.Resize(SalesRng.Rows.Count)
Set ProductRng = ProductRng.Resize(SalesRng.Rows.Count)
'Load values in variables to increase speed
Dim SalesValues As Variant, UserValues As Variant, ProductValues As Variant
SalesValues = AreaRng
UserValues = CustomerRng
ProductValues = ProductRng
'create temporary arrays to hold the values
Dim buffer() As Variant, expList() As Variant
ReDim buffer(1 To UBound(UserValues))
ReDim expList(1 To UBound(AreaStr), 1 To 1)
Dim i As Long, j As Double, k As Long
For i = 1 To UBound(AreaStr)
expList(i, 1) = buffer
buffer = Array(buffer, buffer)
buffer(0)(1) = 0
For i = 1 To UBound(UserValues)
If ProductValues(i, 1) = ProductName Then 'this customer purchased our product
j = Application.IfError(Application.Match(UserValues(i, 1), buffer(0), 0), 0)
If j = 0 Then 'first time this customer in this calculation
j = i
buffer(0)(j) = UserValues(i, 1) 'remember the customer name (to not calculate him again later)
If Application.SumIfs(SalesRng, CustomerRng, UserValues(i, 1), ProductRng, ProductName) < lessThan Then
buffer(1)(j) = 1 'customer got less than "lessThan" -> remember that
End If
End If
If buffer(1)(j) = 1 Then 'check if we need to count the customer
k = Application.IfError(Application.Match(SalesValues(i, 1), AreaStr, 0), 0) 'check if the area is one of the areas we are looking for
If k Then expList(k, 1)(j) = 1 'it is -> set 1 for this customer/area combo
End If
End If
For i = 1 To UBound(AreaStr) 'sum each area
expList(i, 1) = Application.Sum(expList(i, 1))
getCounts = expList 'output array
End Function
I assume that you will be able to include it as an UDF without my help.
In the sheet you would use (for your example) E11:E16
simply select the range of E11:E16 and enter the formula, then confirm it with CSE.
you also could use only =getCounts(D11,$G$2:$G$7,$E$2:$E$7,$I$2:$I$7,$J$2:$J$7) at E11 and then copy down... but that would be pretty slow.
The trick is, that we calculate the sum of the set for every customer, which at least bought it one time. Then we store 1 if it is less then your criteria. This goes for the general array. Every area you are looking for, will get its own array too. Here we also store the 1 at the same pos. As every costomer only gets calculated one time, having him multiple times doesn't matter.
the formula simply will be used like this:
AreaStr: the area code you are looking for. should be an array of multiple cells to make the udf worth using it
AreaRng: the range where the area names are stored
CustomerRng: the range where the customer names are stored
ProductRng: the range where the product names are stored
SalesRng: the range where the sale counts are stored
ProductName (optional): the product you are looking for. Will be "Product 1" if omited
lessThan (optional): the trigger point for the sum of products. Will be 5 if omited
Most parts should be self explaining, but if you still have any questions, just ask ;)

OK, I am not sure of I understood all of the conditions and accumulation, but here is a VBA function that I think should do it.
First, open VBA from the Excel Developer menu. Then in VBA, create a new module from the Insert menu (just let it be Module1). Then paste the following 2 functions into the VBA module.
Public Function AreaUniqueCustomersLessThan(ReportAreaRange, AreaRange, ProductRange, SalesRange, CustomerRange)
On Error GoTo Err1
Dim RptAreas() As Variant
Dim Areas() As Variant, Products() As Variant, Sales() As Variant, Customers As Variant
RptAreas = ArrayFromRange(ReportAreaRange)
Areas = ArrayFromRange(AreaRange)
Products = ArrayFromRange(ProductRange)
Sales = ArrayFromRange(SalesRange)
Customers = ArrayFromRange(CustomerRange)
Dim r As Long, s As Long 'report and source rows indexes
Dim mxr As Long, mxs As Long
mxr = UBound(RptAreas, 1)
mxs = UBound(Areas, 1)
'encode the ReportAreasList into accumulation array indexes
Dim AreaCustomers() As Collection
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim colAreas As New Collection
ReDim AreaCustomers(1 To mxr)
For r = 1 To mxr
On Error Resume Next
'Do we have the area already?
j = colAreas(RptAreas(r, 1))
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
'Add a new area to the collection and array
i = i + 1
colAreas.Add i, RptAreas(r, 1)
Set AreaCustomers(i) = New Collection
j = i
End If
Next r
'now scan the source rows, accumulating distinct customers
' for any ReportAreas
For s = 1 To mxs
'is this row's Arera in the report Area list?
i = 0
On Error Resume Next
i = colAreas(Areas(s, 1))
On Error GoTo Err1
If i > 0 Then
'this is a report Area code, so check the conditions
If Products(s, 1) = "Product 1" Then
If Sales(s, 1) < 5 Then
On Error Resume Next 'just ignore any duplicate errors
AreaCustomers(i).Add Customers(s, 1), Customers(s, 1)
On Error GoTo Err1
End If
End If
End If
Next s
'finally, return to the report area codes, returning the distinct count
' of customers
Dim count() As Variant
ReDim count(1 To mxr, 1 To 1)
For r = 1 To mxr
count(r, 1) = AreaCustomers(colAreas(RptAreas(r, 1))).count
Next r
AreaUniqueCustomersLessThan = count ' "foo"
Exit Function
AreaUniqueCustomersLessThan = "%ERR(" & Str(Err.Number) & ")%" & Err.Description
Exit Function
End Function
'handle all of the cases, checking and conversions to convert
' a variant range into an array of Variant(1 to n, 1 to 1)
' (we do this because it makes data access very fast)
Function ArrayFromRange(varRange As Variant)
Dim rng As Range
Dim A() As Variant
Set rng = varRange
'Check for degenerate cases
If rng Is Nothing Then
'do nothing
ElseIf rng.count = 0 Then
'do nothing
ElseIf rng.count = 1 Then
ReDim A(1 To 1, 1 To 1)
A(1, 1) = rng.Value
A = rng.Value
End If
ArrayFromRange = A
End Function
Finally, go to your Array Formula area and paste in the following Array formula for the "Sales < 5" list: {=AreaUniqueCustomersLessThan(D$11:D$16, G$2:G$7, I$2:I$7,J$2:J$7,E$2:E$7)} Note that the first range must be the same length as the Array Formula range itself. And the other four ranges (the source data ranges) should all be the same length (they do not have to be the same length as the first range).


Excel index match with a condition to choose a specific column in a 3d matrix (formula or VBA)

I have two tables in Excel, one with categories and listings, and another with points based on the category and listing threshold. It goes as follows:
Categories table:
Points table:
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
I started with an INDEX MATCH formula pointing at the points:
=INDEX(Points!A1:D11, MATCH(Categories!B2, Points!A1:A11, 0)+2)
--> the +2 is to get the points directly
I also though of evaluating the thresholds with this formula:
=IF(Categories!C2 >= NUMBERVALUE(LEFT(Points!D3, FIND("-",Points!D3)-1)),Points!D4, IF(Categories!C2 >=NUMBERVALUE(LEFT(Points!C3, FIND("-",Points!C3)-1)),Points!C4, Points!B4))
I thought that the else if the if would make it faster.
Could someone help me populate the Points column in the Categories table? VBA code is also acceptable. The tables are in different sheets.
José, your original Match formula is the right starting place. It locates the particular sub-table to do a further lookup on. But in order to make this formula a whole lot simpler, can we change the ranges (1-30, 31-90, 91-) to have just their starting points (1, 31, 91)? If we do that simple change then we can use the approximate lookup feature of HLookup to easily and compactly specify the Lookup:
In the middle of this formula you can see your original Match function to locate the correct sub-table based on the category. We need to feed that start point to OFFSET() to create a table range useful to the HLookup. Offset takes an anchor cell reference (top left of the Points table), number of rows to count down from there (result of the Match), number of columns to the right (1), the number of rows in the range (2), and the number of columns in the range (3).
The Hlookup is just like a VLookup, but for tables arranged left-to-right not top-to-bottom. The True as the last parameter is very important as it tells HLookup to use the range lookup instead of an exact match.
A slightly verbose formula which takes the data as originally formatted (using Excel 365 Let):
As it's urgent this is what I got but I cannot continue before tomorrow. Assuming you can at least put the tiers next to the category (A on same line as tiers) this will get you the first tier. You just need to copy the whole formula in the "nextCol", with minor modifications to get the next tiers.
if you really cannot change the source you need to add an additional offset in the first match.
Option Explicit
Sub Score()
Dim wsP As Worksheet, wsC As Worksheet, dict
Dim iLastRow As Long, r As Long, i As Long, j As Integer
Dim sCat As String, iListing As Integer
Dim data, ar
Set wsP = Sheets("Points")
Set wsC = Sheets("Categories")
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
iLastRow = wsC.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
data = wsC.Range("A1:D" & iLastRow).Value2
' category to row lookup
For i = 1 To UBound(data)
If data(i, 1) = "Range" Then
dict.Add Trim(data(i - 1, 1)), i ' range
End If
' scan points
iLastRow = wsP.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
For r = 2 To iLastRow
sCat = Trim(wsP.Cells(r, "B"))
iListing = wsP.Cells(r, "C")
If dict.exists(sCat) Then
i = dict(sCat)
For j = 4 To 2 Step -1
ar = Split(data(i, j), "-") ' lower-upper limit
If iListing >= ar(0) Then ' check lower limit
' update points
wsP.Cells(r, "D") = data(i + 1, j) ' points
Exit For
End If
MsgBox "No match '" & sCat & "'", vbCritical, "ERROR row " & r
End If
MsgBox "done"
End Sub
Please, try the next code. It uses arrays and should be very fast, working only in memory. Please use your sheets when setting shC and shP as your real sheets. I only use the active sheet and the next one for testing reason:
Sub GetPoints()
Dim shC As Worksheet, shP As Worksheet, lastRC As Long, lastRP As Long, arrBC, arrP, arrPP, arrFin
Dim i As Long, j As Long, p As Long, k As Long
Set shC = ActiveSheet 'use here your Categories sheet
Set shP = shC.Next 'use here your Points sheet
lastRC = shC.Range("A" & shC.rows.count).End(xlUp).row
lastRP = shP.Range("A" & shP.rows.count).End(xlUp).row
arrBC = shC.Range("B2:C" & lastRC).Value 'put the range B:C in an array
arrP = shP.Range("A2:D" & lastRP).Value 'put all the range in an array
ReDim arrFin(1 To UBound(arrBC), 1 To 1) 'redim the array to keep processed values
For i = 1 To UBound(arrBC) 'iterate between Categ array elements:
For j = 1 To UBound(arrP) 'iterate between Points array elements:
If arrP(j, 1) = arrBC(i, 1) Then 'if Category is found:
For p = 2 To 4 'iterate between the next array row elements
arrPP = Split(arrP(j + 1, p), "-") 'split the element by "-" to determine the interval
If arrPP(1) <> "" Then 'for the tier3 case:
If arrBC(i, 2) >= CLng(arrPP(0)) And arrBC(i, 2) <= CLng(arrPP(1)) Then
k = k + 1
arrFin(k, 1) = arrP(j + 2, p): j = j + 2: Exit For 'place the value in the final array and exit iteration
End If
Else 'for the tier1 and tier2 cases:
If arrBC(i, 2) >= CLng(arrPP(0)) Then
k = k + 1
arrFin(k, 1) = arrP(j + 2, p): j = j + 2: Exit For 'place the value in the final array and exit iteration
End If
End If
Next p
End If
Next j
Next i
'drop the final array result at once:
shC.Range("D2").Resize(UBound(arrFin), 1).Value = arrFin
End Sub

Nesting ParamArrays when declaring Excel VBA functions like SUMIFS?

Consider the following example: Lets say you want to make a function "JoinIfs" that works just like SUMIFS except instead of adding the values in the SumRange, it concatenates the values in "JoinRange". Is there a way to nest the ParamArray as it seems to be done in SUMIFS?
SUMIFS(sum_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2], ...)
I imagine the declaration should look something like this:
Function JoinIfs(JoinRange As Variant, _
Delim As String, _
IncludeNull As Boolean, _
ParamArray CritArray(CriteriaRange As Variant, Criteria As Variant)) As String
But nothing I try seems to compile and there might not be a way to nest ParamArrays. But the existence of functions like SUMIFS and COUNTIFS seems to suggest there might be a way to nest the ParamArrays.
This question duplicates AlexR's question Excel UDF with ParamArray constraint like SUMIFS. But that was posted a few years ago with no response so either the question didn't get enough attention or it was misunderstood.
Edit for clarification: This question is specifically about nesting ParamArrays. I'm not trying to find alternative methods of achieving the outcome of the example above. Imagine nesting ParamArrays on a completely different fictional function like "AverageIfs"
As per the documentation for the Function statement and Sub statement, a Function or Sub can only contain 1 ParamArray, and it must be the last argument.
However, you can pass an Array as an Argument to a ParamArray. Furthermore, you can then check how many elements are in the ParamArray, and throw an error if it isn't an even number. For example, this demonstration takes a list of Arrays, and which element in that array to take, and outputs another array with the results:
Sub DemonstrateParamArray()
Dim TestArray As Variant
TestArray = HasParamArray(Array("First", "Second"), 0)
MsgBox TestArray(0)
Dim AnotherArray As Variant
AnotherArray = Array("Hello", "World")
TestArray = HasParamArray(AnotherArray, 0, AnotherArray, 1)
MsgBox Join(TestArray, " ")
End Sub
Function HasParamArray(ParamArray ArgList() As Variant) As Variant
Dim ArgumentCount As Long, WhichPair As Long, Output() As Variant, WhatElement As Long
ArgumentCount = 1 + UBound(ArgList) - LBound(ArgList)
'Only allow Even Numbers!
If ArgumentCount Mod 2 = 1 Then
Err.Raise 450 '"Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment"
Exit Function
End If
ReDim Output(0 To Int(ArgumentCount / 1) - 1)
For WhichPair = LBound(ArgList) To ArgumentCount + LBound(ArgList) - 1 Step 2
WhatElement = ArgumentCount(WhichPair + 1)
Output(Int(WhichPair / 2)) = ArgumentCount(WhichPair)(WhatElement)
Next WhichPair
HasParameterArray = Output
End Function
(A list of built-in error codes for Err.Raise can be found here)
It seems like nesting a ParamArray is not possible.
I was hoping to get a function that looks like Excel's built in functions.
SUMIFS, for example seems to group pairs of parameters in a very neat way.
Based on the inputs of some users I made the following Function which seems to work quite well.
Function SJoinIfs(JoinRange As Variant, Sep As String, IncludeNull As Boolean, ParamArray CritArray() As Variant) As Variant
'Concatenates text based on multple criteria similar to SUMIFS.
'Sizes of ranges CritArray (0, 2, 4 ...) must match size of range JoinRange. CritArray must have an even amount of elements
'Elements of CritArray (1, 3, 5 ...) must be single values
Set JoinList = CreateObject("System.Collections.Arraylist")
'Set FinalList = CreateObject("System.Collections.Arraylist")
For Each DataPoint In JoinRange
JoinList.Add (CStr(DataPoint))
JoinArray = JoinList.ToArray
CriteriaCount = UBound(CritArray) + 1
If CriteriaCount Mod 2 = 0 Then
CriteriaSetCount = Int(CriteriaCount / 2)
Set CriteriaLists = CreateObject("System.Collections.Arraylist")
Set CriteriaList = CreateObject("System.Collections.Arraylist")
Set MatchList = CreateObject("System.Collections.Arraylist")
For a = 0 To CriteriaSetCount - 1
For Each CriteriaTest In CritArray(2 * a)
CriteriaList.Add (CStr(CriteriaTest))
If CriteriaList.count <> JoinList.count Then 'Ranges are different sizes
SJoinIfs = CVErr(xlErrRef)
Exit Function
End If
MatchList.Add (CStr(CritArray((2 * a) + 1)))
CriteriaLists.Add (CriteriaList.ToArray)
For a = 0 To UBound(JoinArray)
AllMatch = True
For b = 0 To MatchList.count - 1
AllMatch = (MatchList(b) = CriteriaLists(b)(a)) And AllMatch
If AllMatch Then JoinList.Add (JoinArray(a))
SJoinIfs = SJoin(Sep, IncludeNull, JoinList)
Else 'Criteria Array Size is not even
SJoinIfs = CVErr(xlErrRef)
Exit Function
End If
End Function
This function makes use of another function SJoin() which I adapted some time ago based on the answer provided by Lun in his answer to How to replicate Excel's TEXTJOIN function in VBA UDF that allows array inputs.
I have adapted this Function to include the use of Numericals, VBA Arrays and Arraylists as well.
On Error Resume Next
'Sep is the separator, set to "" if you don't want any separator. Separator must be string or single cell, not cell range
'TxtRng is the content you want to join. TxtRng can be string, single cell, cell range or array returned from an array function. Empty content will be ignored
Dim OutStr As String 'the output string
Dim i, j, k, l As Integer 'counters
Dim FinArr(), element As Variant 'the final array and a temporary element when transfering between the two arrays
'Go through each item of TxtRng(), depending on the item type, transform and put it into FinArray()
i = 0 'the counter for TxtRng
j = 0 'the counter for FinArr
k = 0: l = 0 'the counters for the case of array from Excel array formula
Do While i < UBound(TxtRng) + 1
If TypeName(TxtRng(i)) = "String" Then 'specified string like "t"
ReDim Preserve FinArr(0 To j)
FinArr(j) = "blah"
FinArr(j) = TxtRng(i)
j = j + 1
ElseIf TypeName(TxtRng(i)) = "Range" Then 'single cell or range of cell like A1, A1:A2
For Each element In TxtRng(i)
ReDim Preserve FinArr(0 To j)
FinArr(j) = element
j = j + 1
ElseIf TypeName(TxtRng(i)) = "Variant()" Then 'array returned from an Excel array formula
For k = LBound(TxtRng(0), 1) To UBound(TxtRng(0), 1)
For l = LBound(TxtRng(0), 2) To UBound(TxtRng(0), 2)
ReDim Preserve FinArr(0 To j)
FinArr(j) = TxtRng(0)(k, l)
j = j + 1
TJoin = CVErr(xlErrValue)
Exit Function
End If
i = i + 1
'Put each element of the new array into the join string
For i = LBound(FinArr) To UBound(FinArr)
If FinArr(i) <> "" Then 'Remove this line if you want to include empty strings
OutStr = OutStr & FinArr(i) & Sep
End If
TJoin = Left(OutStr, Len(OutStr) - Len(Sep)) 'remove the ending separator
End Function
Thanks to all who contributed to this question.

Runtime Error on a 2D Bubblesort in Excel VBA array

I have been banging my head (and a few other heads as well on other Excel programming sites) to get a Combobox in a Userform to sort the rows (coming from two columns in the source spreadsheet) in alpha order.
Ideally, I want a 2 dimensional sort, but at this point, will settle for ONE that works.
Currently, the Combobox, when dropped down, reads in part (minus the bullet points, which do NOT appear and are not needed):
Zoom MRKPayoutPlan
Chuck PSERSFuture
Chuck PSERSCurrent
What I want is:
Chuck PSERSCurrent
Chuck PSERSFuture
Zoom MRKPayoutPlan
The first order is derived from the order in which the rows appear in the source worksheet.
At this point, I am getting a Runtime Error '13', Type Mismatch error. Both fields are text fields (one is last name, the other is a classification code- I want to sort first by name).
Below are the two relevant sections of the VBA code. If someone can help me sort this out, I'll buy at least a virtual round of beers. Excel VBA is not my most comfortable area- I can accomplish this in other apps, but the client spec is that this all must run in Excel alone. Thanks in advance.
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
fPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\"
currentRow = 4
sheetName = Sheet5.Name
lastRow = Sheets(sheetName).Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Dim rngUID As Range
Dim vList
Set rngUID = Range("vUID")
With rngUID
vList = Application.Index(.Cells, .Parent.Evaluate("ROW(" & .Address & ")"), Array(7, 1))
End With
vList = BubbleSort2D(vList, 2, 1)
With ComboBox1
.ColumnCount = 2
.ColumnWidths = "100;100"
.List = vList
End With
End Sub
Public Function BubbleSort2D(Strings, ParamArray SortColumns())
Dim tempItem
Dim a As Long
Dim e As Long
Dim f As Long
Dim g As Long
Dim i As String
Dim j As String
Dim m() As String
Dim n
Dim x As Long
Dim y As Long
Dim lngColumn As Long
e = 1
n = Strings
Do While e <> -1
For a = LBound(Strings) To UBound(Strings) - 1
For y = LBound(SortColumns) To UBound(SortColumns)
lngColumn = SortColumns(y)
i = n(a, lngColumn)
j = n(a + 1, lngColumn)
f = StrComp(i, j)
If f < 0 Then
Exit For
ElseIf f > 0 Then
For x = LBound(Strings, 2) To UBound(Strings, 2)
tempItem = n(a, x)
n(a, x) = n(a + 1, x)
n(a + 1, x) = tempItem
Next x
g = 1
Exit For
End If
Next y
Next a
If g = 1 Then
e = 1
e = -1
End If
g = 0
BubbleSort2D = n
End Function
Here is a bubble sort in VBA source.
Public Sub BubbleSort(ByRef sequence As Variant, _
ByVal lower As Long, ByVal upper As Long)
Dim upperIt As Long
For upperIt = upper To lower + 1 Step -1
Dim hasSwapped As Boolean
hasSwapped = False
Dim bubble As Long
For bubble = lower To upperIt - 1
If sequence(bubble) > sequence(bubble + 1) Then
Dim t as Variant
t = sequence(bubble)
sequence(bubble) = sequence(bubble + 1)
sequence(bubble + 1) = t
hasSwapped = True
End If
Next bubble
If Not hasSwapped Then Exit Sub
Next upperIt
End Sub
Note that using variable names that specify what they are and do instead of single letters makes it easier to read.
As for the 2D sort. Don't. Sort each array individually then sort the array of arrays using the same method. You will need to provide an abstraction to compare the columns. Do not try to sort them both at the same time. I can't think of a scenario where that is a good idea. If for some reason elements can change their sub array in the 2D array, then flatten it into 1 array, sort that and split it back into a 2D array.
Honestly from what I am understanding of you specific problem. You are going from 1D sequence to a 1D sequence so I think 2D arrays are and unnecessary complication.
Instead use a modified bubble sort routine with the comparison statement,
If sequence(bubble) > sequence(bubble +1) Then '...
replaced with a custom comparison function
ComboBoxItemCompare(sequence(bubble), sequence(bubble + 1))
that will return True if the first argument should be swapped with the second.

Split and sort strings components using Excel

I have a column in Excel with the format:
I need a way to format it like this, that is divide the string into groups of three characters, sort the groups alphabetically and then join them together with a + sign between:
I wonder it this is possible using the built in formulas in Excel or if I have to do this using VBA or something else, I already have the code for this in C# if there is an easy way to use that from Excel. I have not written plugins for Excel before.
Edit to add:
The above is just an example, the string can be of "any length" but its always divisible by three and the order is random so I cannot assume anything about the order beforehand.
Sub ArraySort()
Dim strStarter As String
Dim strFinish As String
Dim intHowMany As Integer
Dim intStartSlice As Integer
strStarter = ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Value 'Pulls value from cell to the left
intHowMany = Int(Len(strStarter) / 3)
ReDim arrSlices(1 To intHowMany) As String
intStartSlice = 1
For x = 1 To intHowMany
arrSlices(x) = Mid(strStarter, intStartSlice, 3)
intStartSlice = intStartSlice + 3
Next x
Call BubbleSort(arrSlices)
For x = 1 To intHowMany
strFinish = strFinish + arrSlices(x) & "+"
Next x
strFinish = Left(strFinish, Len(strFinish) - 1)
ActiveCell.Value = strFinish 'Puts result into activecell
End Sub
Sub BubbleSort(list() As String)
'Taken from power programming with VBA
'It’s a sorting procedure for 1-dimensional arrays named List
'The procedure takes each array element, if it is greater than the next element, the two elements swap positions.
'The evaluation is repeated for every pair of items (that is n-1 times)
Dim First As Integer, Last As Long
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim temp As String
First = LBound(list)
Last = UBound(list)
For i = First To Last - 1
For j = i + 1 To Last
If list(i) > list(j) Then
temp = list(j)
list(j) = list(i)
list(i) = temp
End If
Next j
Next i
End Sub

Parsing and comparing a complicated string

I am hoping someone could help me out with a VBA Excel macro.
I have received a worksheet in Excel 2007 which contains product names in one column, and I need to sort this into a logical format so I can use it. However, the list itself is not in any kind of logical order, is 10 000 rows long and I am going to have to do this every month!!
Basically, what I would like to do is search for certain keywords which are common to most of the entries and move them into separate cells in different columns (but in the same row as the original entry).
Regarding keywords: There are 3 different types, two of which I have a complete list of.
Example of keywords: some are measures such as cm (centimetre), mm (millimetre), m (metre) etc.). Then there are other keywords such as % and finally a last set of keywords which is wood, plastic, glass etc.
If this was not complicated enough, the measures (cm for example) are duplicated in some instances and are important details so I cant just separate them but would ideally like them in two adjacent cells.
Fortunately, there is a space after each measure, % sign and item material.
Working from right to left is the easiest way I can think of achieving this as the first description in the string varies wildly between entries and that can stay as is.
So, below is an example string, lets say this is in Cell A1. (Inverted commas are not included in the string and the word "by" appears in only about 100 cases. Usually it is missing...)
"Chair Leg Wood 100% 1m by 20cm"
I would ideally like for the string to be split up into cells as follows
Cell B1 - Chair Leg
Cell C1 - Wood
Cell D1 - 1m
Cell E1 - 2cm
Cell F1 - 100%
Having the % measures in the same column would be extremely helpful
Can anyone please help me with this or the beginnings of a macro which does this and then moves down the list - I have tried using some basic "find" and "len" formulas but really am at my wits end on how to deal with this!
The task boils down to defining a robust definition of the structure of the input data.
Form the info provided a candidate definition might be
<Description, one or more words> <Material, one word> <A value followd by %> <Dimension A> <optional "by"> <Dimension B>
The following macro will process data that conforms this this spec. The definition may need
expanding, eg two word materials (eg Mild Steel)
You will need to add error handling in case any rows don't conform, eg no % in the string, or % character elsewhere in string
Option Explicit
Dim dat As Variant
Sub ProcessData()
Dim r As Range
Dim i As Long
Set r = Intersect(ActiveSheet.UsedRange, ActiveSheet.Columns(1)).Resize(, 5)
dat = r
For i = 1 To UBound(dat, 1)
ParseRow i, CStr(dat(i, 1))
r = dat
ActiveSheet.Columns(5).Style = "Percent"
End Sub
Sub ParseRow(rw As Long, s As String)
'Chair Leg Wood 100% 1m by 20cm
Dim i As Long
Dim sDim As String, sPCnt As String, sMat As String, sDesc As String
Dim sA As String, sB As String
i = InStr(s, "% ")
sDim = Trim(Replace(Mid(s, i + 2), " by ", " ")) ' text to right of %, remove "by"
sA = Trim(Left(sDim, InStr(sDim, " "))) ' split dimension string in two
sB = Trim(Mid(sDim, InStr(sDim, " ")))
s = Left(s, i)
i = InStrRev(s, " ")
sPCnt = Mid(s, i + 1) ' text back to first space before %
s = Trim(Left(s, i))
i = InStrRev(s, " ") ' last word in string
sMat = Mid(s, i + 1)
sDesc = Trim(Left(s, i)) ' whats left
dat(rw, 1) = sDesc
dat(rw, 2) = sMat
dat(rw, 3) = sA
dat(rw, 4) = sB
dat(rw, 5) = sPCnt
End Sub
First, I'd use the Split function to separate the parts into an array, this will avoid most of the string functions and string math:
Dim parts As Variant
parts = Split(A1)
Then, I'd do my comparisons to each part.
Finally, I'd concatenate the parts I didn't breakout, and place all parts on the sheet.
This is based on your example which has spaces inbetween every part, though something similar could work otherwise, you just have to do more work with each part.
Here's my stab at it. We could use about 10 more examples, but this should be a start. To use, select a one column range with your descriptions and run SplitProduct. It will split it out to the right of each cell.
Sub SplitProducts()
Dim rCell As Range
Dim vaSplit As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim aOutput() As Variant
Dim lCnt As Long
Const lCOLDESC As Long = 1
Const lCOLMAT As Long = 2
Const lCOLPCT As Long = 3
Const lCOLREM As Long = 4
If TypeName(Selection) = "Range" Then
If Selection.Columns.Count = 1 Then
For Each rCell In Selection.Cells
'split into words
vaSplit = Split(rCell.Value, Space(1))
ReDim aOutput(1 To 1, 1 To 1)
'loop through the words
For i = LBound(vaSplit) To UBound(vaSplit)
Select Case True
Case IsPercent(vaSplit(i))
'percents always go in the same column
lCnt = lCOLPCT
If UBound(aOutput, 2) < lCnt Then
ReDim Preserve aOutput(1 To 1, 1 To lCnt)
End If
aOutput(1, lCnt) = vaSplit(i)
Case IsInList(vaSplit(i))
'list items always go in the same column
lCnt = lCOLMAT
ReDim Preserve aOutput(1 To 1, 1 To lCnt)
If UBound(aOutput, 2) < lCnt Then
ReDim Preserve aOutput(1 To 1, 1 To lCnt)
End If
aOutput(1, lCnt) = vaSplit(i)
Case IsMeasure(vaSplit(i))
'measurements go in the last column(s)
If UBound(aOutput, 2) < lCOLREM Then
lCnt = lCOLREM
lCnt = UBound(aOutput, 2) + 1
End If
ReDim Preserve aOutput(1 To 1, 1 To lCnt)
aOutput(1, lCnt) = vaSplit(i)
Case Else
'everything else gets concatentated in the desc column
aOutput(1, lCOLDESC) = aOutput(1, lCOLDESC) & " " & vaSplit(i)
End Select
Next i
'remove any extraneous spaces
aOutput(1, lCOLDESC) = Trim(aOutput(1, lCOLDESC))
'write the values to the left of the input range
rCell.Offset(0, 1).Resize(1, UBound(aOutput, 2)).Value = aOutput
Next rCell
MsgBox "Select a one column range"
End If
End If
End Sub
Function IsPercent(ByVal sInput As String) As Boolean
IsPercent = Right$(sInput, 1) = "%"
End Function
Function IsInList(ByVal sInput As String) As Boolean
Dim vaList As Variant
Dim vaTest As Variant
'add list items as needed
vaList = Array("Wood", "Glass", "Plastic")
vaTest = Filter(vaList, sInput)
IsInList = UBound(vaTest) > -1
End Function
Function IsMeasure(ByVal sInput As String) As Boolean
Dim vaMeas As Variant
Dim i As Long
'add measurements as needed
vaMeas = Array("mm", "cm", "m")
For i = LBound(vaMeas) To UBound(vaMeas)
'any number of characters that end in a number and a measurement
If sInput Like "*#" & vaMeas(i) Then
IsMeasure = True
Exit For
End If
Next i
End Function
No guarantees that this will be speedy on 10k rows.
