Website breaking after 301 Redirect - .htaccess

Quite of a newbie question here but recently our Web Developer left our (small) company and has left us in a bind.
We recently (2 days ago) redirected our site to a newer and mobile friendly model and was working well for quite some time. For whatever reasons management deemed they needed to roll back the site to its original model and the site is breaking whenever you type in However, https:// works perfectly fine, and it seems like it has something to do with the htaccess file -- but being just the project manager, coding comes second in terms of skill.
If it helps our site is -- currently still trying to figure out why the "www" and "http" is breaking the site.
If needed I can post a .txt of our htaccess if that helps.
I appreciate all the help and apologize if this was too broad of a question!

Solution: Granted this may not apply to everyone -- but the problem was not within the htaccess file but with caching of the server. The server was not pulling the right the .css file therefore causing an "explosion" of our site and I found that purging all of cached files did the trick.


Domain redirecting without my permission
A friend and I put that site together a few years ago, just to do some study on how to use google ranking. It was actually doing quite well. Recently, we haven't really messed with it, but I still check the analytics, and they have severely dropped.
I went to visit the site tonight, and it loads for a split second, and then redirects me to a completely different site.
Can anyone explain what is causing this? And also, explain how I can stop this?
Looks like your website hacked.
First of all, please change all passwords. Then remove twitter fan box plugin (because script of this plugin is causing redirect)
Then you can check this resource:

Site redirecting to a malicious website, already cleaned the code

I have a website which is infected by some malicious malware. In the beginning I could notice that there was some strange javascript code on the site pages so I delete it and everything was fine for a few days, but now google lists the website as dangerous even though that I have checked the site code for any strange code but I could not find anything.
I have try Sucuri SiteCheck and it detects redirections to a malicious site. At first I thought that it may be an .htaccess file that was doing the redirection but I checked the files on the shared server and there is no .htaccess file.
Any ideas on how to solve this?
Your hosting account has bee hacked. Change your password on your hosting service. Go through your site code once more (every file) and look for things that don't belong. Clear your browser cache and then try again. If your account is hacked again, find a new hosting service. Once you're sure that your site is clean and your account has been secured, let Google know about the problems and request a removal from their suspect list:
Google support
check your .htaccess file for the redirection or the whether the files contain and unwanted malicious java script.

Remove incoming links from duplicate website

There is a duplicate development website that exists for legacy reasons and is pending a complete removal, it always had a rule in it's robots.txt file to deny all search engines, but at one point the robots.txt got deleted by accident, and for a point in time there were two cross-domain duplicates and Google indexed the entire duplicate website, and caused thousands of incoming links to the production website to show up in Google webmaster tools (Your site on the web > Links to your site).
The robots.txt got restored, and the entire development site is protected by a password, but the incoming links from the duplicate site remain in the production website webmaster tools, even though the development site robots.txt was downloaded by Google 19 hours ago.
I have spent hours reading about this, and see a lot of contradiction on the web, so would like to get an updated consensus from stackoverflow on how to perform a complete site removal and remove the links that point from the development site to the production site from Google.
Nobody will be able to tell you exactly how much time will it take for Google to remove the "bad" links from index, but it's likely going to take a few days not hours. Another thing to keep in mind is that only "good" crawlers will be actually honoring your robots.txt file, so if you don't want these links to show up elsewhere, just using disallow in your robots.txt file certainly won't be enough.

Google links opens wrong pages

Our website has been recently hacked (Joomla 1.5, hosted on VPS). Attacker added few php scripts that were redirecting to some ad sites. We have cleaned everything (or at least we think we did), and now everything works as it should.
However, links on Google (or Yahoo) that are pointing to our web site are still trying to include these php scripts (and returns 404 as these are deleted now). Direct links from browser works as they should.
We have cleaned site 10 days ago, so I do not think that something is cached at Google servers. Re-indexing should be done by now.
To reproduce this behavior:
Go to
type in "anitex socks"
click any php link that starts with ""
You will get "The requested URL /wp-includes/client.php was not found on this server" + 404 error
Refresh page and everything works without issues
Why are only Google links making troubles?
Any help is welcome. Thanks!
As for the reason why this is happening, I installed a firefox add-on which blocks my browser's Referrer Header and then followed a Google link to your site and it worked fine. Then I disabled the add-on and the problem started occurring again.
This shows that there is still some malicious code running on your website which is checking all http requests to see if they come from Google (based on checking the HTTP Referrer header) and redirecting them to /wp-includes/client.php if they do,
To try to determine where this code may lie, try performing a recursive grep through all your www files on your server as well as your www configuration files,somewhere in there there must still be a reference to that client.php script, hopefully you can find and eliminate it.
That said, if it were my site and I knew a hacker had had free reign over my server to do whatever they wanted to it, I would not mess around with trying to undo the damage and would instead restore the most recent backup from before the site was hacked. You only have to miss one back door the hacker left in place and they can re-enter your site. After restoring backups, you should also upgrade/reconfigure the software they used to gain access in the first place so they can't simply rehack it in the same manner again.

Writing a htaccess file - RewriteBase?

Right I'll try and explain my situation as thoroughly as possible while also keeping it brief...
I'm just starting out as a web designer/developer, so I bought the unlimited hosting package with 123-reg. I set up a couple of websites, my main domain being I have learnt how to map other domains to a folder within this directory. At the minute, one of my domains, is mapped to which is working fine for the home page. However when clicking on another link on for example page 2, the URL changes to
I have been advised from someone at 123-reg that I need to write a .htaccess file and use the RewriteBase directive (whatever that is?!) I have looked on a few websites to try and help me understand this, including however it all isn't making much sense at the moment.
Finally, is a wordpress site, whether that makes any difference to how the htaccess file is structured I'm not sure...
Any help will be REALLY appreciated - Thanks.
I run my personal public website on Webfusion, which is another branded service offering by the same company on the same infrastructure, and my blog contains a bunch of articles (tagged Webfusion) on how to do this. You really need to do some reading and research -- the Apache docs, articles and HowTos like mine -- to help you get started and then come back with specific Qs, plus the supporting info that we need to answer them.
It sounds like you are using a 123 redirector service, or equivalent for which hides the redirection in an iframe. The issue here is that if the links on your site use site-relative links then because the URI has been redirected to then any new pages will be homed in (I had the same problem with my wife's business site which mapped the same way to one of my subdirectories).
What you need to do is to configure the blog so that its site base is and to force explicit site-based links so that any hrefs in the pages are of the form, etc. How you do this depends on the blog engine, but most support this as an option.
It turned out to be a 123-reg problem at the time not correctly applying changes to the DNS.
