SAS finding an uppercase word within a string - string

I have a string which contains one word in uppercase somewhere within it. I want to extract that one word into a new variable using SAS.
I think I need to find a way to code up finding a word which contains two or more uppercase letters (as the start of a sentence would begin with an uppercase letter).
i.e. How do I create the variable 'word':
data example;
length txtString $50;
length word $20;
infile datalines dlm=',';
input txtString $ word $;
This is one EXAMPLE. Of what I need.,EXAMPLE
THIS is another.,THIS
Hope someone can help and the question is clear
Thanks in advance

Consider a regex match/replace with a negative lookbehind to include two types of matches:
consecutive upper case words followed by a space with at least two characters (to avoid title cases at beginning of sentence): (([A-Z ]){2,})
consecutive upper case words followed by a period with at least two characters: (to avoid title cases at beginning of sentence): (([A-Z.]){2,})
CAVEAT: This solution works except the I article is also matched which technically is a valid match as it is also an all uppercase one-word. Being the only type in English language, consider a tranwrd() replace for such a special case. In fact, relatedly, this solution matches ALL uppercase words.
data example;
length txtString $50;
length word $20;
infile datalines dlm=',';
input txtString $ word $;
This is one EXAMPLE. Of what I need.,EXAMPLE
THIS is another.,THIS
data example;
set example;
pattern_num = prxparse("s/(?!(([A-Z ]){2,})|(([A-Z.]){2,})).//");
wordextract = prxchange(pattern_num, -1, txtString);
wordextract = tranwrd(wordextract, " I ", "");
drop pattern_num;
txtString word wordextract
This is one EXAMPLE. Of what I need. EXAMPLE EXAMPLE
THIS is another. THIS THIS

SAS has a prxsubstr() function call that finds the starting position and length of a substring that matches a given regex pattern within a given string. Here's a sample solution using the prxsubstr() function call:
data solution;
set example;
/* Build a regex pattern of the word to search for, and hang on to it */
/* (The regex below means: word boundary, then two or more capital letters,
then word boundary. Word boundary here means the start or the end of a string
of letters, digits and/or underscores.) */
if _N_ = 1 then pattern_num = prxparse("/\b[A-Z]{2,}\b/");
retain pattern_num;
/* Get the starting position and the length of the word to extract */
call prxsubstr(pattern_num, txtString, mypos, mylength);
/* If a word matching the regex pattern is found, extract it */
if mypos ^= 0 then word = substr(txtString, mypos, mylength);
SAS prxsubstr() documentation:
Regex word boundary info:


How to match a part of string before a character into one variable and all after it into another

I have a problem with splitting string into two parts on special character.
For example:
I have 5-7 characters in first part separated with "#" from second part, where are another data (characters,numbers, doesn't matter what)
I need to store two parts on each side of # in two variables:
x = 12345
y = data
without "#" character.
I was looking for some Lua string function like splitOn("#") or substring until character, but I haven't found that.
Use string.match and captures.
Try this:
s = "12345#data"
a,b = s:match("(.+)#(.+)")
See this documentation:
First of all, although Lua does not have a split function is its standard library, it does have string.gmatch, which can be used instead of a split function in many cases. Unlike a split function, string.gmatch takes a pattern to match the non-delimiter text, instead of the delimiters themselves
It is easily achievable with the help of a negated character class with string.gmatch:
local example = "12345#data"
for i in string.gmatch(example, "[^#]+") do
See IDEONE demo
The [^#]+ pattern matches one or more characters other than # (so, it "splits" a string with 1 character).

Extracting a specific word and a number of tokens on each side of it from each string in a column in SAS?

Extracting a specific word and a number of tokens on each side of it from each string in a column in SAS EG ?
For example,
row1: the sun is nice
row2: the sun looks great
row3: the sun left me
Is there a code that would produce the following result column (2 words where sun is the first):
and possibly a second column with COUNT in case of duplicate matches.
So if there was 20 SUN LOOKS then it they would be grouped and have a count of 20.
I think you can use functions findw() and scan() to do want you want. Both of those functions operate on the concept of word boundaries. findw() returns the position of the word in the string. Once you know the position, you can use scan() in a loop to get the next word or words following it.
Here is a simple example to show you the concept. It is by no means a finished or polished solution, but intended you point you in the right direction. The input data set (text) contains the sentences you provided in your question with slight modifications. The data step finds the word "sun" in the sentence and creates a variable named fragment that contains 3 words ("sun" + the next 2 words).
data text2;
set text;
length fragment $15;
word = 'sun'; * search term;
fragment_len = 3; * number of words in target output;
word_pos = findw(sentence, word, ' ', 'e');
if word_pos then do;
do i = 0 to fragmen_len-1;
fragment = catx(' ', fragment, scan(sentence, word_pos+i));
Here is a partial print of the output data set.
You can use a combination of the INDEX, SUBSTR and SCAN functions to achieve this functionality.
INDEX - takes two arguments and returns the position at which a given substring appears in a string. You might use:
SUBSTR - simply returns a substring of the provided string, taking a second numeric argument referring to the starting position of the substring. Combine this with your INDEX function:
This returns the substring of str from the point where the word 'sun' first appears.
SCAN - returns the 'words' from a string, taking the string as the first argument, followed by a number referring to the 'word'. There is also a third argument that specifies the delimiter, but this defaults to space, so you wouldn't need it in your example.
To pick out the word after 'sun' you might do this:
Now all that's left to do is build a new string containing the words of interest. That can be achieved with concatenation operators. To see how to concatenate two strings, run this illustrative example:
data _NULL_;
a = 'Hello';
b = 'World';
c = a||' - '||b;
put c;
The log should contain this line:
Hello - World
As a result of displaying the value of the c variable using the put statement. There are a number of functions that can be used to concatenate strings, look in the documentation at CAT,CATX,CATS for some examples.
Hopefully there is enough here to help you.

Algorithms for "shortening" strings?

I am looking for elegant ways to "shorten" the (user provided) names of object. More precisely:
my users can enter free text (used as "name" of some object), they can use up to 64 chars (including whitespaces, punctuation marks, ...)
in addition to that "long" name; we also have a "reduced" name (exactly 8 characters); required for some legacy interface
Now I am looking for thoughts on how to generate these "reduced" names, based on the 64-char name.
With "elegant" I am wondering about any useful ideas that "might" allow the user to recognize something with value within the shortened string.
Like, if the name is "Production Test Item A5"; then maybe "PTIA5" might (or might not) tell the user something useful.
Apply a substring method to the long version, trim it, in case there are any whitespace characters at the end, optionally remove any special characters from the very end (such as dashes) and finally add a dot, in case you want to indicate your abbreviation that way.
Just a quick hack to get you started:
String longVersion = "Aswaghtde-5d";
// Get substring 0..8 characters
String shortVersion = longVersion.substring(0, (longVersion.length() < 8 ? longVersion.length() : 8));
// Remove whitespace characters from end of String
shortVersion = shortVersion.trim();
// Remove any non-characters from end of String
shortVersion = shortVersion.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9\\s]+$", "");
// Add dot to end
shortVersion = shortVersion.substring(0, (shortVersion.length() < 8 ? shortVersion.length() : shortVersion.length() - 1)) + ".";
I needed to shorten names to function as column names in a database. Ideally, the names should be recognizable for users. I set up a dictionary of patterns for commonly occuring words with corresponding "abbreviations". This was applied ONLY to those names which were over the limit of 30 characters.

Finding mean of ascii values in a string MATLAB

The string I am given is as follows:
scrap1 =
a le h
ke fd
zyq b
ner i
You'll notice there are 2 blank spaces indicating a space (ASCII 32) in each row. I need to find the mean ASCII value in each column without taking into account the spaces (32). So first I would convert to with double(scrap1) but then how do I find the mean without taking into account the spaces?
If it's only the ASCII 32 you want to omit:
d = double(scrap1);
result = mean(d(d~=32)); %// logical indexing to remove unwanted value, then mean
You can remove the intermediate spaces in the string with scrap1(scrap1 == ' ') = ''; This replaces any space in the input with an empty string. Then you can do the conversion to double and average the result. See here for other methods.
Probably, you can use regex to find the space and ignore it. "\s"
findSpace = regexp(scrap1, '\s', 'ignore')
% I am not sure about the ignore case, this what comes to my mind. but u can read more about regexp by typying doc regexp.

Lua frontier pattern match (whole word search)

can someone help me with this please:
s_test = "this is a test string this is a test string "
function String.Wholefind(Search_string, Word)
_, F_result = string.gsub(Search_string, '%f[%a]'..Word..'%f[%A]',"")
return F_result
A_test = String.Wholefind(s_test,"string")
output: A_test = 2
So the frontier pattern finds the whole word no problem and gsub counts the whole words no problem but what if the search string has numbers?
s_test = " 123test 123test 123"
B_test = String.Wholefind(s_test,"123test")
output: B_test = 0
seems to work with if the numbers aren't at the start or end of the search string
Your pattern doesn't match because you are trying to do the impossible.
After including your variable value, the pattern looks like this: %f[%a]123test%f[%A]. Which means:
%f[%a] - find a transition from a non letter to a letter
123 - find 123 at the position after transition from a non letter to a letter. This itself is a logical impossibility as you can't match a transition to a letter when a non-letter follows it.
Your pattern (as written) will not work for any word that starts or ends with a non-letter.
If you need to search for fragments that include letters and numbers, then your pattern needs to be changed to something like '%f[%S]'..Word..'%f[%s]'.
