So how do properly setup a Redirect Uri? - security

A few days ago, I was playing around with a local API(not Google) and it required me to provide a Redirect Uri while trying to setup my app in their dashboard.
I did some googling and top searches led me to oAuth2.0 and Google Developer's website. But this API I'm using is not related with any of Google's so I thought it won't be relevant.
Is the setup of Redirect Uri for most APIs universal or almost the same? What programming languages can I use to implement this?
The description also says I need to parse a subscriber_number and access_token in JSON format. How do I do that?
Please note that I have already found a free hosting site via Firebase and have provided my own link. I also did the initial steps from another user to fire the required access_token that I needed to parse from the Redirect Uri. But accessing it from the browser right after triggering doesn't give me anything. I'm so clueless. Any help is much appreciated!


Can you add url or body parameters to the internal url in Azure application proxy?

I already set up the application proxy and it works fine. The problem is I need to pass info about the Microsoft user to the application that the internal URL is pointing to, and I haven't found a way to change the url dynamically, much less create a custom body, to pass on said information.
If there isn't any way to send said info over url or request body, would it be possible over cookies? If so I'd love it if you could link me to some sources to read up on it as I have no prior experience working with cookies and have absolutely no idea about how they work:\
I'd really appreciate any help you can give me, I googled a bunch and am yet to find an answer. Also please don't crucify me if the answer is obvious lol, I'm trying:(

Scraping websphere website using node js with encrypted value

I am scraping website which is made on websphere.
I see that whenever the user logged in, It hits 4 url while reaching to home page.
While in 3rd URL, It has some encrypted value which looks like this
The problem is, I noticed this only encrypted value changes for every login.
Is there any algorithm in websphere that generates this kind of url ? Or is there any way I can replicate this encrypted value ?
Is there any one who has done crawling/scraping on the websphere site ?
wps/myportal suggests a Websphere web portal login. The 'encrypted' URI you're seeing is most likely a hash to maintain the user login sessions.
The best way to replicate this is to supply your web scraping program with a username and password to access the portal section of the website so it can POST a login while scraping. The website itself will generate the session info. You will need to instruct your scraping application to follow any dynamic URLs that are generated. Usually this is done by following any URLs in the HTML supplied by the server after logging in.
As an example, scrapy can be configured to follow any URLs in target pages when scraping:
Although you are using your own solution to scrape the contents of the portal for a logged in user, hopefully the logic and progression illustrated in my examples help steer you in the right direction for resolving what appears to be a session/cookie storage issue.
Though Chris has answered the question and it helped me.
This line
Usually this is done by following any URLs in the HTML supplied by the server after logging in.
Just want to update with Node js. The same thing can be acheived by request module and cheerio for parsing the html(which comes in response) in Node JS.
P.S. : In case anyone is looking where i found that dynamic url, I found that in HTML form which came to me in response. It was the action of that form.


I have some java code that retrieves blogs through the REST API's. I am not using the social business toolkit, but we have our own framework for that.
The application works perfectly on an on-premise connections environment and has worked on multiple versions.
However when switching to Connections Cloud, some parts stopped worked.
We get a 403 - Forbidden exception on 2 occasions:
Getting the details of a blog post: /blogs/[blog-id]/feed/entry/atom?entryid=[entry-id]
Getting images inside the blog post: /blogs/[blog-id]/resource/BLOGS_UPLOADED_IMAGES/[image file name]
I have fixed issue 1) by switching to the plublishing API: /blogs/[blog-id]/api/entries/[entry-id].
I cannot find a way to fix issue 2). I have also found 2 other image urls:[blog-id]/api/media/[file-name][blog-id]/api/media/BLOGS_UPLOADED_IMAGES/[file-name].media
Both return:
<sp_0:error xmlns="" xmlns:sp_0="">
<message>Not Found</message>
I want to authenticate by using Basic Authentication when possible. This does not appear to work with the given 403 urls.
My guess is that this the basic authentication header is not picked up. I have seen this before.
I used to fix this by first calling another URL that does support basic authentication and using the Ltpa cookies to authenticate the image url.
This also does not work: I do get LtpaTokens, but when I pass all the cookies to the URL, the image still does not work.
I prefer not to use OAuth of OAuth 2 at this moment. Is there any other way to fix this?
Anybody else managed to retrieve BLOGS_UPLOADED_IMAGES?
The issue is can also be reproduced in a browser.
Make sure you are not yet authenticated and the blog has posts with
Go to /blogs/[blog-id]/api/media
Authenticate using the popup in the browser The Atom feed now appears. This contains the images of your blog.
403 when opening:
404 xml when opening: /blogs/[blog-id]/api/media/* links

Integrating 3D Secure into Payius payment system

Is there anyone familiar with Payius payment system?
I have integrated the system in one website and now I have to add 3DS step. The only documentation I found (
says I need to redirect the user to url https:///merchant/mpi which will perform a get request to the referrer as a callback. Now as I understand for testing purposes the url should be right? In any case both bring up en error.
Did I get the documentation right?
Ok, the correct url for testing is It appears the mistake was in passed parameters. If you do not pass needed request parameters, the page will not be loaded at all.

Google Places Request Returning "REQUEST_DENIED"

I realise their are numerous questions regarding this issue and I have read them all, but I still cannot get this to work!
I have:
Created my project in the API console
Enabled Places API in services
Created a new IOS API Key (repeated this step twice now)
Tried the request with sensor=true, sensor=false and no sensor param at all
Tried HTTP and HTTPS
Those are all the fixes I found within the existing questions regarding this issue, have I missed anything? Here is a sample URL I am using to test:
And yes, I am replacing 'MYKEY' with my actual API key :).
I am developing an IOS app using monotouch but I don't really see how that is relevant as I can't get this to work in the browser either.
Any help would be hugely appreciated! Been stuck on this all day now.
I believe you want to be using your "Simple API Access" key (not an Android/iOS key). The documentation mentions this as the last step.
I tried your sample URL with my Simple API Access key and it was successful.
