Not receiving event notification from DocuSign API - docusignapi

I am using the DocuSign Rest API v2. During envelope creation process, we will send our rest API URL to receive the notifications.
The events are properly receiving in our live setup. But in our local development setup we are not receiving the notifications.
For this, we have whitelisted the IP ranges mentioned in the DocuSign Page on our side.
But still, we are not receiving notifications to the development setup.
What else we need to do to get this done?

Unfortunately I'm unable to respond to the original post, however I've experienced the same issue (reported here). It only appears to occur when envelopes are sent as far as I can tell, and I'm able to retrieve the status afterwards - but it's not in line with what the API guide tells us, nor what was happening previously.


Demo Docusign Connect Notification "Delivered" is not working

I just have issues with the Connect notification "delivered" from my DocuSign demo account. I'm able to get other notifications like Sent or Completed via Backend and via API. I just tried to get the notification "delivered" via Backend and via API and the log details in the backend shows me this message: "Error loading log details. Try it again."
With other Notifications it shows me the XML with Status sent/completed or something else.
Is this behaviour expected because i just have a demo account? The other notifications like sent and completed seems to work.
This is the message i get if i try to get the notification "delivered".
And this is the message i get if i try to get the notification "sent" or "complete".
Please advise.
If you want a notification of when an envelope has been delivered to an individual recipient, it is better to use the event user.delivered rather than envelope.delivered.
Also, if you're using the default Connect queuing system, delivered statuses can be subsumed by the completed status if it occurs within a minute or so of the delivered status.
To ensure that you always get every notification, use the SIM queuing system. (Select via Admin tool / Updates screen.)
This behaviour is not related to you demo account and you should not see this error.
I tested myself and everything works as expected. Perhaps you can post a screenshot of the error.

DocuSign dynamic/multiple webhook urls

Is there any guidelines/recommendations for the webhook URL that I can use for setting up the event notifications?
I am thinking of using something like this - /webhook/v1/{uniqueAppID}. The uniqueAppID changes for every envelope, I dynamically construct the URL and set it to the EventNotification object while creating the envelope.
The unique app id is used to track the response from DocuSign, So if at all there is any issue in parsing the response, I would know for which envelope/app id I have got the notification.
I read that the system will retry delivery for failures only after a successful acknowledgement is received from the webhook, In my case, it will be like having multiple webhooks. Will this setup cause any issues in retrying the failures? Does setting up the url like /webhook/v1?uniqueAppID={uniqueAppID} helps?
Thank You
Great questions.
First up, you don't have to use any kind of endpoint/URL schemes. You could have them all go one place. The information that you get from DocuSign in the payload would allow you to know everything you need about the envelope and if you need additional information - you could make API calls to determine this.
However, I would agree that if you need this information, using different endpoints would give you greater flexibility. Also, if it's different apps, you could, in theory, deploy them separately and thus the endpoint code would change without affecting other apps.
As for retry, this is done in case DocuSign does not get a 200, 201 or other HTTP response that's positive from your web server. If DocuSign gets 401 or 500 etc. If no response is received, DocuSign would retry again in 24 hours.
That should not impact your decision about the design.
One last thing to consider, you cannot be behind firewall/VPN etc. Highly recommend you consider a public cloud provider (Azure, AWS, Google) for your app to avoid networking issues.
When using envelope-level webhooks, the triggers and destination URI are embedded into that envelope. After the envelope enters a predefined state like 'sent' or 'completed', the writeback targets the URI that you provided. Unless you intentionally change this, it should remain envelope-specific.
This is different from our typical Connect setup, which would have a single URI per listener and envelopes writebacks would be directed to the listener URI at the time they're processed.
Any subsequent failure or retry attempts would follow the standard guidelines outlined here: How to get docusign webhook to retry on failure?

Sendgrid Event Webhook sends fake emails response and not real data

I have created a post api and did put that post api inside the event webhook settings of sendgrid. But when i enabled it and check the json response on my api in local, i am getting fake messages and not real data.
Anyone know whats the reason. I checked their documentation, it is not telling anything else.
Source of information :
If you are using event webhook according to above documentation in the question. You wont get the real data as for testing purpose sendgrid sends that data from your account. Instead try implementing the API. Then you will get the real response as it would contain your sendgrid api key.

DocumentPDFs elements not consistently returned from DocuSign Connect

I have successfully implemented a system that creates documents to be signed via a template using the .NET API, and then has a DocuSign Connect listener that gets called upon the envelope being signed (right now only have Connect reporting on envelope signatures and declines). I have the option set to "Include Documents" on my DocuSign Connect settings. When I create the envelope for signature programmatically with one signer it all works - my Connect listener gets called, the /DocuSignEnvelopeInformation/DocumentPDF/PDFBytes element has Base64 data in it, and I have successfully decoded that and stored it in our doc management system. Cool. Demos well, management loves it.
However, I have noticed at least two scenarios where the /DocuSignEnvelopeInformation/DocumentPDF section isn't being returned at all:
When there are multiple signers.
When the envelope is created manually, even if it uses the same template.
I can still use the Connect response to get the /DocuSignEnvelopeInformation/EnvelopeStatus/DocumentStatuses and extract the document IDs from the DocumentStatus child elements, and then go retrieve those programmatically using the .NET API. But I am wondering why the PDF bytes aren't being consistently returned all the time? Is the above expected behavior? Am I missing something?
I would prefer to save "round trips" and just have Connect deliver all the signed PDFs to me when it calls (and yes, I have read the Recommendations for Receiving Documents section of the DocuSign Connect Guide and understand the trade-offs. Just wondering if I need to code around this issue, or what I am missing?
Hmmm. Envelopes don't get "signed," they get "sent" and "completed." See the envelopeEvents vs the recipientEvents lists in the Connect::Create call.
Currently, there is an existing issue which is that the connect daemon can miss an event if it is quickly superseded by another event. This might be what is happening when you have multiple signers for an envelope. The safest thing to do is to subscribe to all events and then ignore the notifications that are not of interest to you.
The terminal event of an envelope being "completed" will always be sent if you've subscribed to it.
Also, to make your app more bulletproof, I suggest subscribing to the Connect events via the API call (link is above) rather than depending on the human to setup up the subscription correctly. Since an account can easily have more than one connect subscription, you can track which one is your app's by using a specific name for the subscription.
Just now, I created a Connect subscription for just the Envelope Completed event, for all users in my account on As the subscription (listener) url, I used a free account from
Using the web user interface (not the API), I created an envelope with two signers. After I completed the envelope, the received the notification, it included:
<Name>House architectural overview.pdf</Name>
as expected. So I'm unable to reproduce your problem. I suggest that you use to double-check exactly what is being sent in the notification messages.

Evernote webhook notification

I registered for Evernote webhook successfully with a valid end point recently. But whenever I make any changes to my evernote account, either by creating or updating a note, I am not being notified by the webhook. I am using a page created with as an endpoint but I don't see evernote making any requests to it. I have reached out to Evernote support but haven't received a response yet.
How do you test to see if Evernote Webhook is working as expected?
The easiest way is to check the web logs of the web server you've set up to receive them.
I have a couple of web hooks set up and they seem to work. I've used a node.js app to receive the webhooks.
Double-check that you asked for the right kinds of notifications? What filter did you ask for?
Other than double-checking the URL you gave them, and double-checking the logs, and if using https ensuring you are using a valid certificate, there isn't much else other than waiting for the support response.
In the meantime you can test your code by hitting your webhook server with appropriately formatted URLs.
