Excel: Average of parts of a column based on another column - excel

Using Excel 2011 for mac, I have three columns: ID, Start date, end date and time to completion. (Date format: dd/mm/yyyy)
ID | Start | End | Time
1 | 01/01/2016 | 05/01/2016 | 4
2 | 04/01/2016 | 08/01/2016 | 4
3 | 01/02/2016 | 14/02/2016 | 13
4 | 02/02/2016 | 20/02/2016 | 18
5 | 01/03/2016 | 05/03/2016 | 4
6 | 06/03/2016 | 08/03/2016 | 2
7 | 12/03/2016 | 15/03/2016 | 3
Column D is basically the difference between column C and column B.
Now I have the total average, which is easy to calculate but I'd also like to have the averages for the different months.
And this is where my knowledge falls apart. I've tried several things but I can't seem to figure out how to calculate an average using only the cells in a column that match a certain value in another column. I could sort the tickets by date and do it manually by doing the average for only a certain range but as this list constantly changes this is definitely not a nice option.

Check out the AVERAGEIF function
AVERAGEIF(selection_range, criteria, averaging_range)
It uses the values in the selection_range to filter which values in the averaging_range will be averaged.
In your case you could say AVERAGEIF(B1:B8, "01/01/2016", D1:D8)

There are multiple ways. I would personally use an array formula, but that may be a bit advanced and overly complicated.
I suggest adding a column E "Month" - into E2 add:
Then copy cell E2 to E3:E8.
Now you can easily get a monthly average by applying the AVERAGEIF command:
The second argument, 2, indicates February, but may be exchanged with any number from 1-12.


How can I put together a SUMIFS in Excel to include an OR?

I'm trying to put together a calendar of regular payments which will have a date begun, day the money is paid and the date cancelled (if there is one), however I'm struggling with setting up my SUMIFS function. I've set up an example here.
What I'm trying to do is add the paid value on the day the payment is made, if the date started is less than the date, and only if the date cancelled is empty or the date is before the date cancelled.
List of payments:
1 Payment | Begun | Cancelled
2 £5.00 | 01/01/2016 |
3 £9.00 | 04/01/2016 | 01/02/2016
Calendar (that I'd expect):
1 Date | Payment
2 01/01/16 | £5.00
3 02/01/16 | £0.00
4 03/01/16 | £0.00
5 04/01/16 | £9.00
33 01/02/16 | £5.00
34 02/02/16 | £0.00
35 03/02/16 | £0.00
36 04/02/16 | £0.00
So in this example: £5 should be added on 01/01/16 and 01/02/16, while £9 should be added on 04/01/16 only.
So far in the F column I have:
=SUMIFS($A$2:$A$3, DAY($B$2:$B$3), "="&DAY(E2), $B$2:$B$3, "<="&E2, $C$2:$C$3, ">="&E2)
This Array formula in F2 should do what you want:
It is an Array formula and must be confirmed with Ctrl-Shift-Enter. Then copied down.
The 'OR' in Array formulas must use a +. If all you had were AND the * would work.
I assume you are going to be adding dates to columns A:C, you can change all the small absolute ranges to the desired ranges and it will work for multiples.
Do forgive our backwards dates.
you should just ADD the results of two separate SUMIF()'s in your case:
=SUMIFS($A$2:$A$3, DAY(B$2:B$3), "="&DAY(E2), $B$2:$B$3, "<="&E2, $C$2:$C$3,">="&E2)
SUMIFS($A$2:$A$3, DAY(B$2:B$3), "="&DAY(E2), $B$2:$B$3, "<="&E2, ISBLANK($C$2:$C$3),TRUE)
Confirm with Ctrl+Shift+enter

Counting the number of older siblings in an Excel spreadsheet

I have a longitudinal spreadsheet of adolescent growth.
ID | CollectionDate | DOB | MOTHER ID | Sex
1 | 1Aug03 | 3Apr90 | 12 | 1
1 | 4Sept04 | 3Apr90 | 12 | 1
1 | 1Sept05 | 3Apr90 | 12 | 1
2 | 1Aug03 | 21Dec91 | 12 | 0
2 | 4Sept04 | 21Dec91 | 12 | 0
2 | 1Sept05 | 21Dec91 | 12 | 0
3 | 1Aug03 | 30Jan89 | 23 | 0
3 | 4Sept04 | 30Jan89 | 23 | 0
This is a sample of how my data is formatted and some of the variables that I have. As you can see, since it is longitudinal, each individual has multiple measurements. In the actual database there are over 10 measurements per individual and over 250 individuals.
What I am wanting to do is input a value signifying the number of older brothers and older sisters each individual has. That is why I have included the Mother ID (because it represents genetic relatedness) and sex. These new variable columns would just say how many older siblings of each sex each individual has. Is there a formula that I could use to do this quickly?
Create a column named Distinct with this formula
Then you can find all the older 0-sexed siblings like this
Note that I made the data a Table and used table notation. If you're not familiar [COLUMNNAME] refers to the whole column and [#COLUMNNAME] refers to the value in that column on the current row. It's similar to saying $A:$A and A2 if you're dealing with column A.
The first formula gives you a value to count that will always result in 1 for a particular ID. So ID=1 has three lines and Distinct will result in .33333 for each line. When you add up the three lines you get 1. This is similar to a SELECT DISTINCT in Sql parlance.
The SUMPRODUCT formula sums [Distinct] for every row where the DOB is greater than the current DOB, the Mother is the same as the current Mother, and the Sex is zero.
I have a possible solution. It involves adding two columns -- One for "# older siblings" and one for "unique?". So here are all the headings I have currently:
A -- ID
B -- CollectionDate
C -- DOB
E -- Sex
F -- # older siblings
G -- unique?
In G2, I added the following formula:
And dragged down. As long as the data is sorted by ID, this will only display "1" once for each unique person.
In F2, I added the following formula:
And dragged down. It seemed to work correctly for the sample data you provided.
The stipulations are:
You would need the two columns.
The data would need to be sorted by ID
I hope this helps.
You need a formula like this (for example, for row 2):
Assuming E:E is column for sex, D:D is column for mother ID and C:C is column for DOB.
Write this formula in H2 cell for example and drag it down.

Count number of rows where multiple criteria are met

I'm trying to generate a table that shows a count of how many items are in any given status on any given day. My result table has a set of Dates down column A and column headers are various statuses. A sample of my data table with headers looks like this:
Product | Notice | Assigned | Complete | In Office | In Accounting
1 | 5/5/13 | 5/7/13 | 5/9/13 | 5/10/13 | 5/11/13
2 | 5/5/13 | 5/6/13 | 5/8/13 | 5/9/13 | 5/10/13
3 | 5/6/13 | 5/9/13 | 5/10/13 | 5/10/13 | 5/10/13
4 | 5/4/13 | 5/5/13 | 5/7/13 | 5/8/13 | 5/9/13
5 | 5/7/13 | 5/8/13 | 5/10/13 | 5/11/13 | 5/11/13
If my output table were to contain a set of dates in the first column with the statuses as headers, I need a count of how many rows were at the given status and had not yet transitioned to the next status so that in the Notice column, I'd have a count of rows where the Notice Date was <= X AND where the Assigned, Complete, In Office, In Accounting are all greater than X.
I've used a Sum(if(frequency(if statement to get me REALLY close but I feel like I need to have an AND statement within the second IF like this =SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF(AND
Here's what I have that won't work:
=SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF(AND(Table1[Assigned]<=A279,Table1[[Complete]:[In Accounting]]<=A279),ROW(Table1[[Complete]:[In Accounting]])),ROW(Table1[[Complete]:[In Accounting]]))>0,1))
If I take the "AND" portion out, this works fine except I need it to ONLY count rows where the given status actually has a date so if an "Assigned" date is empty, I don't want that row to be counted for the Assigned column.
Here's an example of what I'd expect to see in the results. I've listed the count in the each column as well as the corresponding product numbers in parenthesis. The corresponding product numbers are for reference only and won't actually be in the result table.
Date | Notice | Assigned | Complete
5/6 | 2 (1,3) | 2 (2,4) | 0
5/7 | 2 (3,5) | 2 (1,2) | 1 (4)
5/8 | 1 (3) | 2 (1,5) | 1 (2)
OK, assuming you have the original data in A1:F6 then with 2nd table headers in B9:D9 and row labels in A10:A12 then you can use this "array formula" in B10
confirmed with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER and copied down and across (see screenshot below)
As you can see the results are as per your requirement. If you replace dates with blanks it will still work
MMULTis a way to get a single value from each row even when you are looking at multiple columns.
I used cell references because I think that's easier, especially when copying the formula across and having a reducing range.......but you can use structured references if you want
Have you tried using COUNTIFS to count based on multiple criteria. It is fairly well documented here: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel-help/countifs-function-HA010047494.aspx (2007+ only)
Basically, you use it like
=COUNTIFS(first_range_to_check, value_you_want_in_first_range, ...)
where the ... represents as many pairs as you want (up to 127 total pairs), note the conditions are AND connection so if you have two pairs, the first pair AND the second pair must return true for that row to count.

MS Excel - finding the first row after a certain date

Say I have a spreadsheet with the following, and for convenience say all of this starts from cell A1.
| Date | Item | Account |
| 01/09/2011 | Testing 1 | USD |
| 03/09/2011 | Testing 2 | USD |
| 11/09/2011 | Testing 3 | USD |
| 20/10/2011 | Testing 4 | JD |
| 22/10/2011 | Testing 5 | JD |
| 25/10/2011 | Testing 6 | USD |
| 03/11/2011 | Testing 7 | USD |
| 05/11/2011 | Testing 8 | JD |
Now, I want to run a report for a month, starting on 1/10/2011 and ending on 31/10/2011. I need to find the first row on or after the starting date, and then get every subsequent row until the end date. If I can figure out how to get the row reference for the first and end dates, then I can figure out the rows in between (obviously!).
I have only been able do these sorts of matches on exact matches ie. no idea how to do 'greater/less than' matches.
How would I go about matching on both the date and the account columns?
Needless to say, this needs to be in a formula.
First formula shows row for the first record for October, second formula for the last day. Data must be sorted in ascending order.
Use the following Array Formula for finding the Row containing the earliest date, which is equal to or greater than the date mentioned in cell C1 (in your case this is 1 October).
Date list is in cells A1 to A30. Change the references as required.
Data need not be sorted in ascending or descending order.
Use the following Array Formula for finding the Row containing the latest date which is equal to or less than the date mentioned in cell D1 (in your case this is 31 October). Data need not be sorted in ascending or descending order.
If you want the earliest and latest dates, use the following Array Formulas.
All the formulas used above are Array Formulas. To enter an array formula, use Control+Shift+Enter instead of Enter.
Vijaykumar Shetye, Goa, India
I would recommend using a pivot table for this. Look at the second link on in the "Excel Templates - Pivot Table" section on this page on the Contextures site.

Excel Formulas: Show total based on date entry

I've got a spreadsheet with two columns that represent the number of processed records, and the date the records were processed. In some cases, the records can be processed in multiple batches, so the document looks something like this:
33 4/1/2009
22 4/1/2009
12 4/2/2009
13 4/4/2009
36 4/4/2009
I'm trying to add a new set of columns that contain a date, and shows the total number of records for that date, automagically:
4/1/2009 55
4/2/2009 12
4/3/2009 0
4/4/2009 49
I know how to do this algorithmically, and I could probably manipulate the spreadsheet outside of Excel, but I'm trying to do this in the live spreadsheet, and am a bit bewildered as to how to pull it off.
Any ideas?
IVR Avenger
Will the SUMIF function work for you? SUMIF([range],[criteria],[sum_range]) I think you could set range = the set of cells containing dates in your first listing, criteria would be the cell containing the date in the second listing, and sum_range would be the counts in the first column of your first listing.
I would suggest using a Pivot Table. Put the dates into the row area and 'sum of' records in the data area. Nothing in the columns area.
A pivot table will be more dynamic than a formula solution because it will only show you dates that exist.
Assuming your dates are in column B and the numbers to be accumulated are in A, you could try something like this:
| A | B | C D
1 | 33 | 4/1/2009 | =MIN(B:B) | {=SUM(IF(B1:B5=C1,A1:A5,0))} |
2 | 22 | 4/1/2009 | =C1+1 | {=SUM(IF(B1:B5=C2,A1:A5,0))} |
3 | 12 | 4/2/2009 | =C2+1 | {=SUM(IF(B1:B5=C3,A1:A5,0))} |
4 | 13 | 4/4/2009 | =C3+1 | {=SUM(IF(B1:B5=C4,A1:A5,0))} |
5 | 36 | 4/4/2009 | =C4+1 | {=SUM(IF(B1:B5=C5,A1:A5,0))} |
Note the {} which signifies an array formula (input using Control-Shift-Enter) for any non-trivial amount of data it's heaps faster than SUMIF().
I'd be inclined to define dynamic names for the A1:A5 and B1:B5 parts, something like
so that I didn't have to keep fixing up my formulae.
There's still a manual element: adding new rows for extra dates, for example - that might be a good place for a little VBA. Alternatively, if you can get away with showing, for example, the last 90 days' totals, then you could fix the number of rows used.
