Combine 2 different sheets with same data in Excel - excel

I have the same data from different sources, both incomplete, but combined they may be less incomplete..
I have 2 files;
File #1 has; ID, Zipcode, YoB, Gender
File #2 has: Email, ID, Zipcode, Yob, Gender
The ID's in both files are the same, but #1 has some ID's that #2 hasn't, and the other way aroud.
The Email is connected to the ID. ID's are linked to the zipcode, YoB and gender. In both files are some of that info missing. E.g. File #1 and #2 both have ID 1234, only in #1 it only has a postal code, YoB but no Gender. And #2 has the zipcode and gender but no YoB.
I want to have all the information in one file;
Email, ID, YoB, Zipcode, Gender
I tried to sort both ID's alphabetically and put them next to each other and search for duplicates, but because #1 has some ID's that #2 doesnt I'm not able to combine them...
What's the best way to fix this?
By the way its about 12000 ID's from #1 and 9500 from #2

If you want a list of all the unique IDs then you could create a new sheet, copy both lots of IDs into the same column and then use Advanced Filter to copy Unique records only to another column.
Then use that column to do vlookups from the two files in the columns you require.
(I'm presuming this is a one-time job and you don't mind a bit of manual-ness)...
If on your first Sheet ("Sheet1") you have:
ID F_Name S_Name Age Favourite Cheese
1 Bob Smith 25 Brie
2 Fred Jones 29 Cheddar
3 Jeff Brown 18 Edam
4 Alice Smith 39 Mozzarella
5 Mark Jones 65 Cheddar
7 Sarah Smith 29 Mozzarella
8 Nick Jones 40 Brie
10 Betty Thompson 34 Edam
and on your second Sheet ("Sheet2") you have:
ID F_Name S_Name Age
1 Bob Smith 25
3 Jeff Brown 18
4 Alice Smith 39
5 Mark Jones 65
6 Frank Brown 44
7 Sarah Smith 29
9 Tom Brown 28
10 Betty Thompson 34
Then if you're combining them on a 3rd Sheet you need to do something like:
If you're trying to get to:
ID F_Name S_Name Age Favourite Cheese
1 Bob Smith 25 Brie
2 Fred Jones 29 Cheddar
3 Jeff Brown 18 Edam
4 Alice Smith 39 Mozzarella
5 Mark Jones 65 Cheddar
6 Frank Brown 44 0
7 Sarah Smith 29 Mozzarella
8 Nick Jones 40 Brie
9 Tom Brown 28 0
10 Betty Thompson 34 Edam


How to group by column values based on User ID [duplicate]

I am using this dataframe:
Fruit Date Name Number
Apples 10/6/2016 Bob 7
Apples 10/6/2016 Bob 8
Apples 10/6/2016 Mike 9
Apples 10/7/2016 Steve 10
Apples 10/7/2016 Bob 1
Oranges 10/7/2016 Bob 2
Oranges 10/6/2016 Tom 15
Oranges 10/6/2016 Mike 57
Oranges 10/6/2016 Bob 65
Oranges 10/7/2016 Tony 1
Grapes 10/7/2016 Bob 1
Grapes 10/7/2016 Tom 87
Grapes 10/7/2016 Bob 22
Grapes 10/7/2016 Bob 12
Grapes 10/7/2016 Tony 15
I would like to aggregate this by Name and then by Fruit to get a total number of Fruit per Name. For example:
I tried grouping by Name and Fruit but how do I get the total number of Fruit?
Use GroupBy.sum:
Fruit Name
Apples Bob 16
Mike 9
Steve 10
Grapes Bob 35
Tom 87
Tony 15
Oranges Bob 67
Mike 57
Tom 15
Tony 1
To specify the column to sum, use this: df.groupby(['Name', 'Fruit'])['Number'].sum()
Also you can use agg function,
df.groupby(['Name', 'Fruit'])['Number'].agg('sum')
If you want to keep the original columns Fruit and Name, use reset_index(). Otherwise Fruit and Name will become part of the index.
Fruit Name Number
Apples Bob 16
Apples Mike 9
Apples Steve 10
Grapes Bob 35
Grapes Tom 87
Grapes Tony 15
Oranges Bob 67
Oranges Mike 57
Oranges Tom 15
Oranges Tony 1
As seen in the other answers:
Fruit Name
Apples Bob 16
Mike 9
Steve 10
Grapes Bob 35
Tom 87
Tony 15
Oranges Bob 67
Mike 57
Tom 15
Tony 1
Both the other answers accomplish what you want.
You can use the pivot functionality to arrange the data in a nice table
df.groupby(['Fruit','Name'],as_index = False).sum().pivot('Fruit','Name').fillna(0)
Name Bob Mike Steve Tom Tony
Apples 16.0 9.0 10.0 0.0 0.0
Grapes 35.0 0.0 0.0 87.0 15.0
Oranges 67.0 57.0 0.0 15.0 1.0
You can select different columns to sum numbers.
A variation on the .agg() function; provides the ability to (1) persist type DataFrame, (2) apply averages, counts, summations, etc. and (3) enables groupby on multiple columns while maintaining legibility.
df.groupby(['att1', 'att2']).agg({'att1': "count", 'att3': "sum",'att4': 'mean'})
using your values...
df.groupby(['Name', 'Fruit']).agg({'Number': "sum"})
You can set the groupby column to index then using sum with level
Fruit Name
Apples Bob 16
Mike 9
Steve 10
Oranges Bob 67
Tom 15
Mike 57
Tony 1
Grapes Bob 35
Tom 87
Tony 15
You could also use transform() on column Number after group by. This operation will calculate the total number in one group with function sum, the result is a series with the same index as original dataframe.
df['Number'] = df.groupby(['Fruit', 'Name'])['Number'].transform('sum')
df = df.drop_duplicates(subset=['Fruit', 'Name']).drop('Date', 1)
Then, you can drop the duplicate rows on column Fruit and Name. Moreover, you can drop the column Date by specifying axis 1 (0 for rows and 1 for columns).
# print(df)
Fruit Name Number
0 Apples Bob 16
2 Apples Mike 9
3 Apples Steve 10
5 Oranges Bob 67
6 Oranges Tom 15
7 Oranges Mike 57
9 Oranges Tony 1
10 Grapes Bob 35
11 Grapes Tom 87
14 Grapes Tony 15
# You could achieve the same result with functions discussed by others:
# print(df.groupby(['Fruit', 'Name'], as_index=False)['Number'].sum())
# print(df.groupby(['Fruit', 'Name'], as_index=False)['Number'].agg('sum'))
There is an official tutorial Group by: split-apply-combine talking about what you can do after group by.
If you want the aggregated column to have a custom name such as Total Number, Total etc. (all the solutions on here results in a dataframe where the aggregate column is named Number), use named aggregation:
df.groupby(['Fruit', 'Name'], as_index=False).agg(**{'Total Number': ('Number', 'sum')})
or (if the custom name doesn't need to have a white space in it):
df.groupby(['Fruit', 'Name'], as_index=False).agg(Total=('Number', 'sum'))
this is equivalent to SQL query:
SELECT Fruit, Name, sum(Number) AS Total
GROUP BY Fruit, Name
Speaking of SQL, there's pandasql module that allows you to query pandas dataFrames in the local environment using SQL syntax. It's not part of Pandas, so will have to be installed separately.
#! pip install pandasql
from pandasql import sqldf
SELECT Fruit, Name, sum(Number) AS Total
GROUP BY Fruit, Name
You can use dfsql
for your problem, it will look something like:
df.sql('SELECT fruit, sum(number) GROUP BY fruit')
here is an article about it:
You can use reset_index() to reset the index after the sum
df.groupby(['Fruit','Name'], as_index=False)['Number'].sum()

How update a dataframe column value from second dataframe where values on two specific columns that can repeat on first match on both dataframes?

I have two dataframes with different information about a person, on the first dataframe, person's name may repeat in different rows. I want to add/update the first dataframe with data from the second dataframe where the two columns containing person's data matches on both. Here an example on what I need to accomplish:
name surname
0 john doe
1 mary doe
2 peter someone
3 mary doe
4 john another
5 paul another
name surname account_id
0 peter someone 100
1 john doe 200
2 mary doe 300
3 john another 400
I need to accomplish this:
name surname account_id
0 john doe 200
1 mary doe 300
2 peter someone 100
3 mary doe 300
4 john another 400
5 paul another <empty>

Groupby month and year pandas [duplicate]

I am using this dataframe:
Fruit Date Name Number
Apples 10/6/2016 Bob 7
Apples 10/6/2016 Bob 8
Apples 10/6/2016 Mike 9
Apples 10/7/2016 Steve 10
Apples 10/7/2016 Bob 1
Oranges 10/7/2016 Bob 2
Oranges 10/6/2016 Tom 15
Oranges 10/6/2016 Mike 57
Oranges 10/6/2016 Bob 65
Oranges 10/7/2016 Tony 1
Grapes 10/7/2016 Bob 1
Grapes 10/7/2016 Tom 87
Grapes 10/7/2016 Bob 22
Grapes 10/7/2016 Bob 12
Grapes 10/7/2016 Tony 15
I would like to aggregate this by Name and then by Fruit to get a total number of Fruit per Name. For example:
I tried grouping by Name and Fruit but how do I get the total number of Fruit?
Use GroupBy.sum:
Fruit Name
Apples Bob 16
Mike 9
Steve 10
Grapes Bob 35
Tom 87
Tony 15
Oranges Bob 67
Mike 57
Tom 15
Tony 1
To specify the column to sum, use this: df.groupby(['Name', 'Fruit'])['Number'].sum()
Also you can use agg function,
df.groupby(['Name', 'Fruit'])['Number'].agg('sum')
If you want to keep the original columns Fruit and Name, use reset_index(). Otherwise Fruit and Name will become part of the index.
Fruit Name Number
Apples Bob 16
Apples Mike 9
Apples Steve 10
Grapes Bob 35
Grapes Tom 87
Grapes Tony 15
Oranges Bob 67
Oranges Mike 57
Oranges Tom 15
Oranges Tony 1
As seen in the other answers:
Fruit Name
Apples Bob 16
Mike 9
Steve 10
Grapes Bob 35
Tom 87
Tony 15
Oranges Bob 67
Mike 57
Tom 15
Tony 1
Both the other answers accomplish what you want.
You can use the pivot functionality to arrange the data in a nice table
df.groupby(['Fruit','Name'],as_index = False).sum().pivot('Fruit','Name').fillna(0)
Name Bob Mike Steve Tom Tony
Apples 16.0 9.0 10.0 0.0 0.0
Grapes 35.0 0.0 0.0 87.0 15.0
Oranges 67.0 57.0 0.0 15.0 1.0
You can select different columns to sum numbers.
A variation on the .agg() function; provides the ability to (1) persist type DataFrame, (2) apply averages, counts, summations, etc. and (3) enables groupby on multiple columns while maintaining legibility.
df.groupby(['att1', 'att2']).agg({'att1': "count", 'att3': "sum",'att4': 'mean'})
using your values...
df.groupby(['Name', 'Fruit']).agg({'Number': "sum"})
You can set the groupby column to index then using sum with level
Fruit Name
Apples Bob 16
Mike 9
Steve 10
Oranges Bob 67
Tom 15
Mike 57
Tony 1
Grapes Bob 35
Tom 87
Tony 15
You could also use transform() on column Number after group by. This operation will calculate the total number in one group with function sum, the result is a series with the same index as original dataframe.
df['Number'] = df.groupby(['Fruit', 'Name'])['Number'].transform('sum')
df = df.drop_duplicates(subset=['Fruit', 'Name']).drop('Date', 1)
Then, you can drop the duplicate rows on column Fruit and Name. Moreover, you can drop the column Date by specifying axis 1 (0 for rows and 1 for columns).
# print(df)
Fruit Name Number
0 Apples Bob 16
2 Apples Mike 9
3 Apples Steve 10
5 Oranges Bob 67
6 Oranges Tom 15
7 Oranges Mike 57
9 Oranges Tony 1
10 Grapes Bob 35
11 Grapes Tom 87
14 Grapes Tony 15
# You could achieve the same result with functions discussed by others:
# print(df.groupby(['Fruit', 'Name'], as_index=False)['Number'].sum())
# print(df.groupby(['Fruit', 'Name'], as_index=False)['Number'].agg('sum'))
There is an official tutorial Group by: split-apply-combine talking about what you can do after group by.
If you want the aggregated column to have a custom name such as Total Number, Total etc. (all the solutions on here results in a dataframe where the aggregate column is named Number), use named aggregation:
df.groupby(['Fruit', 'Name'], as_index=False).agg(**{'Total Number': ('Number', 'sum')})
or (if the custom name doesn't need to have a white space in it):
df.groupby(['Fruit', 'Name'], as_index=False).agg(Total=('Number', 'sum'))
this is equivalent to SQL query:
SELECT Fruit, Name, sum(Number) AS Total
GROUP BY Fruit, Name
Speaking of SQL, there's pandasql module that allows you to query pandas dataFrames in the local environment using SQL syntax. It's not part of Pandas, so will have to be installed separately.
#! pip install pandasql
from pandasql import sqldf
SELECT Fruit, Name, sum(Number) AS Total
GROUP BY Fruit, Name
You can use dfsql
for your problem, it will look something like:
df.sql('SELECT fruit, sum(number) GROUP BY fruit')
here is an article about it:
You can use reset_index() to reset the index after the sum
df.groupby(['Fruit','Name'], as_index=False)['Number'].sum()

Pandas: Sum values of a column corresponding to unique pairs of values of two other columns [duplicate]

I am using this dataframe:
Fruit Date Name Number
Apples 10/6/2016 Bob 7
Apples 10/6/2016 Bob 8
Apples 10/6/2016 Mike 9
Apples 10/7/2016 Steve 10
Apples 10/7/2016 Bob 1
Oranges 10/7/2016 Bob 2
Oranges 10/6/2016 Tom 15
Oranges 10/6/2016 Mike 57
Oranges 10/6/2016 Bob 65
Oranges 10/7/2016 Tony 1
Grapes 10/7/2016 Bob 1
Grapes 10/7/2016 Tom 87
Grapes 10/7/2016 Bob 22
Grapes 10/7/2016 Bob 12
Grapes 10/7/2016 Tony 15
I would like to aggregate this by Name and then by Fruit to get a total number of Fruit per Name. For example:
I tried grouping by Name and Fruit but how do I get the total number of Fruit?
Use GroupBy.sum:
Fruit Name
Apples Bob 16
Mike 9
Steve 10
Grapes Bob 35
Tom 87
Tony 15
Oranges Bob 67
Mike 57
Tom 15
Tony 1
To specify the column to sum, use this: df.groupby(['Name', 'Fruit'])['Number'].sum()
Also you can use agg function,
df.groupby(['Name', 'Fruit'])['Number'].agg('sum')
If you want to keep the original columns Fruit and Name, use reset_index(). Otherwise Fruit and Name will become part of the index.
Fruit Name Number
Apples Bob 16
Apples Mike 9
Apples Steve 10
Grapes Bob 35
Grapes Tom 87
Grapes Tony 15
Oranges Bob 67
Oranges Mike 57
Oranges Tom 15
Oranges Tony 1
As seen in the other answers:
Fruit Name
Apples Bob 16
Mike 9
Steve 10
Grapes Bob 35
Tom 87
Tony 15
Oranges Bob 67
Mike 57
Tom 15
Tony 1
Both the other answers accomplish what you want.
You can use the pivot functionality to arrange the data in a nice table
df.groupby(['Fruit','Name'],as_index = False).sum().pivot('Fruit','Name').fillna(0)
Name Bob Mike Steve Tom Tony
Apples 16.0 9.0 10.0 0.0 0.0
Grapes 35.0 0.0 0.0 87.0 15.0
Oranges 67.0 57.0 0.0 15.0 1.0
You can select different columns to sum numbers.
A variation on the .agg() function; provides the ability to (1) persist type DataFrame, (2) apply averages, counts, summations, etc. and (3) enables groupby on multiple columns while maintaining legibility.
df.groupby(['att1', 'att2']).agg({'att1': "count", 'att3': "sum",'att4': 'mean'})
using your values...
df.groupby(['Name', 'Fruit']).agg({'Number': "sum"})
You can set the groupby column to index then using sum with level
Fruit Name
Apples Bob 16
Mike 9
Steve 10
Oranges Bob 67
Tom 15
Mike 57
Tony 1
Grapes Bob 35
Tom 87
Tony 15
You could also use transform() on column Number after group by. This operation will calculate the total number in one group with function sum, the result is a series with the same index as original dataframe.
df['Number'] = df.groupby(['Fruit', 'Name'])['Number'].transform('sum')
df = df.drop_duplicates(subset=['Fruit', 'Name']).drop('Date', 1)
Then, you can drop the duplicate rows on column Fruit and Name. Moreover, you can drop the column Date by specifying axis 1 (0 for rows and 1 for columns).
# print(df)
Fruit Name Number
0 Apples Bob 16
2 Apples Mike 9
3 Apples Steve 10
5 Oranges Bob 67
6 Oranges Tom 15
7 Oranges Mike 57
9 Oranges Tony 1
10 Grapes Bob 35
11 Grapes Tom 87
14 Grapes Tony 15
# You could achieve the same result with functions discussed by others:
# print(df.groupby(['Fruit', 'Name'], as_index=False)['Number'].sum())
# print(df.groupby(['Fruit', 'Name'], as_index=False)['Number'].agg('sum'))
There is an official tutorial Group by: split-apply-combine talking about what you can do after group by.
If you want the aggregated column to have a custom name such as Total Number, Total etc. (all the solutions on here results in a dataframe where the aggregate column is named Number), use named aggregation:
df.groupby(['Fruit', 'Name'], as_index=False).agg(**{'Total Number': ('Number', 'sum')})
or (if the custom name doesn't need to have a white space in it):
df.groupby(['Fruit', 'Name'], as_index=False).agg(Total=('Number', 'sum'))
this is equivalent to SQL query:
SELECT Fruit, Name, sum(Number) AS Total
GROUP BY Fruit, Name
Speaking of SQL, there's pandasql module that allows you to query pandas dataFrames in the local environment using SQL syntax. It's not part of Pandas, so will have to be installed separately.
#! pip install pandasql
from pandasql import sqldf
SELECT Fruit, Name, sum(Number) AS Total
GROUP BY Fruit, Name
You can use dfsql
for your problem, it will look something like:
df.sql('SELECT fruit, sum(number) GROUP BY fruit')
here is an article about it:
You can use reset_index() to reset the index after the sum
df.groupby(['Fruit','Name'], as_index=False)['Number'].sum()

distinct occurrences count in pandas df [duplicate]

I am using this dataframe:
Fruit Date Name Number
Apples 10/6/2016 Bob 7
Apples 10/6/2016 Bob 8
Apples 10/6/2016 Mike 9
Apples 10/7/2016 Steve 10
Apples 10/7/2016 Bob 1
Oranges 10/7/2016 Bob 2
Oranges 10/6/2016 Tom 15
Oranges 10/6/2016 Mike 57
Oranges 10/6/2016 Bob 65
Oranges 10/7/2016 Tony 1
Grapes 10/7/2016 Bob 1
Grapes 10/7/2016 Tom 87
Grapes 10/7/2016 Bob 22
Grapes 10/7/2016 Bob 12
Grapes 10/7/2016 Tony 15
I would like to aggregate this by Name and then by Fruit to get a total number of Fruit per Name. For example:
I tried grouping by Name and Fruit but how do I get the total number of Fruit?
Use GroupBy.sum:
Fruit Name
Apples Bob 16
Mike 9
Steve 10
Grapes Bob 35
Tom 87
Tony 15
Oranges Bob 67
Mike 57
Tom 15
Tony 1
To specify the column to sum, use this: df.groupby(['Name', 'Fruit'])['Number'].sum()
Also you can use agg function,
df.groupby(['Name', 'Fruit'])['Number'].agg('sum')
If you want to keep the original columns Fruit and Name, use reset_index(). Otherwise Fruit and Name will become part of the index.
Fruit Name Number
Apples Bob 16
Apples Mike 9
Apples Steve 10
Grapes Bob 35
Grapes Tom 87
Grapes Tony 15
Oranges Bob 67
Oranges Mike 57
Oranges Tom 15
Oranges Tony 1
As seen in the other answers:
Fruit Name
Apples Bob 16
Mike 9
Steve 10
Grapes Bob 35
Tom 87
Tony 15
Oranges Bob 67
Mike 57
Tom 15
Tony 1
Both the other answers accomplish what you want.
You can use the pivot functionality to arrange the data in a nice table
df.groupby(['Fruit','Name'],as_index = False).sum().pivot('Fruit','Name').fillna(0)
Name Bob Mike Steve Tom Tony
Apples 16.0 9.0 10.0 0.0 0.0
Grapes 35.0 0.0 0.0 87.0 15.0
Oranges 67.0 57.0 0.0 15.0 1.0
You can select different columns to sum numbers.
A variation on the .agg() function; provides the ability to (1) persist type DataFrame, (2) apply averages, counts, summations, etc. and (3) enables groupby on multiple columns while maintaining legibility.
df.groupby(['att1', 'att2']).agg({'att1': "count", 'att3': "sum",'att4': 'mean'})
using your values...
df.groupby(['Name', 'Fruit']).agg({'Number': "sum"})
You can set the groupby column to index then using sum with level
Fruit Name
Apples Bob 16
Mike 9
Steve 10
Oranges Bob 67
Tom 15
Mike 57
Tony 1
Grapes Bob 35
Tom 87
Tony 15
You could also use transform() on column Number after group by. This operation will calculate the total number in one group with function sum, the result is a series with the same index as original dataframe.
df['Number'] = df.groupby(['Fruit', 'Name'])['Number'].transform('sum')
df = df.drop_duplicates(subset=['Fruit', 'Name']).drop('Date', 1)
Then, you can drop the duplicate rows on column Fruit and Name. Moreover, you can drop the column Date by specifying axis 1 (0 for rows and 1 for columns).
# print(df)
Fruit Name Number
0 Apples Bob 16
2 Apples Mike 9
3 Apples Steve 10
5 Oranges Bob 67
6 Oranges Tom 15
7 Oranges Mike 57
9 Oranges Tony 1
10 Grapes Bob 35
11 Grapes Tom 87
14 Grapes Tony 15
# You could achieve the same result with functions discussed by others:
# print(df.groupby(['Fruit', 'Name'], as_index=False)['Number'].sum())
# print(df.groupby(['Fruit', 'Name'], as_index=False)['Number'].agg('sum'))
There is an official tutorial Group by: split-apply-combine talking about what you can do after group by.
If you want the aggregated column to have a custom name such as Total Number, Total etc. (all the solutions on here results in a dataframe where the aggregate column is named Number), use named aggregation:
df.groupby(['Fruit', 'Name'], as_index=False).agg(**{'Total Number': ('Number', 'sum')})
or (if the custom name doesn't need to have a white space in it):
df.groupby(['Fruit', 'Name'], as_index=False).agg(Total=('Number', 'sum'))
this is equivalent to SQL query:
SELECT Fruit, Name, sum(Number) AS Total
GROUP BY Fruit, Name
Speaking of SQL, there's pandasql module that allows you to query pandas dataFrames in the local environment using SQL syntax. It's not part of Pandas, so will have to be installed separately.
#! pip install pandasql
from pandasql import sqldf
SELECT Fruit, Name, sum(Number) AS Total
GROUP BY Fruit, Name
You can use dfsql
for your problem, it will look something like:
df.sql('SELECT fruit, sum(number) GROUP BY fruit')
here is an article about it:
You can use reset_index() to reset the index after the sum
df.groupby(['Fruit','Name'], as_index=False)['Number'].sum()
