How to send Email using Logic App? - azure

In one of my project I want to send email using Logic Apps, for that I followed below link.
From the above link i created the Logic App in my Azure Subscription
and make designer in my logic app like this below figure. but i don't know which values can i gave in their text boxes.
My designer will be like this below figures.
but i don't know how to send email from newly created logic app in my azure portal.
Please tell me how can i achieve this.

You can use the json body coming in http request using the
checkout this blog for the details

May you can see the following blog for step by step guidance.


is there rest APIs to create an agreement using a predefined template in Docusign CLM?

I want to integrate a web portal with DocuSign CLM. I have few form fields and a template in DocuSign CLM.
I want to perform the below tasks from the portal:
Mapping fields value sent from portal to form fields in the template
Generate an agreement using the template
View the agreement
Send it for e-signature
I want to know all CLM rest APIs that will allow me to use this programmatically from the frontend by passing values from our portal to CLM.
I went through the below CLM rest API docs but it didn't help much.
Any help would be appreciated.
according to my teammates at DocuSign, you have to process all of your XML before you send it so that it is compatible with the merge template you’re sending it to.
This documentation may be helpful to look further into your question:
this is not a question but rather a demand and is not in the spirit of the stackoverflow. I suggest that you either start doing research to better understand the space that you are working in or find a partner or engage with Professional services
Here are some links to get you started.

How to call docusign apis for sending envelopes in node.js?

I have a standard DocuSign account and I want to add an integration key but I am not able to add that key as there is no option to in my standard account to add the key. Further, I want to hit DocuSign API either through nodejs-sdk or postman to create and send an envelope with the use of the template. So, for this what should I do? Can anybody help, please?
Sounds like you're just getting started with the DocuSign eSignature API. Welcome! We have a variety of resources that you will find helpful.
I would start here on the DocuSign Developer Center.
To begin experimenting with our API, you'll first need to create a demo sandbox account. Within this account, you can provision your own integrator keys. Later down the road, you will follow our "Go-Live" process to transition your integration to our paid, production environment.
Once you have your account created, I would suggest you check out this quickstart code example.
That should get you started!
You should create a new developer/sandbox account to create an integration key. You cannot do that in production.
For node.JS we have a few different resources you can use, the most complete one is our code example "launcher" that can be used as a full app to try the code. We also have a quickstart that you an use without configuring the API authentication part.

How do I create a notification url endpoint for microsoft graph api change notifications

I am trying to get change notifications for users using microsoft graph api. For testing purpose I have been using ngrok as suggested by many.
But now I want to use the real notification url to test my code.
How do I do it? The microsoft documentation says "This URL must make use of the HTTPS protocol".
Do I create an endpoint in azure or what are the other options?
Thanks in advance.
The notificationUrl is just your proxy URL. See the example here:
The one in the sample using ngrok looks like:
You could use a Power Automate Instant Cloud Flow with the trigger as "When an HTTP request is received" and the subsequent steps could include emails with the details of the notification.
When you save the flow a URI will be generated which you can copy and use as your Graph change notification URI.

Azure Logic App - Simple Email Template for JSON Request Body

I've got a simple Azure Logic App, which receives and emails out JSON data in a very basic HTML table format (created with a convertToTableAction).
Does anyone know of a way to instead send this out using an email template?
I've got a SendGrid account set up with my Azure subscription, but there doesn't seem to be any way to specify a template id with the Send email (v2) action in Logic apps.
I can't quite see how I'd edit the Logic App code to use the only SendGrid api that seems to support sending templates V3 either. (It is my first Logic app though, so I could well be missing a trick)
Really, any advice on how to send out a templated email would be appreciated.
As you mentioned that the logic app integrate the Sendgrid(V2) currently. You could give your feedback to Azure team.
If azure function is acceptable, you could add and run custom code for logic apps through Azure Functions
there is two way to do it ..
1) Using SendGrid Connector :
You need to create one azure function or web API pass request as your JSON outout string and replace with html content and get html in response
Pass html response in body of the send email action of SendGrid Connector
Details of SendGrid Connector
Please refer this link for Json data replaced to html
my explanation is very short but if you don't understand then i will help you in details

Can anyone post an example for event notification using docusign java-client sdk?

I want to implement event notification webhook method into my app. I am using docusign-java-client SDK for docusign, but I am unable to find any example using SDK. Can anyone provide some example to achieve this?
I'm sorry to report that we (DocuSign) don't yet have a Java recipe for this. We do have a Python example. Java is on the list of things to do. Perhaps someone else can provide an example in the meantime.
Here is a general description:
First, set up your webhook subscription. You can have an envelope-specific webhook subscription by including the eventNotification fields in your envelope create request.
Or you can set up a more general subscription by using the "Connect" feature. You can setup Connect subscriptions either via the DocuSign web tool, or programmatically.
As part of the subscription you provide your url for the incoming XML notification messages.
To handle them, you write a small web app using whatever web app framework is easiest for you and your stack. Your web server will receive the incoming https calls from DocuSign.
You can see what the incoming XML messages look like by using the beta Recipe Framework. Run it on Heroku. Use the embedded signing recipe and click the button to see the Webhook / Connect messages. You can then see the sorts of messages that you will receive.
Your incoming message web server will simply parse the XML messages and then handle them accordingly.
Thanks for using the webhook system. Please ask more questions here if you have any issues.
