Privileges for spark sql with sentry - apache-spark

I'm trying to make the privileges to access Spark-SQL with sentry, and spark sql connects with thrift port withe hiveserver2( --hiveconf hive.server2.thrift.port). However, while I can limit users' privileges on hive successfully, I cannot limit the access with spark SQL through sentry.
Anyone who met with the same problem?

Follow the doc,config hive in Spark.
Add Sentry jars to the classpath, Spark will load them automatically.
It works for me.


Spark SQL cannot access Spark Thrift Server

I cannot configure Spark SQL so that I could access Hive Table in Spark Thrift Server (without using JDBC, but natively from Spark)
I use single configuration file conf/hive-site.xml for both Spark Thrift Server and Spark SQL. I have javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL property set to jdbc:derby:;databaseName=/home/user/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/metastore_db;create=true. I also set spark.sql.warehouse.dir property to absolute path pointing to spark-warehouse directory. I run Thrift server with ./ and I can observe that embedded Derby database is being created with metastore_db directory. I can connect with beeline, create a table and see spark-warehouse directory created with subdirectory for table. So at this stage it's fine.
I launch pyspark shell with Hive support enabled ./bin/pyspark --conf spark.sql.catalogImplementation=hive, and try to access the Hive table with:
from pyspark.sql import HiveContext
hc = HiveContext(sc)
hc.sql('show tables')
I got errors like:
ERROR XJ040: Failed to start database
'/home/user/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/metastore_db' with class loader
ERROR XSDB6: Another instance of Derby may have already booted the
database /home/user/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/metastore_db
pyspark.sql.utils.AnalysisException: u'java.lang.RuntimeException:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate
Apparently Spark is trying to create new Derby database instead of using Metastore I put in config file. If I stop Thrift Server and run only spark, everything is fine. How could I fix it?
Is Embedded Derby Metastore Database fine to have both Thrift Server and Spark access one Hive or I need to use e.g. MySQL? I don't have a cluster and do everything locally.
Embedded Derby Metastore Database is fine to be used in local, but for production environment, it is recommended to use any other Metastore database.
Yes, you can definitely use MYSQL as metastore. For this, you have to make an entry in hive-site.xml.
You can follow the configuration guide at Use MySQL for the Hive Metastore for the exact details.

Can Spark-sql work without a hive installation?

I have installed spark 2.4.0 on a clean ubuntu instance. Spark dataframes work fine but when I try to use spark.sql against a dataframe such as in the example below,i am getting an error "Failed to access metastore. This class should not accessed in runtime.""/data/flight-data/json/2015-summary.json")
spark.sql("""SELECT DEST_COUNTRY_NAME, sum(count)
""").where("DEST_COUNTRY_NAME like 'S%'").where("sum(count) > 10").count()
Most of the fixes that I have see in relation to this error refer to environments where hive is installed. Is hive required if I want to use sql statements against dataframes in spark or am i missing something else?
To follow up with my fix. The problem in my case was that Java 11 was the default on my system. As soon as I set Java 8 as the default metastore_db started working.
Yes, we can run spark sql queries on spark without installing hive, by default hive uses mapred as an execution engine, we can configure hive to use spark or tez as an execution engine to execute our queries much faster. Hive on spark hive uses hive metastore to run hive queries. At the same time, sql queries can be executed through spark. If spark is used to execute simple sql queries or not connected with hive metastore server, its uses embedded derby database and a new folder with name metastore_db will be created under the user home folder who executes the query.

How to give Jupyterhub access to hive tables through spark in EMR

The default installation of JupytherHub in EMR has no access to the Hive context in Spark. How can I fix this?
To grant spark access to the Hive context, you need to edit the livy.conf file (/etc/livy/conf.dist/livy.conf) like this
livy.repl.enableHiveContext = true
and then restart your notebook and the livy service, following the instructions here, basically:
sudo stop livy-server
sudo start livy-server
An easy way to check if it's working, is to check for the databases on your spark notebook:
spark.sql("show databases").show
Yo may want to configure this on the EMR booting time, by using the standard configuration features of the EMR,

Spark Thrift Server and ODBC

I have Spark 2.2 installed but not Hive and I would like to expose Spark tables through ODBC. I am able to start thrift server , with apparently no errors and my ODBC driver application is able to connect to thrift sever, but can’t see any Spark tables. Do I need to have Hive installed up and running in order to my ODBC applications access the Spark tables that I create?
Spark uses Hive metastore.
You need to setup hiveserver as well to get access to hive tables.

Use JDBC (eg Squirrel SQL) to query Cassandra with Spark SQL

I have a Cassandra cluster with a co-located Spark cluster, and I can run the usual Spark jobs by compiling them, copying them over, and using the ./spark-submit script. I wrote a small job that accepts SQL as a command-line argument, submits it to Spark as Spark SQL, Spark runs that SQL against Cassandra and writes the output to a csv file.
Now I feel like I'm going round in circles trying to figure out if it's possible to query Cassandra via Spark SQL directly in a JDBC connection (eg from Squirrel SQL). The Spark SQL documentation says
Connect through JDBC or ODBC.
A server mode provides industry standard JDBC and ODBC connectivity for
business intelligence tools.
The Spark SQL Programming Guide says
Spark SQL can also act as a distributed query engine using its JDBC/ODBC or
command-line interface. In this mode, end-users or applications can interact
with Spark SQL directly to run SQL queries, without the need to write any
So I can run the Thrift Server, and submit SQL to it. But what I can't figure out, is how do I get the Thrift Server to connect to Cassandra? Do I simply pop the Datastax Cassandra Connector on the Thrift Server classpath? How do I tell the Thrift Server the IP and Port of my Cassandra cluster? Has anyone done this already and can give me some pointers?
Configure those properties in spark-default.conf file,,
# if you configured security in you cassandra cluster
spark.cassandra.auth.username smb
spark.cassandra.auth.password bigdata#123
Start your thrift server with spark-cassandra-connector dependencies and mysql-connector dependencies with some port that you will connect via JDBC or Squirrel.
sbin/ --hiveconf --hiveconf hive.server2.thrift.port 10003 --jars <shade-jar>-0.0.1.jar --driver-class-path <shade-jar>-0.0.1.jar
For getting cassandra table run Spark-SQL queries like
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE mytable USING org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra OPTIONS (cluster 'BDI Cassandra', keyspace 'testks', table 'testtable');
why don`t you use the spark-cassandra-connector and cassandra-driver-core? Just add the dependencies, specify the host address/login in your spark context and then you can read/write to cassandra using sql.
