I'm pretty sure this has a simple solution but it eludes me and I cannot seem to find a straight answer.
Normally, when applying liftA2 assuming the binary function has already been lifted once, the signature looks like this:
liftA2' :: (Applicative f1, Applicative f)
=> (f a -> f b -> f c) -> f1 (f a) -> f1 (f b) -> f1 (f c)
Is it possible to apply the "inverse" of, for example liftA2 such as:
inverseA2 :: (Applicative f, Applicative f1)
=> (f a -> f b -> f c) -> f (f1 a) -> f (f1 b) -> f (f1 c)
As a concrete example, I would like to obtain the function:
f :: ([a] -> [b] -> [c]) -> [Maybe a] -> [Maybe b] -> [Maybe c]
One way would be to resort to "pack" each argument [Maybe a] -> Maybe [a] and "unpack" Maybe [a] -> [Maybe a] the result of applying a normal liftA2. I would like to avoid that since, as you can imagine, packing is destructive (e.g. pack [Just 1, Nothing, Just 2] == Nothing ).
Update: as #user2407038 pointed out, in order for f to apply the given function you necessarily need a function along the lines of [Maybe a] -> [a] which does lose information. So for these two particular functors there is no apparent way to satisfy the additional requirement posed. But for any other two functors f, f1 which have an invertible function forall a . f a -> f1 a the answer accepted fits perfectly as a solution to this question.
I'm sure you've probably figured this out, but I don't think you can do this with the constraints you have. If you are a bit more liberal with your constraints, you'll get something though....
inverseA2 :: (Applicative f, Traversable f, Applicative f1, Traversable f1)
=> (f a -> f b -> f c) -> f (f1 a) -> f (f1 b) -> f (f1 c)
inverseA2 f x y = sequenceA (liftA2 f (sequenceA x) (sequenceA y))
The only reason I'm putting this up is that for your particular example with Maybe and [], these constraints are all satisfied, so doing this is possible for that case. Still not settling at all though.
You could also try experimenting with writing your own instances for Data.Distributive giving you distribute, which is similar to sequenceA...
Edited to include #dfeuer's suggestions.
I've simplified the type signature of some code I need, and it looks roughly like this:
Functor f => f (Maybe a, b) -> (Maybe (f a), f b)
Can I, how do I implement such a function? And if so, how? I'm half guessing I need to push the functor down using Traversable, but I'm having trouble putting this all together in my head.
Pushing f one level down can be done by:
fn :: Functor f => f (a, b) -> (f a, f b)
fn v = (fmap fst v, fmap snd v)
(Note that tuples are not traversable if you want both sides.)
The second part is
Functor f => f (Maybe a) -> Maybe (f a)
This type is only inhabited by const Nothing, because the only function you can apply to this value is fmap, getting a value of type f b for some b.
To illustrate why this second part is not possible, consider the fact that IO is an instance of Functor. If you could get a Maybe (IO a) from your value, applying isJust to it would leak one bit of information about the original IO (Maybe a) value without executing it.
We can do, if it is Traversable and not Functor.
fn :: Traversable t => t (Maybe a, b) -> (Maybe (t a), t b)
fn v = (sequenceA $ fmap fst v, fmap snd v)
Is it okay?
I started to look at some Haskell code and found:
foo :: ([a] -> [b]) -> [a] -> [(a, b)]
let foo = (<*>) zip
I don't understand how this works, ap expects a f (a -> b) -> f a but zip is of type [a] -> [b] -> ([a, b]). I understand that f a -> f b would match [a] -> [b], but not f (a -> b).
Let's work out the types by hand. First, what are the types of the relevant expressions?
(<*>) :: Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
zip :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
Now, we need to unify the type of zip with the type of the first argument to (<*>). Let's rename the unrelated as and bs:
Applicative f => f (a -> b)
[c] -> [d] -> [(c, d)]
First, what is f? What Applicative are we working in? The type of the bottom half is a function, so f must be ((->) [c]), or "functions taking a list of c as input". And once we've done that, we can see that:
f ~ ((->) [c])
a ~ [d]
b ~ [(c, d)]
Now that we've got the types to match up, we can look up the definition of (<*>) for functions:
instance Applicative ((->) a) where
pure = const
(<*>) f g x = f x (g x)
Substituting zip for f here, and rewriting as a lambda, yields:
(<*>) zip = \g x -> zip x (g x)
So, this needs a function from [a] -> [b] and an [a], and zips the input list with the result of calling the function on it.
That makes sense mechanically, but why? What more general understanding can lead us to this conclusion without having to work everything out by hand? I'm not sure my own explanation of this will be useful, so you may want to study the instances for ((->) t) yourself if you don't understand what's going on. But in case it is useful, here is a handwavy expanation.
The Functor, Applicative, and Monad instances for ((->) t) are the same as Reader t: "functions which have implicit access to a value of type t". (<*>) is about calling a function inside of an Applicative wrapper, which for functions is a two-argument function. It arranges that the "implicit" argument be passed to f, yielding another function, and calls that function with the value obtained by passing the implicit argument to g as well. So, (<*>) f, for some f, is "Give me another function, and a value x, and I'll pass x to both f and the other function".
What is the general term for a functor with a structure resembling QuickCheck's promote function, i.e., a function of the form:
promote :: (a -> f b) -> f (a -> b)
(this is the inverse of flip $ fmap (flip ($)) :: f (a -> b) -> (a -> f b)). Are there even any functors with such an operation, other than (->) r and Id? (I'm sure there must be). Googling 'quickcheck promote' only turned up the QuickCheck documentation, which doesn't give promote in any more general context AFAICS; searching SO for 'quickcheck promote' produces no results.
(<*>) :: Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
(=<<) :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> m a -> m b
Given that Monad is more powerful an interface than Applicative, this tell us that a -> f b can do more things than f (a -> b). This tells us that a function of type (a -> f b) -> f (a -> b) can't be injective. The domain is bigger than the codomain, in a handwavey manner. This means there's no way you can possibly preserve behavior of the function. It just doesn't work out across generic functors.
You can, of course, characterize functors in which that operation is injective. Identity and (->) a are certainly examples. I'm willing to bet there are more examples, but nothing jumps out at me immediately.
So far I found these ways of constructing an f with the promote morphism:
f = Identity
if f and g both have promote then the pair functor h t = (f t, g t) also does
if f and g both have promote then the composition h t = f (g t) also does
if f has the promote property and g is any contrafunctor then the functor h t = g t -> f t has the promote property
The last property can be generalized to profunctors g, but then f will be merely a profunctor, so it's probably not very useful, unless you only require profunctors.
Now, using these four constructions, we can find many examples of functors f for which promote exists:
f t = (t,t)
f t = (t, b -> t)
f t = (t -> a) -> t
f t = ((t,t) -> b) -> (t,t,t)
f t = ((t, t, c -> t, (t -> b) -> t) -> a) -> t
Also note that the promote property implies that f is pointed.
point :: t -> f t
point x = fmap (const x) (promote id)
Essentially the same question: Is this property of a functor stronger than a monad?
Data.Distributive has
class Functor g => Distributive g where
distribute :: Functor f => f (g a) -> g (f a)
-- other non-critical methods
Renaming your variables, you get
promote :: (c -> g a) -> g (c -> a)
Using slightly invalid syntax for clarity,
promote :: ((c ->) (g a)) -> g ((c ->) a)
(c ->) is a Functor, so the type of promote is a special case of the type of distribute. Thus every Distributive functor supports your promote. I don't know if any support promote but not Distributive.
When use Data.Traversable I frequently requires some code like
import Control.Applicative (Applicative,(<*>),pure)
import Data.Traversable (Traversable,traverse,sequenceA)
import Control.Monad.State (state,runState)
traverseF :: Traversable t => ((a,s) -> (b,s)) -> (t a, s) -> (t b, s)
traverseF f (t,s) = runState (traverse (state.curry f) t) s
to traverse the structure and build up a new one driven by some state. And I notice the type signature pattern and believe it could be able to generalized as
fmapInner :: (Applicative f,Traversable t) => (f a -> f b) -> f (t a) -> f (t b)
fmapInner f t = ???
But I fail to implement this with just traverse, sequenceA, fmap, <*> and pure. Maybe I need stronger type class constrain? Do I absolutely need a Monad here?
Specifically, I want to know if I can define fmapInner for a f that work for any Traversable t and some laws for intuition applied (I don't know what the laws should be yet), is it imply that the f thing is a Monad? Since, for Monads the implementation is trivial:
--Monad m implies Applicative m but we still
-- have to say it unless we use mapM instead
fmapInner :: (Monad m,Traversable t) => (m a -> m b) -> m (t a) -> m (t b)
fmapInner f t = t >>= Data.Traversable.mapM (\a -> f (return a))
Thanks for the excellent answer. I have found that my traverseF is just
import Data.Traversable (mapAccumL)
traverseF1 :: Traversable t => ((a, b) -> (a, c)) -> (a, t b) -> (a, t c)
traverseF1 =uncurry.mapAccumL.curry
without using Monad.State explicitly and have all pairs flipped. Previously I though it was mapAccumR but it is actually mapAccumL that works like traverseF.
I've now convinced myself that this is impossible. Here's why,
tF ::(Applicative f, Traversable t) => (f a -> f b) -> f (t a) -> f (t b)
So we have this side-effecting computation that returns t a and we want to use this to determine what side effects happen. In other words, the value of type t a will determine what side effects happen when we apply traverse.
However this isn't possible possible with the applicative type class. We can dynamically choose values, but the side effects of out computations are static. To see what I mean,
pure :: a -> f a -- No side effects
(<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b -- The side effects of `f a` can't
-- decide based on `f (a -> b)`.
Now there are two conceivable ways to determine side effects at depending on previous values,
smash :: f (f a) -> f a
Because then we can simply do
smash $ (f :: a -> f a) <$> (fa :: f a) :: f a
Now your function becomes
traverseF f t = smash $ traverse (f . pure) <$> t
Or we can have
bind :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b -- and it's obvious how `a -> m b`
-- can choose side effects.
traverseF f t = bind t (traverse $ f . pure)
But these are join and >>= respectively and are members of the Monad typeclass. So yes, you need a monad. :(
Also, a nice, pointfree implementation of your function with monad constraints is
traverseM = (=<<) . mapM . (.return)
I suppose it's worth noting that
traverseF :: (Applicative f,Traversable t) => (f a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t a)
traverseF = traverse . (.pure)
I want to map over Applicative form.
The type of map-like function would be like below:
mapX :: (Applicative f) => (f a -> f b) -> f [a] -> f [b]
used as:
result :: (Applicative f) => f [b]
result = mapX f xs
where f :: f a -> f b
f = ...
xs :: f[a]
xs = ...
As the background of this post, I try to write fluid simulation program using Applicative style referring to Paul Haduk's "The Haskell School of Expression", and I want to express the simulation with Applicative style as below:
x, v, a :: Sim VArray
x = x0 +: integral (v * dt)
v = v0 +: integral (a * dt)
a = (...calculate acceleration with x v...)
instance Applicative Sim where
where Sim type means the process of simulation computation and VArray means Array of Vector (x,y,z). X, v a are the arrays of position, velocity and acceleration, respectively.
Mapping over Applicative form comes when definining a.
I've found one answer to my question.
After all, my question is "How to lift high-order functions (like map
:: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]) to the Applicative world?" and the answer
I've found is "To build them using lifted first-order functions."
For example, the "mapX" is defined with lifted first-order functions
(headA, tailA, consA, nullA, condA) as below:
mapX :: (f a -> f b) -> f [a] -> f [b]
mapX f xs0 = condA (nullA xs0) (pure []) (consA (f x) (mapA f xs))
x = headA xs0
xs = tailA xs0
headA = liftA head
tailA = liftA tail
consA = liftA2 (:)
nullA = liftA null
condA b t e = liftA3 aux b t e
where aux b t e = if b then t else e
First, I don't think your proposed type signature makes much sense. Given an applicative list f [a] there's no general way to turn that into [f a] -- so there's no need for a function of type f a -> f b. For the sake of sanity, we'll reduce that function to a -> f b (to transform that into the other is trivial, but only if f is a monad).
So now we want:
mapX :: (Applicative f) => (a -> f b) -> f [a] -> f [b]
What immediately comes to mind now is traverse which is a generalization of mapM. Traverse, specialized to lists:
traverse :: (Applicative f) => (a -> f b) -> [a] -> f [b]
Close, but no cigar. Again, we can lift traverse to the required type signature, but this requires a monad constraint: mapX f xs = xs >>= traverse f.
If you don't mind the monad constraint, this is fine (and in fact you can do it more straightforwardly just with mapM). If you need to restrict yourself to applicative, then this should be enough to illustrate why you proposed signature isn't really possible.
Edit: based on further information, here's how I'd start to tackle the underlying problem.
-- your sketch
a = liftA sum $ mapX aux $ liftA2 neighbors (x!i) nbr
where aux :: f Int -> f Vector3
-- the type of "liftA2 neighbors (x!i) nbr" is "f [Int]
-- my interpretation
a = liftA2 aux x v
aux :: VArray -> VArray -> VArray
aux xi vi = ...
If you can't write aux like that -- as a pure function from the positions and velocities at one point in time to the accelerations, then you have bigger problems...
Here's an intuitive sketch as to why. The stream applicative functor takes a value and lifts it into a value over time -- a sequence or stream of values. If you have access to a value over time, you can derive properties of it. So velocity can be defined in terms of acceleration, position can be defined in terms of velocity, and soforth. Great! But now you want to define acceleration in terms of position and velocity. Also great! But you should not need, in this instance, to define acceleration in terms of velocity over time. Why, you may ask? Because velocity over time is all acceleration is to begin with. So if you define a in terms of dv, and v in terms of integral(a) then you've got a closed loop, and your equations are not propertly determined -- either there are, even given initial conditions, infinitely many solutions, or there are no solutions at all.
If I'm thinking about this right, you can't do this just with an applicative functor; you'll need a monad. If you have an Applicative—call it f—you have the following three functions available to you:
fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
pure :: a -> f a
(<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
So, given some f :: f a -> f b, what can you do with it? Well, if you have some xs :: [a], then you can map it across: map (f . pure) xs :: [f b]. And if you instead have fxs :: f [a], then you could instead do fmap (map (f . pure)) fxs :: f [f b].1 However, you're stuck at this point. You want some function of type [f b] -> f [b], and possibly a function of type f (f b) -> f b; however, you can't define these on applicative functors (edit: actually, you can define the former; see the edit). Why? Well, if you look at fmap, pure, and <*>, you'll see that you have no way to get rid of (or rearrange) the f type constructor, so once you have [f a], you're stuck in that form.
Luckily, this is what monads are for: computations which can "change shape", so to speak. If you have a monad m, then in addition to the above, you get two extra methods (and return as a synonym for pure):
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
join :: m (m a) -> m a
While join is only defined in Control.Monad, it's just as fundamental as >>=, and can sometimes be clearer to think about. Now we have the ability to define your [m b] -> m [b] function, or your m (m b) -> m b. The latter one is just join; and the former is sequence, from the Prelude. So, with monad m, you can define your mapX as
mapX :: Monad m => (m a -> m b) -> m [a] -> m [b]
mapX f mxs = mxs >>= sequence . map (f . return)
However, this would be an odd way to define it. There are a couple of other useful functions on monads in the prelude: mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b], which is equivalent to mapM f = sequence . map f; and (=<<) :: (a -> m b) -> m a -> m b, which is equivalent to flip (>>=). Using those, I'd probably define mapX as
mapX :: Monad m => (m a -> m b) -> m [a] -> m [b]
mapX f mxs = mapM (f . return) =<< mxs
Edit: Actually, my mistake: as John L kindly pointed out in a comment, Data.Traversable (which is a base package) supplies the function sequenceA :: (Applicative f, Traversable t) => t (f a) => f (t a); and since [] is an instance of Traversable, you can sequence an applicative functor. Nevertheless, your type signature still requires join or =<<, so you're still stuck. I would probably suggest rethinking your design; I think sclv probably has the right idea.
1: Or map (f . pure) <$> fxs, using the <$> synonym for fmap from Control.Applicative.
Here is a session in ghci where I define mapX the way you wanted it.
Prelude> import Control.Applicative
Prelude Control.Applicative> :t pure
pure :: Applicative f => a -> f a
Prelude Control.Applicative> :t (<*>)
(<*>) :: Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude Control.Applicative> let mapX fun ma = pure fun <*> ma
Prelude Control.Applicative> :t mapX
mapX :: Applicative f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
I must however add that fmap is better to use, since Functor is less expressive than Applicative (that means that using fmap will work more often).
Prelude> :t fmap
fmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Oh, you have some other signature for mapX, anyway, you maybe meant the one I suggested (fmap)?