Nodejs Gmail OAuth API to get Users.threads: list - node.js

I want to get list of threads after a specific datetime, but couldn't find any way to do it.
I have stored the updated datetime in the database according to the last time the Gmail API was used to fetch the list of threads.
Then using that updated time I want to retrieve the list further.

The Gmail API allows you to list threads/messages after a specific timestamp with second accuracy.
Let's say you want to list threads with messages received after Friday, 22-Jul-16 00:00:00 UTC, you would write after:1469145600 in the q-parameter.
"threads": [
"id": "1561153ce695b9ab",
"snippet": "Infinite Elgintensity has uploaded Gym Idiots - Spread Eagle Rows & Mike O'Hearn 585-Lb. Squat A montage of gym fails with... Infinite Elgintensity has uploaded Gym Idiots - Spread Eagle Rows",
"historyId": "895071"
"resultSizeEstimate": 1


Azure log ingestion TimeGenerated problem

I have an Azure Log Analytics workspace and inside it I created a custom table to ingest some of my logs.
I used these two guides for it (mainly the first one):
In my logs I have a field:
"Time": "2023-02-07 11:15:23.926060"
Using DCR, I create a field TimeGenerated like this:
| extend TimeGenerated = todatetime(Time)
| project-away Time
Everything works fine, I manage to ingest my data and query it with KQL.
The problem is that I can't ingest data with some older timestamp. If timestamp is current time or close to it, it works fine.
If my timestamp, let's say from two days ago, it overwrites it with current time.
Example of the log I send:
"Time": "2023-02-05 11:15:23.926060",
"Source": "VM03",
"Status": 1
The log I receive:
"TimeGenerated": "2023-02-07 19:35:23.926060",
"Source": "VM03",
"Status": 1
Can you tell why is it happening, why can't I ingest logs from several days ago and how to fix. The guides I used do not mention any of the sort at all, regrettably.
I've hit this limit once before, a long long time ago. Asked a question and got a response frome someone working on Application Insights and the response was that only data not older than 48h is ingested.
Nowadays AFAIK the same applies to Log Analytics, I am not sure the same limit of 48 hours stills stands but I think it is fair to assume some limit is still enforced and there is no way around it.
Back in the time I took my loss and worked with recent data only.

how to get ServiceNow records by date in Python API request?

I'm running this Python script request to a ServiceNow API. How can I retrieve just the records updated in the last two days?
The script is running in production that gets all records, but the number of records is growing and I don't need all of them.
params_list = {
'sysparm_exclude_reference_link': 'true',
'sysparm_query': 'ORDERBYsys_created_on',
'sysparm_fields': fields,
res = requests.get(URL_request, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(params.username, params.password), params=params_list)
I've tried looking at the documentation but it's all about REST API. I don't know how to translate that to this request.
'sysparm_query': 'sys_updated_onRELATIVEGT#hour#ago#48^ORDERBYsys_created_on'

How to store a time value in MongoDB using SailsJS v0.11.3?

I'm working with SailsJS and MongoDB and I have an API that has two models and I want to store Date and Time separately but as in the official documentation said it doesn't have a typeof Time attribute, just Date and DateTime. So, I'm using DateTime to store Time values.
I send the values in the request to be stored in the database, I have no problem to store dates, I just send a value like:
and that's it, it is stored in the table with no problem, but when I want to store a Time value like:
it doesn't works. The error is:
"error": "E_VALIDATION",
"status": 400,
"summary": "1 attribute is invalid",
"model": "ReTime",
"invalidAttributes": {
"value": [
"rule": "datetime",
"message": "`undefined` should be a datetime (instead of \"19:23:12\", which is a string)"
So, any idea how to send the time value to be stored in a DateTime attribute?
I also have tried to send it in different formats like:
But any of them works fine.
Also I was thinking to store both values (Date and Time) in plain text, I mean typeof String attributes. But I need to make some queries and I don't know if it will affect the performance with the waterline ORM.
Please any kind of help will come in handy.
Thanks a lot!
You have two options here. The best would be to simply store the date and time as a datetime and parse them into separate values when you need to use them. MongoDB will store this in BSON format and this will be the most efficient method.
Otherwise, you could use string and create a custom validation rule as described in the Sails documentation.

How do I get the number of Followers gained and lost during a selected time range from Instagram API?

I need to get number of Followers gained and lost or just the total followers during a selected time range.
For example:
if I send a request to:
I will get this Json:
"username": "kevin",
"bio": "CEO & Co-founder of Instagram",
"website": "",
"profile_picture": "",
"full_name": "Kevin Systrom",
"counts": {
"media": 1419,
"followed_by": 1138347,
"follows": 643
"id": "3"
But I can't get the "followed_by" for a select time range
I read the Instagram api documentation and I can't find anywhere a Endpoint to do a request that I want.
in MEDIA I can pass MIN_TIMESTAMP and MAX_TIMESTAMP as parameters, but I am not looking for medias, I am looking for the number of followers.
I know It's possible because there is a website that gets every information since the beginning of the account.
PS: I already have the Authentication with OAuth 2.0
There is no API to do this, I think you have to keep a track of your follower count and update it every day. Setup a cron job to do this via API.
I just tried, I dont know how they show followers from day 1, I can definitely tell u it is fake and not accurate, I had about 1400 followers at some point and I removed them few months ago, so its back to 200 something, and does not show this at all. I think they just show a fake linear graph for historical data and going forward they keep a track of followers every day.
It is possible to use the field 'followers_count' on the User node to get a starting point. This gives the total number of followers at the time of the request. From there you could calculate a running total by subtracting the daily follower count from the Insights api that you mention.
Get current follower count:
curl -i -X GET "<user id>?fields=followers_count&access_token=EAACwX..."
Get new followers for single day:
curl -i -X GET "<user id>/insights?metric=follower_count&period=day&since=2020-10-5T07:00:01&until=2020-10-06T07:00:00

Modeling time-based application in NodeJs

Im developing an auction style web app, where products are available for a certain period of time.
I would like to know how would you model that.
So far, what I've done is storing products in DB:
id: p001,
name: Product 1,
expire_date: 'Mon Oct 7 2013 01:23:45 UTC',
Whenever a client requests that product, I test *current_date < expire_date*.
If true, I show the product data and, client side, a countdown timer. If the timer reaches 0, I disable the related controls.
But, server side, there are some operations that needs to be done even if nobody has requested that product, for example, notify the owner that his product has ended.
I could scan the whole collection of products on each request, but seems cumbersome to me.
I thought on triggering a routine with cron every n minutes, but would like to know if you can think on any better solutions.
Thank you!
Some thoughts:
Index the expire_date field. You'll want to if you're scanning for auction items older than a certain date.
Consider adding a second field that is expired (or active) so you can also do other types of non-date searches (as you can always, and should anyway, reject auctions that have expired).
Assuming you add a second field active for example, you can further limit the scans to be only those auction items that are active and beyond the expiration date. Consider a compound index for those cases. (As over time, you'll have more an more expired items you don't need to scan through for example).
Yes, you should add a timed task using your favorite technique to scan for expired auctions. There are lots of ways to do this -- your infrastructure will help determine what makes sense.
Keep a local cache of current auction items in memory if possible to make scanning efficient as possible. There's no reason to hit the database if nothing is expiring.
Again, always check when retrieving from the database to confirm that items are still active -- as there easily could be race conditions where expired items may expire while being retrieved for display.
You'll possible want to store the state of status e-mails, etc. in the database so that any server restarts, etc. are properly handled.
It might be something like:
id: p001,
name: "Product 1",
expire_date: ISODate("Mon Oct 7 2013 01:23:45 UTC"),
active: true,
// console
db.auctions.esureIndex({expire_date: -1, active: 1})
// javascript idea:
var theExpirationDate = new Date(2013, 10, 06, 0, 0, 0);
db.auctions.find({ expire_date : { "$lte" : theExpirationDate }, active: true })
Scanning the entire collection on each request sounds like a huge waste of processing time.
I would use something like pm2 to handle both keeping track of your main server process as well as running periodic tasks with its built-in cron-like functionality.
