errror when trying to run rds cli commands - linux

I have the following error when trying to run the rds cli command, I have looked and cannot find anything related which describes why I am getting this error:
rds rds-describe-db-instances
rds-describe-db-instances: Refused: Signature expired: 20160721T013819Z is now earlier than
20160721T151824Z (20160721T153324Z - 15 min.)
I am trying to extract logs from the RDS instance, In the past I was able to extract the logs successfully, The credentials have not changed.
Any idea why I am getting this issue?


How to use "AWS logs tail" - syntax question

I'm new to AWS CLI and having trouble getting the tail command to work. I'm using version 2. I try the syntax
aws logs tail group_name /aws/lambda/schedule-jobs --since 1h
and it gives me the error
unknown options: /aws/lambda/schedule-jobs
If I try it without the group_name it tells me the group_name is a required parameter (of course).
If I try it with another log group name it tells me the same error message (with the different log group name).
If I put quotes around the name it gives the same error message.
I know this must be a very simple scenario but I can't find any working examples on Google search or in other SO entries. What am I doing wrong?
Yes, when I call
aws logs describe-log-groups
my log group is there and spelled correctly. I'm in the right account and region.
Yes, I am an admin on the account and have full access to the logs.
Just write aws logs tail /aws/lambda/schedule-jobs --since 1h
aws logs tail command doesn't work on aws cli v2.
You can use the following command to access the logs using v2 API.
aws logs get-log-events --log-group-name <log-group-name> --log-stream-name <log-stream-name> --limit=1000

How to resolve create MySQL 5.5.53 read replica with error InvalidParameterCombination, Status 400?

Today I tried to create read replica for MySQL 5.5.53 RDS, it give me below error
Cannot find version 5.5.53 for mysql (Service: AmazonRDS; Status Code:
400; Error Code: InvalidParameterCombination;
Create read replica in UI version did not worked. I tried there AWS cli mode to create
aws rds create-db-instance-read-replica --db-instance-identifier <read_replica_name> --source-db-instance-identifier <master-server-name> --db-instance-class <class-name> --availability-zone <zone> --no-multi-az --auto-minor-version-upgrade --no-publicly-accessible --vpc-security-group-ids <vpc-id>
And it worked.
I was getting this error today when trying to load the "Modify" page for one of my RDS instances. I discovered that this happens when I navigate to the instance from the "Resources" tab in a CloudFormation stack, but not when I navigate to the instance from the "Instances" list in the RDS console. (The two paths do result in different URLs but what looks like the same page.)
Thought I'd add this in case it's what was behind your error message, or for someone else who searches and finds this question as I did.

Errors trying to resize instance group with aws cli

I have a standing EMR cluster and a daily job I want to run. I was trying to use the aws cli to resize the cluster, with the plan of adding this to the crontab so the cluster would grow and then shrink later. (I don't have ability for auto-scaling, so that's out)
I have read the Amazon documentation and the examples they give don't work. I've tried the natural variations, but end up getting nowhere.
According to the documentation, the command is
aws emr modify-instance-groups --instance-groups InstanceGroupId=ig-31JXXXXXXBTO,InstanceCount=4
However, when I try this with my own instance ID, i get:
Error parsing parameter '--instance-groups': Expected: '<second>', received: '<none>' for input:InstanceGroupId=ig-31JXXXXXXBTO,
I've tried doing things like removing the instance count, hoping for more documentation...
aws emr modify-instance-groups --instance-groups InstanceGroupId=ig-WCXEP0AXCGJS
which gives the response
An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the ModifyInstanceGroups operation: Please provide either an instance count or a list of EC2 instance ids to terminate.
I've tried several variations without luck. Any ideas? Thanks.
I ended up submitting a trouble ticket through Amazon.
The resize command requires that no space occur after the comma. The trouble shooter has reported this behavior and unhelpful error to the developers.
aws emr modify-instance-groups --instance-groups InstanceGroupId=ig-31JXXXXXXBTO,InstanceCount=4
will work, as long as there is no space after the comma. hopefully they'll either fix that or provide a better error message.

MoonMail Source Code - AWS integration with serverless

I'm trying to configure the MoonMail source code on AWS by Serverless, but when following the steps on github, it doesn’t work.
According to the information, an error occurred while provisioning the cloud formation:
“ServerlessError: ServerlessError: An error occurred while
provisioning your cloudformation: The following resource(s) failed to
create: [AutomationsTable, AwsMarketplaceNotificationsQueue,
ScheduledEmailsTable, ListExportS3Bucket, PrecompileCampaignTopic,
SentEmailsTable, SendCampaignTopic, PrecompileEmailTopic,
AttachRecipientsTopic, ListSegmentsTable, CampaignsTable,
TemplatesTable, FreeUsersSendEmailQueue, AttachSegmentRecipientsTopic,
UsersTable, EventsBusTopic, IamRoleLambda, AttachListRecipientsTopic,
RecipientsTable, StaticDataBucket, AutomationActionsTable,
ClicksReportTable, PaymentLogsTable, LinksTable,
UpdateListImportStatusTopic, ExpertsTable, EmailAdminsTopic,
ClicksTable, ListsTable, UpdateCampaignTopic, SendEmailsTopic,
OpensTable, OpensReportTable, RecipientsImportS3Bucket, ReportsTable].
. Delete requested by user.”
On CloudFormation no stack is created. I already tried some suggestions that can be found online, mainly on stackOverflow trough the MoonMail tag, but none seemed to work.

AWS Request Expired Error

I'm trying to execute a script in which an AWS security group is created using NodeJS. When I try and run the script I get an error saying:
Error { RequestExpired: Request has expired.
Has anyone seen this? What does it mean? I thought the time between my local machine and the AWS Host might be off so I set a new timezone in my script to make up for the difference but still same error.
