How to hide Source Data Tables in Power Pivot - excel

I unioned two tables (AccelerateData and Adjustments) in PowerQuery and loaded them into the data model (table name in the data model is AccelerateData). Afterwards I created a pivot table from the data model to analyze it. I want to make the data model accessible to other users as well and therefore I'm doing some tidying up.
In PowerPivot there is the option to "Hide from Client Tools". I have done this for the non relevant PowerPivot for columns and tables. However, I always see the source data tables from PowerQuery in the field list of the pivot table and can't find out how to hide them.
Anybody knows how to not show them in the field list?
Thank you very much!

I don't see a way to do exactly what you are asking under the All tab, but you can easily hide (or unhide) any sources from the Active tab with just a right-click and Remove from (or Show in) Active Tab.
In my opinion, All really should show all dependencies rather than some arbitrary user defined selection with the Active tab being used for customization and this seems to be how Microsoft built it.

After hiding them using the "Hide from Client Tools" option in Powerpivot, you also have to right-click and refresh your pivot table. That should hide the fields from the pivot table fields list.

I found a better solution than using the "Active" / "All" tabs.
In Excel, go the table you want to hide, then go to the Power Pivot tab, and select "Add to Data Model". This will make the table directly visible in Power Pivot, where you can now "Hide from Client Tools".
I agree that the PivotTable Fields view shouldn't include tables outside of your data model, but with this solution you at least gain control of hiding them, and as long as you don't create any relationships you should be ok in terms of performance.


Power Pivot Table - How can I determine where the data for a table came from?

I have an Excel workbook with a Power Pivot model. When I open the workbook and select Manage Data Model, I'm taken to the Power Pivot screen. There are seven tables compromising the model. I'm trying to determine where data is coming from for one of the tables. When I click on the tab associated with the table, and select the Design menu option, the Table Properties button is disabled. However, there is no link icon in the tab name indicating a link to another table in the model. So, my question is, in this case, how do I determine where this data came from?
The original designer of this model isn't readily available at the moment.

Extracting data dynamically from master table to tables on dashboard

I have spent the last 3-4 days trying out all kind of tips and tricks found on YouTube and rest of the internet. But I don’t manage to create what I want. Now I have to swallow my pride and ask for help.
I have a big master table, or database, with all kind of information. I want to create a dashboard with a few smaller tables with just some of the information from the database.
I attached picture of a very simplified version of what I want to archive. Picture of simplified Daschboard/MDatabase:
I want to show some of the cars in column C (in the database) in separate tables on the dashboard with just some of the columns from the master table. When a row is added, deleted or information is changed in the database I want the dashboard table to update. It would be neat if it updated automatically, but a refresh button would do.
I use Outlook 2010 but can’t use MS Query or PowerQuery.
Pivot Tables will do exactly what you want.
Select your data source Sheet2!B3:F13 and click Insert > Pivot Table. Choose the range where you want to put the picot table, and click OK.
The Pivot Table field list will appear - drag Owner, Colour and Condition to ROWS, drag Car to FILTERS. In the Pivot Table > Design ribbon, switch off Subtotals and Grand Totals, and change Report Layout to Tabular Form.
Select a car filter as required, and format to suit.
You can create multiple pivot tables in the same manner. When data in the source table is modified, you can simply refresh the pivot tables to update them.
Thanks a lot Olly!
I totally overlooked the possibility to use pivot tables. I was obsessed with using some clever code to solve it. But the use of pivot seems to be the most convenient solution.
By the way. Thanks all you excel gurus (nerds...) out there who share your knowledge in forums like this. Two weeks ago I had no knowledge about VBA, formulas etc. Now I have managed to build a user friendly database with a dynamic dashboard and interactive user forms. Only by reading forums posts and watching You Tube tutorials.

How to add a table into the data model (Excel)

So inside excel they have a data model. You can access this data model in VBA, but now... It's rather easy adding a pivot table or query into the data model, but how would you add just a normal table into the data model?
Oh, it's actually rather simple... Go to Data > Connections > Add
But click the drop down arrow on that "Add" button...
This will bring up the "Add to data model" option.
Click that, select the 2nd tab I think (Tables) and here you can add whatever table (by table name) into the data model.
How to add a table to the data model (via VBA)
The solution is the method add2 of the Connections collection.
I recorded a macro to find this but then I found details online too:
I know this question is old, but I hope my answers helps others who got here like me.

Create a table with drill down capability(prefereably not Pivot Table)

I have a long set of data, it can be grouped into general cathegories but I need to see the details as well.
I know how I can acheve this with a pivot table, but I am wondering if it is possible to get this done in some other way?
Note: I have well over 1000 rows in that table, whatever solution you proposu it should not require a lot of time for each row in the table.
Thank you
I found it in the "Data" Ribbon, there is section "Outline", it has a "Subtotal" button, select the table, and then click on "Subtotal", menu that pops ups will help you build in the "drill" capability to the table.
Excel powerview has this functionality, available in v2013.

How do you copy the powerpivot data into the excel workbook as a table?

I have data in powerpivot that I've modified and I'd like to place it into the workbook as a regular table (and not as a pivottable). I need this so that I can run use the table for some vlookups from another worksheet in the same workbook.
I found this answer: link which I will try and summarize with out cutting and pasting to much. This assumes you have powerpivot installed.
goto powerpivot and "import from and external source" the data you want to munge and bring back into the workbook as a table
Key here is to select the checkbox “Enable selection of multiple tables”.
when prompted at the "import data" window, pick pivot report (you won't really use this)
go back to powerpivot with the "Manage Data Model:
add a new measure below your data. something like: NRofOrders:=COUNTROWS(values(FactResellerSales[SalesOrderNumber]))+0
(you won't really use this but this seems to change the query to this table so that you can use DAX)
also add any columns that you want ( for me, this is want I wanted that I wanted to be reflected back in the workbook)
back to Excel, select the data tab, click on Existing connections and select Tables: and then pick a table from your query.
boom, you're done
(the link continues on and you should read that as it's interesting but at this point you should have powerpivot query with your modification as a table in your workbook)
The July 2014 update to Power Query (pushed out at the end of Aug) simplifies the answer. With the new Power Query Update you can pull the data into the Data Model with out having to also copy it to the Works sheet.
goto powerquery and import the data you want to munge. Use the option to just add it to the Data Model.
go back to excel and then go to powerpivot with the "Manage Data Model" button.
munge your data (add columns, whatever)
back to Excel, select the data tab, click on Existing connections and select Tables: and then pick a table from your query.
boom, you're done
In the PowerPivot window you can select the table, or elements of it, and then copy (nornal right click or ctrl +c) and paste that into your spreadsheet.
This works for reasonable amounts of data but if you try and do it with thousands of rows you may find that excel objects and falls over, based on my experience.
Vlookups kind of defeat the purpose of PowerPivot :-)
Found a great solution over on Mr Excel
If you are trying to get a PowerPivot table into Excel, then you can simply query it. The easiest way to set that up is to first create any pivot table based on you PowerPivot data. Then double-click the measures area to drill-through. This creates a table with a connection to your PowerPivot model. Then edit the command text by going to: Data > Connections > Properties > Definition tab > Command Text.
Change it to something like
