Flipped over dataTable primefaces - jsf

Is it possible to flip datatable in primefaces, in order to have headers in the left not in the top?
I have following table:
<p:dataTable value="#{rolesMgmt.listOfMapsRoles}" var="map" id = "dataTable">
<p:columns value="#{rolesMgmt.columns}" var="column">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="#{column.header}" />
<h:outputText value="#{map[column.property]}" />
As you see, I have a lot of headers and 2-3 rows and I need to flip this table

No this is not possible by using some attribute on the p:dataTable itself. For this to be achieved you need to transpose your model. Maybe you can achieve something by manipulating the responsiveness. But if you have lots of columns AND lots of rows, maybe you should think of just displaying a 'summary' in a datatable and have a details view.
Or use a p:datagrid (showcase) where you can sort of free-format your records or a plain ui:repeat? Since you do not seem to need sorting/filtering etc in this case. The p:datatable seems overkill to me now

It's not possible to flip the table.
Why don't you take a look to the ColumnToggler?
You can temporarly reduce the width of the table and then, on demand, add other columns.


selection issue p:dataTable with selectionmode set to multiple nested in p:dataGrid

I'm working on a PrimeFaces project, where I choose to use a p:DataTable inside a p:DataGrid. The DataTable has the selectionMode attribute set to "multiple". I have a button on the page and when I click on it, I want to get all the selected checkboxes inside the various generated tables. All the checkboxes bring the same type of information (they are in different tables because of an information grouping scheme I use in the project).
Since I have multiple DataTables in the final rendered page, how can I get the selected checkboxes? I tried using the selection="#{myBean.selectedOptions}" attribute of the DataTable, but it seems to get just one of the generated tables' selected options (aparently the first one). What can I do to get the selected options of all tables generated by the p:DataGrid? Javascript? Is there any point I'm missing in the DataTable behavior?
(Well.. I don`t know whether I was able to make myself clear enough - English is not my native language).
More information:
The number o DataTables generated is variable
I tried using the jsf visit method to traverse the user interface component view as shown here, looking for all checkboxes inside the DataGrid, but it couldn't find any of the checkboxes (I printed out to the console all the elements found). I think it's because the checkboxes are encapsulated in DataTable component. This made me think about not using the selectionMode="multiple" and, instead, manually add the checkboxes and a hidden input element for each one so I can find the checkboxes (or the "input hidden") using the visit method. The sad part of this aproach is that I'd have to stop using some good stuff of the DataTable selectionMode="multiple" feature, like hilighting the row if the corresponding checkbox is checked, and the ready to use "check all" checkbox it automatically put in the header of the ckeckboxes column.
I tried using a nested List in the selection attribute, but it didn't work. The main idea was using something like selection="#{bean.myListOfLists.get(t.counter)}". The "counter" variable is taken from the very object that is used to fulfill the current row of the DataTable (represented by the t variable in the attribute var="t"). The DataTable seems to not accept this approach. It doesn`t fulfill the nested lists.
I tried using the above approch with a modification: instead of a list of lists, a build a new class "B" and made a list of B (selection="#{bean.myListOf_B_Objects.get(t.counter).listInsideBObject}"). The result is simliar to the last approach: none of the lists inside the B objects were fulfilled.
Below there is a simplified view of what I did (more similar to the last case, but it's just to get the big picture)
<p:dataGrid var="gridCellContent"
layout="grid" id="id01" columns="3"">
<p:dataTable var="something"
<p:column selectionMode="multiple" />
<h:outputText value="#{something.sometext}" />
<f:facet name="footer">
<p:commandButton id="btnSave" value="Save"
[edited 2] Following #JaqenH'ghar's sugestion I tried out the modifications below, which unfortunately still din't work:
<p:dataGrid var="gridCellContent"
layout="grid" id="id01" columns="3"
<p:dataTable var="something"
<p:column selectionMode="multiple" />
<h:outputText value="#{something.sometext}" />
<f:facet name="footer">
<p:commandButton id="btnSave" value="Save"
And for myBean:
public class MyBean {
private List<List<Something>> listOfLists = new ArrayList<List<Something>>();
public List<List<Something>> getListOfLists(){
this.listOfLists.add(new ArrayList<Something>());
return this.listOfLists;
public void setListOfLists(List<Something> listOfSomething) {

Is it possible to do dynamic column ordering on a p:dataTable without using p:columns?

I'm trying to dynamically display the columns of a p:dataTable: the server dictates which columns are displayed and in which order. It doesn't look like I can set a dynamic order using the regular p:column tag so I'm stuck using the p:columns tag. The problems with the p:columns tag are:
1) The example in the showcase shows it working with String data, where you can map a column name to a field and then use an expression language map to retrieve the data (like a pseudo-getter)
If I have different data types though, then I'm probably stuck with a bunch of panels with render attributes based on the type of the data (display Strings one way, display User objects another way, etc).
<p:dataTable value="#{myBean.rows}" var="row">
<p:columns value="#{myBean.columns}" var="column">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="#{column.header}" />
<!-- The content of the cell is dynamic based on the type of the field -->
<!-- display a String field -->
<h:outputText rendered="#{myBean.isStringType(column.header)}"
<!-- display a Person field -->
<h:outputText rendered="#{myBean.isPersonType(column.header)}"
value="#{row[column.property].name}, #{row[column.property].email}"/>
2) p:columns only supports a single sortFunction/filterFunction for all columns. Since these columns all have different types of data, they will require many different sorting and filtering methods
A p:column easily allows for the display of different data types as well as the sorting/filtering of the data. The only thing it can't do is have a dynamic order.
Unless I'm missing something? Is there a way to get this to work with p:column ? Or is there an elegant way to have p:columns handle all of this?
It doesn't look like I can set a dynamic order using the regular p:column tag so I'm stuck using the p:columns tag.
If the #{myBean.columns} columns model is constant during at least the view scope, then you'd better use <c:forEach><p:column><c:choose>. It's faster than <p:columns>+rendered, and allows more dynamic freedom as you can declare every <p:column> individually depending on the type instead of having only one <p:columns> whose state changes every iteration round.
<p:dataTable value="#{myBean.rows}" var="row">
<c:forEach items="#{myBean.columns}" var="column">
<c:when test="#{column.type eq 'STRING'}">
<p:column sortBy="#{row[column.property]}" filterBy="#{row[column.property]}">
<c:when test="#{column.type eq 'PERSON'}">
<p:column sortBy="#{row[column.property].name}" filterBy="#{row[column.property].name}">
#{row[column.property].name}, #{row[column.property].email}
See also:
JSTL in JSF2 Facelets... makes sense?
How to create dynamic JSF form fields

JSF - Richfaces 3.3.3 rich datatable - Both sorting and filtering with two headers?

I'm trying to add a filter to the header of each column in an existing rich:datatable in JSF. I used the Exadel demo to add the filters, which worked out just fine, but it also removed the sort functionality from the upper header. I'd like to keep the sort function in the upper label header and filter on the second inputText header.
As a quick and dirty example, this is the basic structure:
<rich:dataTable id="thetable" value="#{stuff.list}" var="s">
<f:facet name="header">
<rich:column sortBy="#{s.field1}">
<h:outputText="Field 1" />
<f:facet name="header">
<h:inputText value="#{stuffSorter.field1}">
<a4j:support event="onkeyup" reRender="thetable" ignoreDupResponses="true"
requestDelay="700" onComplete"setCaretToEnd(event);" />
There would be more columns, of course, and setCaretToEnd is just a Javascript function that keeps the caret at the end of the column filter. This is almost just right. I get two headers. The one at the top is the column label, the one just below is the filter, and the results are listed below that. I've built out the filtering class and it's working splendidly. However, I can't seem to find a way to get the sort function back into the topmost header. It does work if I put the "sortBy" field next to the filter box, but I'd much rather have it above, but it seems that the data being inserted in the filter column is preventing that.
Am I missing something here, or is this just not quite possible with a rich:dataTable? I'd be okay with the name + sort and then the filter on top of each other within the same header, but I'm not having luck with that, either. Trying to put both elements into the facet (outputText and inputText) never shows the outputText, even when wrapping them individually with an s:div. I'd use a bean for sorting, but strangely, the project I'm working in is using Richfaces 3.3.3 and lacks org.richfaces.component.SortOrder, although it has a number of other items within the richfaces-ui-3.3.3-final.jar.
In Richfaces 3.3, header and filter facet are supported. The content which you put in the header facet will appear at the top. Filter code you can place inside the filter facet which will appear below header. Please check this questions :Filter Facet is not working in Richface 4.3x, old format of richfaces 3.3 is shown there.
<f:facet name="filter">

p:dataList inside of p:dataTable

I'm using <p:dataTable> to show the values of my files. Inside of each file is a list of metadates. I want to show each metadate as an own column beside the other columns of the file. (I excluded the other columns to make the code more readable).
So, my problem is, that with the <p:dataList> it does not show the columns. The name of the meta is the same in every metadata, if someone believes this to be the problem.
I already tried to use <p:dataTable> instead of <p:dataList>, but as my customer originally wanted to have the metadata shown as own column this would not be my preferred way, but on the other hand it is working.
<p:dataTable id="fileList" var="f" value="#{reader.files}" rendered="#{reader.showFileTable()}">
<p:dataList value="#{f.meta}" var="meta1">
<p:column headerText="Metadaten">
<p:dataTable value="#{f.meta}" var="meta">
<p:column headerText="#{meta.name}">
I am really grateful for any help, how I could make the code work so that each metadate has it's own column in the fileList-dataTable.
P.S: I already tried c:forEach and ui:repeat which also didn't work.
P.P.S: I forgot to mention, that my customer sometimes don't want to see specific metadates, so it would be very nice when it is possible to do this with the suggested solution.
You can build columns dynamically in primefaces by using the <p:columns> tag see the vdl
check the primefaces showcase for an example
Suppose you have this code:
<p:dataList id="fileList" var="f" value="#{reader.files}">
<p:dataTable value="#{f.listItems}" var="meta1">
<p:columns value="#{meta1.listItems}">...</p:columns>
Dynamic columns in nested dataTable are not generated: it seems p:columns cannot refer var like "f" and "meta1".
I can understand "meta1" is not visible, because it's producing header's table, but I really can't understand why "f" is not visible at that time.
Any idea? Thanks.

input binding in ui:repeat in jsf

i am using facelets jsf 2.0 with primefaces 3.0.M2 component library.
i am trying to achieve dynamic numbers of rows including iput fields that are filled when a datatable selection occurs.
whenever a selection is made the dynamic rows generated correctly with input fields but after the first selection for following selections dynamic row count changes correctly but the input fields does not update and keeps showing inputs from the first selection.
here is how i iterate list in facelet;
<ui:repeat value="#{goalEntranceBean.selectedCard.parameterList}" var="prmBean" >
<li><h:outputText value="#{prmBean.lookUp.value}"/></li>
<h:outputText value="Weight:"/>
<p:inputText id="wx" required="true" value="#{prmBean.weight}">
<h:outputText value="Percent:"/>
<p:inputText required="true" value="#{prmBean.percent}">
my bean where i get the list of cards and set the selectedCard with rowSelect event in datatable.
#ManagedBean(name = "goalEntranceBean")
public class GoalEntranceAction implements Serializable {
private List<ScoreCard> personalCards = new ArrayList<ScoreCard>();
private ScoreCard selectedCard = new ScoreCard();
when i checked in debug mode i can see the true list but in screen the elements does not change.
This is a common problem (gets asked every couple of days). To make long story short, inputs inside ui:repeat do not work, period.
It is a problem with JSF, a long standing, famous one. Maybe it will be fixed. Maybe not, it seems that no one really cares (I mean - an input? in a... ui:repeat? such crazy scenario!).
A quick-fix is to use a h:dataTable, possibly ungodly abused with css to make it look like a list. A long-fix is to use some iterator from a different library. Primefaces has an element that should work that renders an unordered list.
thanks for your replies. Sorry for forget sharing the solution.
As i mentioned above i have primefaces datatable.
On row selection event i render datatable and want to update the cells of that datatable.
USING p:inputtext easily solved my problem. Now i can change the data on screen and i can see the values after update operation on screen. I don't understand the reason but it works.
<p:dataTable var="orgPrmBean"
<p:columnGroup type="header">
<p:column headerText="Parameters" colspan="3" style="text-align:left;width:480;"/>
<p:column style="text-align:left;width:200px;">
<h:outputText value="#{orgPrmBean.info}"/>
<p:column style="text-align:left;width:180px;">
<p:inputText value="#{orgPrmBean.weight}"
<f:convertNumber maxFractionDigits="0"/>
It IS possible to make it work, but the solution is to bind the inputs to a backing bean, and update the values of the controls in the backing bean via listeners (using the new value received in the argument). Obviously this isn't a good solution if you have a complex form, as you need to add a listener/control in the backing bean for each control in the page, but it's practical if you just have one or two inputs.
