Change font color with jscolor - jscolor

Let this piece of html code:
id= 'btnBckGrndColor'
class="jscolor {valueElement:'valueInput', styleElement:'zColorSample'}">A button
Chosen value: <input id="valueInput" value="">
<div id="zColorSample">Some text</div>
Clearly it modifies the background color of zColorSample.
How do I modify the font color of zColorSample?

A little late, but I figured I would answer because I just had this issue. To achieve this using JsColor, I just added the class jscolor to the input element then added the attribute onchange, which pointed to an update function that would update the font color instead. Here is an example of what I did,
<input type="text" class="jscolor" onchange="update(this.jscolor);" />
<p id="toChange">Text To Change</p>
Then the update function looked like this using jQuery,
function update(jscolor) {
$('#toChange').css("color", "#" + jscolor);}


How to make Label element inline in nativescript?

I have HTML I want to give border-bottom property to the <Label> element which is a child of <StackLayout>.
My problem is the border-bottom is taking full width like a div in the web. I want this Label element to be inline like a span so that it's width should not be more than its content width.
<StackLayout *ngIf="!places.length">
<Label (tap)="onSearch()" class="fo-20 m-t-20 opensans-bold text-center p-b-5"
borderBottomColor="#F16051" borderBottomWidth="2" text="View All Activities"></Label>
Below is the layout I'm getting now. But I don't want that orange line to be end to end. Instead its width should always be equal to the text present inside that Label.
Instead of StackLayout, you can have FlexboxLayout with the justifyContent="center".
<FlexboxLayout justifyContent="center" *ngIf="!places.length">
<Label (tap)="onSearch()" class="fo-20 m-t-20 opensans-bold text-center p-b-
5" borderBottomColor="#F16051" borderBottomWidth="2" text="View All
Activities"> .
Try setting horizontalAlignment on Label to center
<Label horizontalAlignment="center" ...
Add horizontalAlignment="center" to the label. This will center the component, making it only the size it needs to have.
Example playground:

How to use aria-attribute (aria-labelledby) for combo box (input+autocomplete list) correctly?

How can I use the aria-attribute aria-labelledby for combo box (input+autocomplete list) correctly?
According to the W3C, the aria-labelledby property provides the user with a recognizable name of the object.
I've found the following example on W3C:
<div class="combobox-wrapper">
<input type="text"
<ul aria-labelledby="ex1-label"></ul>
But I've noticed that aria-labelledby isn't descriptive. Values in aria-labelledby for different element are used the same.
Maybe I can use aria-labelledby like this:
<div class="combobox-wrapper">
<input type="text"
<ul aria-labelledby="autocomplete-list"></ul>
The WAI ARIA attribute aria-labelledby is used when you can't use the normal <input> + <label> combination to label a form element, e.g. because you are using a custom form element. In other words, it is used in situations where you can't use the <label>'s for attribute to define a label for the input (e.g.
<input id="communitymode" name="communitymode" type="checkbox"> <label for="communitymode">communiti wiki</label>; note that the for attribute's value refers to the input's id attribute.)
With aria-labelledby, your reference works in the opposite direction as the for attibute: you tell the browser or the screen reader where to find the "label" for the form control it has just encountered.
<div class="combobox-wrapper">
<span id="combolabel">Select your country:</span>
<input type="text"
<ul aria-labelledby="combolabel"></ul>
In the above code sample, both the <input> element and the <ul> element are labelled by the <span> element with id "combolabel".
Remember the first rule of ARIA is don't use ARIA when native HTML elements exist. If you are trying to create an accessible autocomplete box try this:
It does not use ARIA and follows all applicable W3C rules and guidelines.

Search title from input tag by classname and action

I want to get the title called "ABCD" as output from below :
Note I can't use input id to search and have to use classname. Also, note that I have several <div class="promptChoiceListBox" > and class="promptTextField promptTextFieldReadOnly" exist and this is just one example.
Also this Title is dynamic and changed with dropdown selection.
How can I check it in onclick event if the text inside the text is changed?
How can I achieve this ? any help is appreciated.
<div class="promptChoiceListBox" >
<input id="xyz123" type="text" class="promptTextField promptTextFieldReadOnly" readonly="" title="ABCD">
I have tried below and it doesn't work:
Javascript way of doing it:
JQuery (on-click example):
$("input:promptTextField promptTextFieldReadOnly").click(function(){
$("input:promptTextField promptTextFieldReadOnly").toggle();

Form validation when form spans multiple tabs

I have a form that spans multiple tabs in a TabStrip control. However, when the form is validated (e.g. f.valid), not all controls are considered when the validation is evaluated.
For example, if an input field is on tab 1 that is marked as "required" and the save action is called when the focus is on tab #3, the form will read as invalid since the required field is not in view. If the focus is on Tab #1, all works as expected.
I understand why this behavior is occurring, but I wanted to see if there was any suggested workaround.
I created a plunkr that shows the basic issue. It is actually a little backwards from the problem I described, but it shows how the form ignores the fields on tabs other than the one displayed during validation: Plunkr Example
The template code looks like this:
<form #f="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="save(f)">
<kendo-tabstrip-tab [title]="'Paris'" [selected]="true">
<ng-template kendoTabContent>
<input type="text" name="controlOne" id="controlOne" [(ngModel)]="myModel.controlOne" required>
<kendo-tabstrip-tab [title]="'New York City'">
<ng-template kendoTabContent>
<input type="text" name="controlTwo" id="controlTwo" [(ngModel)]="myModel.controlTwo">
<kendo-tabstrip-tab [title]="'Tallinn'">
<ng-template kendoTabContent>
<input type="text" name="controlThree" id="controlThree" [(ngModel)]="myModel.controlThree">
<button type="submit">Save changes</button>
Valid when saving: {{ isValid }}

Float align display:inline problem

<div style="display:inline;">
<textarea rows="10" cols="50"></textarea><br />
<div style="float:right;">remaining characters: 300</div>
It is not working in either firefox or IE. The text remaining characters is not within the "inline" bounds instead goes 100% out of the containing div.
what is the best way of accomplish something like this where text is aligned right in parent div with textarea before that?
Try this.
<div style="display:inline; text-align:right; float:left;">
<textarea cols="50" rows="10"></textarea><br />
remaining characters: 300
