Cannot clone git repo inside existing checked out git repository - linux

I am trying to clone my a git repository inside an existing checked out git repository and getting this failure. I've done this workflow before so I cannot figure out why it would fail now. Does anyone have any suggestions?
The git repository does exist and I can clone outside of the checked out repository in a different location
Let's say I do the following
1. cd <existing git repo clone folder>
2. git clone
Cloning Git Repository of cassandra
Cloning into 'cassandra'...
fatal: 'origin' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
What could be causing this error?
PLEASE NOTE - I DO NOT WANT TO ADD THIS REPOSITORY AS A SUBMODULE TO MY PARENT GIT REPO. I simply want to figure out how to clone the repository in an existing working folder checked out from git.

Have a look at git submodules This was designed exactly for this. You can find information and examples here:
In your case, this might work:
git submodule add
In order to change the submodule to track a particular commit change directory to the submodule folder and switch branches as normal.
cd submodule
git checkout -b some_branch origin/some_branch
or for some particular tag
git checkout <version_tag>
You will need to commit this change to update.

Your question sort of seems to be in conflict. You can't have a git repo within another git repo without using git submodules AFAIK.
What you could do is have a dir that is not a git repo, and clone both the repos into that dir (so don't put the repos inside each other).
You could also add the repository as a remote (using git remote add name_of_remote http://your/remote/here). Then you can checkout any branch from either repo in the same repository.

I usually do not like to use submodules. for this case I would do the following:
1) in the main repo .gitignore the folder path where you want to store the repo the path-of-cassandra-repo/* (to ignore it)
2) in the terminal execute git clone path-of-cassandra-repo/ where "path-of-cassandra-repo/" the name of the folder you want git to store the repo.
3) you are ready to go... Happy coding.
Let me know if this works for you...


pushing and pulling from remote git repo works but it is empty on remote server [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What's the -practical- difference between a Bare and non-Bare repository?
(11 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I have a linux server with ssh and git installed.
I created a folder on the root directory and changed its owner to mike to avoid giving out root passwords to anyone.
sudo mkdir /GitRepos
sudo chown mike:mike /GitRepos
Then I created an empty repo, and set it to bare, otherwise pushing to this repo does not work (I tried!!)
mkdir test.git
cd test.git
git init
git config core.bare true
I then used another machine (Windows) to clone the newly created repo:
git clone ssh://mike#myLinuxServer/GitRepos/test.git
and that worked fine, I got an empty repo as expected.
I added some files and committed the change.
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push origin master
Pushing works fine. I even deleted the entire repo from the local machine, and tried to clone it again.
cd ..
rd test /s
git clone ssh://mike#myLinuxServer/GitRepos/test.git
It worked fine and I got all of the files.
When I went to the remote Linux machine, I listed the files inside test.git and found it empty.
Where did the files go?
How can the repo receive pushes and give out files for pulls without storing the files in the repo?
The files are stored in the remote repository's database. You cannot expect that the files themselves appear in the remote repository, in particular not when you declare it as bare.
The way you initialized the bare remote repository is very unusual. You should have done it simply like this:
cd /GitRepos
git init --bare test.git
The repository on the server is considered as a bare repo as you ran git config core.bare true. A more common way to initialize a bare repo is git init --bare test.git or mkdir test.git;cd test.git;git init --bare. The difference between git init test.git;cd test.git;git config core.bare true and git init --bare test.git lies in the directory structure. The former creates the worktree(test.git) and the database(test.git/.git) but forbids the worktree then. The latter creates only the database(test.git), without the worktree from the beginning.
A bare repository does not have an active worktree by default, which means you can't check out files from any revision in a bare repository. Although you can create extra worktrees with git worktree add, it's quite rare and may behave not so well as a non-bare repository with extra worktrees. All the revisions are stored as compressed data in the database. You can use commands to read the data, like git show master or git ls-tree -r master.
otherwise pushing to this repo does not work (I tried!!)
It's partially true. You can't push to a non-bare repository when you try to update a branch which has been checked out in the remote repository. If the branch you try to update is not checked out or does not exist yet, you can push to update or create it. With git config receive.denyCurrentBranch ignore or git config receive.denyCurrentBranch warn, you can even update such branch. But in practice, we always use bare repositories to preserve revision data.

I cannot clone git tree

I have a question about git, I tried to clone a tree but without success.
git clone
I cloned the project
git clone
and I tried to switch to that tree but no effect
Would you have any suggestions ?
Best regards
Git cannot clone a tree directly. You need to clone the entire repository, and then check out a commit that uses the tree you want. For the sake of reducing confusions, though, do note that there is a difference between the terms "tree" and "commit", though:
A tree is a Git object representing a directory, and contains links to blobs (files) and other trees. A tree is not necessarily the root directory of the repository.
A commit object contains a link to the root tree of the repository, and some extra information such as commit message, dates and other headers.
You can only check out commits. Few Git commands deal directly with tree objects (git cat-file and git ls-tree being among the exceptions). However, the object ID in your GitHub URL is indeed the ID of a commit, so that's not a problem.
What you can do, then, is check out the commit you want into a new branch after you've cloned the repository:
git checkout -b test-branch d2077e21
If the problem you're trying to solve is just fetching a single commit (or tree) from a remote repository, then you're out of luck, because Git's remote protocol does not support that operation. If anything, if you can insert a branch into the remote repository at the commit you want, you can clone that branch directly, without any history:
git clone -b test-branch --depth 1
If you can't do that, however, then you're still out of luck. The remote protocol only allows referencing named refs, not arbitrary commits.
Check if below things helps.Am using a GIT bash here.
Clone the repository.
git clone
Enter that directory
cd event-sourcing-examples/
Switch the branch(i am assuming by tree you mean branch)
git checkout wip-vagrant wip-vagrant is a branch name
To get the update you have to issue a pull command.
git pull
If you directly want to clone the branch then follow the instructions in above comment(Micheal).
git clone -b <branch> <remote_repo>
git clone -b my-branch
Alternative (no public key setup needed):
git clone -b my-branch
If your goal is just to get a copy of the repo at a particular commit...
While you can't use clone, you can download a zip file of the repo at a particular commit.
This method works on GitHub.
This and other approaches can be found at:
Navigate to the tree view of the sha you want.<repo_name>/tree/<commit_sha>
Download the zip file.
Don't clone.
Github Tree View
Open the repo and click the "commits" link
(in the bar that says "commits branches packages, etc.)
Select the commit you want. This will take you to the view showing the changes.
In the url you will see something like this:
- Note the sha in the url is preceeded by the word "commit".
Replace the word "commit" with the word "tree" to put yourself in the
tree view.
- Finally, click on the green "Clone or download" button
and Download the ZIP. Don't try to clone.
This will download the entire repo as it was at that commit.
First, you need to get the complete repo and get checkout the repo to commit_sha.
git clone -n <repo_name>
git checkout <commit_sha>

How can I verify git clone is working correctly?

I'm following the documentation provided here by git to setup a bare git repository in a folder called root.
I started in the root directory where I ran
git init
git -A *
git commit -m "test"
I then ran git status and all appears good.
Next I ran the line from the documentation at a directory one level above the repo I created above.
git clone --bare root root.git
This created root.git but I cannot see any evidence that anything was cloned I just see a set of files and directories when I cd root.git.
I don't know how to verify it was actually cloned, and if it was why can't I see the original files?
When you do --bare --- you are telling git to clone just the git portion -
This is the option you use when you want to have a remote repository that does not include a workspace.
If you want to verify that it actually cloned your changes, you'll want to clone it again in a different directory - without the --bare flag
I would recommend using the full path to do this:
cd /path/to/some/workspace
git clone /path/to/your/root.git successful-git-clone #that last bit is optional
This will put the workspace contents of root.git into a folder named successful-git-clone/ - without that last bit, it will default to root/ -
Even if you are in a bare repository, some git commands works and you could do a git branch to see if you have all your branches or git log to look at your commits...

Added BitBucket repo as remote on GitHub

I've just installed git on Ubuntu, now I want to work on my repo in BitBucket. I'm a little confused on how to do so. I can't do the following:
git remote add BitBucketRepo
As it returns the following error:
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
It clearly is pointing to a git repo, so why is it lying to me?
Also, it is worth noting I am using SSH and I have successfully paired my GitHub account to my computer.
You need to run this command from a local git repository (a directory in which you have run git init or git clone) - otherwise git remote doesn't know which local repo you want to add the remote for.
It should be as simple as cd my-local-dir, where my-local-dir is the directory containing your local (cloned) git repository.
If you don't yet have the repo available locally:
git clone my-local-dir
cd my-local-dir
git remote add ButbucketRepo
git push -u ButbucketRepo master
This will clone your code from Github into the my-local-dir directory, add your BitBucket repo as a remote repository, push your code up to Bitbucket and set the local master branch to track the BitBucket remote's master branch.
Tracking means that commands that involve a remote like git push will automatically use the BitBucket remote's master branch. If you don't want that behaviour, skip the -u option.

Unable to create a bare git repository

My git version is
I want to create a bare git repository called sample.git.
I tried all sorts, but it failed:
Try 1:
Gives a usage statement but no git created
git init --bare sample.git
usage: git-init [--template=<template-directory>] [--shared]
Try 2: (using git-init not git init)
$ git-init --bare sample.git
usage: git-init [--template=<template-directory>] [--shared]
Try 3: Create a directory sample and then run same command, but still same output and git repository not created.
Please help me.
Firstly, upgrade your git. Version 1.5 is positively ancient.
If you can't upgrade, I'd just create a normal git repository, then manually convert it to a bare repo. An ordinary git repo will contain a '.git' directory. This can be your "bare" repo. Rename this directory to whatever you like. (You'll probably want to mv .git ../myrepo.git).
Then you have to tell git that it is a bare repo. Do this by adding bare = true to the config file in the [core] configuration section.
