Why are accumulators sent directly to the driver? - apache-spark

With Spark, if I've already defined my accumulators to be associative and reducible, why are does each worker send them directly to the driver rather than reducing incrementally along with my actual job? It seems a bit goofy to me.

Each task in Spark maintains its own accumulator and its value is send back to the driver when particular task has been finished.
Since accumulators are in Spark are mostly a diagnostic and monitoring sharing accumulators between tasks would make these almost useless. Not to mention that worker failure after particular task is finished would result in a loss of data and make accumulators even less reliable than they are right now.
Moreover this mechanism is pretty much the same as the standard RDD reduce where tasks results are continuously send to the driver and merged locally.


HBase batch loading with speed control cause of slow consumer

We need to load a big part of data from HBase using Spark.
Then we put it into Kafka and read by consumer. But consumer is too slow
At the same time Kafka memory is not enough to keep all scan result.
Our key contain ...yyyy.MM.dd, and now we load 30 days in one Spark job, using operator filter.
But we cant split job to many jobs, (30 jobs filtering each day), cause then each job will have to scan all HBase, and it will make summary scan to slow.
Now we launch Spark job with 100 threads, but we cant make speed slower by set less threads (for example 7 threads). Cause Kafka is used by third hands developers, that make Kafka sometimes too busy to keep any data. So, we need to control HBase scan speed, checking all time is there a memory in Kafka to store our data
We try to save scan result before load to Kafka into some place, for example in ORC files in hdfs, but scan result make many little files, it is problem to group them by memory (or there is a way, if you know please tell me how?), and store into hdfs little files bad. And merging such a files is very expensive operation and spend a lot of time that will make total time too slow
Sugess solutions:
Maybe it is possible to store scan result in hdfs by spark, by set some special flag in filter operator and then run 30 spark jobs to select data from saved result and put each result to Kafka when it possible
Maybe there is some existed mechanism in spark to stop and continue launched jobs
Maybe there is some existed mechanism in spark to separate result by batches (without control to stop and continue loading)
Maybe there is some existed mechanism in spark to separate result by batches (with control to stop and continue loading by external condition)
Maybe when Kafka will throw an exception (that there is no place to store data), there is some backpressure mechanism in spark that will stop scan for some time if there some exceptions appear in execution (but i guess that there is will be limited retry of restarting to execute operator, is it possible to set restart operation forever, if it is a real solution?). But better to keep some free place in Kafka, and not to wait untill it will be overloaded
Do using PageFilter in HBase (but i guess that it is hard to realize), or other solutions variants? And i guess that there is too many objects in memory to use PageFilter
This https://github.com/hortonworks-spark/shc/issues/108 will not help, we already use filter
Any ideas would be helpful

Spark-Streaming Kafka Direct Streaming API & Parallelism

I understood the automated mapping that exists between a Kafka Partition and a Spark RDD partition and ultimately Spark Task. However in order to properly Size My Executor (in number of Core) and therefore ultimately my node and cluster, I need to understand something that seems to be glossed over in the documentations.
In Spark-Streaming how does exactly work the data consumption vs data processing vs task allocation, in other words:
Does a corresponding Spark task to a Kafka partition both read
and process the data altogether ?
The rational behind this question is that in the previous API, that
is, the receiver based, a TASK was dedicated for receiving the data,
meaning a number tasks slot of your executors were reserved for data
ingestion and the other were there for processing. This had an
impact on how you size your executor in term of cores.
Take for example the advise on how to launch spark-streaming with
--master local. Everyone would tell that in the case of spark streaming,
one should put local[2] minimum, because one of the
core, will be dedicated to running the long receiving task that never
ends, and the other core will do the data processing.
So if the answer is that in this case, the task does both the reading
and the processing at once, then the question that follows, is that
really smart, i mean, this sounds like asynchronous. We want to be
able to fetch while we process so on the next processing the data is
already there. However if there only one core or more precisely to
both read the data and process them, how can both be done in
parallel, and how does that make things faster in general.
My original understand was that, things would have remain somehow the
same in the sense that, a task would be launch to read but that the
processing would be done in another task. That would mean that, if
the processing task is not done yet, we can still keep reading, until
a certain memory limit.
Can someone outline with clarity what is exactly going on here ?
We don't even have to have this memory limit control. Just the mere fact of being able to fetch while the processing is going on and stopping right there. In other words, the two process should be asynchronous and the limit is simply to be one step ahead. To me if somehow this is not happening, i find it extremely strange that Spark would implement something that break performance as such.
Does a corresponding Spark task to a Kafka partition both read and
process the data altogether ?
The relationship is very close to what you describe, if by talking about a task we're referring to the part of the graph that reads from kafka up until a shuffle operation. The flow of execution is as follows:
Driver reads offsets from all kafka topics and partitions
Driver assigns each executor a topic and partition to be read and processed.
Unless there is a shuffle boundary operation, it is likely that Spark will optimize the entire execution of the partition on the same executor.
This means that a single executor will read a given TopicPartition and process the entire execution graph on it, unless we need to shuffle. Since a Kafka partition maps to a partition inside the RDD, we get that guarantee.
Structured Streaming takes this even further. In Structured Streaming, there is stickiness between the TopicPartition and the worker/executor. Meaning, if a given worker was assigned a TopicPartition it is likely to continue processing it for the entire lifetime of the application.

How to solve "job aborted due to stage failure" from "spark.akka.framesize"?

I have a spark program which is doing a bunch of column operations, and then calling .collect() to pull the results into memory.
I am receiving this problem when running the code:
An error occurred while calling z:org.apache.spark.api.python.PythonRDD.collectAndServe.
: org.apache.spark.SparkException: Job aborted due to stage failure: Serialized task 302987:27 was 139041896 bytes, which exceeds max allowed: spark.akka.frameSize (134217728 bytes) - reserved (204800 bytes). Consider increasing spark.akka.frameSize or using broadcast variables for large values.
The more full stack trace can be seen here: https://pastebin.com/tuP2cPPe
Now I'm wondering what I need to change to my code and/or configuration to solve this. I have a few ideas:
Increase the spark.akka.frameSize, as suggested. I am a bit reluctant to do this because I do not know this parameter very well, and for other jobs I might prefer the default. Is there a way to specify this within an application? And can it be changed dynamically on the fly within the code similar to number of partitions?
Decrease the number of partitions before calling collect() on the table. I have a feeling that calling collect() when there are too many partitions is causing this to fail. It is putting too much stress on the driver when pulling all of these pieces into memory.
I do not understand the suggestion Consider...using broadcast variables for large values. How will this help? I still need to pull the results back to the driver whether I have a copy of the data on each executor or not.
Are there other ideas that I am missing? Thx.
I think that error is a little misleading. The error is because the result you are trying to download back to your driver is larger than Akka (the underlying networking library used by spark) can fit in a message. Broadcast variables are used to efficiently SEND data to the worker nodes, which is the opposite direction as what you are trying to do.
Usually you don't want to do a collect when it is going to pull back a lot of data because you will lose any parallelism for the job by trying to download that result to one node. If you have too much data this could either take forever or potentially cause your job to fail. You can try increasing the Akka frame size until it is large enough that your job doesn't fail, but that will probably just break again in the future when your data grows.
A better solution would be to save the the result to some distributed filesystem (HDFS, S3) using the RDD write APIs. Then you could either perform more distributed operations with it in follow on jobs using Spark to read it back in, or you could just download the result directly from the distributed file system and do whatever you want with it.

How to know which piece of code runs on driver or executor?

I am new to Spark. How to know which piece of code will run on the driver & which will run on the executors ?
Do we always have to try to code such that everything runs on the executors ?. Is there any recommendations/ways to make most of your code to run on executors ?
Update: I far as I understand Transformations run on executors & actions runs on driver because it needs to return value. So is it fine if the action runs on driver or should it also run on executor ? Where does the driver actually run ? on cluster ?
Any Spark application consists of a single Driver process and one or more Executor processes. The Driver process will run on the Master node of your cluster and the Executor processes run on the Worker nodes. You can increase or decrease the number of Executor processes dynamically depending upon your usage but the Driver process will exist throughout the lifetime of your application.
The Driver process is responsible for a lot of things including directing the overall control flow of your application, restarting failed stages and the entire high level direction of how your application will process the data.
Coding your application so that more data is processed by Executors falls more under the purview of optimising your application so that it processes data more efficiently/faster making use of all the resources available to it in the cluster.
In practice, you do not really need to worry about making sure that more of your data is being processed by executors.
That being said, there are some Actions, which when triggered, necessarily involve shuffling around of data. If you call the collect action on an RDD, all the data is brought to the Driver process and if your RDD had a sufficiently large amount of data in it, an Out Of Memory error will be triggered by the application, as the single machine running the Driver process will not be able to hold all the data.
Keeping the above in mind, Transformations are lazy and Actions are not.
Transformations basically transform one RDD into another. But calling a transformation on an RDD does not actually result in any data being processed anywhere, Driver or Executor. All a transformation does is that it adds to the DAG's lineage graph which will be executed when an Action is called.
So the actual processing happens when you call an Action on an RDD. The simplest example is that of calling collect. As soon as an action is called, Spark gets to work and executes the previously saved DAG computations on the specified RDD, returning the result back. Where these computations are executed depends entirely on your application.
There is no simple and straightforward answer here.
As a rule of thumb everything that is executed inside closures of higher order functions like mapPartitions (map, filter, flatMap) or combineByKey should be handled mostly by executor machines. Everything outside these are handled by the driver. But you have to be aware that it is a serious simplification.
Depending on a specific method and language at least a part of the job can be handled by the driver. For example when you use combine-like methods (reduce, aggregate) final merging is applied locally on the driver machine. Complex algorithms (like many can ML / MLlib tools) can interleave distributed and local processing when needed.
Moreover data processing is only a fraction of a whole job. Driver is responsible for bookeeping, accumulator processing, initial broadcasting and other secondary tasks. It also handles lineage and DAG processing and generating execution plans for higher level APIs (Dataset, SparkSQL).
While the whole picture is relatively complex in practice your choices are relatively limited. You can:
Avoid collecting data (collect, toLocalIterator) to process locally.
Perform more work on the workers with tree* (treeAggregate, treeReduce) methods.
Avoid unnecessary tasks which increase bookkeeping costs.
To this part of your question "Update: I far as I understand Transformations run on executors & actions runs on the driver because it needs to return value. "
It is not true that only transformation runs on the executor and all actions run on the driver.
If we have to join 2 datasets where there is no aggregate operation that needs to be performed eg :
In this case, as soon as the executor machine completes working on its partition it starts writing down the result to HDFS/some persistence without waiting for other executors to complete. This is the reason why we see different part files, which are technically partitions that each executor processed.
Driver does not wait for all executors to complete its computation.
Where does the driver actually run? on cluster?
Depends on the --deploy-mode chosen.
If --deploy-mode client then the gateway where you launch your spark application is your driver machine.
If --deploy-mode cluster, cluster manager choose a machine(in yarn/mesos) which it feels has sufficient memory to run as the driver.

Monitor Spark actual work time vs. communication time

On a Spark cluster, if the jobs are very small, I assume that the clustering will be inefficient since most of the time will be spent on communication between nodes, rather than utilizing the processors on the nodes.
Is there a way to monitor how much time out of a job submitted with spark-submit is wasted on communication, and how much on actual computation?
I could then monitor this ratio to check how efficient my file aggregation scheme or processing algorithm is in terms of distribution efficiency.
I looked through the Spark docs, and couldn't find anything relevant, though I'm sure I'm missing something. Ideas anyone?
You can see this information in the Spark UI, asuming you are running Spark 1.4.1 or higher (sorry but I don't know how to do this for earlier versions of Spark).
Here is a sample image:
Here is the page that the image came from.
A brief summary: You can view a timeline of all the events happening in your Spark job within the Spark UI. From there, you can zoom in on each individual job and each individual task. Each task is divided into shceduler delay, serialization / deserialization, computation, shuffle, etc.
Now, this is obviously a very pretty UI but you might want something more robust so that you can check this info programmatically. It appears here that you can use the REST API to export the logging info in JSON.
