Websockets and database object scope - node.js

In my code below I wish to receive an "order" from the feed and store it in the database.
I understand that the class method marketEvent will be called whenever data is received and accordingly I would need my insert statement within this function.
It would be inefficient to open and close the db connection each time the class method is called so I seek to open the connection and pass the db object through to marketEvent.
I am new to nodejs and web sockets so can't work out how to put it together.
var pg = require("pg")
var conString = "postgres://myusername:mypassword#localhost/poloniex";
var client = new pg.Client(conString);
var autobahn = require('autobahn');
var wsuri = "wss://api.poloniex.com";
var connection = new autobahn.Connection({
url: wsuri,
realm: "realm1"
connection.onopen = function (session) {
function marketEvent (args,kwargs) {
client.query("INSERT INTO orderbook(order) values($1)", [args]);
session.subscribe('BTC_XMR', marketEvent);
connection.onclose = function () {
console.log("Websocket connection closed");

I am unaware of "pg" and "autobahn" both. But from the documentation of "pg" package, may I offer you a hint of solution
client.connect() is not meant to be an isolated call. It expects a function delegate to carry out the operation.
connection.onopen = function (session) {
function marketEvent (args,kwargs) {
client.connect(function(err) {
if (err) throw err;
client.query("INSERT ...", [args]);
session.subscribe('BTC_XMR', marketEvent);
About using the connection efficiently, you may be asking for pooling I guess.
var pool = new pg.Pool(config);
pool.connect(function(err, client, done) {
if (err) throw err;
client.query('INSERT ...', function(err, result) {
//call `done()` to release the client back to the pool
Please refer original source of this suggestion for the exact usage:


MongoDB not closing connections from NodeJS app

I have a node application that makes a call to mongoDB every 10 seconds, but looking at the output in my terminal, the connections just keep counting up and never seem to close:
My code to hit the ddb every 10 seconds:
const MongoClient = require("mongodb").MongoClient
MongoClient.connect(uri, (err, client) => {
if (err){
database = client.db(databaseName)
if(data.length > 0){
db_response = data;
params["fieldA"] = db_response[0]['fieldA'];
}, 10000)
function getData(callback){
var query = { fieldA: "foo" };
database.collection(CollectionName).find(query).toArray(function(err, result){
if (err){
throw err;
(The vars uri, CollectionName and databaseName are declared earlier) I guess what i need to do (and havent yet figured out) is to connect to the DB once when the server starts, and then run the getData() function on successful connection, does that mean the database variable needs to be a global var??
As you correctly identified you only need to create your db connection once. So rather than wrapping the the db connection creation with setInterval, wrap setInterval around the only function you want to repeat, in this case getData.
On your other question, the database variable doesn't need to global but you are right getData does need to use it. Therefore pass it as an argument along with your callback function.
If you want to close your connection use client.close(); inside MongoClient.connect
const MongoClient = require("mongodb").MongoClient
MongoClient.connect(uri, (err, client) => {
if (err){
const database = client.db(databaseName);
getData(database, function(data){
if(data.length > 0){
db_response = data;
params["fieldA"] = db_response[0]['fieldA'];
}, 10000)
function getData(db, callback){
var query = { fieldA: "foo" };
db.collection(CollectionName).find(query).toArray(function(err, result){
if (err){
throw err;

node.js Global connection already exists. Call sql.close() first

I'm trying to create web services using node.js from an sql server database,in the frontend when i call those 2 webservices simultaneously it throws an error Global connection already exists. Call sql.close() first .
Any Solution ?
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
var sql = require("mssql");
router.get('/Plant/:server/:user/:password/:database', function(req, res, next) {
user = req.params.user;
password = req.params.password;
server = req.params.server;
database = req.params.database;
// config for your database
var config = {
user: user,
password: password,
server: server,
sql.connect(config, function (err) {
// create Request object
var request = new sql.Request();
// query to the database and get the records
request.query("SELECT distinct PlantName FROM MachineryStateTable"
, function (err, recordset) {
if (err) console.log(err)
else {
for(i=0;i<recordset.recordsets.length;i++) {
router.get('/Dep/:server/:user/:password/:database/:plantname', function(req, res, next) {
user = req.params.user;
password = req.params.password;
server = req.params.server;
database = req.params.database;
plantname = req.params.plantname;
// config for your database
var config = {
user: user,
password: password,
server: server,
sql.connect(config, function (err) {
// create Request object
var request = new sql.Request();
// query to the database and get the records
request.query("SELECT distinct DepName FROM MachineryStateTable where PlantName= '"+plantname+"'"
, function (err, recordset) {
if (err) console.log(err)
else {
for(i=0;i<recordset.recordsets.length;i++) {
module.exports = router;
You have to create a poolConnection
try this:
new sql.ConnectionPool(config).connect().then(pool => {
return pool.request().query("SELECT * FROM MyTable")
}).then(result => {
let rows = result.recordset
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
}).catch(err => {
res.status(500).send({ message: `${err}`})
From the documentation, close method should be used on the connection, and not on the required module,
So should be used like
var connection = new sql.Connection({
user: '...',
password: '...',
server: 'localhost',
database: '...'
Also couple of suggestions,
1. putting res.send in a loop isn't a good idea, You could reply back the entire recordsets or do operations over it, store the resultant in a variable and send that back.
2. Try using promises, instead of callbacks, it would make the flow neater
You must use ConnectionPool.
Next function returns a recordset with my query results.
async function execute2(query) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
new sql.ConnectionPool(dbConfig).connect().then(pool => {
return pool.request().query(query)
}).then(result => {
}).catch(err => {
Works fine in my code!
if this problem still bother you, then change the core api.
go to node_modules\mssql\lib\base.js
at line 1723, add below code before if condition
globalConnection = null
In case someone comes here trying to find out how to use SQL Server pool connection with parameters:
var executeQuery = function(res,query,parameters){
new sql.ConnectionPool(sqlConfig).connect().then(pool =>{
// create request object
var request = new sql.Request(pool);
// Add parameters
parameters.forEach(function(p) {
request.input(p.name, p.sqltype, p.value);
// query to the database
Don't read their documentation, I don't think it was written by someone that actually uses the library :) Also don't pay any attention to the names of things, a 'ConnectionPool' doesn't seem to actually be a connection pool of any sort. If you try and create more than one connection from a pool, you will get an error. This is the code that I eventually got working:
const sql = require('mssql');
let pool = new sql.ConnectionPool(config); // some object that lets you connect ONCE
let cnn = await pool.connect(); // create single allowed connection on this 'pool'
let result = await cnn.request().query(query);
console.log('result:', result);
cnn.close(); // close your connection
return result;
This code can be run multiple times in parallel and seems to create multiple connections and correctly close them.

Connect synchronously to mongodb

I would like to connect to mongodb first, then run everything else in my application.
To do it I have to write something like:
MongoClient.connect("mongodb://localhost/test", function(err, connection) {
if (err) { console.error(err); }
db = connection;
var app = express();
// Include API V1
require("./apiv1.js")(app, db);
app.listen(3000, function(err) {
if (err) { console.error(err); } else { console.log("Started on *:3000"); }
This makes my app to be completely indented inside the .connect function... Which looks ugly and takes space while I work on my project.
I think the best solution would be have the MongoDB connection synchronous (even because witout the DB connection my app cannot work so why should I do something while it's connecting?) and then run the rest of my code.
How can I do?
You can't connect to MongoDB synchronously, but you may get rid of this ugly callback from your code.
The best way to do it is to adopt some wrapper around node-mongodb-native driver.
Take a look at the following modules.
var mongojs = require('mongojs');
var db = mongojs('localhost/test');
var mycollection = db.collection('mycollection');
var mongo = require('mongoskin');
var db = mongo.db("mongodb://localhost:27017/test", {native_parser:true});
var monk = require('monk');
var db = monk('localhost/test');
var users = db.get('users')
Of course, internally all of them are establishing MongoDB connection asynchronously.
Using the async library, you can aleve some of these issues.
For example in my server startup I do the following :
// Initialize the mongodb connection and callback on completion in init.
// Listen on requests etc.
// Set up anything else that I need
If you are using Node 6 and up versions, you can do something like this:
const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
const url = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/mydb';
let db = null;
//your code
async function getdb() {
db = await MongoClient.connect(url);
Bring the mongodb library.
Declare the url constant .
Declare the variable db as null.
Call the getdb function.
Create the getdb function which has firt the async word
Assign to the db variable the result of the connection with the key word await.
You can do it with thunky, thunky executes an async function once and caches it, the subsequent calls are returned from the cache.
const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
const thunky = require('thunky');
var connect = thunky(function(cb){
let url = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/test';
MongoClient.connect(url, function(err, client){
cb(err, client);
connect( (err, client) => {
console.log('connection 1')
connect( (err, client) => {
console.log('connection 2')
connect( (err, client) => {
console.log('connection 3')
*Note: I am using latest 3.x mongodb driver

use global variable to share db between module

I am working on a nodejs / mongodb app using 'mongodb' module. The app is launched with
node main.js
In main.js, I connect to the db and keep the connection in the 'db' global variable. 'db' is then used in inner methods of 'server'. I want to avoid having 'db' as a global variable but did not found the correct way to do.
My current main.js:
var server = require('./lib/server');
var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
var Server = require('mongodb').Server;
var mongoClient = new MongoClient(new Server(HOST, PORT));
db = null;
// Database connection
mongoClient.open(function(err, mongoClient) {
// Database selection
db = mongoClient.db(DB);
// Launch web server
server.start(); // usage of 'db' in this part
} else {
Any idea of a cleaner way ?
I finally created a module in connection.js:
var config = require('../config/config');
var url = 'mongodb://' + config.db.host + ':' + config.db.port + '/' + config.db.name;
var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
var db = null;
module.exports = function(cb){
MongoClient.connect(url, function(err, conn) {
throw new Error(err);
} else {
db = conn;
Each time I need to get the connection I call:
var connection = require('./connection');
// doing some stuff with the db
This is working very well.
Any potential failure with this approach ?
I typically include a project utilities file that contains a number of these things, just to make it easy. It functions as a pseudo global, but without many of the usual problems globals entail.
For example,
module.exports = {
initialize: function(next){
// initialization actions, there can be many of these
initializeDb: function(next){
mongoClient.open(function(err, mongoClient) {
if(err) return next(err);
module.exports.db = mongoClient.db(DB);
var projectUtils = require('projectUtils');
// (snip)
projectUtils.initialize(function(err) {
if(err) throw err; // bad DB initialization
// After this point and inside any of your routes,
// projectUtils.db is available for use.
By using an asynchronous initialize() function, you can be sure that all database connections, file I/O, etc., are done before starting up the server.
You can create a wrapper something like a provider and put it in provider.js, for instance.
Provider = function (db_name, host, port, username, password) {
var that = this;
var conn = generate_url(db_name, host, port, username, password); // you need to implement your version of generate_url()
MongoClient.connect(conn, function (err, db) {
if (err) {
throw err;
that.db = db;
//add the data access functions
Provider.prototype.getCollection = function (collectionName, callback) {
this.db.collection(collectionName, collectionOptions, callback);
exports.Provider = Provider;
This is how you use the provider:
var db = new Provider(db_name, host, port, username, password);
db.getCollection('collection name', callback);

NodeJS - MongoDB: use an opening connection

It is better to open a new connection or re-use ? when using module, because I'm used to separate my code into several files.
module.exports = function (req, res) {
new mongodb.... (err, db) { // open a connection
b(function (err, result) {
db.close(); // close the connection
// re-open a connection ? or take the connection of "a.js" ? (passing "db")
When asynchronous, one must be careful to continue using the same connection (socket). This ensures that the next operation will not begin until after the write completes.
Thanks !
When you require('somemodule') and then require it again a second time, it will use the ALREADY loaded instance. This lets you create singletons quite easily.
So - inside of sharedmongo.js:
var mongo = require('mongodb');
// this variable will be used to hold the singleton connection
var mongoCollection = null;
var getMongoConnection = function(readyCallback) {
if (mongoCollection) {
readyCallback(null, mongoCollection);
// get the connection
var server = new mongo.Server('', 27017, {
auto_reconnect: true
// get a handle on the database
var db = new mongo.Db('squares', server);
db.open(function(error, databaseConnection) {
databaseConnection.createCollection('testCollection', function(error, collection) {
if (!error) {
mongoCollection = collection;
// now we have a connection
if (readyCallback) readyCallback(error, mongoCollection);
module.exports = getMongoConnection;
Then inside of a.js:
var getMongoConnection = require('./sharedmongo.js');
var b = require('./b.js');
module.exports = function (req, res) {
getMongoConnection(function(error, connection){
// you can use the Mongo connection inside of a here
// pass control to b - you don't need to pass the mongo
b(req, res);
And inside of b.js:
var getMongoConnection = require('./sharedmongo.js');
module.exports = function (req, res) {
getMongoConnection(function(error, connection){
// do something else here
The idea is when both a.js and b.js call getMongoCollection, the first time it will connect, and the second time it will return the already connected one. This way it ensure you are using the same connection (socket).
