Stripe negative invoice amount - stripe-payments

I am using stripe for subscribing customers to a monthly plan. Halfway through the customer may decrease the plan quantity. So, in the upcoming invoice will sometimes be negative.
Does invoice line with negative amount means the customer will be refunded those amount into their card?

Yes, negative invoice amounts act as credits to the customer which are offset against the customers balance for subsequent invoices


Define a limit on which a stripe subscription invoice is effective or not

I've been using Stripe to start subscriptions for my clients recently and I have a specific issue.
I have a metered price for a product that's let's say 0.09€ per item (an SMS in that case) on a monthly cycle. Since you pay on Stripe for your invoices, I'd like to define an amount limit to have this invoice sent or not. For example, let's say this amount is 10€ and the the pending invoice amount at the end of the month for a user is 5€, I'd like to carry these 5€ over the next month.
I read about the billing_thresholds.amount_gte which does basically the opposite of what I need from what I understand.
Is this possible?

Stripe - Subscriptions, prorated, and change in quantities during subscription period

There is a yearly subscription plan at $100/year. A customer can adjust the quantity of said subscription. So lets suppose a customer starts off with a quantity of 10. Half way through the period, the customer decides to increase the quantity from 10 to 20.
At the start of the next billing cycle... what will the customer be charged? Will it be $2500?
Beginning of Period 1: $100 * 10 = $1000
Beginning of Period 2: ($100 * 20) + (100 * 10)/2 = $2500
And if they decrease the quantity half way through, would they get a refund at the beginning of the next Period?
When the new plan is less expensive than the current plan, the prorated credit is larger than the new amount due. For example, if the customer switches from the $30/month plan to the $10/month plan exactly halfway through the billing cycle, the customer receives a net credit of $10: a credit of $15 for the unused portion of the old plan less a charge of $5 for the remaining time on the new plan. The next invoice, at the start of the next billing period, reflects the $10 credit and the $10 due for a full, upcoming month on the new plan, resulting in a net amount due of $0.
When credits are created, they’ll continue to apply to subsequent invoices until the credit is covered and payment is due again. For example, a move from a $50/month plan until a $10/month plan—exactly halfway through the billing period—results in a net credit of $20: a credit of $25 for the unused portion of the more expensive plan and a debit of $5 to pay for the remainder of the billing period on the new plan. The next two invoices would net to $0.
The prorated amount is calculated down to the second by Stripe. We calculate the difference between the two plans based on the time the API call was made to change the customer’s subscription, using the current billing period’s start and end times.
So essentially yes - they would receive a discount on their next invoice if they downgraded their plan. If they increased their plan, the prorate amount would be added to their next invoice.

Applying Stripe Discount

Does anyone know if there is another way to implement discount in stripe subscription without using coupon stripe features.
I have a feature in my application that admin users can give different discount amount to a subscribe user every month.
Is there a way I can edit the "Upcoming Invoice" amount of the customer through stripe api.
You can never directly edit the total amount of an invoice -- it is automatically calculated from the sum of the values of each line item, taxes, coupons, etc.
If you don't want to use coupons for whatever reason, another thing you can do to reduce the amount of an invoice is to create invoice items with a negative value.

NetSuite - Customer Deposit Negative Balance

It seems we cannot enter a negative amount when we want to create a customer deposit record. We have customers who are in overdraft so we need a way to capture negative amount.
How would we do this? We need a way of monitoring billable customer account balance.
It might be best to generate a cashsale with an item (service) you set up for overdraft. The amount the customer is in overdraft would be the rate/amount.
You need to show that the customer has a negotiate balance. The only way to really do that correctly is to create a billable transaction, such as salesorder, invoice, or cashsale.

Batching Transactions in Stripe

As we are aware that Stripe charges 2.9% + 30 cents per credit card charge. So for every $1 transaction, Stripe takes roughly 33 cents. Is there a way to batch multiple $ 1 transactions (by the same customer) and charge them altogether?
Say we do 100 transactions of $1 each, we end up paying approx $33 to Stripe. Could it be possible to charge all the transactions at once ,in this case Stripe will only charge $2.9+ 30 cents ie $3.2?
You can do this either by summing up the microtransactions on your end and creating a charge for the total amount, or subscribing your customers to a $0 plan then creating invoice items for each microtransaction. At the end of each billing period, Stripe will automatically create an invoice that includes all the items you created and charge the customer for the total amount.
You can find more information in this support article.
