I have time in this - > 05/21/16 15:44
I'm not bothered about the date part, I want to see if the time falls between 10 AM to 8 PM or not. For this record it is 3 PM so its good.
I have tried extracting time out, tryin Median, Mod functions but nothing seems to work.
Two offers from Comments:
Scott Craner:
Dirk Reichel:
They differ according to treatment of time at the cusp.
I'm making something in excel which calculates my hours I work a week/month, when a number gets to 30.60 (two shifts which when finishing on the half an hour) it calculates it as 30.60*wage=not the right pay.
so far I have =ROUND(SUM(C6:I6),0) which rounds up the number, which works fine until I have another day which I work till half an hour then it will just show 16 or so.
As you can see here, it calculates it fine until I work 7.30 hours on a wednesday, the total shows 23.00 instead of 23.30.
How can this be done.
Thank you.
your problem is with excel understanding of your "hours". When you write 7.30 you mean 7 hours 30 minutes = 7.5 hours. But excel understands that as 7 hours and 30/100 of hour = 18 minutes. The easiest solution would be to use 7,5 for 7 hours 30 minutes.
(for sake of checking the question off the unanswered I copied my comment)
If you don't want to use 7.5 (Seven-and-a-half-hours) or 7:30 (7 hours, 30 minutes - but remember to multiply this by 24, since Excel stores this as the fraction of a day, 0.3125) then you can use INT and MOD:
The first part, INT(c6) will give you the Integer part (i.e. whole hours) which we don't want to scale/skew.
The second part has 2 stages. First, MOD(c6,1) will give us the Decimal part of the number (i.e. 7.3 will become 0.3) and the second part is to divide by 0.6 to convert from "fake-minutes" to "fraction-of-real-hour"
Finally, since you want to apply the formula to an array of cells, you will need to swap from SUM to SUMPRODUCT:
But, overall, best option is to use 7:30 and set Data Validation only allow actual Time values in that field.
{EDIT} Of course, this will give your output with 0.5 for 30 minutes. If you want to reverse back to 0.3 for 30 minutes (although, I can scarcely fathom why) then you need to run the same calculation in reverse:
=INT(SUMPRODUCT(INT(C6:I6)+(MOD(C6:I6,1)/0.6))) + 0.6*MOD(SUMPRODUCT(INT(C6:I6)+(MOD(C6:I6,1)/0.6)),1)
First of all, sorry if it already exists but I can't find the words in English to describe rapidly my question, hence I don't know how to search for it. Skip to third paragraph if you only need the question.
I'm using Excel to build a complete document about my work hours (arrived at, finished at, if I've been late and of how long was I late, overtime, etc etc).
I'm using VBA to smooth this task.
My workplace cuts everything into quarter of hours, which means that if you're late by one minute, you'll lose 15 minutes. If you work overtime for 14 minutes, it won't be seen as overtime. If I point at 07:45 (I'm using 24H format, not AM/PM) I'm fine. If I do it at 07:46 it'll be counted as 08:00. Same with 16:14, it'll show up as 16:00 (details are shown but on the corrected sheet used for salary, it'll show this way). If I do it at 16:15 I've confirmed my 15 minutes of overtime.
So while I could do some workarounds, what I've got in mind is shitcode, really. I'd like to know a good (clean) way to do this : I want for every timestamps I input to be cut in degressive quarter of hours (for instance, I want 17:12 to show up as 17:00 or 08:57 as 08:45).
Thanks for your help, if you didn't understand something or doubt about something I've said, it's probably because of the way I explained it, please ask whatever's needed :)
Update 01: Values are indeed Time processed by Excel, not Strings looking like a timestamp.
Update 02: Solved by #FunThomas with TimeSerial-command and some explanations. Thanks, I hope this can be of help for future reference, however I lack the words to write a better title for this problem.
Assuming that you data is really time (and not a string that looks like time) and is stored in Cell A1, you can use a formula like this:
=TIME(HOUR(A1), INT(MINUTE(A1)/15) * 15, 0)
The time-command gets three paramater (hour, minute, second).
The hour-part is simple.
For the minute, we make an integer division by 15 (resulting in values from 0..3) and multiply it back with 15 (to get 0, 15, 30 or 45).
The second is simply set to 0.
As VBA-function:
Function roundTime(t As Date) as date
roundTime = TimeSerial(Hour(t), Int(Minute(t) / 15) * 15, 0)
End Function
using excel 2013
I'm trying to get the total days and hours between current date/time and time stamp
using =NOW()-B3
And custom format
dd"-Days" hh"-hrs"
which gets me.
21/05/2015 12:45 00-days - 00-Hours
01/04/2015 13:23 18-days - 23-Hours
02/05/2015 13:45 18-days - 23-Hours
This is fine until a month is rolled over which will then give a wrong result. line 2 example. How do I get it to show total days.
many thanks
Use the DATEDIF function:
=DATEDIF(B3, NOW(), "d")
Unfortunately, this doesn't support hours AFAIK, so you have to combine it with your solution in order to get a combination of days and hours.
Try this... assuming your first example is written in A1:
=ROUNDDOWN(C1,0)&"-days "&TEXT(C1-ROUNDDOWN(C1,0),"hh")&"-hours"
oh yeah... use a regular number format in the cell that contains the formula.
Substract the two dates and you will have all the information you need, the integer part is the number of days, the decimal part gives you the hours.
I'm creating a report which display duration of time (in hours) between two points in time.
Duration between 10:00 to 13:30 equals 3 hrs 30 minutes
This information is being saved into a spreadsheet (excel) in one "duration" column, titled "Duration (hrs)". The column needs to be sortable to allow sorting by longest duration, etc.
Should this be displayed as 3.5 or 3.30 using a numerical column format? Or as 03:30 using a time format? Is there a standard for this or purely down to preference?
Appreciate your thoughts!
Note also that if you use "hh:mm" for your time format, that will just give you max 24, so even if it goes over several days, you won't see more than 24 hours. If you want the TOTAL number of hours, use "[hh]:mm" to see e.g. 45:32
I think it's probably just down to preference - either method should work and be sortable
For a time format you can just subtract, e.g.
or for decimal just multiply by 24
Personally I think that time durations should be kept in time format.....
This question already has answers here:
Convert decimal day to HH:MM
(3 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I have a dataset that encodes a date-time into two separate variables. Normally, I'd just paste them together inside of an as.POSIXct and carry on. However, the date is provided as a string, and the time of day as a fraction of 24 hours - e.g., 12pm is 0.5, 9:30am is 0.1458333, etc.
It doesn't seem all that tricky to convert the fractional days into clock hours, but I'd prefer to use a pre-existing function if possible. Does something like that exist in base R? A package?
If it's any use, this is an Excel (xlsx) time field imported into R through RODBC.
Oddly enough, upon revisiting this problem, the times are now read in as POSIXct. Not sure what to make of that.
The R News 4/1 Help Desk article has a section on reading Excel dates in R.
POSIXct values are simply the number of seconds since midnight GMT 1970-01-01. (So you need to pay attention to your offset from UTC.) You can use the date part and add the number of days times 24*3600 (as.Date(dtval) to your time value * 24*3600. Gabor pointed to the article in R News (which he wrote, thank you, Gabor.)
You didn't give an example of the string. If you are getting your date as a string, then as.Date(strDate) will convert a variable "strDate" to Date class when it is in either "YYYY-MM-DD" or "YYYY/MM/DD" format. Otherwise the formatting codes are on the ?strptime page.
Once you have a POSIXct-classed variable you can just add the number of seconds. This example add 30 minutes to midnight today Feb 1, 2011 (in my time zone which is UTC-5):
> as.POSIXct(as.Date("2011-02-01")) +30*60
[1] "2011-01-31 19:30:00 EST"
And this is your time value added to midnight my time:
> as.POSIXct(as.Date("2011-02-01 00:00", tzone="UTC"))+3600*5 + 3600*24*timeval
[1] "2011-02-01 03:29:59 EST"