I am working on tvOS app. I have multiple videos in grid formate. I used AVPlayerViewController to play videos in the app. AVPlayerViewController shows default activity indicator but my requirement is add to custom activity indicator in AVPlayerViewController. How to add custom indicator using swift.
Please suggest it.
First of all, you need to remove a default activity indicator. You can find an activity indicator in AVPlayerViewController subViews and change style or hide it. Use the following code (it is an Objective-C code but you can rewrite it in Swift):
- (void)findActivityIndicatorInView:(UIView *)view toPerformBlock:(void(^)(UIActivityIndicatorView*))block {
NSArray *subviews = [view subviews];
for (UIView *subview in subviews) {
if ([subview isKindOfClass:[UIActivityIndicatorView class]]) {
[self findActivityIndicatorInView:subview toPerformBlock:block];
And add this call:
[self findActivityIndicatorInView:self.playerController.view toPerformBlock:^(UIActivityIndicatorView* v) {
//Your actions
After you can add your custom activity indicator in front of the AVPlayerViewController view.
I am stuck in a weird scenario where I need to programmatically dismiss the active UIAlertView from the other viewcontroller by getting the instance.
Actually, I am working on AutoClose feature (working on System.Timer) where when Timer would be elapsed, I need to perform some operation (performs in View Model) and close the active UIAlertView or UIViewController window and Navigate To HomeView.
I am able to do with UIViewController but I couldn't find any way to dismiss the UIAlertView which is presented from another view controller?
Note - I understand this API is deprecated but for using UIAlertController it would lead to ample code changes, and I don't have time to make them.
I am using below method to accomplish but once the AlertView gets dismissed I am unable to click anywhere on screen.
UIWindow window = UIApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow;
UIViewController rootViewController=window.RootViewController;
if(rootViewController.ModalViewController is UIAlertController)
Also, may I know how do we see the hierarchy of Views in Xamarin Studio?
Try to use the following code:
UIAlertView alertView = new UIAlertView("Title", "Content",this,"OK");
UIActivityIndicatorView indicatorView = new UIActivityIndicatorView();
indicatorView.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Red;
indicatorView.Center = new CGPoint(alertView.Bounds.Size.Width / 2,
alertView.Bounds.Size.Height - 40.0);
And if when you want to Dissmiss the AlertView(for emample in the following code I dissmiss it after 3 seconds):
NSTimer.CreateScheduledTimer(3, (t) =>
alertView.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(0, true);
I have asked the same question in Xamarin Forum and I got my answer from one of the Xamarin Professional which I am sharing here.
Dismiss UIAlertView programmatically in Xamarin.iOS
I hope this may help others.
I have a newb question, which I have tried unsuccessfully to find answers for on the web. The task is simple: I want to create a core data document-based app but alter the values in some label objects. Using interface builder, I can build the core data model and populate it, using an array controller, table, etc. all without writing any code. So far so good. My test example is to build a core data model with Box entities that have length and width attributes. I would like a label to display the area, i.e. length*width for any geometrically challenged :).
So after browsing around, I've decided I need to create an NSWindowController subclass and use that to update the label when a box in the table is selected. Have attempted this, but have failed. Before I even hook up the label to the window controller, I have a problem. Following the template comments, I added this to Document.m:
- (void)makeWindowControllers
NSLog(#"Adding custom Window Controller");
MyWindowController* myWindowController = [[MyWindowController alloc] init];
[self addWindowController:myWindowController];
Also added this to the template MyWindowController.m:
- (id)init
self = [super initWithWindowNibName:#"MyWindowController"];
return self;
The window controller has its own NIB file from Interface builder where I put the table and label etc. The file owner is set to MyWindowController. Probably forgetting other things, but that's what I remember for now.
The log message appears at startup, but then I get an exception "this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key managedObjectContext" before the window appears. I'm guessing that I don't have the window controller hooked up to the document class properly? My other thought is that the array controller is in the window controller nib, not the document nib, so maybe it's looking in the wrong place for the managedObjectContext?
I would try a different approach: Add area to your Box entity as a read-only attribute. Auto-create a Box class with Xcode ("Create NSManagedObject Subclass" menu item in the "Editor" menu when viewing the data model), then add this to Box.h
#property (weak, readonly) NSString * area;
and this to Box.m
- (NSNumber *)area
return [NSNumber numberWithDouble:([[self length] doubleValue] - [[self width] doubleValue])];
+ (NSSet *)keyPathsForValuesAffectingArea
return [NSSet setWithObjects:#"length", #"width", nil];
If you do this you can just bind area to a label value like you do for the other Box properties. No need to subclass NSWindowController or watch for changes.
I have a simple iPhone app with a simple view and a custom view as a child. The child is just a square painted on the main view.
I need to track a touch event that enters this child view but from a touch that started outside the view.
What I've tried so far is to add the TouchesBegin/TouchesMoved events to the parent view. Also tried to add the to the child controls directly but that doesn't track any touches that are not initiated within that control.
The questions are:
a) can I get the control from Position somehow?
b) is this the best way doing this, or is there another way?
Again, I include this video of GamePlay for the game I'm trying to port (on my spare time). It's not a promotion attempt but illustrates what I'm trying to accomplish. I wrote the Win8 and WP7 version of the game so I'm not trying to copy another persons work here. :) Don't watch it if you don't want to know what game it is. The question is still valid without watching this.
// Johan
I stumbled on the answer myself. In the parent I override TouchesMoved (and Begin and Ended not shown here).
I then iterate the subviews and chech if it's the view I'm looking for by type and then check if the Frame contains the point. The code below is just concept of course.
public override void TouchesMoved (NSSet touches, UIEvent evt)
base.TouchesMoved (touches, evt);
UITouch touch = touches.AnyObject as UITouch;
if (touch != null) {
var rp = touch.LocationInView (touch.View);
foreach(var sv in this.View.Subviews)
if(!(sv is LetterControl))
if(sv.Frame.Contains (rp))
Console.WriteLine("LetterControl found");
I'm creating a generic reusable UIViewController component that people can add to their applications. It requires a navigation bar at the top where it will add some buttons.
I can easily create a navigationBar and add the buttons, but if the developer using my component is adding the view as part of an existing navigation structure, they might end up with 2 navigation bars.
In other words, if my view is loaded with:
[self.navigationController pushViewController:controller animated:YES];
then it should not add a navigationbar and use what's already there. If the view is loaded with:
[self presentModalViewController:controller animated:YES];
then it should add its own navbar.
Without requiring the developer that uses my controller to do something like a useNavBar:YES, is there a way to do this automatically?
Something like a [self isRunningInsideANavigationController] or [self hasNavigationBar] would do.
You could use self.navigationController for that purpose. It will return nil or the navigationController.
Does any one have an idea how to access the UIScroller class , which is the default subview of UIWebView ?
I want to handle the touches, zooming , panning and scrolling features inside the webview .
I know this thread is old but if anyone comes across it there's a new way.
As of iOS 5 UIWebView now has a property called scrollView which you can't replace but you can set the properties of it. Most people just want to disable zooming/bouncing/scrolling all together which can be done by setting the properties of the scrollView for example if webview is a UIWebView:
webview.scrollView.bounces = NO; //Disables webview from bouncing
webview.scrollView.minimumZoomScale = webview.scrollView.maximumZoomScale = 1.0; //Forces zoom to be at 1 (can be whatever you fancy) and disables zooming
webview.scrollView.bouncesZoom = NO; //Disables bouncing when zooming exceeds minimum or maximum zoom
I suppose you could set the delegate for the scrollView if you want more control, though to be on the safe side you might want to store the original delegate and call its methods appropriately in your custom delegate.
Handling the touches would be more difficult since you can't replace the scrollView to provide your own handlers. Best you could do is add some gesture recognizers as part of the UIView and try to handle them there, but I think UIWebView will still receive the events. Alternatively in iOS 5 they let you access the gesture recognizers directly on UIScrollView.
You can find this by going like this:
[webview objectAtIndex:0]
That should be where it is. If not, put this in your code somewhere and run the program to search for the index of the UIScroller, and replace the 0 above with that index:-
for (UIView *subview in [webView subviews]){
NSLog(#"subviews of webView : %#", [[subview class] description]);