IIS does not contain Web Sites folder - iis

I am trying to follow these instructions but I am unable to find “Web Sites” folder in IIS, and I tried to Google it, and I can't just find where this should be in my IIS manager. Is it because of a different version of IIS?
I can only see a folder called Sites, but it has no Properties option on right-click so I guess it is not the right one. This is how it looks:
Can anyone tell me if the information in that msdn blog post is still valid, and how to open Properties of WebSites in IIS?

As #LexLi have written in his comment:
That post is for the obsolete IIS 6. Try to use Google to search for posts that apply to IIS 7 and above.
So that solution was not a valid one in my case, as the IIS structure is different between the versions 6 and 7.


How to set up IIS 10 for MVC 5?

The title is purposely generic as I have no clue to formulate my question in any different way.
I have made an MVC 5 project using .NET 4.7.
My goal is to use IIS 10 to point to a domain so I can use that as a testing ground.
I have already edited my host-file to point my localhost ip to the domain I have in mind.
After that I have followed every step mentioned in the video below meticulously.
However I keep ending up on the 403.14 error page.
I have adjusted security to no avail, checked the app-pool to use the correct .net version... I'm all out off ideas.
I hope someone here has some idea of things I have not thought of myself, so feel free to ask anything you think might make the change I need to make this work. I will edit this message (and title) as much as needed to keep up to date as possible.
EDIT: I have followed the full guide that I have marked as an answer. I had 3 differences.
Difference 1 was in Windows Features. I think I just plain didn't correctly mark all the needed features..
Difference 2 was in Security. I did not have IIS_IUSRS added, only IUSR
Difference 3 is one I have purposely keep a difference and that is Directory Browsing. Without this being enabled, it works for me.
I hope that if anyone ends up on this page in the future, the answer provided below will be as helpful as it has been to me.
make sure you enabled below iis features:
please follow the below steps to publish your MVC project in iis.
1)open the visual studio. Select your site and right-click on that-> Click publish.
2)in pick up publish target Select folder option and create choose destination where you want to publish the site. (make a new folder and publish a site in that folder) and then select publish.
3)open IIS manager.
4)expand the server name and right-click on sites and select add a new site.
5)enter the site name, physical path, and site binding details.
ip address: select your machine ip address.
port: 80
domain name: your domain name
6)make sure you enabled directory browsing in iis.
7) The application pool is running under application pool identity, a version is correct and using the integrated pipeline.
8)anonymous authentication is enabled.
9)iis_iusrs and iusr have full permission to access the site folder.
host file enry:
bind your machine IP dress with a hostname of the site.
after doing all the changes refresh the site in iis and browse.

Open Server Name in IIS

I have this error and trying to follow these steps to solve it.
Step 2. says:
In IIS Manager, expand server name, expand Web sites, and then click
the website that you want to modify.
I don't know where is server name and how to expand Web Sites. I'm using IIS 10.0.
Any suggestions?
Check out the getting started guide.
I have also provided an annotated image for your reference.

Installed IIS but get blank page and it doesn't show up in Windows services list

I am trying to install IIS on my Windows 8.1 laptop and followed the directions at Microsoft for installing IIS. But when I type localhost, instead of getting the IIS start page, I get a blank page.
When I do Windows + R and type services.msc, the resulting list of services is long but does not include Internet Information Services.
When I look at the Windows filesystem, I do find the inetpub folder with four subfolders, including wwwroot. In the wwwroot folder is the iisstart.htm file that is supposed to display when I type localhost into my browser.
I have read that one possible problem is that both Skype and IIS want to use Port 80 and there is a conflict. So I decided to try to change the default port for IIS, but I found that I don't appear to have the IIS Manager on my system. When I go to Administrative Tools, Internet Information Services Manager is not on the list of administrative tools.
I added both the HTTP Redirection module as well as the IIS Management Service on top of the initial basic installation that Microsoft described. Still no luck getting IIS working or IIS Manager to appear.
I have tried to research this problem of getting IIS to work on Windows 8.1 with no success and am at a loss. Suggestions welcome!
In Control Panel --> Programs --> Programs And Features --> Turn Windows features on or off -> Internet Information Services -> World Wide Web Services -> Common HTTP Features -> Static Content.
Also make sure .NET Extensibility 3.5 and .NET Extensibility 4.5 are checked.
Major fail by Microsoft. Why the hell would they turn off the most basic features by default. Go to Turn Windows features on or off (just search "features"). Look in IIS, WWW, Common HTTP Features. See attached image.screenshot
I have solved a couple of my problems.
I installed several more IIS modules: Static Content, IIS Management Console, and HTTP Errors.
I am now am able to find the IIS Manager in the Administrative Tools list and can use the IIS Manager.
Also, when I pressed Windows key + R and typed in services.msc, I still don't see Internet Information Services in the list. However, I do see "World Wide Web Publishing Service" in the list and it is shown as running. A page at Microsoft's Technet site indicates that it is related to IIS.
The HTTP Errors module gave me an error page rather than a blank page when I typed in localhost and also when I typed localhost/filename. This proved a HUGE help, because the error page identified the problem as a permissions issue. I thought I had dealt with the permissions issues, but this error page made it apparent that I had not.
When I typed in localhost, I got the permissions error. When I typed in localhost/iisstart.htm, I got the proper display of the file. When I created a simple .htm file, statictest.htm, and placed it in the wwwroot folder along with iisstart.htm, and typed localhost/statictest.htm, I got the permissions error.
So since one of the files was working and one wasn't, I decided to compare their permissions. (You do this using the File Explorer. Right click on the file, click on Properties, click on Security Tab. To make changes, click on Edit.) I saw that the successful one had a user listed that the unsuccessful one did not. So I added a user for the statictest.htm file to the permissions list with full control. That solved the issue for that file and it displayed normally.
I now am back to getting a blank page when I type in localhost. It must not be a permissions issue, because otherwise I'd get the permissions error page. I'm not sure what the cause of the blank page is. But as long as I can get files to display when I give their name, I am happy enough.
I am happy to report that my PHP installation is also working, at least as judged by the fact that the phpinfo() function displays properly.
So to sum up: if you are having problems getting IIS to work on Windows 8.1, try adding more IIS modules and make sure your permissions are in order. I think the most important ones to add are Static Content and HTTP Errors. Also, of course, CGI if you are going to use PHP.
I know this is an older post, but in case anyone, like me, already had "static content" enabled, there was one other thing that needed to be done to resolve this issue.
Under "Programs and Features" -> "Turn Windows features on or off"
Expand "Internet Information Services" -> "World Wide Web Services" -> "Application Development Features"
Make sure that "ASP.NET 4.5" (and if needed/installed 3.5) are selected. This should automatically check ".Net Extensibility" for the selected version, and it should also enable ISAPI filters and Extensions.
By default (for me at least) these options were not turned on when I enabled IIS. I was getting a 500 error in IE if I had "Show Friendly Error Messages" turned on in IE, but if I turned that option off, I would get a completely blank page.
For me, the reason was that I had two different HTTP handlers in the config with the same name. I didn't get any errors, just blank response.
I'm guessing that some other parts of the configuration may result in a similar behavior. Try commenting out some parts of Web.config file in case you cannot figure the problem out.
Same issue.
Win 10 upgraded from 7. Default documents server blank and without error.
Static Content and Default Document features already enabled.
I resolved by disabling both features, rebooted and tried(received error 404), enabled both features, rebooted, pages served properly.
For me, I was using Windows Server 2008 on an Azure machine, it was missing some packages which can be installed using "Web Platform Installer", and then search for "recommended server configuration for web hosting providers"
I encountered the blank page problem as well on IIS 8.5 on Windows Server 2012 R2.
I had StaticContent installed as Windows feature.
What finally fixed it for me was changing the Path Type of the StaticFile Handler under [IIS Manager -> Server on left pane -> Handler Mappings -> StaticFile] from "Unspecified" to "File or Folder".
You can also change this on a per web site basis instead of the entire server (but I don't really see a reason why to do so, as it breaks pretty much any page). Make sure, however, that the site does not have an overriding setting for the StaticFile handler, as the site scoped one is preferred over the global one.

VS 2012 Automatically updating IIS path on launch

My employer recently upgraded us from VS 2010 to VS 2012. It's been great, but there is one minor annoyance that I'm hoping someone here can help with. In VS 2010 when I switched branches it would ask me whether I wanted to update the IIS paths. Something along the lines of "the path for port:blah is pointing here. Would you like to change it?" VS 2012 doesn't bother asking. It just changes it. I can't seem to find a setting that discourages this behavior, so I'm hoping someone else out there has. Searching IIS on any site brings up way too many results to sift through, especially considering that only one (a topic from this forum, actually) of the first thirty or so had anything to do with IIS and Visual Studio updating the paths (sadly not related to this issue). Any help would be much appreciated.
EDIT: I found the exact message. It reads: "The Web project '...' is currently configured to use the URL '...'. The Web server has this URL mapped to a different folder '...'. Would you like to remap this URL to point to this Web project's folder?"
I took this question to the MSDN forums. I received an answer there so I am just linking this question to the MSDN question.
MSDN forum question
Request on visualstudio.uservoice.com
Just my work around for this problem:
In IIS Manager, I created Sites for each branch, then I configured them using different Ports.
Open each of the web projects in VS2012, then set the properties as:
Start Action = Don't open a page. Wait for request from external application.
Servers = Local IIS
Project URL: http://localhost:[PORT for this site on IIS]
This way, VS2012 will not modify the web port & path. I can still debug with different branches.
Is that helping you ?

Add Application Error on Default Web Site (IIS 7.5, Windows server 2008R2)

I am trying to add a .net application to my Default Web Site on IIS 7.5 Windows Server 2008 R2. The Default Web Site currently serves ASP Classic pages (not sure if that is relevant) and I'm trying to setup some aspx pages. But I can't even add a new application, i keep getting an error of
"value does not fall within range"
I have no idea what this means?
Please see my screenshot for more information:
Thanks in advance.
Although quite tedious, you could try checking the settings in the apphost config file. You can find it at C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config
Look for errors in names, sometimes spaces can be replaced with %20% by Visual Studio which should be removed, also if you have deleted something manually in your file system, this will not have been updated in the applicationhost config file, so any references would need to be removed manually also.
Regards, and good luck
Well i never found a solution apart from Creating the App as ASP Classic (which would allow me too do it) and then switching the AppPool to DefaultAppPool which in turn lets me server ASPX pages.
So, Kind of solved for now...
