Where to add Firebase in Node - node.js

I will be making a Web App in Firebase. Problem is, I am still unsure of how a few things will work.
Eventually I will need a server (which will be in Node) for sending emails and such. One of my biggest questions though is where Firebase will actually be needed. Let me elaborate some more!
I see that in the docs (here) you can add Firebase to your server by adding the following code in Node:
var firebase = require("firebase");
serviceAccount: "path/to/serviceAccountCredentials.json",
databaseURL: "https://databaseName.firebaseio.com"
But you can also add Firebase directly to the browser with the following code:
<script src="https://www.gstatic.com/firebasejs/3.1.0/firebase.js"></script>
// Initialize Firebase
// TODO: Replace with your project's customized code snippet
var config = {
apiKey: "apiKey",
authDomain: "projectId.firebaseapp.com",
databaseURL: "https://databaseName.firebaseio.com",
storageBucket: "bucket.appspot.com",
So my question is in what circumstances would I do either of the above? When would I add Firebase to the browser, and when would I add Firebase to the server? What uses do both provide?
For instance, could I access the Realtime Database from the server without connecting to Firebase? And if I add Firebase to the server, do I then have to add it again to the Browser? Please explain, thank you!

You already have most of the parts of the answer in your question.
Say that you want the users of your web app to be able to send email. As you say, you'll typically want to do that from your server, since you'd otherwise have to rely on the email client of your users.
But even when it's your node.js server that sends the email, it's the users of your web app that determine when and where to send the email. So the users needs a way to talk to your node.js script.
You can easily let the users talk directly to your node.js server. Set up some express.js endpoints and you're in business. But then you'd need to set up security on your node.js server, ensure that you can handle cases where your users are submitting more email requests than your node.js script can handle, etc. Lot of plumbing work that has nothing to do with sending an email.
Another way to handle this scenario is to let the web clients write "email requests" into the Firebase database. Simply include the Firebase client (with the snippet you have) and:
to: 'puf#stackoverflow.com',
subject: 'nice answer!',
body: '...'
Now your web client is done and the user can continue.
On the node.js server you include the Firebase client (with the second snippet you have) and connect to the same database, waiting for the email requests to come in:
ref.child('outbox').on('child_added', function(snapshot) {
var msg = snapshot.val();
sendEmailTo(msg.to, msg.subject, msg.body).then(function(error) {
// if the message was sent, delete it from the queue
if (!error) snapshot.ref.remove();
This approach is covered in our classic blog post on Firebase application architectures as pattern 2.


Retrieve all registered users in firebase

I am using firebase database in nodejs.
I simply want to fetch all the users that exists in my firebase database.
Currently I am trying this but it is only return one single user:
var config = {
apiKey: "AIzaSyBmgbfgdhs4efg9gFo",
authDomain: "my-test-app.firebaseapp.com",
databaseURL: "https://my-test-app-default-rtdb.firebaseio.com",
projectId: "my-test-app",
storageBucket: "my-die-app.appspot.com",
messagingSenderId: "534345345",
appId: "1:534345345:web:cceb16e6vvdd456",
measurementId: "G-YDZ8Y87GETR",
var ref = firebase.database().ref("users");
ref.once("value", function (snapshot) {
snapshot.forEach((child) => {
In firebase users I can only see this single user aswell, but infact I have more users there:
"XG0hYDjhekjdfJX5zLmfUFPQBifkmZA3": [
"Michael James ",
And this is the only user I am getting in code aswell.
I am not the owner of this database, may be thats the reason?
Is there any specific way to retrieve all users list?
I believe the question answers itself
In firebase users I can only see this single user
If there is only only user node in the /users node as shown in your question
users {
"XG0hYDjhekjdfJX5zLmfUFPQBifkmZA3": [
"Michael James ",
that means only one node exists - therefore only one node can be retrieved.
The confusion may be that while Firebase has users that can authenticate, those users are stored in the Firebase back-end server only. It doesn't necessarily mean other user data was written to the /users node.
In other words, if the app code does not specifically write data to /users, it won't exist.
Check your authentication code and see if it writes data to /users at some point - if not, there's your problem.
If that's the issue, which I suspect it is, you can't retrieve a list of Firebase users from the SDK directly, but you can using Firebase Admin coupled with Cloud Functions.
Here's an example: Get All Users
Alternatively (and my suggested path), you can also add code to the app so when users authenticate, if their users node doesn't exist within /users, create it (using the users uid returned from the Auth parameter as the node key)
What user are you logged in as? Is that the user you can see? What are your Firebase security rules like?
If you have reasonably secure rules setup, that would be the reason users can only see their own nodes.
See these docs: https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/security#section-authorization

how does users.watch (in gmail google api) listen for notifications?

I am confused as to how should the watch feature in the gmail API be implemented to recieve the push notificatons inside a node.js script. Should I call the method inside an infinite loop or something so that it doesn't stop listening for notifications for email once after the call is made?
Here's the sample code that I've written in node.js:
const getEmailNotification = () => {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
let auth = await authenticate();
const gmail = google.gmail({version: 'v1', auth});
await gmail.users.stop({
userId: '<email id>'
let watchResponse = await gmail.users.watch({
userId: '<email id>',
labelIds: ['INBOX'],
topicName: 'projects/<projectName>/topics/<topicName>'
return resolve(watchResponse);
} catch(err){
return reject(`Some error occurred`);
Thank you!
To receive push notifications through PUB/SUB you need to create a web-hook to receive them. What does this mean? You need a WEB application or any kind of service that exposes a URL where notifications can be received.
As stated in the Push subscription documentation:
The Pub/Sub server sends each message as an HTTPS request to the subscriber application at a pre-configured endpoint.
The endpoint acknowledges the message by returning an HTTP success status code. A non-success response indicates that the message should be resent.
Setup a channel for watch the notifications could be summarized in the following steps (the documentation you refer to indicates them):
Select/Create a project within the Google Cloud Console.
Create a new PUB/SUB topic
Create a subscription (PUSH) for that topic.
Add the necessary permissions, in this case add gmail-api-push#system.gserviceaccount.com as Pub/Sub Publisher.
Indicate what types of mail you want it to listen for via Users.watch() method (which is what you are doing in your script).
I give you an example using Apps Script (it is an easy way to visualize it, but this could be achieved from any kind of WEB application, as you are using Node.js I suppose that you are familiarized with Express.js or related frameworks).
First I created a new Google Apps Script project, this will be my web-hook. Basically I want it to make a log of all HTTP/POST requests inside a Google Doc that I have previously created. For it I use the doPost() equal to app.post() in Express. If you want to know more about how Apps Script works, you can visit this link), but this is not the main topic.
const doPost = (e) => {
const doc = DocumentApp.openById(<DOC_ID>)
doc.getBody().appendParagraph(JSON.stringify(e, null, 2))
Later I made a new implementation as a Web App where I say that it is accessible by anyone, I write down the URL for later. This will be similar to deploying your Node.js application to the internet.
I select a project in the Cloud Console, as indicated in the Prerequisites of Cloud Pub/Sub.
Inside this project, I create a new topic that I call GmailAPIPush. After, click in Add Main (in the right bar of the Topics section ) and add gmail-api-push#system.gserviceaccount.com with the Pub/Sub Publisher role. This is a requirement that grants Gmail privileges to publish notification.
In the same project, I create a Subscription. I tell it to be of the Push type and add the URL of the Web App that I have previously created.
This is the most critical part and makes the difference of how you want your application to work. If you want to know which type of subscription best suits your needs (PUSH or PULL), you have a detailed documentation that will help you choose between these two types.
Finally we are left with the simplest part, configuring the Gmail account to send updates on the mailbox. I am going to do this from Apps Script, but it is exactly the same as with Node.
const watchUserGmail = () => {
const request = {
'labelIds': ['INBOX'],
'topicName': 'projects/my_project_name/topics/GmailAPIPush'
Gmail.Users.watch(request, 'me')
Once the function is executed, I send a test message, and voila, the notification appears in my document.
Returning to the case that you expose, I am going to try to explain it with a metaphor. Imagine you have a mailbox, and you are waiting for a very important letter. As you are nervous, you go every 5 minutes to check if the letter has arrived (similar to what you propose with setInterval), that makes that most of the times that you go to check your mailbox, there is nothing new. However, you train your dog to bark (push notification) every time the mailman comes, so you only go to check your mailbox when you know you have new letters.

Can I access twitter auth data via firebase cloud functions Admin SDK? If so, how?

I'm currently using firebase for the backend of a project I'm working on. In this project, the client authenticates using the firebase-twitter sign in method. For the purpose of security, I'm trying to minimise the amount of communication between the client and backend when it comes to auth data. In jest of this, I'm wondering if there is a way to access the auth data i.e. the user's twitter key/secret (as well as things like the user's twitter handle) from the server-side after the user authenticates ? I figured there might be a way as the authentication happens through twitter + firebase, but I'm struggling to find the exact solution I need in the documentation (been stuck on this for a week now) so was hoping someone else already knows if this is possible and how :) cheers
Maybe not the best way, but you can try: on client side use RealTime database and add a new entry every time the user log in. They call this 'realtime triggers'.
You don't mention what front are you using, but on ionic is something like:
firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(function(user) {
if (user)
On database class function:
let path = "/logins/"
let ref = this.db.list(path)
let body = {uid: uid}
return ref.push(body)
On the server side, listen the path using child_added
var ref = db.ref("logins");
ref.on("child_added", function(snapshot, prevChildKey) {
var newPost = snapshot.val();
console.log("Uid: " + newPost.uid);
console.log("Previous Post ID: " + prevChildKey);
More information about triggers

Google Cloud Pub/Sub API - Push E-mail

I'm using node.js to create an app that gets a PUSH from Gmail each time an email is received, checks it against a third party database in a CRM and creates a new field in the CRM if the e-mail is contained there. I'm having trouble using Google's new Cloud Pub/Sub, which seems to be the only way to get push from Gmail without constant polling.
I've gone through the instructions here: https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/prereqs but I don't understand how exactly this is supposed to work from an app on my desktop. It seems that pub/sub can connect to a verified domain, but I can't get it to connect directly toto the .js script that I have on my computer. I've saved the api key in a json file and use the following:
var gcloud = require('gcloud');
var pubsub;
// From Google Compute Engine:
pubsub = gcloud.pubsub({
projectId: 'my-project',
// Or from elsewhere:
pubsub = gcloud.pubsub({
projectId: 'my-project',
keyFilename: '/path/to/keyfile.json'
// Create a new topic.
pubsub.createTopic('my-new-topic', function(err, topic) {});
// Reference an existing topic.
var topic = pubsub.topic('my-existing-topic');
// Publish a message to the topic.
topic.publish('New message!', function(err) {});
// Subscribe to the topic.
topic.subscribe('new-subscription', function(err, subscription) {
// Register listeners to start pulling for messages.
function onError(err) {}
function onMessage(message) {}
subscription.on('error', onError);
subscription.on('message', onMessage);
// Remove listeners to stop pulling for messages.
subscription.removeListener('message', onMessage);
subscription.removeListener('error', onError);
However, I get errors as if it isn't connecting to server and on the API list I see only errors, no actual successes. I'm clearly doing something wrong, any idea what it might be?
Thank you in advance!
Your cannot subscribe to push notifications from the client side.
Set up an HTTPS server to handle the messages. Messages will be sent
to the URL endpoint that you configure, representing that server's
location. Your server must be reachable via a DNS name and must
present a signed SSL certificate. (App Engine applications are
preconfigured with SSL certificates.)
Just subscribe to the push notifications on your server, and when you get the notification, you can figure out who it concerns. The data you will get from the notifications is what user that it concerns, and the relevant historyId, like so:
// This is all the data the notifications will give you.
{"emailAddress": "user#example.com", "historyId": "9876543210"}
Then you could e.g. emit an event through Socket.io to the relevant user if he is online, and have him do a sync with the supplied historyId on the client side.

Using NodeJs with Firebase - Security

Due to the need to do some server side code - mainly sending emails I have decided to use Nodejs & Express for the server side element along with Firebase to hold the data - Partly from a learning experience.
My question is whats the best approach with regards to using the client side Firebase library and the Nodejs library when doing authentication using the Simple Email & Password API. If I do the authentication client side and then subsequently call a different route on the NodeJS side will the authentication for that user be carried across in the request. What would be the approach to test the user is authenticated within Node.
One approach I assume is to get the current users username & password from firebase and then post these to NodeJS and then use the firebase security API on the server to test.
Essentially the problem here is you need to securely convey to your NodeJS server who the client is authenticated as to Firebase. There are several ways you could go about this, but the easiest is probably to have all of your client<->NodeJS communication go through Firebase itself.
So instead of having the client hit a REST endpoint served by your NodeJS server, have the client write to a Firebase location that your NodeJS server is monitoring. Then you can use Firebase Security Rules to validate the data written by the client and your server can trust it.
For example, if you wanted to make it so users could send arbitrary emails through your app (with your NodeJS server taking care of actually sending the emails), you could have a /emails_to_send location with rules something like this:
"rules": {
"emails_to_send": {
"$id": {
".write": "!data.exists() && newData.child('from').val() == auth.email",
".validate": "newData.hasChildren(['from', 'to', 'subject', 'body'])"
Then in the client you can do:
from: 'my_email#foo.com',
to: 'joe#example.com',
subject: 'hi',
body: 'Hey, how\'s it going?'
And in your NodeJS code you could call .auth() with your Firebase Secret (so you can read and write everything) and then do:
ref.child('emails_to_send').on('child_added', function(emailSnap) {
var email = emailSnap.val();
sendEmailHelper(email.from, email.to, email.subject, email.body);
// Remove it now that we've processed it.
This is going to be the easiest as well as the most correct solution. For example, if the user logs out via Firebase, they'll no longer be able to write to Firebase so they'll no longer be able to make your NodeJS server send emails, which is most likely the behavior you'd want. It also means if your server is temporarily down, when you start it back up, it'll "catch up" sending emails and everything will continue to work.
The above seems like a roundabout way of doing things, I would use something like https://www.npmjs.com/package/connect-session-firebase and keep firebase as the model, handling all routes through express. Easier if your express server is rendering templates and not just behaving as a JSON API.
If you are using Firebase Authentication, the client side can import the Firebase Library (e.g. for javascript) and authenticate directly with the library itself
import firebase from 'firebase/app';
const result = await firebase.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword(_email, _password);
After that, the client can to obtain the ID Token, this token will be informed on each request that will be made to the server (e.g. as header).
const sendingIdToken = await firebase.auth().currentUser.getIdToken();
On the Node.js server side, you can install the Firebase Admin SDK, to verify if the user is authenticated on the Node.js server, like:
// Let's suppose the client informed the token as header
const receivingIdToken = req.headers['auth-token'];
admin.auth().verifyIdToken(receivingIdToken, true)
.then((decodedIdToken) => { /* proceed to send emails, etc */}, (error) => {...});
The Firebase Admin SDK gives full permissions to the Database, so keep the credentials safe.
You should also configure the Security Rules on Firestore (or Firebase Realtime), so the client side can still perform specific operations directly to the database (e.g. listening for realtime changes on a collection), but you can also restrict all access if you want the client to only interact with the node.js server.
For more details, I developed an example of a node.js server that uses the Firestore Database and handles security and more.
