sed to replace same patterns that have slightly different ending to the string - linux

I am using grep on an entire directory and sed to replace the string. There are some conflicts in replacing the as there are two strings that are very similar and have the same pattern. Only big difference is the file extension at the end.
xargs sed -i
xargs sed -i
How do I specify that .js receives the correct replacement and .swf receives the correct replacement?

For the first, you can restrict the match easily, for the second you need a mapping to provide the old file name to new file name otherwise how the script is going to know that "file.swf" to be replaced with "player.swf".
$ echo '//' |
sed -r 's,(.*/)(.*.js)$,\1new\2,'
first match group will include every char until the last /., second match things ending with .js, you may need another anchor if there are multiple elements on the same line. Note that in one element case g is unnecessary.


Output the names of all files from file.txt, having the .conf extension

I need to output from a file file.txt the names of all files with the .conf extension.
grep .conf file.txt
But in the end, I get a file called dconf and a file with the config extension. How can I output everything else, but without these two?
The '.' has a special meaning, it says "any character". If you really want to match only the dot itself, you have to mask the character with:
grep "\.conf" file.txt
The masking with backslash must also be masked for the shell itself with ".
To see a list of regular expressions, you can take a look at online regex test.
Add on:
From the comments: How to see no file from the list which is named xyz.config
Answer: You have to tell grep that the regular expression ends at the end of the word with:
grep "\.conf\>" file.txt
TL;DR: you should instead do:
grep "\.conf\>" file.txt
grep uses Regular Expressions. The . character in a regex is a command which means "match any one character." So your command means "match any string which contains one character followed by c o n f in that order."
So, your regular expression will match what you are looking for, but it will also match strings that have things after your match (your .config example) as well as anything followed by "conf" (your dconf example)
So instead you want to tell grep that you are looking for a "string literal ." by escaping that character in your regular expression by preceding it with a backslash (\), and you want to describe what the end or your string input is like, which may be a newline or it may simply be a space.

Replace spaces in all files in a directory with underscores

I have found some similar questions here but not this specific one and I do not want to break all my files. I have a list of files and I simply need to replace all spaces with underscores. I know this is a sed command but I am not sure how to generically apply this to every file.
I do not want to rename the files, just modify them in place.
Edit: To clarify, just in case it's not clear, I only want to replace whitespace within the files, file names should not be changed.
find . -type f -exec sed -i -e 's/ /_/g' {} \;
find grabs all items in the directory (and subdirectories) that are files, and passes those filenames as arguments to the sed command using the {} \; notation. The sed command it appears you already understand.
if you only want to search the current directory, and ignore subdirectories, you can use
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec sed -i -e 's/ /_/g' {} \;
This is a 2 part problem. Step 1 is providing the proper sed command, 2 is providing the proper command to replace all files in a given directory.
Substitution in sed commands follows the form s/ItemToReplace/ItemToReplaceWith/pattern, where s stands for the substitution and pattern stands for how the operation should take place. According to this super user post, in order to match whitespace characters you must use either \s or [[:space:]] in your sed command. The difference being the later is for POSIX compliance. Lastly you need to specify a global operation which is simply /g at the end. This simply replaces all spaces in a file with underscores.
Substitution in sed commands follows the form s/ItemToReplace/ItemToReplaceWith/pattern, where s stands for the substitution and pattern stands for how the operation should take place. According to this super user post, in order to match whitespace characters you must use either just a space in your sed command, \s, or [[:space:]]. The difference being the last 2 are for whitespace catching (tabs and spaces), with the last needed for POSIX compliance. Lastly you need to specify a global operation which is simply /g at the end.
Therefore, your sed command is
sed s/ /_/g FileNameHere
However this only accomplishes half of your task. You also need to be able to do this for every file within a directory. Unfortunately, wildcards won't save us in the sed command, as * > * would be ambiguous. Your only solution is to iterate through each file and overwrite them individually. For loops by default should come equipped with file iteration syntax, and when used with wildcards expands out to all files in a directory. However sed's used in this manner appear to completely lose output when redirecting to a file. To correct this, you must specify sed with the -i flag so it will edit its files. Whatever item you pass after the -i flag will be used to create a backup of the old files. If no extension is passed (-i '' for instance), no backup will be created.
Therefore the final command should simply be
for i in *;do sed -i '' 's/ /_/g' $i;done
Which looks for all files in your current directory and echos the sed output to all files (Directories do get listed but no action occurs with them).
Well... since I was trying to get something running I found a method that worked for me:
for file in `ls`; do sed -i 's/ /_/g' $file; done

Filter out only matched values from a text file in each line

I have a file "test.txt" with the lines below and also lot bunch of extra stuff after the "version"
soainfra_metrics{metric_group="sca_composite",partition="test",is_active="true",state="on",is_default="true",composite="test123"} map:stats version:1.0
soainfra_metrics{metric_group="sca_composite",partition="gello",is_active="true",state="on",is_default="true",composite="test234"} map:stats version:1.8
soainfra_metrics{metric_group="sca_composite",partition="bolo",is_active="true",state="on",is_default="true",composite="3415"} map:stats version:3.1
soainfra_metrics{metric_group="sca_composite",partition="solo",is_active="true",state="on",is_default="true",composite="hji"} map:stats version:1.1
I tried:
egrep -r 'partition|is_active|state|is_default|composite' test.txt
It's displaying every line, but I need only specific mentioned fields like this below,ignoring rest of the data/stuff or lines
in a nut shell, i want to display only these fields from a line not the rest
If your version of grep supports Perl-style regular expressions, then I'd use this:
grep -oP '.*?,\K[^}]+' file
It removes everything up to the first comma (\K kills any previous output) and prints everything up to the }.
Alternatively, using awk:
awk -F'}' '{ sub(/[^,]+,/, ""); print $1 }' file
This sets the field separator to } so the part you're interested in is the first field. It then uses sub to remove the part up to the first comma.
For completeness, you could also use sed:
sed 's/[^,]*,\([^}]*\).*/\1/' file
This captures the part after the first , up to the } and replaces the content of the line with it.
After the grep to pick out the lines you want, use sed to edit the lines:
sed 's/.*\(partition[^}]*\)} map.*/\1/'
This means: "whenever you see anything .*, followed by partition and
any number of non-}, then } map and anything else, grab the part
from partition up to but not including the brace \(...\) as group 1.
The replacement text is just group 1 \1.
Use a pipe | to connect the output of egrep to the input of sed:
egrep ... | sed ...
As far as i understood your file might have more lines you don't want to see, so i would use:
sed -n 's/.*\(partition.*\)}.*/\1/p' file
we use -n p to show only lines where we made substitution. The substitution part just gets the part of the line you need substituting the whole line with the pattern.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -r 's/(partition|is_active|state|is_default|composite)="[^"]*"/\n&\n/g;s/[^\n]*\n([^\n]*)\n[^\n]*/\1,/g;s/,$//' file
Treat the problem as if it were a "decomposed club sandwich". Identify the fillings, remove the bread and tidy up.

Understanding sed expression 's/^\.\///g'

I'm studying Bash programming and I find this example but I don't understand what it means:
filtered_files=`echo "$files" | sed -e 's/^\.\///g'`
In particular the argument passed to sed after '-e'.
It's a bad example; you shouldn't follow it.
First, understanding the sed expression at hand.
s/pattern/replacement/flags is the a sed command, described in detail in man sed. In this case, pattern is a regular expression; replacement is what that pattern gets replaced with when/where found; and flags describe details about how that replacement should be done.
In this case, the s/^\.\///g breaks down as follows:
s is the sed command being run.
/ is the sigil used to separate the sections of this command. (Any character can be used as a sigil, and the person who chose to use / for this expression was, to be charitable, not thinking about what they were doing very hard).
^\.\/ is the pattern to be replaced. The ^ means that this replaces anything only at the beginning; \. matches only a period, vs . (which is regex for matching any character); and \/ matches only a / (vs /, which would go on to the next section of this sed command, being the selected sigil).
The next section is an empty string, which is why there's no content between the two following sigils.
g in the flags section indicates that more than one replacement can happen each line. In conjunction with ^, this has no meaning, since there can only be one beginning-of-the-line per line; further evidence that the person who wrote your example wasn't thinking much.
Using the same data structures, doing it better:
All of the below are buggy when handling arbitrary filenames, because storing arbitrary filenames in scalar variables is buggy in general.
Still using sed:
# Use printf instead of echo to avoid bugginess if your "files" string is "-n" or "-e"
# Use "#" as your sigil to avoid needing to backslash-escape all the "\"s
filtered_files=$(printf '%s\n' "$files" | sed -e 's#^[.]/##g'`)
Replacing sed with a bash builtin:
# This is much faster than shelling out to any external tool
Using better data structures
Instead of running
files=$(find .)
files=( )
while IFS= read -r -d '' filename; do
files+=( "$filename" )
done < <(find . -print0)
That stores files in an array; it looks complex, but it's far safer -- works correctly even with filenames containing spaces, quote characters, newline literals, etc.
Also, this means you can do the following:
# Remove the leading ./ from each name; don't remove ./ at any other position in a name
filtered_files=( "${files[#]#./}" )
This means that a file named
./foo/this directory name (which has spaces) ends with a period./bar
will correctly be transformed to
foo/this directory name (which has spaces) ends with a period./bar
rather than
foo/this directory name (which has spaces) ends with a periodbar
...which would have happened with the original approach.
man sed. In particular:
-e script, --expression=script
add the script to the commands to be executed
Attempt to match regexp against the pattern space. If success-
ful, replace that portion matched with replacement. The
replacement may contain the special character & to refer to that
portion of the pattern space which matched, and the special
escapes \1 through \9 to refer to the corresponding matching
sub-expressions in the regexp.
In this case, it replaces any occurence of ./ at the beginning of a line with the empty string, in other words removing it.

How to remove multiple lines in multiple files on Linux using bash

I am trying to remove 2 lines from all my Javascript files on my Linux shared hosting. I wanted to do this without writing a script as I know this should be possible with sed. My current attempt looks like this:
find . -name "*.js" | xargs sed -i ";var
The second line is actually longer than this but is malicious code so I have not included it here. As you guessed my server has been hacked so I need to clean up all these JavaScript files.
I forgot to mention that the output I am getting at the moment is:
sed: -e expression #1, char 4: expected newer version of sed
The 2 lines are just as follows consecutively:
except that the second line is longer, but the rest of the second line should not influence the command.
He meant removing two adjacent lines.
you can do something like this, remember to backup your files.
find . -name "*.js" | xargs sed -i -e "/^;var/N;/^;var\nO0l='=sTKpUG/d"
Since sed processes input file line by line, it does not store the newline '\n' character in its buffer, so we need to tell it by using flag /N to append the next line, with newline character.
Then we do our pattern searching and deleting.
It really isn't clear yet what the two lines look like, and it isn't clear if they are adjacent to each other in the JavaScript, so we'll assume not. However, the answer is likely to be:
find . -name "*.js" |
xargs sed -i -e '/^distinctive-pattern1$/d' -e '/^alternative-pattern-2a$/d'
There are other ways of writing the sed script using a single command string; I prefer to use separate arguments for separate operations (it makes the script clearer).
Clearly, if you need to keep some of the information on one of the lines, you can use a search pattern adjusted as appropriate, and then do a substitute s/short-pattern// instead of d to remove the short section that must be removed. Similarly with the long line if that's relevant.
