Active Directory B2C get facebook access token - azure-ad-b2c

I'm comparing the new AD B2C features with the social authentication ability in Azure web service. Using the AD B2C approach I can't seem to find a way to do access the underlying access token from a social provider like facebook.
E.g. in Azure Web Services social authentication there was an endpoint that would provide BACK the token to access the social provider's api.
Is that not available in B2C? If not that seems like a step backwards.

From what I can see, the answer is no (although I wish there was a way).
See this:
OAuth Tokens: With Easy Auth, the application code has direct access to the provider-specific OAuth tokens. This is useful if you want to make graph API calls on behalf of the logged-in user (for example, calling the Facebook Graph to post a photo to the user’s timeline). B2C, however, does not expose the provider OAuth tokens to your application code.


How do I programmatically login or get the JWT token of a logged in Google user in Azure AD?

I already setup the Google Identity Provider in Azure Active Directory and can invite users to my application. After the Google user accepts the invitation, I can see their user object in Active Directory. What I would like to do next is to programmatically login the user using the Google federation or get the JWT token of the logged in Google user.
For user objects created in AD, I can programmatically login the users using ROPC. I understand this is not possible for external users authenticated using Google federation.
• Kindly please take note of this that Azure AD does not support ROPC flow method of credential authentication for federated accounts. Also, when you are using ROPC method, your credentials are at risk of compromise as they are passed directly in the body of API authentication request. Thus, I would suggest you use client credential flow for this purpose as it can access the data from both sides.
• Since you want to programmatically login using the Google federated user to some application or SaaS platform, I would suggest you refer the below link which describes sufficiently how you can use the federated domain’s user login credentials to login to an application or a SaaS platform. In this link, it is stated that you should configure the Azure Policy regarding the Home realm discovery to false and configure the federated domain as its preferred domain for logging in. Also, if you want to retrieve the access token only, then you can use the ‘Postman’ application or ‘’ as the redirect URI for that purpose.

exchange accesstoken between auth0 and Azure AD B2C

I’ve an app (app1) with Google social login implemented using Auth0. I can successfully login to this app with my google email and can see the token.
I’ve a REST api (api2) protected using Azure AD B2C with Google social login. I can call this API with a token returned by Azure AD B2C for my google email.
However the token returned by Auth0 and AzureAD B2C seems to be different, for the same google email.
How can I call the REST API in (API2) with auth token generated by app1 ? Based on my naive research I need to some token exchange through identity brokering. Any pointers or guidnace on how to would be greateful.
I would suggest you to federate both app1 and api2 with same IDP either B2C or Auth0. As the API is protected with B2C, it will not trust the token issued by Auth0.
However, you may try adding Auth0 as IDP to B2C so that rather than B2C directly connecting to Google IDP, it connects via Auth0. In that case, the token passed to app1 and B2C (to access API) will be same. I have not personally tested it out but you may give it a try and I would recommend to go with my first suggestion.

Role based authorization with Azure ADB2C having mobile app(Xamarin Forms IOS app) as a client

We have a scenario where in mobile app(Xamarin Forms IOS APP) logs into the Azure ADB2C and generate a JWT token if the user is a valid user(user is configured in Azure AD B2C). We have a requirement where in, we need to generate a token based on the role i.e. based on the role with which user logs in, we want to generate a token and that token we are trying to use it in subsequent Web API calls.
Articles which we found out on this particular scenario was having web application as a client where in some mechanism of secrets were explained. In the mobile app client scenario, its not possible to have a secrets.
Followed the below mentioned article, but couldn't get any concrete information also
Any pointers on this particular scenario would be very much helpful to us.
There is no out-of-the-box support for RBAC / Roles in Azure AD B2C. However there are a lot of samples in the official GitHub repository. For example the "Implementing Relying Party Role Based Access Control" by this method you can add the groups to JTW token and also prevent users from sign-in if they aren't members of one of predefined security groups.

Best way to create user login in mobile app with azure

I'm creating a Xamarin.forms mobile app with Azure. I have enabled Authentication/Authorization in Azure to protect the APIs in Backend.
What I need is that to ask user to login with Facebook or Google and get some information of the user such as name, email and... and then save this data in a table as user information. I like to ask user just once for login and get the data and I don't need to keep the token provided by Facebook for example and refresh it always (which I red refreshing is not supported by Facebook), but also need to keep the user logged in and has access securely to Backend APIs. I am new in this and completely confused of using Azure AD, facebook and...
What is the best way to do that? I have followed this tutorial and now am able to login with Facebook.
Maybe what you are looking for is Azure AD B2C (Business to Customer), which will provide facilities to allow your customers to create an account for your app, but also login with Facebook (see here) or Google (see here).
Since Azure AD B2C implements OAuth2, integrating it in a Xamarin.Forms app by means of Xamarin.Auth should be possible (see here). Once you have acquired the OAuth2 token, you can include the token in the headers of your HTTP requests in the Authorization header with the Bearer type (see here)
Authorization: Bearer <token>
On the server side you can then validate the token. I have not used Xamarin.Auth with Json Web Tokens (JWT), but maybe you'll be able to retrieve a JWT with Xamarin.Auth, which you'll be able to validate on yourself. Otherwise, if Xamarin.Auth is restricted to access tokens, you might have to contact the authentication server to verify the token. If the token is verified successfully, you can grant the user access, otherwise, answer them with a 401.

Using saml tokens in Azure AAD oauth authentication

I have an application that authenticates users agains Azure AD using OAuth and I want to provide the ability to setup certain information associated to each user by his admin in Azure AD, so I can read it as part of the authentication process. I would also like to be able to use the claims functionality provided by Azure ActiveDirectory so the admin can define custom mappings between user attributes in his AD and what I am going to read, as explained here.
Apparently those claims can only be read from a SAML token that would be the result of a SAML authentication, but since I am already authenticating using OAuth I would like to avoid having to do that. My question therefore is: can those SAML tokens or the information contained in them be obtained somehow either as part of the OAuth authentication process or afterwards?
When you say "provided by ActiveDirectory" you mean Azure AD not on-premises AD?
There is no way currently to add claims to the token in Azure AD. They are "canned".
That link you refer to is for SaaS application in Azure.
The way to get information out of Azure AD is via the Graph API.
