How to remove stopped process from forever list node js - node.js

remove stopped processes
Im using forever to keep node.js app running in the server. Is there a way to remove stopped processes from forever list?

Best I have found is to do ps -eaf
Then just kill eg. kill 30566
Now it should be gone from forever list. :)
NOTE: if your script is not currently stopped doing this will not stop it! It will only remove it from 'forever list'! (But you can stop it yourself by also killing it with it's PID.)
For fun, this should also return the pid of the forever process for the desired entry:
ps -ef | awk '$NF=="myScript.js" {print $2}'
NOTE: replace 'myScript.js' with the location/file you used in the 'forever start' command. (You can find this with 'forever list' under the script column.) It might be something like 'myServer/myScript.js'.

Execute forever list and get the desired process pid from the list (Eg. First column as in the below image)
Execute kill <pid> in the terminal to remove the stopped process from forever list


How do I kill a stopped forever.js daemon?

So, I accidentally started a duplicate script using forever.js, and now forever list shows the same script on two processes.
Short of uninstalling forever, how can I simply kill a process/remove it completely, not just stop it?
Best I have found is to do
ps -eaf
Then just
kill <thePidYouJustGot> eg. kill 30566
Now it should be gone from forever list. :)
NOTE: if your script is not currently stopped doing this will not stop it! It will only remove it from 'forever list'! (But you can stop it yourself by also killing it with it's PID.)
For fun, this should also return the pid of the forever process for the desired entry:
ps -ef | awk '$NF=="myScript.js" {print $2}'
NOTE: replace 'myScript.js' with the location/file you used in the 'forever start' command. (You can find this with forever list under the script column.) It might be something like 'myServer/myScript.js'.

How to identify a job given from your user account and kill it

I had given a job in a remote server yesterday from my home. The command was
sh >& out &
The will excute a program (average.f) more than 1000 times recurssively.
Today, in my office, I found some mistake in my So I would like to kill it.
I used top command, but it is not showing the It is only showing average.f. So, once, I killed it with kill PID, it is again starting average.f with another PID and producing outputs.
ps -u is not showing either or average.f.
Can anybody please help me how to kill this job.
find your job id with the process or application name . example is given below - I am killing java process here
ps -aef|grep java
// the above command will give you pid, now fire below command to kill that job
kill -9 pid
// here pid is a number which you get from the first command
ps -ef | grep | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
Use pstree(1) (probably as pstree -p) to list the process tree hierarchy, then kill(1) (first with -TERM, then with -QUIT, and if that does not work, at last with -KILL) your topmost shell process running (or else the few "higher" processes). Perhaps use killall(1) or pidof(1) (or pgrep(1) or pkill)
You might want to kill the process group, with a negative pid.
You should never at first kill -KILL a process (but only at last resort); some programs (e.g. database servers, sophisticated numerical computations with application checkpointing, ...) have installed a SIGTERM or SIGQUIT signal handler to clean up their mess and e.g. save some state (on the disk) in a sane way. If you kill -KILL them, they could leave the mess uncleaned (since SIGKILL cannot be caught, see signal(7)....)
BTW, you should use ps auxw to list all processes, read ps(1)

How to stop a forever process knowing the name

I have a node script in which I need to stop a forever process, before uploading the new version and restart it again;
the problem is that I only know the name of that process, and
forever stop processName.js
doesn't work, since it expect the index or the uid;
is it possible to stop it knowing only the name?
Finally I got it, using a variable:
uid=$(forever list | grep processName.js | cut -c24-27) && forever stop $uid
forever stop /home/user/server/script.js (full path)
You can also assign a unique id for the process while starting it, and then can close it using this. It looks for existing process by uid, and stops it, if it is running. Then it will start forever again with the same unique name.
if forever list | grep 'my-unique-process'; then forever stop my-unique-process; fi
forever -a --uid my-unique-process start app.js
If the process is running, then close it. If you close it while it's not running, it will throw an error
Forever cannot find process with id
The first line looks for the output of forever list command and matches the process name. Simple if-else of shell.
In the second line, the -a will append to the log. If you don't use -a, it sometimes gives error that 'Log file already exist'
--uid is used to assign a unique id to the process.

Howto debug running bash script

I have a bash script running on Ubuntu.
Is it possible to see the line/command executed now without script restart.
The issue is that script sometimes never exits. This is really hard to reproduce (now I caught it), so I can't just stop the script and start the debugging.
Any help would be really appreciated
P.S. Script logic is hard to understand, so I can't to figure out why it's frozen by power of thoughts.
Try to find the process id (pid) of the shell, you may use ps -ef | grep <script_name>
Let's set this pid in the shell variable $PID.
Find all the child processes of this $PID by:
ps --ppid $PID
You might find one or more (if for example it's stuck in a pipelined series of commands). Repeat this command couple of times. If it doesn't change this means the script is stuck in certain command. In this case, you may attach trace command to the running child process:
sudo strace -p $PID
This will show you what is being executed, either indefinite loop (like reading from a pipe) or waiting on some event that never happens.
In case you find ps --ppid $PID changes, this indicates that your script is advancing but it's stuck somewhere, e.g. local loop in the script. From the changing commands, it can give you a hint where in the script it's looping.

Stop node.js program from command line

I have a simple TCP server that listens on a port.
var net = require("net");
var server = net.createServer(function(socket) {
I start it with node server.js and then close it with Ctrl + Z on Mac. When I try to run it again with node server.js I get this error message:
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: listen EADDRINUSE
at errnoException (net.js:670:11)
at Array.0 (net.js:771:26)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:192:41)
Am I closing the program the wrong way? How can I prevent this from happening?
To end the program, you should be using Ctrl + C. If you do that, it sends SIGINT, which allows the program to end gracefully, unbinding from any ports it is listening on.
See also:
Ctrl+Z suspends it, which means it can still be running.
Ctrl+C will actually kill it.
you can also kill it manually like this:
ps aux | grep node
Find the process ID (second from the left):
kill -9 PROCESS_ID
This may also work
killall node
Or alternatively you can do all of these in one line:
kill -9 $(ps aux | grep '\snode\s' | awk '{print $2}')
You can replace node inside '\snode\s' with any other process name.
Resume and kill the process:
Ctrl+Z suspends it, which means it is still running as a suspended background process.
You are likely now at a terminal prompt...
Give the command fg to resume the process in the foreground.
type Ctrl+C to properly kill it.
Alternatively, you can kill it manually like this:
(NOTE: the following commands may require root, so sudo ... is your friend)
pkill -9 node
or, if you don't have pkill, this may work:
killall node
or perhaps this:
kill $(ps -e | grep node | awk '{print $1}')
sometimes the process will list its own grep, in which case you'll need:
kill $(ps -e | grep dmn | awk '{print $2}')
h/t #ruffin from the comments on the question itself. I had the same issue and his comment helped me solve it myself.
If you are running Node.js interactively (the REPL):
Ctrl + C will take back you to > prompt then type:
or just use Ctrl + D.
you can type .exit to quit node js REPL
$ sudo killall node in another terminal works on mac, while killall node not working:
$ killall node
No matching processes belonging to you were found
on linux try: pkill node
on windows:
Taskkill /IM node.exe /F
from subprocess import call
call(['taskkill', '/IM', 'node.exe', '/F'])
you can work following command to be specific in localserver kill(here: 8000)
http://localhost:8000/ kill PID(processId):
$:lsof -i tcp:8000
It will give you following groups of TCPs:
node 21521 ubuntu 12u IPv6 345668 0t0 TCP *:8000 (LISTEN)
$:kill -9 21521
It will kill processId corresponding to TCP*:8000
You can use fuser to get what you want to be done.
In order to obtain the process ids of the tasks running on a port you can do:
fuser <<target_port>>/tcp
Let's say the port is 8888, the command becomes:
fuser 8888/tcp
And to kill a process that is running on a port, simply add -k switch.
fuser <<target_port>>/tcp -k
Example (port is 8888):
fuser 8888/tcp -k
That's it! It will close the process listening on the port.
I usually do this before running my server application.
For MacOS
Open terminal
Run the below code and hit enter
sudo kill $(sudo lsof -t -i:4200)
Though this is a late answer, I found this from NodeJS docs:
The 'exit' event is emitted when the REPL is exited either by receiving the .exit command as input, the user pressing <ctrl>-C twice to signal SIGINT, or by pressing <ctrl>-D to signal 'end' on the input stream. The listener callback is invoked without any arguments.
So to summarize you can exit by:
Typing .exit in nodejs REPL.
Pressing <ctrl>-C twice.
pressing <ctrl>-D.
process.exit(0) meaning a natural exit from REPL. If you want to return any other status you can return a non zero number.
process.kill( is the way to kill using nodejs api from within your code or from REPL.
If you want to stop your server with npm stop or something like this. You can write the code that kill your server process as:
require('child_process').exec(`kill -9 ${pid}`)
Check this link for the detail:
I'm adding this answer because for many projects with production deployments, we have scripts that stop these processes so we don't have to.
A clean way to manage your Node Server processes is using the forever package (from NPM).
Install Forever
npm install forever -g
Run Node Server
forever start -al ./logs/forever.log -ao ./logs/out.log -ae ./logs/err.log server.js
info: Forever processing file: server.js
Shutdown Node Server
forever stop server.js
info: Forever stopped process:
uid command script forever pid id logfile uptime
[0] sBSj "/usr/bin/nodejs/node" ~/path/to/your/project/server.js 23084 13176 ~/.forever/forever.log 0:0:0:0.247
This will cleanly shutdown your Server application.
I ran into an issue where I have multiple node servers running, and I want to just kill one of them and redeploy it from a script.
Note: This example is in a bash shell on Mac.
To do so I make sure to make my node call as specific as possible. For example rather than calling node server.js from the apps directory, I call node app_name_1/app/server.js
Then I can kill it using:
kill -9 $(ps aux | grep 'node\ app_name_1/app/server.js' | awk '{print $2}')
This will only kill the node process running app_name_1/app/server.js.
If you ran node app_name_2/app/server.js this node process will continue to run.
If you decide you want to kill them all you can use killall node as others have mentioned.
Late answer but on windows, opening up the task manager with CTRL+ALT+DEL then killing Node.js processes will solve this error.
My use case: on MacOS, run/rerun multiple node servers on different ports from a script
run: "cd $PATH1 && node server1.js & cd $PATH2 && node server2.js & ..."
stop1: "kill -9 $(lsof -nP -i4TCP:$PORT1 | grep LISTEN | awk '{print $2}')"
stop2, stop3...
rerun: "stop1 & stop2 & ... & stopN ; run
for more info about finding a process by a port: Who is listening on a given TCP port on Mac OS X?
For windows first search the PID with your port number
netstat -ano | findStr "portNumber"
After that, kill the task, make sure you are in root of your "c" drive
And the command will be taskkill /F /PID your pid
if you are using VS Code and terminal select node from the right side dropdown first and then do Ctrl + C. Then It will work
Press y when you are prompted.
