Limesurvey encoding behaviour of other option - multiple-choice

I am using Limesurvey Version 1.92+ Build 120425. I am having a multiple choice question (List item with multiple possible answers) that has an open "other option": For example
Question7: Why do you like ice cream?
Because it´s sweet (Q71)
Because my dog likes it too (Q72)
Because other (please name other):_____(Q73)
In this case you expect Limesurvey to code the data as followed. Q71=1 or mising Q72=1 or missing Q73=1 or missing Q73other="Text".
For some reason Limesurvey just codes the "Text" into a variable but won´t code the corresponding 1 into a variable. Q73 won´t exist in an export of my survey data.
Is this a known problem?
I compared Limesurvey behaviour of my version with the current available version of the official Limesurvey demo. While in the older version it was possible for a participant to select the other option and not write text into it in the latest version of Limesurvey the other option only gets checked if there is a text entry. The respondant seems to have no means of selecting the option otherwise.

I could think of two solutions to this 'problem' (i do not expect Q73 to be 1 when text is entered in it). You could create one more subquestion, Q73, and always hide it with jQuery, then fill it if text field is getting filled, this way you will have a subquestion Q73=1/0 and Q73other='Text'/'Notext'. Another solution would be to simply create a short free text and move it up to your Q73other box.


Search functionality in Github/Repo/Projects

Update: The issue was forwarded by Github’s Support to their Engineers (13.02.2018).
I am currently learning Github and want to integrate the Projects tab in my repository into my workflow.
I did the small tutorial and am now trying to make columns with my costum tags, ie: TODO, DONE, IDEA, etc.
I figured that I can add labels in the Issues tab
Projects tab and search for them. That's already a great plus.
The picture in 1. includes some cards but using search results in some unexpected behaviour
2.1 Search: "feature", returns the result in the first column TODO, but won't return the third column FEATURE Search Result 1
2.2 Search: "more", won't return the third column FEATURE aswell.
Search result 2
I looked into Tracking the progress of your work with project boards already but couldn't find an answer there.
The questions/issues are:
- Why did the searching for "more" not result into anything?
- What do I have to type into the search bar to get the result for "more"?
I tried is:note more but it seems is:note will just returns the notes in the columns and accepts no other words.
Support replied and issue is now fixed.

Syntax of Adding user Menu in moodle

I am trying to add user menus in moodle 3.3.1 version but i am facing some problem in understanding the meaning of each terms "langstringname, componentname". can you please explain them with any example.
Language strings in Moodle are stored within a particular plugin and given an identifier within that plugin.
So, for example, the HTML block has English language strings stored in "blocks/html/lang/en/block_html.php". This file includes lines such as:
$string['leaveblanktohide'] = 'leave blank to hide the title';
To output 'leave blank to hide the title' (or the translated equivalent in the user's own language) from your code, you would write:
echo get_string('leaveblanktohide', 'block_html');
Where 'leaveblanktohide' is the 'langstringname' referred to in your question and 'block_html' is the 'componentname' referred to in your question.

KiCAD associate components with footprints using CvPcb

Queston: Is there a way in KiCAD to associate components with their respective footprints in a sane manner using CvPcb?
The CvPcb displays three columns that feels comfortable at the first moment but when the component doesn't have the proper value it is very difficult to find the right footprint. I was manually scanning the libraries.
Is there a "search" option hidden somewhere? Is it fine to define specific phrases as the value of the component (since it seems to be the only way to filter)?
No, there is not a search option or function in KiCAD to do this. A thing you can do, is use the filter buttons at the top of the CvPCB window. These buttons help you to find by pin number, description, and library. However, sometimes the footprint is not found when the pin count does not match. For example, if you have a 4 pin push button, you wont find the footprint but you can use the 2 pin footprint. Also, you can create your own footprints using the Footprint editor, then use the Library manager to import your custom library.
For more information, you can look at:
Best regards.
In more recent versions of Kicad (looking at 5.1 here), there is a 'filter by name' selector and a search box where you can search for footprint names.
You could enter, for example TO-92 in the box which will return a series of THT footprints suitable for a TO-92 device. You need to ensure that none of the other three selector buttons (limit by symbol keyword, library or pincount) are active. You can only search by package name not by device name in CvPCB i.e. you can search for a 'TO-92' footprint but not for a BC548 (a transistor in a TO-92) package.

Changing the text on a label in different languages

Not really that easy question here. :)
A customer has a field ownerid that is used as the lookup to a salesperson. I've changed the text of the label from Owner to Hazaa and I can see it take effect.
The problem is that Hazaa only displays in the English version (the base language of the installtion), while the language that is used for the users is Swedish. The users with Swedish language selected see the default translation, while they'd like to see Hazaa instead.
How can this be done?!
I could, perhaps, play around with exporting the language for translation, editing it and, then, importing back. However, that's a little, tiny, wimsy bit overkill for changing a single label. However, I suspect that only a few entities will require hazaa-fication of the ownerid field, while the rest is supposed to be left as is.
The supported way to translate the label is using the translation process (an example can be found here)
Maybe you can consider to create an unmanaged solution that contains only that entity, in order to export only the necessary labels.
There is also a tool recently released by Tanguy Touzard in his toolbox, I didn't use it yet, but you can find more information here:

Xcode4: two entities with "required" relationship ... failing to be maintained by Core Data?

EDIT: might be fixed in latest Xcode 4.0.2 (just released) - I'm downloading this out now, and will re-edit once I've tested it.
Create two entities (call them "Manager" and "Employee", to stick with Apple's docs).
Create a relationship, "worksFor" from Manager (1) to Employee (many), and mark it as "not optional". (you'll probably need to create 2 relationships, mark 1 as inverse of other)
Hook up an interface using IB, according to Apple's original docs (NB: these don't work any more, but here's an almost exact recreation of the basic setup in Xcode4: and use Bindings (as described in the linked post) to create/add/delete the objects.
Now try to save. ERROR: "worksFor is a required property".
In previous versions of Xcode, this worked as expected: you'd told Xcode that there was a bidirectional relationship, you told it that it was required, and so when it added the "Employee" to the "Manager", it automatically hooked-up the inverse.
Has anyone else worked out how to make Xcode4 do what it's supposed to? Is it an Xcode4 bug? I know that some of the CoreData support in Xcode4 has been deleted, with no replacement (yet), so I'm wondering if this has been deleted too?!
EDIT: here's another project, one I made from scratch, same problem. Although (xcode4 bug, definitely!) this time I created the Relationship in the "grid" editor view rather than the "tree graphical" view... and the generated source code for objects was different (should not be the case, obviously)
second project screenshot
EDIT2: StackOverflow was showing the screenshot above, but has now removed it, you'll have to click on the link. Sorry.
I haven't seen the problem you describe and I've created several data models under Xcode4. It appears to work just like it did in previous versions in that regard. I think you've got something else going on.
Xcode 4.0.2 seems to have fixed the problem - everything works as expected now, with no changes to code :)
