Why does bracket require `release` to produce result that is ignored? - haskell

:: IO a -- ^ computation to run first (\"acquire resource\")
-> (a -> IO b) -- ^ computation to run last (\"release resource\")
-> (a -> IO c) -- ^ computation to run in-between
-> IO c -- returns the value from the in-between computation
bracket before after thing =
mask $ \restore -> do
a <- before
r <- restore (thing a) `onException` after a
_ <- after a
return r
Is this related to some API design pattern or conventions ? Why not use the following part of signature?
-> (a -> IO ()) -- ^ computation to run last (empty result)
-> (a -> IO a) -- ^ computation to run last (`a` cannot be ignored)

I think you have it backwards - bracket will ignore the result of the release operation for you.
If the signature of the release operation was a -> IO () then you would have to supply a function which always returned (). By making the signature a -> IO b your release function can return anything since
the type variable b is not referenced anywhere else in the signature -i.e.
it is totally unrelated to any of the other type variables.


StateMonad instance for TeletypeIO

So, I have this datatype (it's from here: https://wiki.haskell.org/IO_Semantics):
data IO a = Done a
| PutChar Char (IO a)
| GetChar (Char -> IO a)
and I thought of writing a StateMonad instance for it. I have already written Monad and Applicative instances for it.
instance MonadState (IO s) where
get = GetChar (\c -> Done c)
put = PutChar c (Done ())
state f = Done (f s)
I don't think I fully understand what state (it was named 'modify' before) is supposed to do here.
state :: (s -> (a, s)) -> m a
I also have messed up with declarations. I don't really understand what is wrong, let alone how to fix it. Would appreciate your help.
Expecting one more argument to ‘MonadState (IO s)’
Expected a constraint,
but ‘MonadState (IO s)’ has kind ‘(* -> *) -> Constraint’
In the instance declaration for ‘MonadState (IO s)’
As I mentioned in the comments, your type doesn't really hold any state, so a StateMonad instance would be nonsensical for it.
However, since this is just an exercise (also based on the comments), I guess it's ok to implement the instance technically, even if it doesn't do what you'd expect it to do.
First, the compiler error you're getting tells you that the MonadState class actually takes two arguments - the type of the state and the type of the monad, where monad has to have kind * -> *, that is, have a type parameter, like Maybe, or list, or Identity.
In your case, the monad in question (not really a monad, but ok) is IO, and the type of your "state" is Char, since that's what you're getting and putting. So the declaration has to look like this:
instance MonadState Char IO where
Second, the state method doesn't have the signature (s -> s) -> m s as you claim, but rather (s -> (a, s)) -> m a. See its definition. What it's supposed to do is create a computation in monad m out of a function that takes a state and returns "result" plus new (updated) state.
Note also that this is the most general operation on the State monad, and both get and put can be expressed in terms of state:
get = state $ \s -> (s, s)
put s = state $ \_ -> ((), s)
This means that you do not have to implement get and put yourself. You only need to implement the state function, and get/put will come from default implementations.
Incidentally, this works the other way around as well: if you define get and put, the definition of state will come from the default:
state f = do
s <- get
let (a, s') = f s
put s'
return a
And now, let's see how this can actually be implemented.
The semantics of the state's parameter is this: it's a function that takes some state as input, then performs some computation based on that state, and this computation has some result a, and it also may modify the state in some way; so the function returns both the result and the new, modified state.
In your case, the way to "get" the state from your "monad" is via GetChar, and the way in which is "returns" the Char is by calling a function that you pass to it (such function is usually referred to as "continuation").
The way to "put" the state back into your "monad" is via PutChar, which takes the Char you want to "put" as a parameter, plus some IO a that represents the computation "result".
So, the way to implement state would be to (1) first "get" the Char, then (2) apply the function to it, then (3) "put" the resulting new Char, and then (3) return the "result" of the function. Putting it all together:
state f = GetChar $ \c -> let (a, c') = f c in PutChar c' (Done a)
As further exercise, I encourage you to see how get and put would unfold, starting from the definitions I gave above, and performing step-by-step substitution. Here, I'll give you a couple first steps:
get = state $ \s -> (s, s)
-- Substituting definition of `state`
= GetChar $ \c -> let (a, c') = (\s -> (s, s)) c in PutChar c' (Done a)
-- Substituting (\s -> (s, s)) c == (c, c)
= GetChar $ \c -> let (a, c') = (c, c) in PutChar c' (Done a)
= <and so on...>
MonadState takes two arguments, in this order:
the type of the state
the monad
In this case the monad is IO:
instance MonadState _ IO where
And you need to figure out what goes in place of the underscore

Haskell: GHC cannot deduce type. Rigid type variable bound by the type signature error

I'v seen a couple of posts with a similar subject but they don't really help me to solve my problem. So I dare to repeat.
Now I have a functions with signature:
run' :: Expr query => RethinkDBHandle -> query -> IO [JSON]
this is a database query run function.
I wrap this function in a pool (pool is already created and irrelevant to the question) to simplify connections.
rdb q = withResource pool (\h -> run' (use h $ db "test") q)
Essentially, this function has exact the same signature as the run above.
The problem is that if I use the function without a signature then all is good and GHC is happy figuring things out. As soon as I specify the signature it stops working on certain input complaining about not being able to deduce the type.
There are mainly two input types that are used as query input.
ReQL and Table
Both of those types are instances of Expr so they both accepted by GHC.
As soon as I put the signature everything stops working and GHC coplains about not being able to deduce the type and gives me "rigid type variable bound by the type signature" error. If I make signature more specific like ReQL instead of Expr a, then obveously it stops accepting Table input and visa versa. Specifying input as Expr a, which both ReQL and Table are instances of, stops with the error above. Dropping the signature all together works fine.
So how do I solve this? Dropping the signature feels wrong.
I don't know if I should make the question more generic or more specific but if it helps this is the library with all the types and instances to help with an advice.
Rethink DB
As requested, this is the full code listing producing the error.
main = do
pool <- createPool (connect "localhost" 28015 Nothing) close 1 300 5
let rdb q = withResource pool (\h -> run' (use h $ db "test") q)
scotty 3000 $ basal rdb
basal :: Expr q => (q -> IO [JSON]) -> ScottyM ()
basal r = get "/json" $ showJson r
showJson :: Expr q => (q -> IO [JSON]) -> ActionM ()
showJson r = do
j <- lift $ r $ table "mytable"
text $ T.pack $ show j
And this is the full error listing
No instance for (Expr q0) arising from a use of `basal'
The type variable `q0' is ambiguous
Possible fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
Note: there are several potential instances:
instance Expr () -- Defined in `Database.RethinkDB.ReQL'
instance (Expr a, Expr b) => Expr (a, b)
-- Defined in `Database.RethinkDB.ReQL'
instance (Expr a, Expr b, Expr c) => Expr (a, b, c)
-- Defined in `Database.RethinkDB.ReQL'
...plus 24 others
In the second argument of `($)', namely `basal rdb'
In a stmt of a 'do' block: scotty 3000 $ basal rdb
In the expression:
do { pool <- createPool
(connect "localhost" 28015 Nothing) close 1 300 5;
let rdb q = withResource pool (\ h -> ...);
scotty 3000 $ basal rdb }
Could not deduce (q ~ Table)
from the context (Expr q)
bound by the type signature for
showJson :: Expr q => (q -> IO [JSON]) -> ActionM ()
at Main.hs:24:13-52
`q' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for
showJson :: Expr q => (q -> IO [JSON]) -> ActionM ()
at Main.hs:24:13
In the return type of a call of `table'
In the second argument of `($)', namely `table "mytable"'
In the second argument of `($)', namely `r $ table "mytable"'
Thank you
Reading the error messages it seems the first problem is that the type you specify for showJson is wrong.
As r is being applied directly to table which is table :: String -> Table its type is not
r :: Expr q => q -> IO [JSON]
but instead either
r :: Table -> IO [JSON]
or (using RankNTypes)
r :: forall q . Expr q => q -> IO [JSON]
The first is simpler and more direct while the second is probably closer to your intended meaning---it can be read as "fromJson takes an input which it demands uses only the Expr interface on its argument" instead of "fromJson takes any kind of input which happens to use an Expr instantiated type as its argument". For instance, with the type you've given
fromJson (undefined :: Query -> IO [JSON])
would unify as well... but clearly that's now how r is being used in the function body.
(In particular, it has to do with the positivity of the parameter q. Due to the way this function is written, q acts more like an output argument than an input argument. Indeed, the function creates a Table (with table) instead of demanding one. The argument you've written thus implies that we have a function Expr q => Table -> q.)
Now, this specificity of type transmits upward as well causing basal to have the type
basal :: (Table -> IO [JSON]) -> ScottyM ()
basal :: (forall q . Expr q => q -> IO [JSON]) -> ScottyM ()
and thus leading to your Cannot deduce (q ~ Table) error.
At this point I can't be sure why stating an explicit type for rdb would lead to issues, but it may be that clearing this one will stop problems from occurring there. Usually once you've already broken the type system it's very hard to predict its behavior in other locations.

Why discarded values are () instead of ⊥ in Haskell?

Howcome in Haskell, when there is a value that would be discarded, () is used instead of ⊥?
Examples (can't really think of anything other than IO actions at the moment):
mapM_ :: (Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m ()
foldM_ :: (Monad m) => (a -> b -> m a) -> a -> [b] -> m ()
writeFile :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()
Under strict evaluation, this makes perfect sense, but in Haskell, it only makes the domain bigger.
Perhaps there are "unused parameter" functions d -> a which are strict on d (where d is an unconstrained type parameter and does not appear free in a)? Ex: seq, const' x y = yseqx.
I think this is because you need to specify the type of the value to be discarded. In Haskell-98, () is the obvious choice. And as long as you know the type is (), you may as well make the value () as well (presuming evaluation proceeds that far), just in case somebody tries to pattern-match on it or something. I think most programmers don't like introducing extra ⊥'s into code because it's just an extra trap to fall into. I certainly avoid it.
Instead of (), it is possible to create an uninhabited type (except by ⊥ of course).
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
data Void
mapM_ :: (Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m Void
Now it's not even possible to pattern-match, because there's no Void constructor. I suspect the reason this isn't done more often is because it's not Haskell-98 compatible, as it requires the EmptyDataDecls extension.
Edit: you can't pattern-match on Void, but seq will ruin your day. Thanks to #sacundim for pointing this out.
Well, bottom type literally means an unterminating computation, and unit type is just what it is - a type inhabited with single value. Clearly, monadic computations usually meant to be finished, so it simply doesn't make sense to make them return undefined. And, of course, it is simply a safety measure - just like John L said, what if someone pattern matches on monadic result? So monadic computations return the 'lowest' possible (in Haskell 98) type - unit.
So, maybe we could have the following signatures:
mapM_ :: (Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m z
foldM_ :: (Monad m) => (a -> b -> m a) -> a -> [b] -> m z
writeFile :: FilePath -> String -> IO z
We'd reimplement the functions in question so that any attempt to bind the z in m z or IO z would bind the variable to undefined or any other bottom.
What do we gain? Now people can write programs that force the undefined result of these computations. How is that a good thing? All it means is that people can now write programs that fail to terminate for no good reason, that were impossible to write before.
You're getting confused between types and values.
In writeFile :: FilePath -> String -> IO (), the () is the unit type. The value you get for x by doing x <- writeFile foo bar in a do block is (normally) the value (), which is the sole non-bottom inhabitant of the type ().
⊥ OTOH is a value. Since ⊥ is a member of every type, it's also usable as a value for the type (). If you're discarding that x above without using it (we normally don't even extract it into a variable), it may very well be ⊥ and you'd never know. In that sense you already have what you want; if you're ever writing a function whose result you expect to be always ignored, you could use ⊥. But since ⊥ is a value of every type, there is no type ⊥, and so there is no type IO ⊥.
But really, they represent different conceptual things. The type () is the type of values that contain zero information (which is why there is only one value; if there were two or more values then () values would contain at least as much information as values of Bool). IO () is the type of IO actions that generate a value with no information, but may effects that will happen as a result of generating that non-informative value.
⊥ is in some sense a non-value. 1 `div` 0 gives ⊥ because there is no value that could be used as the result of that expression which satisfies the laws of integer division. Throwing an exception gives ⊥ because functions that contain exception throws do not give you a value of their type. Non-termination gives ⊥ because the expression never terminates with a value. ⊥ is a way of treating all of these non-values as if they were a value for some purposes. As far as I can tell it's mainly useful because Haskell's laziness means that ⊥ and a data structure containing ⊥ (i.e. [⊥]) are distinguishable.
The value () is not like the cases where we use ⊥. writeFile foo bar doesn't have an "impossible value" like return $ 1 `div` 0, it just has no information in its value (other than that contained in the monadic structure). There are perfectly sensible things I could do with the () I get from doing x <- writeFile foo bar; they're just not very interesting and so nobody ever does them. This is distinctly different from x <- return $ 1 `div` 0, where doing anything with that value has to give me another ill-defined value.
I would like to point out one severe downside to writing one particular form of returning ⊥: if you write types like this, you get bad programs:
mapM_ :: (Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m z
This is way too polymorphic. As an example, consider forever :: Monad m => m a -> m b. I encountered this gotcha a long time ago and I'm still bitter:
main :: IO ()
main = forever putStrLn "This is going to get printed a lot!"
The error is obvious and simple: missing parentheses.
It typechecks. This is exactly the sort of error that the type system is supposed to catch easily.
It silently infinite loops at runtime (without printing anything). It is a pain to debug.
Why? Well, because r -> is a monad. So m b matches virtually anything. For example:
forever :: m a -> m b
forever putStrLn :: String -> b
forever putStrLn "hello!" :: b -- eep!
forever putStrLn "hello" readFile id flip (Nothing,[17,0]) :: t -- no type error.
This sort of thing inclines me to the view that forever should be typed m a -> m Void.
() is ⊤, i.e. the unit type, not the ⊥ (the bottom type). The big difference is that the unit type is inhabited, so that it has a value (() in Haskell), on the other hand, the bottom type is uninhabited, so that you can't write functions like that:
absurd : ⊥
absurd = -- no way
Of course you can do this in Haskell since the "bottom type" (there is no such thing, of course) is inhabited here with undefined. This makes Haskell inconsistent.
Functions like this:
disprove : a → ⊥
disprove x = -- ...
can be written, it is the same as
disprove : ¬ a
disprove x = -- ...
i.e. it disproving the type a, so that a is an absurd.
In any case, you can see how the unit type is used in different languages, as () :: () in Haskell, () : unit in ML, () : Unit in Scala and tt : ⊤ in Agda. In languages like Haskell and Agda (with the IO monad) functions like putStrLn should have a type String → IO ⊤, not the String → IO ⊥ since this is an absurd (logically it states that there is no strings that can be printed, this is just not right).
DISCLAIMER: previous text use Agda notation and it is more about Agda than Haskell.
In Haskell if we have
data Void
It doesn't mean that Void is uninhabited. It is inhabited with undefined, non-terminating programs, errors and exceptions. For example:
data Void
instance Show Void where
show _ = "Void"
data Identity a = Identity { runIdentity :: a }
mapM__ :: (a -> Identity b) -> [a] -> Identity Void
mapM__ _ _ = Identity undefined
print $ runIdentity $ mapM__ (const $ Identity 0) [1, 2, 3]
-- ^ will print "Void".
case runIdentity $ mapM__ (const $ Identity 0) [1, 2, 3] of _ -> print "1"
-- ^ will print "1".
let x = runIdentity $ mapM__ (const $ Identity 0) [1, 2, 3]
x `seq` print x
-- ^ will thrown an exception.
But it also doesn't mean that Void is ⊥. So
mapM_ :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m Void
where Void is decalred as empty data type, is ok. But
mapM_ :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m ⊥
is nonsence, but there is no such type as ⊥ in Haskell.

Type signature "Maybe a" doesn't like "Just [Event]"

I'm still learning Haskell and need help with the type inference please!
Using packages SDL and Yampa
I get the following type signature from FRP.Yampa.reactimate:
(Bool -> IO (DTime, Maybe a))
and I want to use it for:
myInput :: Bool -> IO (DTime, Maybe [SDL.Event])
myInput isBlocking = do
event <- SDL.pollEvent
return (1, Just [event])
reactimate myInit myInput myOutput mySF
but it says
Couldn't match expected type `()'
against inferred type `[SDL.Event]'
Expected type: IO (DTime, Maybe ())
Inferred type: IO (DTime, Maybe [SDL.Event])
In the second argument of `reactimate', namely `input'
In the expression: reactimate initialize input output process
I thought Maybe a allows me to use anything, even a SDL.Event list?
Why is it expecting Maybe () when the type signature is actually Maybe a?
Why does it want an empty tuple, or a function taking no arguments, or what is () supposed to be?
The full type signature of reactimate is
IO a -- # myInit
-> (Bool -> IO (DTime, Maybe a)) -- # myInput
-> (Bool -> b -> IO Bool) -- # myOutput
-> SF a b -- # mySF
-> IO ()
The same a and b must match, that means if your myInput has type Bool -> IO (DTime, Maybe [SDL.Event]), then all other a must also be [SDL.Event]. Hence, to match the types, you need to ensure
myInit :: IO [SDL.Event] -- # **not** IO ().
mySF :: SF [SDL.Event] b
BTW, () is the unit type.

Haskell confusion with ContT, callCC, when

Continuing quest to make sense of ContT and friends. Please consider the (absurd but illustrative) code below:
v :: IO (Either String [String])
v = return $ Left "Error message"
doit :: IO (Either String ())
doit = (flip runContT return) $ callCC $ \k -> do
x <- liftIO $ v
x2 <- either (k . Left) return x
when True $ k (Left "Error message 2")
-- k (Left "Error message 3")
return $ Right () -- success
This code does not compile. However, if the replace the when with the commented k call below it, it compiles. What's going on?
Alternatively, if I comment out the x2 line, it also compiles. ???
Obviously, this is a distilled version of the original code and so all of the elements serve a purpose. Appreciate explanatory help on what's going on and how to fix it. Thanks.
The problem here has to do with the types of when and either, not anything particular to ContT:
when :: forall (m :: * -> *). (Monad m) => Bool -> m () -> m ()
either :: forall a c b. (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c
The second argument needs to be of type m () for some monad m. The when line of your code could thus be amended like so:
when True $ k (Left "Error message 2") >> return ()
to make the code compile. This is probably not what you want to do, but it gives us a hint as to what might be wrong: k's type has been inferred to be something unpalatable to when.
Now for the either signature: notice that the two arguments to either must be functions which produce results of the same type. The type of return here is determined by the type of x, which is in turn fixed by the explicit signature on v. Thus the (k . Left) bit must have the same type; this in turn fixes the type of k at (GHC-determined)
k :: Either String () -> ContT (Either String ()) IO [String]
This is incompatible with when's expectations.
When you comment out the x2 line, however, its effect on the type checker's view of the code is removed, so k is no longer forced into an inconvenient type and is free to assume the type
k :: Either [Char] () -> ContT (Either [Char] ()) IO ()
which is fine in when's book. Thus, the code compiles.
As a final note, I used GHCi's breakpoints facility to obtain the exact types of k under the two scenarios -- I'm nowhere near expert enough to write them out by hand and be in any way assured of their correctness. :-) Use :break ModuleName line-number column-number to try it out.
