Delete Account Signing Groups DocuSign API - docusignapi

Can I delete Account Signing Groups in DocuSign using API?
If yes, could someone provide me with a sample or direct me to the API that describes this?

Documentation for managing signing groups via API can be found here. As that page shows, the HTTP Request for Delete Signing Group(s) is:
DELETE /v2/accounts/{accountId}/signing_groups
For more details about that specific operation, see here.


Which is the correct OAuth Flow for our use case?

First of all, I apologize for eventual noob questions, we are very new to the DocuSign API and are currently trying to wrap our heads around which is the most correct way of accessing the API.
I will start with an overview of our use case. We recently purchased a DocuSign prod. Account with an Organization enabled.
We have a Partner which uses a CMS Tooling which integrates with said DocuSign Account. This Tool allows for the Backoffice to create envelopes with documents inside and a url which leads to the signin ceremony through the Templates that we create inside the DocuSign Account. This url is afterwards send to the customer for them to sign the documents in the envelope. This Part is working and is currently being used.
Now what we want to achieve on our side, we have a nextJS web-app which allows the same customers (Which are the receivers of the created envelopes in the step above, same e-mail in both steps) to sign-in our web-app. We want to show the customer in a dashboard, if there are envelopes for him open that he can sign and if this is the case we want to show him the url which leads to the signin ceremony.
We were able to see that as soon as an envelope for a certain User is created through the CMS Tooling, we can see that envelope in our DocuSign Prod Account.
Now our thought process was, to show our customer his open envelopes, we just fetch all open envelopes in our DocuSign Account which match the customers E-Mail.
Is there anything wrong with this process or are we overlooking something?
And if it is okay to proceed this way which of the OAuth Flows is the correct one to use for this case?
From my understanding, the JWT Flow seems like the most reasonable one? Since the Customers that need to sign the documents, will not have any DocuSign accounts.
What have you tried to solve the issue?
We tried using the direct API Access, which worked when set up correctly but since we didn't have a OAuth Flow in place the Access token is only valid for restricted amount of time obviously and has to be refreshed. Hence we have to think first about how to grant access correctly
I would love to hear, what the right approach would be to achieve our desired result.
Once again Apologies for this kind of question, just trying to have a better understanding before we start building :)
Best regards!
According to the use case you mentioned using JWT Grant is fine as users of your integration will use a single system account to log in, you should use JWT Grant.
I would recommend going with the below link to know more regards different use cases and check the knowledge

Power Apps/D365 and DocuSign Integration - Send Envelope on behalf of others

This is my first time posting so apologies if I don't explain things clearly.
I've created a Custom Connector within Power Apps that does an API call to my DocuSign Account. The API call I am currently leveraging is to create DocuSign Envelopes:
Link to DocuSign API Library:
My issue is that I do not know how create Envelopes on behalf of other DocuSign Users while using the API call within my Connector. Since the Custom Connector required me to log into my DocuSign Account, every time I use the Connector the Envelope generated from the API call gets associated to me (I am able to see it within "Drafts" when I log into my DocuSign).
Sorry if this is a bit confusing. My end goal is to use my Custom Connector and its API calls within a Canvas App. However, I want the Envelopes created not to always be associated to my DocuSign account especially if the Canvas App is used by other End Users.
Any help would be much appreciated!
Screenshot of Test call:
Screenshot of Test Call: Response
Screenshot of Envelope within DocuSign Account: Snippet
This is Yara from DocuSign Developer Support.
Since you want to create envelopes on behalf of other DocuSign Users while still using the API call within your connector, you can use the Send On Behalf Of Functionality (SOBO). This functionality allows a single user in an account to authenticate for other members of the account and send fully defined envelopes on their behalf.
Here's a detailed guide on the SOBO functionality:

Is it possible to segment access?

Using the REST API for remote signing and it's been working great for about a year now.
We have a user of our system that wants to send documents for e-signature, and I'd like to limit their access to their own documents, let them get the notifications of document completion, etc.
I know I can create additional users in the admin section but I'm not sure of where to look from there. Is any of the rest possible?
Yes, add the person as a regular (not admin) sender in your DocuSign account. They'll only be able to see envelopes (transactions) that they sent.
They can also see envelopes that were explicitly shared with them by another sender
Added: authenticate as a different person
Your API application sends envelopes by using the credentials of an account member. If this is a non-person such as "" then we call that a "system user."
Your question was how to send envelopes from a sender who is not an administrator. The answer is to authenticate to the DocuSign API as that person. This can be done with the OAuth JWT or Authorize Code grant flows.
Ask a new question if you have more questions on how to do this.

Docusign eSignature REST API authentication

I am trying to integrate Docusign in my Web application. The website workflow will be as follows:
Users visit my website and log in.
Users will be given the option to choose Docusign Templates.
After selection, users need to sign that document.
After a successful signing, the signed document is sent to some authority.
My problem is how can I link my users to Docusign to sign. Does every user needs to have an account for embedded signing?? I need some help in understanding the flow of authentication and signing in DocuSign REST API. I have gone through the documentation but didn't understand properly. When I try to use the auth grant GitHub code to understand the flow. After logging in, it throws a null pointer exception. Please, someone, help me.
You can find code example in different languages to do what you're asking (sign from a template). You will want to use embedded signing so that the user sign as part of the app and not remote signing (via email).
As for your authentication question, no, signers never need to be part of the account. The sender can be a single user that is "sending" envelopes that are embedded in the app. So while there's no sending technically, you can think of it this way.
Hope this makes sense, please ask additional questions if not clear
recipientID is a GUID uniquely used to identify a recipient in DocuSign. When you create an envelope, each recipient should have one.
"and If the same name+email combination comes again, will it get the same signature or generate a new one?" It will remember it if they have an account.

DocuSign REST API, easily move envelope from user A to user B? (ie, change the envelope owner)

A followup to a question answered here regarding changing the email address of a user via the REST API:
DocuSign REST API, change account's email address? (ie, the users login name)
If, instead, we created a second docusign user login with a new email address and wanted to move all envelopes from the old user to the new user, what is the most efficient way to do this? Both users would be under the same parent docusign account.
Currently, I do not see an endpoint to move an envelope between users.
Does this entail downloading all envelopes, and then sending on behalf of them all (from parent to child account) to put the documents into the newly created user's account?
Interestingly, I see that the error ENVELOPE_TRANSFEREE_ALREADY_OWNS_ENVELOPE is documented in the REST API guide (, but yet the guide contains no obvious documentation of a related REST API operation (i.e., one that would enable you to transfer ownership of an envelope).
With the SOAP API, you can use the TransferEnvelope operation (page 178: to transfer an envelope from one user to another.
Based on the fact that "TransferEnvelope" is missing from this list of all SOAP API operations that are supported in the REST API, I'd suspect that Transferring Envelopes isn't (yet) supported via the REST API: API to REST API.htm
