Joining two models to obtain data - excel

I query my model like so
$projects = Project::where('status', '!=', 'Completed')->get();
This will return me something like this
#attributes: array:16 [▼
"id" => "7"
"user_id" => "32"
"contactEmail" => ""
"deploymentDate" => "2016-07-29"
"status" => "Starting"
"deleted_at" => null
"created_at" => "2016-07-12 14:12:32"
"updated_at" => "2016-07-15 09:47:34"
I then pass this model to generate an Excel file
Excel::create('projects', function($excel) use($projects) {
$excel->sheet('Sheet 1', function($sheet) use($projects) {
Everything works fine, and the Excel is generated. One problem I have though is that the excel file shows user_id being 32. Instead of displaying the user_id, I want to display the userName which is
part of my Users table.
How can I join these two tables to get the name instead of the id? All relationships are set up correctly.

Try this one,
$projects = Project::select('product.*',' AS user_name')
->where('status', '!=', 'Completed')->get();
Using this code you will be able to get user_name for more relationship please refer this


Firebase Realtime Database Query: Filtering data based on the UserId signed in and a further unique identifier within the database

I have a query regarding an app I am trying to develop with node js react and Firebase Realtime Database.
The app is for a school and I am trying to write the correct code for filtering the data by course based on the course that the student has signed up for.
On the Firebase realtime database, I have two structure as per below:
- Courses
"courseData" : [ {
"course" : {
"day" : "Tuesday",
"duration" : "10 weeks",
"language" : "German",
"location" : "Online",
"startdate" : "12th January",
"term" : "January",
"time" : "17.30-18.30",
"timeofday" : "Evening",
"dates" : {
"class1" : "12/01/2021",
"users" : {
"kwvjUSgZKXXfxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" : {
"email" : "",
"username" : "Test"
"vXf4WcRGQcxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" : {
"email" : "",
"username" : "Test Test"
I have a courseID in both courseData and the users section of the Firebase Realtime Database.
At the moment I can generate course data for a specific course when I manually insert the courseID as you will see below in the excerpt below.
Excerpt 1
filtercourse(courseID) {
return function (coursedata) {
return coursedata.courseID === courseID;
Excerpt 2
{this.state.courseData.filter(this.filtercourse('JANSPADBGOLWEE')).map((data, index) => (
<tr key={index}>
Instead of manually inserting the courseID (in this case it's JANSPADBGOLWEE), I understand that I need to create a function where the courseData data is filtered by course/ courseID based on the courseData.courseID being equal to the users.uid.courseID, however, I this is beyond me it seems. Any help or advice here would be greatly appreciated.
I think you're looking for a Firebase query, which allow you to sort and filter data.
On Courses, you could get only its child nodes where courseID has a specific value with:
let courses = firebase.database().ref().child("courseData");
let courseSuery = courses.orderByChild("courseID").equalTo("JANSPADBGOLWEE");
courseSuery.once("value").then((snapshot) => {
snapshot.forEach((courseSnapshot) => {
console.log(courseSnapshot.key, courseSnapshot.child("course/day").val());
If you first need to look up the course ID for the current user, that'd be:
let users = firebase.database().ref().child("users");
if (!firebase.auth().currentUser) throw "No current user";
let uid = firebase.auth().currentUser.uid;
users.child(uid).once("value").then((userSnapshot) => {
Note that this is a fairly standard way of loading data from Firebase, so I recommend reading some more of the documentation, and taking a few tutorials to get self-sufficient with it.

Yii2 single search box to search fields from two different tables

I have products table and productlines table. Product has relationship with the productlines. I want to have a single search box and search the fields from product table and fields from productlines table.
My ProductSearch Model
public function search($params)
$query = Product::find()->where(['product_id' => $this->getProductID()]);
// add conditions that should always apply here
$dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([
'query' => $query,
if (!$this->validate()) {
// uncomment the following line if you do not want to return any records when validation fails
// $query->where('0=1');
return $dataProvider;
// grid filtering conditions
'product_id' => $this->product_id,
'product_region' => $this->product_region,
'product_created' => $this->product_created,
'product_lastchecked' => $this->product_lastchecked,
'sdsref_id' => $this->sdsref_id,
// var_dump($this->getProductID()); exit();
$query->andFilterWhere(['like', 'product_name', $this->product_name])
->andFilterWhere(['like','product_id', $this->product_id])
->orFilterWhere(['like', 'product_catalog', $this->code])
->andFilterWhere(['=', 'product_aka', $this->product_aka])
->orFilterWhere(['like', 'internal_code' , $this->code]);
return $dataProvider;
When I do this I get the error:
SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1052 Column 'product_id' in where clause is ambiguous
The SQL being executed was: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `sim_product` LEFT JOIN `sim_productlines` ON `sim_product`.`product_id` = `sim_productlines`.`product_id` WHERE ((`product_id` IN ('2', '3')) OR (`product_catalog` LIKE '%A%')) OR (`internal_code` LIKE '%A%')
Can anyone assist me where am I going wrong and what can be the possible solution.
Yii2 allows you to prefix column names within ActiveQuery such as:
$query->andFilterWhere(['like', 'product.product_name', $this->product_name])
->andFilterWhere(['like','productline.product_id', $this->product_id])
->orFilterWhere(['like', 'productline.product_catalog', $this->code])
->andFilterWhere(['=', 'product.product_aka', $this->product_aka])
->orFilterWhere(['like', 'product.internal_code' , $this->code]);
See the section "Joining with relations"

mongoose-encryption and updating objects

I know the mongoose-encryption doc states:
update will work fine on unencrypted and unauthenticated fields, but will not work correctly if encrypted or authenticated fields are involved.
And I've observed that when I use the mongoose create method that my fields are encrypted into the _ct field. However if I then use findByIdAndUpdate to update my object I see the fields are created in plain text (as output from mongodb console via find command).
From save
> db.tenants.find().pretty()
"_id" : ObjectId("554b7f8e7806c204e0c7589e"),
"_ac" : BinData(0,"YdJjOUJhzDWuDE5oBU4SH33O4qM2hbotQTsF6NzDnx4hWyJfaWQiLCJfY3QiXQ=="),
"_ct" : BinData(0,"YaU4z/UY3djGCKBcgMaNIFHeNp8NJ9Woyh9ahff0hRas4WD80V80JE2B8tRLUs0Qd9B7IIzHsq6O4pYub5VKJ1PIQA+/dbStZpOH/KfvPoDC6DzR5JdoAu+feU7HyFnFCMY81RZeJF5BKJylhY1+mG4="),
"__v" : 0
After findByIdAndUpdate
> db.tenants.find().pretty()
"_id" : ObjectId("554b7f8e7806c204e0c7589e"),
"_ac" : BinData(0,"YdJjOUJhzDWuDE5oBU4SH33O4qM2hbotQTsF6NzDnx4hWyJfaWQiLCJfY3QiXQ=="),
"_ct" : BinData(0,"YaU4z/UY3djGCKBcgMaNIFHeNp8NJ9Woyh9ahff0hRas4WD80V80JE2B8tRLUs0Qd9B7IIzHsq6O4pYub5VKJ1PIQA+/dbStZpOH/KfvPoDC6DzR5JdoAu+feU7HyFnFCMY81RZeJF5BKJylhY1+mG4="),
"__v" : 0,
"userId" : ObjectId("55268f43cbfc87be221cd611"),
"social" : "123-45-6789",
"last" : "bar",
"first" : "foo"
Is there a recommended strategy for updating objects and maintaining the encryption with mongoose-encryption?
As you quoted, the documentation for mongoose-encryption clearly tells that it does not work for update.
Mongoose update hook is little tricky as well.
What you can do potentially is model your collection in such a way that fields which needs to be encrypted are a separate collection altogether and in the paren collection just link them via ids.
Person = {
_id: <ObjectId>
name: Blah
documents: [
{ 'doc_id': <ObjectId1> },
{ 'doc_id': <ObjectId2> },
Documents = [
"_id" : <ObjectId1>,
"_ac" : BinData(0,"YdJjOUJhzDWuDE5oBU4SH33O4qM2hbotQTsF6NzDnx4hWyJfaWQiLCJfY3QiXQ=="),
"_ct" : BinData(0,"YaU4z/UY3djGCKBcgMaNIFHeNp8NJ9Woyh9ahff0hRas4WD80V80JE2B8tRLUs0Qd9B7IIzHsq6O4pYub5VKJ1PIQA+/dbStZpOH/KfvPoDC6DzR5JdoAu+feU7HyFnFCMY81RZeJF5BKJylhY1+mG4="),
"__v" : 0
This will increase code reuse as well.
I have implemented an strategy that i don´t think it is most efficient but it works.
I need to have all my data in database encrypted so i can´t use the above approach.
What i did is to create an update function that finds the document i want to modify, then i construct a new schema object and assing the _id of the found document to the new object.
Then i delete the original document and after that save the new object wich has the original _id. The only problem i found is that mongoose throw an error because duplicated _id that is printed in the console but it still works and _id aren´t duplicated.
I have tried replacing the_id and traking the document with another property but it still throw that error, anyway data is stored as expected.
exports.update= (req, res, next) => {
.then(document => {
if (!document) {
message: notFoundMessage,
data: null,
error: null
} else {
const solucion = new Solucion({
_id: document._id,
identificacion: document.identificacion,
informacion: document.informacion,
estado: req.body
Solucion.deleteOne({_id: document._id})
.then(() => {return})
.then(result=> {
return res.status(201).json({
message: editedSavedMessage,
data: result,
error: null
.catch(err => {
errorHandler.errorHandler(err, res);
UPDATE 29/07/2020
I have found that if you use the save method using the same _id, data is stored encrypted but Mongo creates your schema structure but with all values set to null.
Beyond that it seems to work as expected as data is not visible in DB.

Yii2 Search model without using GridView

There is a serch form on the mainpage of a realestate agency. The data about objects is stored in the table "realty" that uses relations. For example, there are related tables category (residential, commercial, land plots), deal (buy, sell, rent), object_type (apartment, house, office).
Then different categories have different properties and and there are three bootstrap tabs in the search form: residential, commercial, land plots. Under each tab there are selects and input fields that are specific for the choosen tab.
In the most cases, the examples of using Search model are given within a gridview.
Is it possible to adapt Search model logic so that it could return the array of results from the table 'realty' based on the values indicated in the search form on the mainpage ?
Yes, of course you can. you have several options:
Solution 1 - worst solution but the answer to your question
modify the search function of the model (or create a new function). The search functions usually looks like this
public function search($params)
$query = Bookmark::find()->where('status <> "deleted"');
$dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([
'query' => $query,
'pagination' => [
'pageSize' => Yii::$app->session->get(get_parent_class($this) . 'Pagination'),
if (!($this->load($params) && $this->validate())) {
return $dataProvider;
'status' => $this->status,
'id' => $this->id,
'reminder' => $this->reminder,
'order' => $this->order,
'update_time' => $this->update_time,
'update_by' => $this->update_by,
'create_time' => $this->create_time,
'create_by' => Yii::$app->user->id,
$query->andFilterWhere(['like', 'name', $this->name])
->andFilterWhere(['like', 'url', $this->url]);
return $dataProvider;
You can change it to something like
public function search($params)
$query = Bookmark::find()->where('status <> "deleted"');
if (!($this->load($params) && $this->validate())) {
'status' => $this->status,
'id' => $this->id,
'reminder' => $this->reminder,
'order' => $this->order,
'update_time' => $this->update_time,
'update_by' => $this->update_by,
'create_time' => $this->create_time,
'create_by' => Yii::$app->user->id,
$query->andFilterWhere(['like', 'name', $this->name])
->andFilterWhere(['like', 'url', $this->url]);
return $query->all();
however this will return to you all the records because ActiveDataProvider takes care of the pagination based on the query given.
Solution 2, a better solution
read the first example here . You can call ->getModels() on an ActiveDataProvider to get the actual records. No changes needed to the search function. Do whatever you want with the array.
Solution 3 and what I use all the time
Use ActiveDataProvider with a ListView. The list view allows you to create the list of records however you want, it does not have to be a table. I personally do this in many places and it works quite well. I sometimes transform arrays to an ArrayDataProvider just to use it. More about data providers here:

CakePHP Search Plugin, search for a value equal or higher than the given in the search

I'm using the CakePHP Search Plugin, and there's something I can't get to work. I would like to have a search field (let's call it age) where a user can input a value (like 24, for example) and get as a result all the elements with a value in the age field of the table who have age 24 or higher. How can I do that?
So far I can perform normal searches, like by name or by an exact value (if you want age 24 exactly then it works fine).
Here's the code related with the Search Plugin that I have so far:
- model:
class Person extends AppModel{
var $name = 'Person';
public $actsAs = array('Searchable');
public $filterArgs = array(
array('name' => 'name', 'type' => 'like'),
array('name' => 'age', 'type' => 'value'),
- controller:
class PersonsController extends AppController {
var $name = 'Persons';
var $components = array('Search.Prg');
public $presetVars = array(
array('field' => 'name', 'type' => 'value'),
array('field' => 'age', 'type' => 'value'),
function index() {
$this->set('persons', $this->Person->find('all'));
/* ---------------- SEARCH PLUGIN --------------*/
public function find() {
$this->paginate['conditions'] = this->Game->parseCriteria($this->passedArgs);
$this->set('persons', $this->paginate());
- find.ctp:
//apart from the code below, I have all the code to show the results
echo $form->create('Game', array(
'url' => array_merge(array('action' => 'find'), $this->params['pass'])
echo $form->input('name', array('div' => false));
echo $form->input('age', array('div' => false));
echo $form->submit(__('Search', true), array('div' => false));
echo $form->end();
To sum up: with the code above, I can perfomr a search of an exact value for the age field. How do I change that to perform a search of 'age >= value entered'?
THank you so much in advance!
So this is how I solved it (or at least it seems to work with all the test I've done so far):
Changed the 'age' line by the following line in the filterArgs array in the model:
array('name' => 'age', 'type' => 'query', 'method' => 'findByAge', 'field' => 'Person.age'),
Added the following method in the same model:
public function findByAge($data = array()) {
$query = array(
'Person.age >=' => $data['age'],
return $query;
That's it! With the 'query' type, any complex query can be added to the main query using a method. Thanks to satyrwilder for pointing in the right direction!
From your presetVars -
array('field' => 'age', 'type' => 'value'),
-- filters down to your find() method from your commonProcess() method, which I presume constructs a generalized find like conditions=>array($key=>$val)?
Cake sees array key=>val pair assignments as an indication to generate a "WHERE $key=$val" condition.
To do a fuzzier pull, wherever you construct that generic find() - add a method or something just to roll those two into
'conditions'=>array("name LIKE '%{$name}%'", "{$age}>={$val}")
or whatever you've got going on. String the arguments together for the desired effect on your query and I'm sure you can extrapolate further ways to abstract that query, if needed.
If you need a more complex solution, Cake provides elegant built-in, extremely powerful subquery generation. It seems like you're working awfully hard to achieve a lot of built-in functionality, but then again I don't know how complicated your situation is.
I know this has been answered but there is another method that may be more suitable to this situation.
From the documentation
'expression' type: useful if you want to add condition that will generate by some method, and condition field contain several parameter like in previos sample used for 'range'. Field here contains 'Article.views BETWEEN ? AND ?' and Article::makeRangeCondition returns array of two values.
Full Article Here
I had to accomplish the same thing you did but with 5 different fields. I did not want to have to write a query for each one. Here is how I accomplished the same thing with the expression type. This is in the filterArgs array.
'field'=>'House.bathrooms >= ?'
Then I created this function in the model that simply returns the number the user submitted. When called, returnNumber will be passed two arrays.
Looks something like this.
[0] => Array
[bathrooms] => 6
[bedrooms] => 5
[acres] => 12
[city] => Greenville
[year] => 2009
[1] => Array
[name] => bathrooms
[type] => expression
[method] => returnNumber
[field] => House.bathrooms >= ?
Now for the actual function. You can use the debug statement to see what you are actually passing the function.
function returnNumber($arg, $name){
// debug(func_get_args());
// exit;
return $arg[$name['name']];
