Update array in mongoDB through my loopback application - node.js

I am developing API using loopback + mongoDB. In that i have to update an array in a document in mongoDB:
My model:
"userId": "546fgdfgd445",
"rrrr": "7",
"bbbbb": [
"id": "57a437789521b58b12124016"
I need to update the array with new element with the data sent form client:
app.models.vvvvv.update({ userId: '546fgdfgd445' },{ $push: { "transactions": transactionData }}, function(err, res){
} else {
But i am receiving error:
{ name: 'MongoError',
message: 'The dollar ($) prefixed field \'$push\' in \'$push\' is not valid for storage.',
driver: true,
index: 0,
code: 52,
errmsg: 'The dollar ($) prefixed field \'$push\' in \'$push\' is not valid for storage.' }
I am using mongoDb version 3.2.3.
Please share your ideas. Thanks in advance.

in model.json you need to enable extended operations like this :
"options": {
"mongodb": {
"collection": "model_collection",
"allowExtendedOperators": true
app.models.vvvvv.update({ userId: '546fgdfgd445' },
{ $push: { "transactions": transactionData }}, { allowExtendedOperators: true }, function(err, res){
} else {


MongoDB Mongoose How to delete an object from an array

var UserSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
//Irrelevant code
requests: [{ sender: String, id: String, hasSelected: Boolean, value: Boolean}]
That object is to keep track of friend request, I want it to get completely deleted from the requests array once it has been accepted or declined. I have tried a whole bunch of stuff but nothing is deleting it. Currently have this code:
User.updateOne({ id: user.id },
{ "$pull": { "profile": { "requests": { "id": targetId } } } },
{ "multi": true },
function(err,status) {
if(err){console.log("Could not delete the friend request");}
console.log("Sucessfully deleted friend request from: " + user.name);}
It always says it was deleted on the log, but when I check on mongoDB the request is still there.
try $elemMatch to remove the specific object.
{ id: user.id },
{ $pull: { "profile.requests": { $elemMatch: { id: targetId } } } },
{ multi: true },
function (err, status) {
if (err) {
console.log("Could not delete the friend request");
} else {
console.log("Sucessfully deleted friend request from: " + user.name);

Check for subdocument is deleted or not in node.js [duplicate]

Chatrooms.findOneAndUpdate({Roomname: room.Roomname},{ $setOnInsert: {status: true, userNum: 1}}, {new: true, upsert: true}, function(err, doc) {
if(err) console.log(err);
console.log("DOC " + doc)
if(doc.status) {
// return callback(true)
Above query will return to me the actual document that's updated or inserted but I can't check exactly which one it is. If I do an update instead of findOneandUpdate I'm returned this
ok: 1,
nModified: 0,
n: 1,
upserted: [ { index: 0, _id: 55df883dd5c3f7cda6f84c78 } ]
How do I return both the document and the write result or at least the upserted field from the write result.
As of 8 August 2019 (Mongoose Version 5.6.9), the property to set is "rawResult" and not "passRawResult":
M.findOneAndUpdate({}, obj, {new: true, upsert: true, rawResult:true}, function(err, d) {
if(err) console.log(err);
{ lastErrorObject:
{ n: 1,
updatedExisting: false,
upserted: 5d4befa6b44b48c3f2d21c75 },
value: { _id: 5d4befa6b44b48c3f2d21c75, rating: 4, review: 'QQQ' },
ok: 1 }
Notice also the result is returned as the second parameter and not the third parameter of the callback. The document can be retrieved by d.value.
Version 4.1.10 of Mongoose has an option called passRawResult which if set to true causes the raw parameter to be passed. Leaving out this option seems to default to false and cause raw to always be undefined:
passRawResult: if true, passes the raw result from the MongoDB driver
as the third callback parameter
Alright so my main problem was that I couldn't get the _id of the document I inserted without not being able to check whether if it was updated/found or inserted. However I learned that you can generate your own Id's.
id = mongoose.Types.ObjectId();
Chatrooms.findOneAndUpdate({Roomname: room.Roomname},{ $setOnInsert: {_id: id, status: true, userNum: 1}}, {new: true, upsert: true}, function(err, doc) {
if(err) console.log(err);
if(doc === null) {
// inserted document logic
// _id available for inserted document via id
} else if(doc.status) {
// found document logic
Mongoose API v4.4.8
passRawResult: if true, passes the raw result from the MongoDB driver as the third callback parameter.
I'm afraid Using FindOneAndUpdate can't do what you whant because it doesn't has middleware and setter and it mention it the docs:
Although values are cast to their appropriate types when using the findAndModify helpers, the following are not applied:
http://mongoosejs.com/docs/api.html search it in the findOneAndUpdate
if you want to get the docs before update and the docs after update you can do it this way :
Model.findOne({ name: 'borne' }, function (err, doc) {
if (doc){
console.log(doc);//this is ur document before update
doc.name = 'jason borne';
doc.save(callback); // you can use your own callback to get the udpated doc
hope it helps you
I don't know how this got completely off track, but there as always been a "third" argument response to all .XXupdate() methods, which is basically the raw response from the driver. This always tells you whether the document is "upserted" or not:
{ "Roomname": room.Roomname },
{ "$setOnInsert": {
"status": true, "userNum": 1
{ "new": true, "upsert": true },
function(err, doc,raw) {
if(err) console.log(err);
// Check if upserted
if ( raw.lasErrorObject.n == 1 && !raw.lastErrorObject.updatedExisting ) {
console.log("upserted: %s", raw.lastErrorObject.upserted);
console.log("DOC " + doc)
if (doc.status) {
// return callback(true)
Which will tell you the _id of the document that was just upserted.
From something like this in the "raw" response:
{ lastErrorObject:
{ updatedExisting: false,
n: 1,
upserted: 55e12c65f6044f57c8e09a46 },
value: { _id: 55e12c65f6044f57c8e09a46,
status: true,
userNum: 1
__v: 0 },
ok: 1 }
Complete reproducible listing:
var async = require('async'),
mongoose = require('mongoose'),
Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var testSchema = new Schema({
name: String
var Test = mongoose.model('Test', testSchema, 'test');
function(callback) {
function(callback) {
function(it,callback) {
{ "name": "Bill" },
{ "$set": { "name": "Bill" } },
{ "new": true, "upsert": true },
function(err,doc,raw) {
function(err) {
if (err) throw err;
Which outputs:
{ lastErrorObject:
{ updatedExisting: false,
n: 1,
upserted: 55e2a92328f7d03a06a2dd6b },
value: { _id: 55e2a92328f7d03a06a2dd6b, name: 'Bill', __v: 0 },
ok: 1 }
{ _id: 55e2a92328f7d03a06a2dd6b, name: 'Bill', __v: 0 }
{ lastErrorObject: { updatedExisting: true, n: 1 },
value: { _id: 55e2a92328f7d03a06a2dd6b, name: 'Bill', __v: 0 },
ok: 1 }
{ _id: 55e2a92328f7d03a06a2dd6b, name: 'Bill', __v: 0 }

How do i $set and $push in one update MongoDB?

I'm trying to $push and $set at the same time, $push is working just fine, when it comes to $set, it generates this error:
MongoError: The positional operator did not find the match needed from
the query. Unexpanded update: files.$.name
Here's the code
_id: req.body.courseId,
'files.fileUrl': { $ne: url }
$push: { files: { fileUrl: url } },
$set: {'files.$.name': file.name},
}, function(err, count) {
if (err) return next(err);
console.log("Successfully saved")
and the ORM model, I'm using mongoose
var CourseSchema = new Schema({
files: [{
fileUrl: String,
name: { type: String, default: 'File name'}
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
As the error states looks like the query used is returning no documents or returning documents having no files[].
Another reason for which it might be throwing error is that you're trying to $push & $set in the same field files and probably running into an issue similar to https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-1050
IMHO, there is no good reason to use the same field in $push & $set, instead you can simply change
$push: { files: { fileUrl: url } },
$set: {'files.$.name': file.name},
$push: { files: { fileUrl: url, name: file.name } },
I have written similar kind of query for my project
Hope u could relative this to your scenario
exports.candidateRating = function(req, res) {
"name": req.query.name
}, {
$set: {
"ratings": req.body.ratings,
$push: {
"RoundWiseRatings": req.body.RoundWiseRatings
}, {
multi: true
}, function(error, profiles) {
if (error) {
return Profiles.find({
name: req.query.name
}, function(err, profiless) {
if (err) {
return handleError(res, err);
return res.status(200).json(fnStruncturedData(profiless[0].RoundWiseRatings));
And this worked for me :)

Trying to $pull from the variable key in mongoose

UserEventsDetails.findOneAndUpdate({"username": username},
{$pull: { req.query.eventtype : { "name": req.query.eventname } }
{safe: true, upsert: true, new: true},
function(err, model){
if (err){
console.log("ERROR: ", err);
res.send(500, err);
I am using this to pull from the mongodb. But can't use req.query.evenrname
Create the update document first using the square bracket notation or if using ECMAScript 6 computed values with object literals to initialize properties from variables:
var update = {};
update[req.query.eventtype] = { "name": req.query.eventname };
// or with ES6
let update = {
[req.query.eventtype]: { "name": req.query.eventname }
Then use the above object in your update statement:
{ "username": username },
{ "$pull": update },
{ "upsert": true, "new": true},
function(err, model){
if (err){
console.log("ERROR: ", err);
res.send(500, err);

Cascade delete from array using Mongoose middleware remove hook

I am building a Node.js express RESTfull API using Mongodb and mongoose.
This is my schema:
var UserSchema = new mongo.Schema({
username: { type: String },
password: { type: String, min: 8 },
display_name: { type: String, min: 1 },
friends: { type: [String] }
UserSchema.post('remove', function(next){
console.log({ friends: this._id }); // to test if this gets reached (it does)
UserSchema.remove({ friends: this._id });
And this is the function that removes a User:
.delete(function(req, res) {
User.findById(req.params.user_id, function(err, user) {
if (err) {
} else {
if (user != null) {
res.json({ message: 'User successfully deleted' });
} else {
res.json({ message: 'Could not find user.' });
What I need to do is when a user is removed, his or her _id (String) should also be removed from all the other users' friends array. Hence the remove hook in the schema.
Right now the user gets deleted and the hook gets triggered, but the user _id is not removed from the friends array (tested with Postman):
"_id": "563155447e982194d02a4890",
"username": "admin",
"__v": 25,
"password": "adminpass",
"display_name": "admin",
"friends": [
"_id": "5633d1c02a8cd82f5c7c55d4",
"display_name": "Johnybruh",
"password": "donttouchjohnsstuff",
"username": "John stuff n things",
"__v": 0,
"friends": []
To this:
"_id": "563155447e982194d02a4890",
"username": "admin",
"__v": 25,
"password": "adminpass",
"display_name": "admin",
"friends": [
To try and figure it out I have looked at the Mongoosejs Documentation, but the mongoose doc example doesn't cover the remove hook. Also this stackoverflow qestion but this question seems to be about removing from other schemas.
I think i'm doing the remove in the hook wrong, but I can't seem to find the problem.
Thanks in advance!
I could not get the first suggestion by cmlndz to work, so I ended up fetching all the documents with arrays that contained the to-be-deleted users' id and pulling it from them one-by-one:
The delete function now contains this bit of code that does the magic:
// retrieve all documents that have this users' id in their friends lists
User.find({ friends: user._id }, function(err, friends) {
if (err) {
res.json({ warning: 'References not removed' });
} else {
// pull each reference to the deleted user one-by-one
friend.save(function(err) {
if (err) {
res.json({ warning: 'Not all references removed' });
You could use $pull to find all documents that contain the "ID" in the "friends" array -or- find any matching document and popping the "ID" out of the array one by one.
