Upload certificate to azure with exportable flag - azure

I want to make Azure WebApp instance (with .Net WebAPI2) to use Google service account certificate.
Steps I went through:
Create and download .pfx from Google developers console.
Upload .pfx to Azure WebApp -> Custom domains and SSL.
Introduce new variable in AppSettings. Key: WEBSITE_LOAD_CERTIFICATES Value:
(or thumbprint)
After completing these steps I am getting:
CryptographicException. Key not valid for use in specified state.
One of the reasons I would think of is that it needs an exportable private key, but there are no options (or at least I have not found) to change while uploading it.
I have tested the certificate it works locally.
How to solve this?


Deploying a split-merge service for Azure SQL Elastic (sharded) databases

I am trying to follow the tutorial for deploying a split-merge service (Azure Elastic Database... tools).
The first complication is that the doc instructs me to create an "Azure Cloud Service." The closest thing to that seems to be "Cloud service (classic)," so that's what I created.
When it came to creating a self-signed cert, I had to translate the parameters for makecert (which is deprecated and no longer seems to be present in any SDKs) to the powershell New-SelfSignedCertificate cmdlet. The relevant params I passed to the cmdlet were:
Subject: CN=*.cloudapp.net
KeySpec: KeyExchange
I finally got the certificate created/exported/uploaded, got the service configuration file completed and created the service. Azure portal reports the web and workers running, but I can't hit the service URL (403 access denied even after prompting me to select my certificate). I confirmed that my certificate thumbprint shows correctly in the various places in the service configuration (DataEncryptionPrimaryCertificateThumbprint, DataEncryptionPrimary, AdditionalTrustedRootCertificationAuthorities, AllowedClientCertificateThumbprints, DataEncryptionPrimaryCertificateThumbprint). My certificate's thumbprint also shows as the thumbprint in configuration under the "Certificates" section as SSL, CA, and DataEncryptionPrimary.
The only thing I can think of that is causing the access denied is something mentioned in this doc, "If you are using self-signed certificates, you will need to disable certificate chain validation." The PowerShell cmdlet that it shows to use to disable chain validation in that case (for an API service; no clue how that differs from my service) fails with InvalidOperation.
Is there some way for me to disable certificate chain validation for my "classic" cloud service? Other suggestions of things to check?

Azure Application gateway cannot upload pfx certificate

For Application gateway all documentation says to upload pfx certificate but when I go to http settings for backend pool it only allows ".cer" certificate and it wont allow ".pfx" file to be uploaded, error displayed says wrong format ?
m i doing something wrong or somehow Azure has changed functionality but documentation is still not uploaded .
Strangely through this command I am able to upload PFX
az network application-gateway ssl-cert create
Screenshot attached
Update : I am trying to do this for an existing Application Gateway
Update 2 : Strangely when I am creating a gateway Azure shows me option for PFX but I dont know why it become cer if I am trying to do this for an existing one.
Is this one of Microsoft's easter eggs??
It seems you select wrong entrance on Portal.
If you configure Add HTTP setting, you really need a .cer certificate.
More information please refer to this link.
The command az network application-gateway ssl-cert create is used for configure SSL. You could find it on Portal Settings--Listener.

Dynamically accessing certificates uploaded in Azure portal from cloud service

I want to use certificates (uploaded, via the portal, to the cloud service deployment) in my cloud service webrole.
I would expect that - after uploading the certificates - they would be applied to my running web roles and I can then find the certificates via their thumb print.
I upload the certificate via the portal by going to my cloud service, selecting "Certificates" and then uploading the .pfx and providing the password.
This is the code I am using to try to get certificates:
var store = new X509Store(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.LocalMachine);
X509Certificate2 certificate = null;
foreach (X509Certificate2 cert in store.Certificates)
string certHash = cert.Thumbprint;
if (certHash.Equals(binding.SslThumbprint, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
certificate = cert;
This works if I register the certificates in the .csdef file, but I need to be able to load the certificates dynamically. Changes to the .csdef file require deploying a new package - which is not an option.
There is a similar feature in azure websites that you can add a WEBSITE_LOAD_CERTIFICATES setting with a wildcard value to your app setting and then find them by thumbprint in the code. Basically I am looking for a similar feature in cloud services.
There is no ability to dynamically load certs uploaded to the Azure portal into a Cloud Role without specifying them first in the CSDEF/CSCFG files.
You can, however, upload your certs to some external storage (ie: Blob storage, SQL Azure db, etc or as Poul mentioned Key Vault) and load them from there.

Certificate not found on Azure Web App

I deployed a web application as a Web App on Azure App Service.
I uploaded some certificates to the Azure Portal, since the Web App runs over SSL, and we use another certificate to perform some decryption.
For the latter case I have a method (which works fine locally) to find a certificate:
public static X509Certificate2 FindCertificate(KnownCertificate certificate)
return FindCertificate(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.CurrentUser, X509FindType.FindByThumbprint, certificate.Thumbprint);
But I get an error that the certificate with thumbprint XYZ is not found. Although, on the Azure Portal it is present. (I had uploaded and imported it)
I am using StoreLocation.CurrentUser as suggested in THIS POST but it still does not work. Am I using the wrong store or what else am I missing?
EDIT: I have managed to remotetly debug my WebApp and with the ImmediateWindow feature of VisualStudio I have executed this code
new X509Store(StoreName.CertificateAuthority, StoreLocation.CurrentUser).Certificates.Find(findType, findValue, false).Count;
testing all possible combinations of StoreNames and StoreLocations but to no avail.
Is it possible like stated here that for using certificate with purposes other than https traffic you would need a Cloud Service and that (I suppose that) App Services do not support it?
You need to add WEBSITE_LOAD_CERTIFICATES to your web app App Settings. Set the value to either ' * ' or to the thumbprint of your certificate you want loaded into the web app environment. My personal preference is to set this value to ' * ', which means, load all certificates that have been uploaded.
After you apply this change you should be able to load your certificate from within your web app code.
More information on how to use certificates is available here. The article is a bit dated (in today's standards) but still relevant.

Can't create new schedules from Azure Websites

I followed the tutorial here for settings up the Azure Scheduler:
I want to run my application on an Azure Website but it is blocking me from creating my X509Certificate.
I found this article: http://blog.tylerdoerksen.com/2013/08/23/pfx-certificate-files-and-windows-azure-websites/
Which points out the issue:
Well it turns out that when you load certificates the system will use a local directory to store the key (??)
The default location for the key is the under the local user profile, and with Windows Azure Websites, there is no local user profile directory."
So following his advice and adding the following flag: "X509KeyStorageFlags.MachineKeySet" I can get away with:
CryptographicException: The system cannot find the file specified
but I now get:
CryptographicException: Access denied.
Is there really no way to use the SDK from an AzureWebsite?! It defeats a lot of appeal of the Azure Scheduler if I am forced into using a WebRole instead of an Azure Website.
In this thread: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsazure/en-US/cfe06e73-53e1-4030-b82d-53200be37647/load-privately-created-p12-cert-from-azureblob-and-have-it-be-trusted
It appears as if they are sucessfully creating a X509Certificate on an Azure Website so what is different that mine throws "Access Denied" when I try to?
The problem was with using the ManagementCertificate string in the PublishSettings file... I created a self signed certificate on my local machine using the VisualStudio Console and exported both a '.cer' and '.pfx'.
Uploaded the self signed .cer into my Azure/Settings/Management Certificates
Bundled the .pfx with my solution and published to Azure Web Sites
Then used the following code to create the certificate:
var certificate = new X509Certificate2(
HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/<filename>.pfx"), "<password>", X509KeyStorageFlags.MachineKeySet);
